台北民生社區餐廳 》 伊宛面的椒麻豬腳滷汁與眾不同 | Taipei Pork Knuckle Dish

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

( 結束營業 ) 新開幕的伊宛面餐廳南京三民捷運站餐廳之一, 老闆雇用知名美食記者米兒為顧問, 椒麻豬腳系列麵食是伊宛面的招牌料理.
(Closed Down ) Newly-opened Yi Wan Mian Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. The owner hired famous F& B reporter to be the restaurant consaultant. Spiced Pork Knuckle Set is Yi Wan Mian restaurant’s signature dish.


伊宛面菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


伊宛面算是民生社區餐廳之一, 離辦公室林立的南京東路五段有些距離, 從南京三民捷運站走過來約 10 ~ 15 分鐘, 一整片落地窗吸引附近居民們與往來車輛注目, 餐廳室內淺灰色牆壁與 “L’AGE Restaurant” 相似, 空間將像畫廊般極度寬敞, 最吸引目光的是莫過於那一磚紅色的牆, 很適合讓全家人一起照相, 難怪伊宛面被認為跟華山文創園區的 “一碗來” 一樣的文青餐廳.
Yi Wan Mian Restaurant is considered one of the restaurants at Mingshen Community. It is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance from the MRT station. The grey color wall inside the restaurant is similar with “L’AGE Restaurant”. The dining area is unexpectedly large, unlike other Chinese restaurant. The most attractive design would be the IG-friendly wall for family pictures.

延伸閱讀: 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide


入座後, 店員告知開水是採用自助式, 也可在柱子旁拿置物籃, 櫃檯旁的大黑板上也寫著各種料理名稱, 偶然發現洗手間入口的地上有著如夜店般的男女圖示投影, 相當有趣.伊宛面所提供的料理大部分為套餐,設計套餐的理念與最近流行的 “大師兄銷魂麵舖” 有少許相似, 例如絕代雙腳麵套餐, 伊宛銷魂飯套餐 …etc, 其實當天用餐時, 我倒是希望能單點銷魂飯和米糕, 可惜兩道料理皆是套餐, 只好點了伊宛面招牌料理 – 絕代雙腳麵套餐.
After seating, the staff mentioned that this restaurant is mainly self-served on water. The black board also stated their dishes. The restroom sign is also projected on the floor as well (Quite fashionable I must say). Most of their foods are in sets instead of single dish. This type of menu is similar with “Master Spicy Noodle”. Honestly, I was hoping to order single dishes that day. But since it is only in set, I ordered Spiced Pork Knuckle Noodle Set.




包括: 椒麻豬腳麵, 餡餅, 小菜與茶
Spiced Braised Pork Knuckle Noodle Set
Includes: Spiced Pork Knuckle, Meat Pie, Side Dish, Tea
Price: $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍


店員將套餐放置在木盤上, 兩塊油亮豬腳面積視覺上佔了大約一半料理, 輕易地將皮與豬骨頭用筷子分開, 咬下一口深褐色豬皮, 與 “大稻埕魯肉飯”的豬腳Q 彈程度不相上下, 後來上網後才得知店家只採用台灣黑毛母豬的前腳, 換句話說, 成本較高. 可惜的是用牛骨熬製的湯頭將豬腳的椒麻香沖淡或是相互抵觸, 導致舌尖只感受到微麻口感, 椒麻香氣與牛肉湯香氣比想像中地微弱許多. 我會建議點絕代雙腳飯而不是麵, 因為椒麻滷汁才能獨當一面, 而非淪落配角.
The set is served on the wooden plate. Two large braised pork knuckles are placed on the noodle in the pot. It is very easy to separate the skin and the bones. The pork skin is as delicious as “Dadaocheng Braised Pork restaurant”. After googling, I noticed that the restaurant uses high-cost and high quality sow pork knuckle. The sad part would be the beef broth canceled the unique spiced braised sauce. I can barely taste spices, which I expected the most. I would suggest you to order the Spiced Braised Pork Rice instead of noodle. So, you can taste the braises sauce in its best condition.


伊宛面的麵條並不是像民生社區 “北方牛肉麵” 的超寬麵, 只是普通寬度. 小菜並不固定, 但一定都是用椒麻豬腳滷汁, 反而在小菜裡可以品嚐到精彩椒麻風味.由於新開幕, 也許是因為我當天用餐是一開店就入座, 套餐中的餡餅現點現煎, 店員告知唯獨餡餅需要等候, 餡餅大概是我吃麵吃到一半才端上, 由於內餡並沒有多做調味, 因此沒有過於油膩, 可以算是健康型的餡餅. 茶具相當具有設計感, 也許是我習慣一邊吃麵一邊喝飲料, 導致茶尚未泡開我已倒出, 茶顯得較淡.
Yi Wan Mian Restaurant’s noodle is not as thick as “Northern Beef Noodle” at the same Mingshen community. The side dish might be vary, but always use the braised sauce. As for the meat pie, it was delayed serving due to the order before cooking. The meat filling is not marinated, therefore, it doesn’t have oily taste. The tea pot has a sense of fashion. However, I didn’t wait for the tea to be completely brewed. Therefore, it doesn’t have much tea aroma.



延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafe Guide




店名: 伊宛面
地址: 台北市松山區健康路214號 (Map)
捷運: 南京三民捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YIWANMIAN2018/
Restaurant Name: Yi Wan Mian Restaurant
Address: No. 214, Jiankang Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Nangjing Sanmin MRT Station
Tel: 002-2760-7183
Operation Hour: Check Facebook



