TGB Steak 很牛炭燒牛排 》台北平價牛排餐廳 (內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2021-09-02 by Foodelicious
近期 很牛炭燒牛排外帶 很有名, 這次到 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳台北小巨蛋店內用, 發現這裡也是附近台北上班族聚餐餐廳的選擇之一.
TGB is the initial of The God Beef. TGB Steak Restaurant’s to-go menu is quite famous these days. I went to Taipei Arena branch restaurant. It is also one of the nearby employee monthly dining choices.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
很牛炭燒牛排 – 訂位 & 低消
The God Beef Steak – Reservation & Minimum Charge
TGB 很牛炭燒餐廳來自台中, 目前台北分店有小巨蛋店與東興店 , 我這次是到很牛炭燒牛排餐廳的台北小巨蛋店, 離小巨蛋捷運站 1 號出口與南京復興6 號出口只需要走 10 ~ 15 分鐘, 頗有氣派的店面位於微風南京旁的巷弄內, 很牛炭燒牛排訂位有三種方式 – 可直接打電話, inline 網路訂位 ( ), 或是 MENU 網路訂位( ) . 低消限制是 120cm ~ 140cm 消費 $200 , 140CM 以上消費一客主餐/人.
TGB Steak Restaurant is chained restaurant from Taichung. Now, there are two branches in Taipei City – Taipei Arena branch and Dongxin Branch. I went to TGB Steak restaurant – Taipei Arena Branch. It is about 10 ~ 15 minutes from both Taipei Arena MRT Exit 1 and Nangjing Fuxing Exit 6. The restaurant is located next to Nangjing Breeze Shopping Mall. You can call to reserve , reserve through inline ( ) or through MENU ( ) . 120cm ~ 140 cm minimum charge is NTD $200. 140cm above customer’s minimum charge is one main dish/per person.
很牛炭燒牛排 – 用餐環境
The God Beef Steak Dining Environment
很牛炭燒牛排餐廳小巨蛋店有兩層樓, 一樓有靠窗的兩人座位, 二樓則是有舒適的沙發座位與自助吧. 牆面上的M代表 MEAT, 代表餐廳堅持推廣原塊牛肉的精神. 每桌都有味好美黑胡椒,玫瑰鹽與 Tobasco 醬, 由於少數台灣人不吃牛肉,TGB 很牛炭燒餐廳菜單裡也有豬肉, 雞肉與鴨肉, 在中午用餐期間, 有許多的附近上班族與同事來用餐.
There are 2 floors in TGB Steak Restaurant Arena branch restaurant. The first floor has two-people seating area near the window. The seating area at 2F are mostly sofa and Buffet Bar. The M logo on the wall restaurant is the abbreviations of MEAT. Since some Taiwanese do not eat beef, its menu also has chicken duck, and pork. During lunch time, there are many office staffs visiting here for lunch.
延伸閱讀: 台北公司聚餐推薦餐廳 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide
主餐 – 採用美國熟成牛肉
Main Dishes – USA Wet Aged Beef
這次的主辦單位是 很牛炭燒牛排 X 美國肉類出口協會, 這次點的兩款美國牛排上皆有三個小旗子 – 知名美國 1855 牛肉品牌 , US Beef 與 American Beef . TGB 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳是採用 45 天 濕式熟成的美國牛肉, 烹調方式皆是炭燒. 至於濕式熟成的專業解釋, 我就放在以下連結.
TGB Steak Restaurant cooperates with US Meat Export Federation for the USDA Beef promotion. In TGB Steak restaurants, the US steak has three little flags – US 1855 Beef Brand , US Beef and American Beef. TGB Steak restaurant always uses 45 day wet aged USDA Steak. The cooking method is grilling with Charcoal. As for the professional explanation of wet aging process, I will put at the following link.
延伸閱讀: 美國肉類出口協會 x 問鼎麻辣鍋媒體餐敘 》US Meat Export Federation Media Dinner
USDA Black Angus Chunk Eye Roll Sirloin
Price: NTD $699
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這款主餐的 Choice 等級美國安格斯牛排約 600g , 換算是 21 oz , 端上這道牛排主餐時, 牛排底部有少許洋蔥絲作為調味, 用專業牛排刀切下一小塊, 再將五分熟牛排放在一旁的高溫鑄鐵岩燒石繼續烤更熟, 滋滋作響令人期待, 肉香撲鼻而來. 沙朗油花分佈均勻, 45 天 濕式熟成過程賦予適量嚼勁的口感, 肉汁不多, 餐廳只用簡單黑胡椒調味. 這道份量如同小山般的牛排, 因為低消規則 (每人一份主餐) , 這道 21oz 牛排比較適合胃口大與可接受牛排口感有嚼勁人.
This dish is Choice Level US Black Angus Chunk Eye Roll Sirloin 600g (approx. 21oz) . There are a few onion slices under the steak. After cutting a bite ofsteak, I grilled the medium steak on the heating stone for 2 ~ 3 seconds for medium-well done texture. The sizzling sound along with meaty flavor is quite charming. Because of the 45 days wet-aged process, the Sirloin steak texture is medium tender instead of chewy texture. The chef only uses black pepper to spice it up a bit. The quantity of this dish is quite large. Due to minimum charge policy, this steak is more suitable for people with large appetite and can accept medium tender texture steak.
USDA Black Angus Legendary Ribeye Steak
Price: NTD $869
Foodelicious: 👍 👍👍👍
這款主餐的 Choice 等級美國安格斯肋眼牛排約 330 g , 換算是 10 oz. 店員提到這道肋眼牛排兩側是老饕牛排部位, 中間則是肋眼部位, 牛排表層滋潤油亮, 45 天 濕式熟成老饕牛排果然如預期有著軟嫩的口感, 不錯吃! 牛排中間的瘦肉部位則是微有嚼勁, 炭燒賦予原始粗獷的肉香與牛油焦香直擊味蕾, 若是覺得五分熟不夠, 可將牛排置放於高溫鑄鐵岩燒石繼續燒烤. 比起上一道, 我個人比較喜歡這道美國安格斯肋眼牛排, 因為肉口感偏軟嫩 , 一人份量剛剛好, NTD $1000 以下的熟成牛排價格在台北牛排餐廳也算實惠.
This dish is USDA Black Angus Legendary Ribeye Steak 330g (10oz). The restaurant staff mentioned that both sides of the steak are Ribeye Cap. The ribeye cap is tender and delicious because of the 45 days wet-aged process. As for the middle section of thin steak, it is a bit chewy though. The charcoal grilling process brings the original meaty aroma and beef oil flavor to the tastebuds. If you want your steak to be medium-well done level, you can grill the steak on the heating stone with sizzling sounds. Comparing to the last dish, I would prefer this USDA Black Angus Legendary Ribeye Steak because it is more tender. The quantity is suitable for one person. The wet-aged steak dish price, which is under NTD $1000, is also fair and reasonable in Taipei City.
延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)
Steak Sauce
菜單上的牛排醬料可三選一, 黑胡椒醬, 番茄蘑菇醬, 蒜片. 我個人是比較喜歡黑胡椒醬, 蒜片口感對我來說相對偏硬.
There are three sauce options – Black pepper sauce, tomato mushroom sauce, and garlic. I would prefer black pepper sauce. However, the garlic chip is a bit in hard texture for me.
很牛炭燒牛排 – 自助吧
The God Beef Steak – Buffet Bar
很牛炭燒牛排餐廳小巨蛋店的自助吧位於二樓, 主餐皆有附自助吧, 不用多加錢.自助吧有四款冰淇淋選擇, 飲料選擇比預期地多, 最特別的莫過於鮮榨冷壓柳橙柑橘果汁. 我這次是喝’無酒精“的香檳沙瓦, 目前因為疫情, 飲料皆是用紙杯. 濃湯選擇有羅宋湯和玉米濃湯, 羅宋湯的牛肉一樣是牛肉塊, 而不是只有碎末, 番茄風味與牛肉風味並存, 以自助吧湯品標準, 這款羅宋湯不錯喝.
The Buffet Bar is located at the 2F of TGB Steak restaurant Taipei Arena branch. All main dishes include the Buffet Bar without extra money. There are 4 types of ice creams. There are more drink options than expected, for example fresh orange juice. I drank ABV-Less Champagne Sour with paper cup since it is pandemic time. The soup options include creamy corn soup and Borscht soup. Honestly, there are more beef quantity in the Borscht soup than expected. The tomato flavor and meaty flavor pairs well. The Borscht soup is quite good considering it is served at the Buffet Bar.
結論 – Conclusion
與另一家“LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館” 最大的差別是 LE SAGE 牛排配菜較多, 菜單上也有調酒, 比較適合可喝酒的顧客群. 相比較之下, TGB 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳有吃到飽自助吧, 也有多款加價購的附餐 , 比較適合家庭或是同事聚餐, 不得不說, 45 天濕式熟成美國安格斯肋眼牛排在千元以下的價格很實惠, 若是有預算限制, 又要考量大食量, 可考慮TGB 很牛炭燒牛排餐廳.
“LE SAGE steak house” has more side dishes and alcohol cocktails on the menu. As for “TGB steak restaurant” , it has buffet bar and more add-on side dishes. TGB Steak Restaurant is more suitable for family or workers’ gathering lunch/dinner. USDA Wet Aged Black Angus Ribeye Steak is charged under NTD $1000 in Taipei City is quite reasonable.If you have budget limit or large appetite, you can consider TGB Steak Restaurant.
延伸閱讀: LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 》有著唯美裝潢的台北平價餐酒館
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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TGB 很牛炭燒牛排短秒影片
TGB 很牛炭燒牛排資訊
The God Beef Steak Restaurant Information
店名: TGB 很牛炭燒牛排 台北小巨蛋店
地址: 台北市松山區南京東路三段303巷6弄10號(Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站 or 小巨蛋捷運站
電話: 02-2718-8328
Store: The God Beef Steak Restaurant.
Address: No. 10, 6th Alley, 303 Lane, 3rd Section, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nangjing Fuxing MRT station & Taipei Arena MRT station
Tel: 02-2718-8328
TGB 很牛炭燒牛排菜單
TGB Steak Restaurant Menu
Updated Menu Link:
2021. 9月菜單 (以後會更換新菜單 )