Xinyi Restaurant Near Taipei 101 》虎記餃子菜單推薦點什麼
Last Updated on 2022-09-01 by Foodelicious
虎記餃子世貿店是一間台北日式中華食堂 , 菜單價格可歸類於信義區平價美食, 虎記餃子有內用外帶也有 Foodpanda 外送.
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling is considered a Japanese Mandarin Diner near Taipei 101 MRT Station. The menu is price-friendly. You can also order delivery via Foodpanda.
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虎記餃子外送 – Foodpanda
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner Delivery – Foodpanda
虎記餃子世貿店離台北 101 世貿捷運站 2 號出口約 5 – 8分鐘 , 地址為台北市信義區基隆路二段39巷14號1樓 , 餐廳外觀與紅白色招牌很明顯, 進入餐廳之前, 需要先用自助式的餐券機點餐. 餐廳內部有長桌座位區與四人座位區, 也有靠近牆壁的單人座位區, 從座位區就可以看到廚師正在翻炒, 虎記餃子外送有 Foodpanda ( ) , 透過一鍵外送即可到熊貓平台點餐.
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walking distance from Exit 2 of Taipei 101 World Trade MRT station. The address is 1F, No. 14, 39th Lane, 2nd Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City. The restaurant red white color sign and design are quite obvious. Before entering the restaurant, you would need to order via the ordering machine. There are long table seating area and 4-people seating area. There is one person seating area near the wall as well. You can also order delivery via Foodpanda ( ) – one click through the website to app.
How to Order at Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner
外送是用 Foodpanda , 外帶與內用皆是用餐券機點菜. 虎記餃子餐廳的點菜方式就像日本拉麵店, 客人用餐券機點餐, 餐券機有菜餚圖片, 點好先付錢, 把餐券給店員, 再入座. 叫號 , 再自己去拿餐點, 吃完再回收, 全自助式, 因此沒有收 10% 服務費.
You can order delivery via Foodpanda. You will need to order dine-in and to-go via the ordering machine. This type of order SOP is similar with Japanese Ramen Restaurant. You would need to order first, pay, and give the ordering ticket to the staff. You will need to carry the dish back to your seat and return after finished eating. Since there is no staff service involved, they do not charge extra 10% service fee.
Hoo Gee Dumpling Sauces
四款虎記餃子調味醬置放於餐廳角落, 有柑橘醬油, 花椒辣醬, 白醋與台式辣油. 比其他餐廳更多樣化. 雖然我只吃小辣, 我仍舊喜歡有豐富椒麻香氣的虎記花椒辣油.
There are four types of sauces -tangerine soy sauce, peppercorn soy sauce, vinegar, and Taiwanese chili sauce. I recommend the their peppercorn soy sauce with fair amount of spicy flavor.
Hoo Gee Dumpling Menu Dishes
半半餐盒 :外送與電話預訂限定
Half & Half Set: Exclusive for Delivery and reserve via phone call
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
半半餐盒是虎記餃子的 Foodpanda 外送的人氣商品, 外送價格是 NTD $130, 配菜組合不能更改. 一次可享有涼拌木耳, 虎記中華炒飯, 半個溏心蛋 與 四入招牌脆皮高麗菜煎餃. 涼拌黑木耳有著醋香且清爽,高麗菜脆皮招牌煎餃也不錯吃. 日系中華炒飯有基本的炒蛋,雞肉丁, 洋蔥與青蔥, 炒飯粒粒分明, 外送對半半餐盒裡的菜餚溫度沒有太大影響, 食量大的人可能需要再點, 半半餐盒 適合想要輕鬆吃卻沒空外出的人.
Half & Half Set is exclusive for Hoo Geet Tiger Dumpling Foodpanda Delivery. The delivery price is NTD $130, and the set combination cannot be changed. The set includes marinated black fungus, fried rice, half egg and 4 pcs cabbage & pork pan-fried dumplings. The black fungus is mixed with vinegar , which tastes quite refreshing. The texture of the dumpling is crispy and yummy. The fried rice has egg, chicken, onion, and green onion. The delivery will not affect the dish temperature much. If you have a large appetite, you might need to order extra dishes as well. It is suitable for people who like to have an easy lunch/dinner but do not have time to go out to eat.
Hoo Gee Dry Ramen Set
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
圖一為拌拌乾拉麵餐盒, 麵上有半個溏心蛋, 涼拌黑木耳與油蔥,舒肥雞叉燒吃起來有嫩度, 而且不會乾, 虎記的麵體類似日式拉麵, 完整吸收碗底的醬汁, 拌著店家自製油蔥, 香氣十足.
Picture one is Hoo Gee Ramen Set. There are half egg, black fungus, shallot and chicken displaying on the noodle. Sous Vide chicken is unexpectedly tender. Hoo Gee noodle is Japanese Style Dry ramen, which absorbs the sauce at the bottom of bowl. While eating the noodle, the tastebuds can sense the delightful shallot flavor and aroma.
Hoo Gee Dry Ramen & Pan-Fried Dumpling Set
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
精選中華套餐內用價格為 NTD $150 , 端上桌的第一印象是 – 這個套餐內用價格只要 NTD $150 !! 虎記拌拌乾拉麵的麵體是日式拉麵. 這碗剛端上桌, 趁熱將麵與自製油蔥, 蔥花, 與碗底醬汁攪拌, 邊攪拌邊有香氣, 而且好吃. 中華豆腐吻魚湯裡的板豆腐很搶眼, 再加上脆皮高麗菜煎餃, 虎記餃子的招牌菜餚幾乎都在這一道精選中華套餐.
Hoo Gee Dry Ramen & Pan-Fried Dumpling Set dine-in price is NTD $150. The first impression is that this set only charges NTD $150! The noodle is Japanese Style Dry Ramen. I would suggest to stir the shallot, green onion, and soy sauce together with the noodle while it is still hot. You can smell the shallot aroma while tasting this delicious noodle. The tofu in the whitebait fish soup is quite impressive. The cabbage and pork pan-friend dumpling is delicious too. Overall, several Hoo Gee signature dishes are in this set.
延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)
很冰虎虎棒棒腿 (6入)
Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken leg (6 pcs)
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
圖一為虎虎棒棒腿外帶盒 (6入) , 這是第一次吃到 “冷吃的炸雞”, 店長解釋是日本福岡九州的在地食物, 油炸的時間久且高溫, 調味後再冷凍, 記得吃的時候要先放常溫 5 ~ 10 分鐘, 冷吃方式很特別, 吃起來並不是台灣人熟悉的鮮嫩多汁, 吃起來有些咬勁, 鹹甜調味與白芝麻頗有異國風情.
Picture one is Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken thigh (to-go & delivery ). Since I am not familiar with Japanese Kyushu local food, I never tried the cold fried chicken before. The staff mentioned that frying time is long with high temperature. The chicken will be mixed with spices/sauces and frozen. Remember to put this dish at the room temperature for 5 ~ 10 minutes before eating. The cold fried chicken texture is not the same as the classic juicy and tender hot fried chicken. This particular Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken leg is a bit chewy. The most special part would be the salty and sweet flavors.
很冰虎虎雞 (3入)
Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken Wings (3 pcs)
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious: N/A
我沒吃, 喜歡吃炸雞翅的人可以考慮點, 請記得是冷吃.
I don’t eat chicken wing. If you like chicken wing, you can consider to order. Please note that this is Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken wings though.
Hoo Gee Ramen with Vegetables and Soy Sauce Broth
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這一碗只要 NTD $100, 雖然名為 “蔬菜拉麵”, 但不是全素, 湯底是蔬菜雞骨醬油高湯, 有經典的甘甜風味. 白菜,木耳,豆芽菜, 紅蘿蔔, 與豆皮堆疊在麵上, 先喝一口湯頭, 日式甘甜醬油風味是主角, 喜歡吃清脆蔬菜的人可考慮點這一碗.
This noodle dish only charges for NTD $100. Even though the dish name is vegetable noodle, the broth is stewed with chicken bone and soy sauce. The broth has the classic Japanese sweet soy sauce flavor. Chinese cabbage, black fungus, bean sprouts, carrot, and tofu sheets are placed at the noodle. If you like eating vegetables, you can consider to order this dish.
Traditional Green Bean Soup
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
虎記餃子的古早味綠豆湯目前只有賣冰的, 喝起來跟“紫琳蒸餃” 夏季限定的綠豆湯一樣好喝!
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner only offers the traditional cold green bean soup. It is just as delicious as the green bean soup at “Zi Lin Steamed Dumpling”.
延伸閱讀: Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食
脆皮高麗菜煎餃 (8入)
Pan-fried Dumplings – Cabbage & Pork 8 pcs
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
虎記餃子招牌就是脆皮煎餃, 共有三款口味 – 高麗菜豬肉, 韭菜豬肉, 與咖哩豬肉. 虎記的脆皮煎餃 Display 與炸豬排的 Display 有點相似, 放在有濾架的不鏽鋼盤上, 瀝油的概念, 我喜歡酥脆不油膩的煎餃外皮, 清脆高麗菜與台灣豬肉香非常速配, 以內用 8入的 NTD $50 價格, 脆皮高麗菜煎餃整體無缺點, 現點現煎方式讓餐點更美味.
Hoo Gee signature dish is Pan-Fried Dumplings. There are three flavors, which include cabbage & pork, chinese chive & pork and curry pork. The display of the pan-fried dumpling is similar with the Tonkatsu display. I like the crispy dumpling texture. The refreshing cabbage pairs great with meaty pork flavor. The pan-fried cabbage & pork dumpling is price-friendly, delicious and worth to order.
脆皮韭菜煎餃 (8入)
Pan-fried Dumplings – Chive & Pork 8 pcs
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
廚師先將煎餃在鐵板上, 滋滋作響後, 加水再蓋上, 餐廳解釋是這種半煎半蒸方式才能有酥脆的外皮. 相較於高麗菜煎餃, 脆皮韭菜煎餃更適合沾花椒醬, 並不會過於重口味 , 不錯吃, 因為一盤只有 8 個, 自己吃可以點一盤韭菜煎餃加一盤高麗菜煎餃.
The chef would put the dumpling on the hot plate, add water and cover the dumpling. The chef mentioned that this step is to make the crispy texture of the dumpling appearance. Comparing with the cabbage dumpling, the pork & chive one is more suitable to pair with the peppercorn sauce. It is quite delicious. Since it is only 8 pcs per dish, you can order one plate of cabbage and one plate of chives pan-fried dumpling.
脆皮咖哩煎餃 (8入)
Pan-fried Dumplings – Curry Pork 8 pcs
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
虎記餃子是日式中華食堂, 所以菜單有咖哩煎餃並不意外, 咖哩內餡並不是印度咖哩, 而是日式辛香咖哩, 不用沾醬, 味蕾就可以感受到足夠咖哩風味, 如果你不確定會不會喜歡, 我建議兩人分享.
I won’t be surprised to have the curry pork pan-fried dumpling on the menu. You can taste the fair mount of spiced curry flavor without any sauce. I would suggest you to order the curry pork pan-fried dumpling to share with your friend.
Appetizers and Drinks
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
最左邊為凍橙蘋果氣泡飲 (NTD $40), 小菜順序為台式豬耳朵 (NTD $50) , 米醋干貝唇 (NTD $40) , 和風時蔬 (NTD $40) , 雞肉茶碗蒸 (NTD $50) , 我比較喜歡雞肉茶碗蒸, 畢竟這是一間有日式食堂風格的餐廳, 點茶碗蒸是剛好而已. 虎記餃子也有賣朝日啤酒!
The left hand side is tangerine apple sparkling drink (NTD $40). The appetizers include Taiwanese braised pig ear (NTD $50) , scallops ( NTD $40), vegetables (NTD $40) , steamed egg with chicken (NTD $50) . I prefer the steamed egg. Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling also offers Asahi beer too.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
虎記餃子是一間在信義區的平價日式中華食堂, 招牌菜餚為脆皮煎餃和冷冷吃的虎虎雞翅, 我把結論分為三部分: 1 人外送輕鬆吃 , 1 人內用輕鬆吃 , 2 人內用吃飽飽.
⭐ 1 人外送輕鬆吃
Foodpanda ( )
✅ 半半餐盒 (喜歡吃涼拌木耳的人適合點 )
✅ 古早味綠豆湯
✅ 脆皮韭菜煎餃 (半半餐盒已經有脆皮高麗菜煎餃)⭐ 1 人內用輕鬆吃
✅ 精選中華套餐 (如果喜歡吃拌拌乾拉麵)
✅ 虎記蔬菜拉麵 (非全素, 有很多種蔬菜)
✅ 溏心蛋
✅ 脆皮高麗菜煎餃
✅ 脆皮韭菜煎餃 or 很冰虎虎雞 3 pcs (如果你喜歡吃雞翅且接受冷吃)
✅ 古早味綠豆湯 or 朝日啤酒⭐ 2 人內用吃飽飽
✅ 脆皮高麗菜煎餃 or 脆皮韭菜煎餃
✅ 脆皮咖哩煎餃
✅ 虎記蔬菜拉麵 (非全素, 有很多種蔬菜)
✅ 很冰虎虎雞 3 pcs or 很冰虎虎棒棒腿 6 pcs
✅ 古早味綠豆湯 or 凍橙蘋果氣泡飲
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner is considered a price-friendly Japanese Mandarin Style diner in Xinyi District. The signature dishes include pan-fried dumpling and Japanese Cold style fried chicken wings. I wrote three parts of conclusion
⭐ Delivery: One Person
Foodpanda ( )
✅ Half & Half Set (Exclusive for Delivery – It is suitable for people who like to eat black fungus)
✅ Green Bean Soup
✅ Pan-Fried Dumpling with Chinese chives and pork ( half & half set already has cabbage & pork pan-fried dumpling)⭐ Dine-in : One Person
✅ Hoo Gee Noodle & Pan-Fried Dumpling Set (If you like to eat ramen with shallots )
✅ Hoo Gee vegetable ramen ( Please note that the broth is stewed with chicken bones)
✅ Egg
✅ Pan-fried dumpling with Cabbage & pork
✅ Pan-fried dumpling with chinese chives or Japanese Cold Style Fried Chicken Wing 3 pcs
✅ Green Bean Soup or Asahi Beer⭐ Dine-in: 2 people
✅ Pan-fried dumpling cabbage & pork OR Pan fried dumpling chives & pork
✅ Pan-Fried Dumpling with curry pork
✅ Hoo Gee vegetable ramen ( Please note that the broth is stewed with chicken bones)
✅ Japanese Cold Style FriedChicken Wing 3 pcs or Chicken Leg 6 pcs
✅ Green Bean Soup or tangerine apple sparkling drink
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
虎記餃子 資訊
Hoo Gee Pan-Fried Dumpling Information
Foodpanda 外送 (透過一鍵外送即可到熊貓平台點餐) :
虎記餃子 世貿店
地址: 台北市信義區基隆路二段39巷14號1樓 (Map)
捷運: 世貿台北 101 捷運站
電話: 02-2732-9871
時間:11:30~14:30 (最後點餐 14:15)
17:00~20:30 (最後點餐 20:15)
虎記餃子 敦北店
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路199巷2弄19號1樓 (Map)
捷運: 小巨蛋
電話: 02-2718-1521
時間:11:30~14:30 (最後點餐 14:15)
17:00~20:30 (最後點餐 20:15)
Hoo Gee Pan-Fried Dumpling- Xinyi Branch
Address: 1F, No. 14, 39th Lane, 2nd Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
MRT: Taipei 101 World Trade MRT station
TEL: 02-2732-9871
TIME:11:30~14:30 (Last Order 14:15)
17:00~20:30 (Last Order 20:15)
Hoo Gee Pan-Fried Dumpling- Taipei Arena Branch
Address: 1F, No. 19, 2nd alley, 199th Lane, Dunhuan North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
MRT: Taipei Arena
Tel: 02-2718-1521
Time:11:30~14:30 (Last Order 14:15)
17:00~20:30 (Last Order 20:15)
虎記餃子 Menu ⭐
Hoo Gee Tiger Dumpling Diner Menu