Taoyuan Restaurant 》在桃園大溪紅樓可吃到各種中式料理派系美食
Last Updated on 2021-04-25 by Foodelicious
桃園大溪美食餐廳不僅只有大溪老街美食, 也有一家大溪紅樓位於老街週邊, 招牌料理包括經國麵與其他中式菜餚.
Besides Daxi old street foods, there is another Daxi restaurant called Red Building Chinese Restaurant in the area.
桃園大溪紅樓 菜單在文末 Daxi Red Building Menu is at the end of article
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About Daxi Red Building Restaurant
桃園大溪紅樓餐廳離大溪老街有些距離, 步行會有些困難, 紅樓建築後方有免費停車場, 這次找到這家餐廳是直接在 Google Map 搜尋, 在餐廳門口時就感受到懷舊農村氛圍, 與 “姑媽咪牛肉麵“的懷舊潮流風格截然不同. 室內裝潢更是帶著強烈的古早味風格. 大溪紅樓座位有些桌椅跟 “大稻埕魯肉飯”有些相似, 也有大圓桌適合家庭親子聚餐. 老闆親切地帶我們入座, 隨後端上牛蒡,黑糖,甘草調和而成的茶水, 味道非常特別也清爽. 老闆也順便講解菜單有已制定的套餐, 也可單點菜餚.
The restaurant is a bit far from Daxi old street. It is better to drive instead of walking. The restaurant has free parking lots at the back of the building. We found this restaurant on google map. The entrance and indoor design has a old-fashioned country style. It is completely different from the old-fashioned trend at “Good Mommy Beef Noodle”. Some table and chairs are similar with “ Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice”. After seating, we are served with the remixed drink with burdock and brown sugar and licorice. The owner mentions that they have set and also have single-order dishes.
延伸閱讀: Good Mommy Beef Noodle 》台北東區姑媽咪牛肉麵
延伸閱讀: 大稻埕魯肉飯 》台北大稻埕平價美食推薦 | Dadaocheng Braised Pork On Rice
延伸閱讀: 台灣其他中式料理餐廳 》Other Chinese Restaurants at Taiwan
Thick Noodle with mixed meat and vegetable
Price: NTD $349
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍
經國麵單點分兩種價格, NTD $499 為大Size, NTD $349 為中 Size. 圖中為中 Size. 端上桌時, 第一印象以為是無需思考食材與烹飪技巧的大雜燴麵, 孰不知這道菜餚是台灣蔣經國總統先生所愛的江浙燴麵, 老闆兼主廚提到他曾經是蔣先生的伙食兵, 當初做這款麵完全是讓總統先生解鄉愁.燴麵烹飪手法是將燒製好的高湯直接煮麵條, 整體湯頭並不會因為炒過而過於油膩, 炸蛋酥, 青蔥與洋蔥賦予這道菜餚獨特香氣與風味, 最特別的是蛋香並不會亞於普通雞蛋, 寬麵並不是關廟麵, 這款寬麵口感有點類似粄條, 並沒有特別會收湯汁. 整體吃起來我會推薦這道經國相思麵, 但是建議先打電話預訂這道菜餚.
This dish is single dish, which has large size (NTD $499) and medium size (NTD $349). We ordered the medium size. This dish is one of our previous president – Jiang Jingguo’s favorite. The owner is also the chef mentions that he was one of the President Jiang’s chef. The chef uses the broth to stir-fried with the noodle. The green onion, minced fried egg and onions offers unique and great flavor to this dish. However, the thick noodle doesn’t seem to absorb enough broth. The overall taste is good enough for me to recommend though. i would suggest to call to reserve this dish.
價格: NTD $1299
包括: 鹽酥黃金魚片, 油悶筍,油雞, 開運豬腳, 冬瓜排骨湯, 蝦醬地瓜葉,
備註: 附白飯與手作茶凍, 但是這次用餐並沒有附
Four People Dining Set
Price : NTD $1299
Includes: Dee; Fried Fish with Salt and Pepper, Stir-fried bamboo, chicken, braised pork knuckle, soup with pork ribs and winter melon, and sweet potato leafs with shrimp sauce
Remark: It comes with rice and dessert. However, we didn’t have those.
Deep Fried Fish with Salt and Pepper
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍
當時看菜單時, 原本以為是像 “ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店” 的炸魚柳, 但實際上是完整魚塊, 咬一口伴隨著ㄎㄠˇ的酥脆口感, 魚肉的鮮嫩是市面上炸魚柳所欠缺, 鹹酥調味讓這道料理成為最快被掃空的菜餚.
When I see the menu, I thought this dish would be like fish and chips at “ABV Bar & Kitchen”. Surprisingly, it is a complete fish chop (not fillet though). The appearance is crispy and the fish meat is extremely tender. The salt and pepper flavor is our favorite.
延伸閱讀: 台北東區啤酒餐廳推薦 》ABV Bar & Kitchen 加勒比海分店搬新家新菜單
Stir-Fried Bamboo
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道並不是客家油燜筍, 而是在江浙餐館常見的油燜筍, 這是我第一次吃到“非小菜”的油燜筍菜餚, 一端上桌即可感受到濃郁香蒜味, 辣椒主要是提香而非帶給味蕾衝擊, 筍子沒有所謂的鮮, 卻有經典的脆口感, 這道油燜筍非常適合配飯吃.
This is my first time to eat “non-appetizer” stir-fried bamboo. I immediately smell the garlic flavor right after serving. The chili pepper doesn’t bring too much of the spicy impact. The bamboo is not fresh but with classic crispy taste. This dish is suitable for pairing with the rice.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
油雞是在中式料理最常見的菜餚, 雞肉嫩不會乾柴, 我倒是希望桃園大溪紅樓可以提供蔥油來當作沾醬, 做一些意想不到的變化.
This chicken dish is most-seen dish in Chinese restaurant. The meat is tender. However, I would wish they offer self-made green onion sauce for dipping.
Braised Pork Knuckle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道豬腳滷得入味, 可惜部位不是腿庫肉或是中腿. 也許因為我在台北吃過更厲害的”老牌張豬腳飯”, 我覺得這道開運豬腳似乎還有進步空間, 也可以像 “伊宛面” 加些椒鹽風味與眾不同.
The pork knuckle is braised long enough. I have tasted better braised pork knuckle at “Mr. Chang’s braised pork knuckle” at Taipei City. This dish is still needs some improvements. Maybe it could different type of flavor, such as peppercorn flavor, like at “Yi Wan Mian Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: 老牌張豬腳飯 》大稻埕美食 | Taiwanese Pork Knuckle
延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區餐廳 》 伊宛面的椒麻豬腳滷汁與眾不同 | Taipei Pork Knuckle Dish
Soup with Pork Ribs and Winter melon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
新鮮冬瓜吃起來爽口, 只是整體表現平平.
The winter melon tastes quite refreshing. But the overall taste is just average.
Sweet Potato Leafs with Shrimp Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
蔬菜偏軟爛, 較不討喜.
The vegetables are quite mushy, which I personally don’t like.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
店名: 大溪紅樓餐廳
地址: 桃園市大溪區復興路152號 (Map)
捷運站: N/A
電話: 03-387-1088
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/大溪紅樓-543162389028296/
Restaurant: Daxi Red Building Restaurant
Address: No. 152, Fuxing Road, Daxi District, Taoyuan City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: N/A
Tel: 03-387-1088
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
大溪紅樓 菜單 》 Daxi Red Building Menu