橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot

Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious

橘色涮涮屋新光三越分店在2018新開幕, 由於橘色火鍋價位偏高, 成為台北信義區高級火鍋店名單之一, 更是台北適合家人聚餐的餐廳.
2018 Newly-opened Orange Shabu is located at Xinyi Chinking Misukoshi Department stores. Its price matches its high-end image. Their Wagyu Beef Hot Pot is one of their signature dishes.

橘色涮涮屋菜單在文末 Orange Shabu Menu is at the end of article


橘色涮涮屋之前在台北大安路新開幕時, 成為高級火鍋餐廳的代表, 其昆布柴魚湯底在眾多麻辣湯頭算是一股清流. 橘色涮涮屋這次開在新光三越A9, 與 “小後苑”, “Wildwood 餐廳“和 “福里安花神咖啡館“在同一棟樓 (A9). 信義分店與其他分店最大的不同有是橘色涮涮屋與Abrazo Bistro 合作在百貨裡打造小酒吧, 讓客人邊吃火鍋邊點調酒. 橘色火鍋座位跟 “花酒藏海鮮吧”一樣可看到台北101, 六人鍋有半開放式隔簾式包廂, 也有四人鍋和單人鍋吧台,也有隱密度極高的 8 人獨立包廂. 我與朋友入座單人鍋吧台區, 各點了澳洲和牛套餐 ( NTD $1280) 和 盤克夏黑毛豬套餐 (NTD $980), 我會依照上菜順序撰寫.
When Orange Shabu opened at Da’an Road, it becomes the high-end hot pot restaurant at Taipei City. Its Dash Stock broth is famous among all other Mala spicy broth. Orange Hot Pot restaurant is located at the same building as “Backyard Jr.”, “ Wildwood Restaurant”, and “Caffé Florian Coffee”. The main difference between this branch and other branches is this Xinyi Branch cooperates with Abrazo Bistro. The customers can drink the cocktail and eat hot pot at the same time. The customer can see Taipei 101, just like “Aplus Grill & Seafood Bar”. There are also 4-people hot pot seats and private dining room for 8 people. My friend and I are seated at the one-person hot pot area. We ordered Australian Wagyu Beef and Berkshire Pork Set.

延伸閱讀:2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafe Guide

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




包括: 前菜, 綜合蔬菜拼盤, 前菜, 麵/飯/粥, 甜點
Australian Wagyu Beef Set
Includes: Mixed Vegetable Plate, Appetizer, meat, noodle/rice/congee, dessert
Price: NTD $1280




Mixed Vegetables Plate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

入座前, 綜合蔬菜拼盤早已放在單人鍋吧台旁, 而不是點完才在廚房準備. 關於橘色的桌邊服務, 入座後, 店員會禮貌地協助將綜合蔬菜拼盤入鍋,當我看到拼盤時, 老實說我有點失望,反而 “紅九九火鍋”的配菜拼盤 (有旗津花枝漿,新竹香菇貢丸.. 等) 更為精彩, 畢竟橘色在我心裡是奢華的代表, 即使食材品質佳, 視覺上食材搭配卻跟一般火鍋店一樣皆是常見的高麗菜, 金針菇, 青江菜等. 唯獨玉米和去蒂新鮮香菇屬於較少見且美味的食材. 我會建議在肉還沒下鍋前, 先喝一口高湯, 雖然高湯有用老母雞與豬大骨熬煮, 昆布柴魚風味依舊佔大部分. 至於醬料的部分, 店家則是準備了自製芝麻醬與火鍋店常見的蒜蔥蘿蔔泥佐日式醬油.
Before seating, the mixed vegetables plate is already at the hot pot counter. The Orange Shabu staff would assist cooking the vegetables at the hot pot. However, I was a bit disappointed when I see the common mixed vegetable plates. “Hong Juju 99 Hot Pot restaurant” has better mixed side dish plate. Among all the ingredients, only the corn and mushroom are special and tasty. I would suggest to taste the stock broth before cooking the meats. The soup flavor is brewed with chicken and pig bones, but instead, the Dash Stock broth flavor is stronger. Orange Shabu restaurant also prepares the sesame dip sauce and the common garlic/green onion/radish with soy sauce.


前菜: 和風蘆筍豆腐

Oriental Asparagus Tofu
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

去皮蘆筍則是藏在蟹肉底下, 蟹肉口感佳, 蘆筍比想像中地脆, 方正米色豆腐滑嫩不會過軟, 搭配日式醬油, 微甜風味更是讓人意猶未盡, 可以說是橘色涮涮屋必點前菜.
The cripsy asparagus is hidden under the crab meat. The tofu is smooth and pairs great with the Japanese soy sauce. The hints of sweetness is perfect. I would definitely recommend this appetizer.



Australian Wagyu Beef
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我相信這一盤和牛端上來會給人視覺震撼, 肉片不管是從側面看或是上方看都如富士山般挺立, 上次看到如此挺立的肉片是在東區“鍋台銘火鍋”, 雪白油脂佈滿了澳洲和牛薄片. 橘色涮涮屋其中一項服務即是協助煮肉品, 店員熟練地將和牛肉片放入火鍋, 眼前就像縮時錄影從深紅色轉變成嫩紅, 漸層地五分熟讓人相當期待, 肉香伴隨著溫存高湯入口, 少了點粗野, 但多了點細緻高雅, 此款和牛在沒有沾醬或是麻辣湯頭點綴下, 絕對可以獨當一面, 若預算有限, 我會建議點澳洲和牛, 而不是 “非和牛等級”.
The visual image of the Austrlian Wagyu Beef is perfect, just like the one that I ate at “Guotaiming Hot Pot Restaurant”. The snowy white fats are spread all over the Wagyu Beef. One of Orange Shabu table services is to assist cooking the meats. The staffs carefully cook the meat and transfer the dark red color to pink color. The meat pairs great with the stock, which enhance its meaty flavor. The Australian Wagyu beef doesn’t need any dip sauce. If you have a budget concern, I would suggest you to order Wagyu level instead of regular meat.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

文末影片有橘色涮涮屋煮粥SOP, 先將配料撈起,店員先將米熬煮成粥, 陸續再將蛋, 蔥和海帶絲放入粥中. 因為朋友介意吃蛋黃, 我則是有兩顆蛋黃, 濃稠程度倍增, 粥裡不僅有最原始的高湯, 更融入蔬菜與和牛油脂精華, 米心也不會過硬, 這碗粥比“上引水產”的粥更加美味.
The video at the end shows hot Orange Shabu cooks the congee. First, they clear out all the ingredients. Afterwards, the staff puts egg, green, and sliced seafood into the congee. Since my friend doesn’t want to eat egg yolk, I got two egg yolks instead. The creamy and thick congee is surprisingly delicious. The congee contains the broth essence along with vegetable and meat fats. I would say the congee is better and more delicious than “Addicited Seafood” seafood congee.



Caramel Pudding
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

套餐甜點的焦糖布丁完美脫模, 滑順但不過甜, 美味程度中上.
The pudding is smooth but not overly too sweet.



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

橘色火鍋餐廳與 “Le Feu 鐵板燒“一樣皆會提供當季水果, 我相信吃完粥大部分的人都已飽, 提供兩款少量水果是正確的, 以免浪費食材.
Same as “Le Feu Teppanyaki”, Orange Shabu also offers seasonal fruits. I must say that most people are full after eating the congee. It is quite wise to only offer two types of fruits with small quantity.



包括: 前菜, 綜合蔬菜拼盤, 前菜, 麵/飯/粥, 甜點
Berkshire Pork Set
Includes: Mixed Vegetable Plate, Appetizer, meat, noodle/rice/congee, dessert
Price: NTD $980




Berkshire Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我朋友選擇與我一樣的前菜 – 蘆筍豆腐, 粥和綜合蔬菜拼盤也是一樣. 我朋友是點盤克夏黑毛豬肉片, 油脂分佈均勻, 整齊地排列在長盤中, 我朋友是選擇自己涮肉品, 雖然我只嘗試了一片肉品, 視覺上似乎盤克夏黑毛豬的油脂較為頑固, 依舊停留在肉片上, 但吃起來卻沒有濃郁肉香, 我反倒是建議沾芝麻醬增加風味.
My friend ordered the same appetizer, congee and mixed vegetable plates. My friend ordered Berkshire Pork set. The fats are spread evenly on the meat surface. Even though I only tried one slice, I would that the meat fat still stays on the meat. But, the pork meat is not as delicious as Wagyu Beef. I would suggest to dip into the sesame sauce to add more flavor.



Almond Tofu
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

由於橘色涮涮屋是自製杏仁豆腐, 他們特別加了糯米, 讓這道杏仁豆腐吃起來與麻糬一樣, 相當有特色, 我會推薦大家點這道杏仁豆腐甜點.
Orange Shabu makes their own Almond Tofu. They add glutinous rice, so, the taste is similar with mochi. I would definitely recommend this dessert.



延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋餐廳懶人包 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE

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餐廳: 橘色涮涮屋 – 新光三越分店
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號7樓 (新光三越A9 7F ) (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站 & 台北 101 捷運站
電話: 02-8789-6068
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orangeabrazo/
Restaurant: Orange Shabu – A9 Branch
Address: 7 F, No. 9, Songshou Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall & Taipei 101 MRT station
Tel: 02-8789-6068
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


MENU: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Orangeshabu/menu/


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