台北肉桂捲推薦 》Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲搭配 Flat White 值得再訪
Last Updated on 2020-07-08 by Foodelicious
Twin Brothers Coffee 顧名思義是雙胞胎老闆經營, 雙胞胎咖啡 Twin Brothers Coffee 菜單 上的肉桂捲與 Flat White 出乎意料地美味.
Twin Brothers Coffee is operated by twins. Cinnamon Roll and Flat White on the Twin Brothers Coffee menu surprised me unexpectedly.
Twin Brothers Coffee 菜單 在文末 》Twin Brothers Coffee Menu is at the middle of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
Twin Brothers Coffee 捷運與交通資訊
Twin Brothers Coffee MRT & Traffic Information
Twin Brothers Coffee 位於台北人比較不熟悉的大同區華陰街, 最靠近中山捷運站地下街 R5出口, 抵達咖啡店才發現原來京站/台北車站就在隔壁, Twin Brothers Coffee 有室外座位, 室內座位並不會太擁擠, 有雙人座位也有吧台單人座位, Twin Brothers Coffee 無法訂位. 當天用餐是假日早餐時段, 陸續有附近住家走進來買咖啡與肉桂捲, 最讓我最意外地的是雙胞胎老闆們都非常親切地與每個客人打招呼, 我個人最喜歡這種友善咖啡店.
Twin Brothers Coffee is located at Huayin Street, Da’Tong district. It is near Zhongshan MRT station R5 Exit. After arriving the coffee shop, I found out that Q Square & Taipei Main station is right next to it. There are outdoor seats and not-to-crowded indoor seats. However, you cannot reserve seats at Twin Brothers Coffee. I was there during weekend morning. The coffee shop owners are very friendly to say hello to everyone. I definitely love this kind of attitude.
延伸閱讀: 其他中山站餐廳 》Other Restaurants at Zhongshan MRT station
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If interested in cooperation, please Email to globalfoodelicious@gmail.com
Homemade Cinnamon Roll
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
每天 Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲出爐時間比較不固定, 建議先打電話到店裡詢問當天出爐時間, 很幸運地當天肉桂捲時間是早上 9am, 老闆告知可打電話預訂肉桂捲. Twin Brothers 肉桂捲與 “Flys Kitchen” 肉桂捲有些相似, 我相信每個人的目光都停留在核桃與肉桂糖漿上, 摺痕與細緻度倒是沒有 “承繼” 多, 但是其實我個人喜歡這款視覺上 Messy Delicious 的肉桂捲. 肉桂香不重, 吃起來濕潤帶些微脆, 完全不用一邊吃一邊搭配飲料, 淋醬不會過於甜膩, 建議用刀叉吃, 我也很喜歡核桃帶給這款肉桂捲不同口感, Twin Brothers Coffee 肉桂捲完全是我心目中的台北肉桂捲推薦 Top 5.
There isn’t any fixed schedule for baking the cinnamon roll. I would suggest to call the store first to make sure the finished baking time. Luckily, the cinnamon roll finished baking on 9am during my visit time. The owner also mentioned that the customers can always call to reserve the rolls. Twin Brothers Coffee cinnamon roll is similar with “Fly’s Kitchen” cinnamon roll. I am sure that everyone focuses on the nuts and the cinnamon syrup sauce. The layers are not as much as “Cheng Ji Cinnamon Roll“. But I personally prefer the messy delicious type. The cinnamon spice flavor is not much. The texture is moist but small amount of crispy. You don’t need to pair the roll with the drink. The syrup is not too sweet. I would suggest to eat with fork and knife. I also like the different crunchy texture from the nuts. Twin Brother Coffee Cinnamon Roll is definitely my Top 5 Taipei Cinnamon Roll recommendation.
延伸閱讀: Fly’s Kitchen 》台北肉桂捲排隊名店 | Taipei Cinnamon Rolls
延伸閱讀: Taipei Cinnamon Roll 》肉桂捲愛好者近期開始訂購承繼肉桂捲
Flat White
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
台灣人將 Flat White 取名為小白咖啡, 因為怕與馬來西亞的白咖啡搞混. Flat White 的牛奶量比Latte 較少, 奶泡量也比較少, 所以我都把 Flat White 當作咖啡店的咖啡豆考驗. Twin Brothers 老闆提到他們採用淺中焙咖啡豆, 整體喝起來順, 且有我所嚮往的堅果般咖啡香氣, 我目前在 “Little Creatures Taipei” 與 “OZ Bistro” 喝過 Flat White, 我個人很推薦 Twin Brothers 的 Flat White, 對了, 我會建議喝熱的 Flat White.
Flat White coffee is not the Malaysia White Coffee. Flat White has less milk and foam comparing to latte. I always consider flat white is used for testing a coffee shop’s coffee bean. Twin Brothers Coffee owner mentioned that they uses light and medium roasted coffee beans. The overall tastes quite smooth with my favorite nutty and coffee flavor. I only tried flat white at “Little Creatures Taipei” and “OZ Bistro”. I personally recommend Twin Brothers Flat White. Oh by the way, it would be better to order the hot flat white.
延伸閱讀: 2020 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 2020 Taipei Coffee Recommendation
延伸閱讀: Little Creatures Taipei 》小天使精釀啤酒餐廳比較適合多人分享
延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
可惜 Twin Brothers 沒有燕麥拿鐵, Twin Brothers 冰拿鐵喝起來不錯, 但是沒有比 熱 Flat White 精彩.
Too bad that Twin Brothers doesnt have Oatly Latte. Their ice latte is above average, but not as good as their hot flat white.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: Twin Brothers Coffee 雙胞胎咖啡
地址: 台北市大同區華陰街77號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站 or 台北車站捷運站
電話: 02-2550-9298
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twinbrotherscoffee
Restaurant: Twin Brothers Coffee
Address: No. 77, Huayin Street, Da’tong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan or Taipei Main Station MRT Station
Tel: 02-2550-9298
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
Twin Brothers Coffee 菜單 》Twin Brothers Coffee Menu