肉 RÒU by T-HAM 》敦南店是低調隱密的台北餐酒館也是精品肉舖

Last Updated on 2023-08-05 by Foodelicious

近期到 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦化店 2F 用餐, 發現不僅 肉 RÒU 菜單 完整, 更有專業侍酒師顧問, 已可以列在我的台北餐酒館名單上.
I went to dine at RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan Store 2nd Floor. RÒU menu has lots of dishes. They also have Sommelier as wine pairing consultant. RÒU is also categorized as one of Taipei Bistros.

肉 RÒU by T-HAM 菜單 在文末 》 RÒU by T-HAM Menu is at the end of article

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肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店 1 樓相關資訊

About RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan Store Information

許多人都不知道 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 屬於台畜集團, 敦南店一樓除了台畜自家產品, 也有販售各國家琳瑯滿目的頂級肉品. 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店位於大安站與信義安和站中間, 也就是在敦化南路一段上. 我在一樓閒逛時, 也發現他們有販售 “舒康雞”與“慢慢弄起司”品牌. 最有趣的是 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店可以寄放一整隻生火腿 (如圖二), 就像到酒吧寄放酒的概念.  也可以直接在網站上購買.
Many people do not know that RÒU by T-HAM meat shop belongs to Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd. Besides Taiwanese meats, RÒU by T-HAM also imported various top-quality meats worldwide. RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan store is located in between Daan MRT station and Xinyi Anhe MRT station. The first floor offers various beef, pork, chicken, cheese ..etc.

► 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 台畜網站購買連結 (Purchase Link)

延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese


肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店 2 樓訂位與相關資訊

About RÒU by T-HAM 2F Dining Reservation and Information

肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店 2 樓可以說是別有洞天! 我之前以為只有 肉 RÒU VIP 會員才能在二樓用餐, 孰不知,原來一般消費者也可以 Walk-in, 打電話或是 網路訂位 ( Link: https://reurl.cc/j5nWay )  , 而且可以隔成包廂, 也可以是 2 ~ 4 人的散客座位. 員工提到近期也聘請侍酒師蕭希辰作為專業侍酒師顧問, 訓練員工給予客人專業餐搭酒建議. 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店 2 樓是一個可辦家庭聚會, 也有影音設備, 可以辦餐酒會的場地.以下餐點是平常也吃得到, 並不是只有節慶. 我會依照分類與喜好來寫我當天吃的餐點與搭配酒款.
RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan store 2F is opened to public. However, you would need to reserve via call ( Tel: 02-2755-2608 ) or online ( Link: https://reurl.cc/j5nWay ). You can also walk-in. The dining area can be separated into private group dining room or just simple dining area for 2 ~ 4 people as well. The staff also mentioned that they hire a professional Sommelier as wine pairing consultant. The second floor is a good option for family gathering or just simply tasting wine event.



薄切肉品拼盤 Charcuterie


Mixed Charcuterie
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道綜合RÒU拼盤份量適合 2 ~ 4 人, 綜合RÒU拼盤包括三款台畜職人手造火腿 – 帶皮火腿, 胡桃木煙燻梅花 與 胡桃木煙燻前腿心 ,建議先從這三種淺色火腿開始品嚐, 台製火腿並不會過鹹, 反而呈現火腿原味. 其他肉品分別為法國18個月拜恩生火腿, 西班牙24個月伊比利生火腿, 三款西班牙伊比利風乾肉腸, 長時間醃製讓味蕾感受到適量鹹香, 與自家台畜火腿形成強烈的對比. 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 也提端上果醬,蔬菜棒, 起司與芥末籽醬讓客人自行搭配, 這道拼盤風味頗為多元, 並非只有單一鹹味.  若是同桌都是無肉不歡的饕客, 建議4人可點一個綜合RÒU拼盤開胃. 拼盤的肉類幾乎都可以在他們的網站上買到 ( Link )
This dish quantity is suitable for 2 ~ 4 people. This dish content has three Taiwanese Ham, which have the light color. The hams have original ham flavor with less smoky character. Also, there are various imported ham slices, which has strong salted-meaty flavor as expected. RÒU by T-HAM also offers jam, veggies, cheese and mustard seeds for customers to pair as preference. If your friends like meats, you might want to order this dish to share (preferable 4 people). Most meats can be purchased at their website (Link)

延伸閱讀: Spanish Serrano Ham 》關於西班牙塞拉諾火腿的五個問題


搭配酒款: Agustí Torelló Mata Reserva Cava 2016

ABV: 12%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

氣泡酒有三個等級 – Cava, Reserva Cava, Gran Reserva Cava. 通常氣泡酒在西餐裡是一個類似餐前酒的角色. 我倒是沒想到在 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 會用這支知名的陳釀氣泡酒, 這款酒的氣泡是屬於細緻型, 三種葡萄 (Macabeo, Xarello, Parellada) 則是賦予這款酒多種風味, 主要是青蘋果與檸檬風味, 單喝酸度平衡, 並不會有過度刺激舌尖. 有著明顯經典烤麵包香氣則是我喜歡這支 Agustí Torelló Mata Reserva Cava 2016 的原因之一, 這是我當天用餐最滿意的酒款
Cava has three grades – Cava, Reserva Cava, Gran Reserva Cava.  I am surprised to try this famous Reserva Cava at RÒU by T-HAM. The bubbles are smooths instead of bursting. The green apple and lemon flavor are from Macabeo, Xarello, Parellada grapes. The acidity is balanced. I like this  Reserva Cava mainly because it has obvious baked toast aroma. This is my favorite wine/cava of the day.


主餐 Main Course

40oz 爐烤堅果西班牙伊比利 Bellota 黑豬梅花

Oven Roasted Bellota Pork Belly with nuts
Price: NTD $3680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道肉品餐點需要三天前預訂, 份量適合四至六人. 豬肉通常不是台灣人來餐酒館的第一首選, 其實我在米其林二星 “logy” 吃過台灣東寶豬, 也在 “POPINA 餐酒館” 吃過噶瑪蘭熟成豬. 豬肉反而在西式餐廳佔有一席地位. 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 餐廳採用 Table Service, 將 40oz 爐烤西班牙黑豬梅花現場分切給客人, 也解釋事先需要低溫烹調12 小時再高溫爐烤, 抹上碎杏仁讓西班牙伊比利肉獨特的堅果風味更為明顯. 我個人很喜歡外酥內軟的口感, 更愛肥瘦相間的誘惑, 來自肉的油脂與堅果風味讓食慾大增, 肉質豐潤肥美, 搭配以蘋果風味為主的莓果醬減少膩感. 這道是我當天用餐最喜歡也最推薦的一道料理.
You would need to order three days prior. The quantity is suitable for 4 ~ 6 people. Pork is not the first priority when comes to Taiwanese’ dining choice at the Bistro. However, I tasted Taiwanese pork at “logy” and “Popina Bistro”. Pork chop is actually an important character in Western Cuisine. This dish is served with table service and slicing at site. The staff mentioned that the pork meat would need to be cooked in low temperature with 12 hours. And then oven roasted in high temperature. The almonds crumbs on the appearance has the crunchy texture and nutty flavor. I like the nutty and meaty flavor along with the fats from this pork belly. The chef also prepares berry jam to pair with the pork. This is my favorite and most recommended dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2020 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食

延伸閱讀: POPINA 餐酒館 》 台北中山捷運站美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO


搭配酒款 : Domaine Duseigneur L’Astrolabe 2012

ABV: 14%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這支是來自法國南隆河的紅酒, 歸類為目前最夯的自然酒, 使用自然動力方法種植葡萄. 這款 100 % Syrah 單寧屬於細緻型, 黑胡椒香氣濃郁, 辛香比黑色莓果風味明顯, 我會建議先將酒置放一些時間, 辛香會減弱一些, 搭配肉品比較不會搶走西班牙伊比利 Bellota 黑豬梅花主角風味 – 鹹香與堅果香.
This wine is from Southern France, Rhone to be specific. It is categorized as natural wine with Biodynamic method. Surprisingly, 100% Syrah tannin is soft instead of strong. The pepper flavor dominates more than the black berry flavor. I would suggest to put wine aside for a little while. So, the spice flavor won’t overcome the meat’s meaty and nutty flavor.


80 oz 爐烤美國 USDA Prime 肋眼

Oven Roasted USDA Prime Rib
Price: NTD $8200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道肉品餐點需要三天前預訂, 份量適合六至八人, 一樣是採用 Table Service 分切, 由於是80 oz , 每個區塊的熟度不太相同, 若是喜歡三分熟, 可要求區塊較裡面的肉. 一般台灣西餐廳的爐烤肋眼都是搭配醬料, 而肉 RÒU by T-HAM 則是像 “A Cut Steakhouse” 與 “168 Steakhouse” 提供四款牛排調味料, 當天用餐搭配的調味佐料是胡椒, 海鹽 ,芥末籽與蒜片. 整體來說, 這道有著粉嫩色澤的肋眼牛排比預期地嫩度高易切, 需要與調味料互相襯托出肉香. 我個人是比較喜歡上一道西班牙伊比利 Bellota 黑豬梅花.
You would need to reserve the prime rib eye dish three days prior as well. The quantity is suitable for 6 ~ 8 people. It is also served and cut with table service. Their Oven Roasted USDA Prime Rib pairs with 4 different spices/side ingredients – pepper, sea salt, mustard seeds, and garlic. The overall taste is tender and easy to cut. You would need the spice to bring out the meaty flavor. I personally prefer the pork dish though.

延伸閱讀: 美國肉類出口協會 x 問鼎麻辣鍋媒體餐敘 》US Meat Export Federation Media Dinner

延伸閱讀: A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse

延伸閱讀:No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House


搭配酒款 : Alexandre Sirech Les Deux Terroirs Merlot Syrah

ABV: 13.5%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這支是來自法國波爾多產區的混釀紅酒, 葡萄品種為 Merlot & Syrah. 葡萄酒初學者可能剛開始喝的時候會覺得單寧頗高, 我則是覺得單寧並沒有想像中地咬舌, 靜置後會發現單寧比較圓潤. 整體有黑色莓果也有紅色莓果混合風味.
This wine is from Bordeaux, France. The blended grapes are Merlot & Syrah. The wine tasting beginner might consider the tannin is high. However, for me, the tannin is not as harsh as expected. After putting the wine away for a while, the tannin becomes soft. The overall flavors are mixed with black berry and red berry flavor.


限定外帶: 爐烤香料烤鹿野土雞

To-Go Only: Oven Roasted Taiwanese Chicken
Price: NTD $1380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

全雞上色均勻需要時間, 這道肉品限定外帶, 需要三天前預訂. 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 不僅是用台灣鹿野土雞, 也用少見的 Cajun香料, 新鮮香料與蒜頭醃製兩天. 這次媒體用餐是分到雞腿, 油脂包裹著雞肉, 嫩度極高, 但是並沒有預期 Cajun香料的辛香奔放.台灣家庭不像美國家庭有大烤爐可以烤全雞, 喜歡在家裡派餐會的人可考慮在 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 買烤好的全雞.
This dish is for To-Go Only, which need to pre-order three days prior. They use Taiwanese chicken along with special cajun spice, fresh spice, and garlic. Luckily, I got the juicy and tender chicken thigh. There isn’t much cajun spice flavor though. Unlike in USA, most Taiwanese do not have a large oven to roast a whole large chicken. So, if you are having a home party, you can purchase the oven-roasted whole chicken here.


搭配酒款 : 2015 Crooked Vines Branco

ABV: 14.5 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

葡萄牙在歐洲算是葡萄酒出口較少的國家, 很有趣的是這款白酒的產區是以波特酒出名的產區. 單喝先感受到圓潤結構, 並不是像葡萄酒初學者預期的清脆單薄. 有明顯的礦物風味, 酸度明顯. 這款酒是搭配白肉 – 爐烤香料烤鹿野土雞.
Comparing with other countries in Europe, Portugal is not a large wine export countries. 2015 Crooked Vines Branco is not crisp. Instead, the overall taste is quite smooth along with obvious mineral flavor and acidity. This wine is to pair with the chicken.


單點- 香料烤時蔬 Roasted Vegetables

Roasted Vegetables
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是單點菜餚, 圖裡那一盤份量剛好給四個人, 這次的時蔬有蘆筍,牛番茄, 南瓜與玉米, 吃起來不會過乾, 我倒是希望鮮脆無纖維感的蘆筍可以多一些.
The oven roasted vegetables include asparagus, tomato, pumpkin, and corn. The overall is not dry. I would hope that there will be more asparagus.


升級為套餐 Upgrade to Set

午餐套餐皆是主菜價格加價 NTD $250/人
晚餐套餐皆是主菜價格加價 NTD $350/人

Upgrade to Set Price:
Lunch: NTD $250/person
Dinner: NTD $350/person

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

午餐套餐 (+NTD $250) 是手工麵包, 沙拉/主廚特製湯品 (擇一)與 咖啡/茶 (擇一)
晚餐套餐 (+NTD $350)是手工麵包, 沙拉, 主廚特製湯品 ,水果 , 咖啡/茶 (擇一)

這次媒體餐會則是有主廚特製湯品, 水果與 咖啡/茶 (擇一). 蘑菇濃湯不錯喝, 拿鐵不會焦苦, 最喜歡的是水果, 還好不是甜點, 吃了爐烤系列的肉品後, 極度需要水果來讓味蕾解膩!

Lunch Set (+NTD $250) Content: Bread, Salad/Daily Soup, Coffee/Tea
Dinner Set (+NTD $350) Content: Bread, Salad, Daily Soup, Fruit , Coffee/Tea

This media event has daily soup, fruit and coffee/tea. The mushroom soup is quite good and the coffee is not bitter. My favorite would be the fruit. After eating all the oven-roasted meats, I would definitely need fruits instead of desserts.


結論 Conclusion

所有人都可以到肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店二樓用餐區, 接受 Walk-in 或是訂位方式, 訂位只需網路訂位 ( Link: https://reurl.cc/j5nWay ) 或是電話訂位 ( 02-2755-2608 ),   可以 2 ~ 4 人小團體一起來吃. 這裡不僅有文章裡介紹的爐烤肉品類, 也有火鍋,壽喜燒與丼飯,  我個人最喜歡他們的 40oz 爐烤堅果西班牙伊比利 Bellota 黑豬梅花, 此款肉品需要三天前預訂. 因為肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦南店有聘請專業侍酒師顧問, 建議也點葡萄酒來搭餐.
Everyone can dine in RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan store 2F. Even 2 ~ 4 people can dine in here. There are more than just oven-roasted meats. RÒU by T-HAM also has hot pot, don and sukiyaki. You would need to reserve via line ( Link: https://reurl.cc/j5nWay ) or call ( 02-2755-2608 ) or just walk-in. I like their Oven Roasted Bellota Pork Belly with nuts. This dish need to pre-order three days prior. They also hire Sommelier as professional consultant. I would suggest to order wine to pair with the foods.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳名稱: 肉 RÒU by T-HAM
敦南總店: 台北市敦化南路一段326號 (Map)
捷運站: 大安捷運站

1F肉舖電話: 02-2755-2606
營業時間: 11:00am -9:30pm

2F 餐飲空間 電話: 02-2755-2608
午餐時段: 11:30 am ~ 2 pm
晚餐時段: 5:30pm ~ 9:30pm
FB: https://www.facebook.com/roubytham/
Website: https://www.roubytham.com.tw
Restaurant: RÒU by T-HAM
Dunnan Store: No. 326, Dunnan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
MRT : Da-an MRT station

1F Meat Shop Tel: 02-2755-2606
Operation Hour: 11:00am -9:30pm

2F Restaurant Tel: 02-2755-2608
Lunch : 11:30 am ~ 2pm
Dinner: 5:30pm ~ 9:30pm

肉 RÒU by T-HAM 菜單 》 RÒU by T-HAM Menu

Menu Link: https://reurl.cc/j5nWay





