Last Updated on 2023-12-15 by Foodelicious
(2023.12 更新) 台北市信義新光三越美食餐廳非常多, 尤其是新光三越A11, 此篇信義新光三越美食懶人包僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新!
(2023. 12 Update) There are many restaurants at Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubishi Department stores, especially A11. The list only includes the restaurants and cafes that were reviewed by Foodelicious. This list will keep updating in the future.
UPDATED: 2023/12/15
♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: Backyard Jr. Xinyi 小後苑信義 》菜單有單點也有晚間套餐
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目錄 / Table of Contents
新光三越 A4 美食
Shinkong Misukoshi Mall A4
新光三越A4 是最靠近市政府捷運站與信義微風的新光三越.
A4 department store is the one that is closed to City Hall MRT station and Xinyi Breeze department
Chope Chope Eatery
樓層: A4 4F
Chope Chope Eatery 不僅是 JL Studio 主廚 Jimmy 的台北餐酒館, 也是2020米其林餐盤餐廳之一.
English Name: Chope Chope Eatery
Floor: A4 4F
Short Review:
Chope Chope Eateryis one of JL Studio Chef Jimmy’s new Taipei bistros. It is also one of the 2020 Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants.
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Due Italian 日本拉麵
樓層: A4 B2 美食街
東京米其林推薦, 屬於日本拉麵海外分店之一, 以創新西式配料出名.會推薦給喜歡追求米其林也同時喜歡創新料理的人
English Name: Due Italian Ramen
Floor: B2 Food Court
Short Review:
It is one of the Tokyo Michelin Recommendation. It is an oversea branch. However, the side dish is a bit too creative for me though.
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樓層: A4 B2 美食街
這家應該不用多做介紹, Review 是 101 分店, 但菜單與價格都是一樣
English Name: Din Tai Fung
Floor: B2 Food Court
Short Review:
I am sure that you don’t need introduction. However, the review is regarding 101 Branch. But, the menu and the price are the same.
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樓層: A4 2F Restaurant
以西式素食料理為主, 近期相當受歡迎, 我會推薦給喜歡吃素食的人
English Name: Herbivore Vegan Restaurant
Floor: A4 2F Restaurant
Short Review:
All cuisines are vegetarian/vegan. I would recommend to people who like to enjoy vegan food.
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樓層: A4 5F
新光三越 A8 美食
Shinkong Misukoshi Mall A8
新光三越A8 的旁邊是松高微風
A8 department store is the one that is next to Songgua Breeze Mall d to City Hall
樓層: A8 B2 Food Court
這家是台北車站排隊名店金子半之助的分店, 招牌料理是星鰻天婦羅丼, 若沒吃過台北車站的金子半之助, 推薦吃這家分店.
English Name: Tendo Japanese Restaurant
Floor: A8 B2 Restaurant
Short Review:
This is the branch of a popular Japanese Tempura restaurant. I recommend this restaurant to people who craves for Japanese Tenpura
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樓層: A8 B2 Food Court
新光三越 A11 美食
Shinkong Mitsukoshi Mall A11
A11 是有 GB 啤酒餐廳的那一家百貨公司. A11 is the department that has GB Beer Restaurant
輪輪1976 和食茶酒駅
樓層: A11 3F
輪輪1976 和食茶酒駅 是 信義新光三越 A 11 美食餐廳之一, 以日式大正浪漫風格的復古火車裝潢為主軸
English Name: Lun Lun 1976 restaurant
Floor: A11 3F
Short Review:
Lun Lun 1976 restaurant is one of the Xinyi SKM Mall A11 restaurants. The design concept is based on Japanese Taisho Roman Style. We tasted 2023 Lun Lun 1976 menu, which are mostly fusion cuisine.
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M One Cafe A11
樓層: A11 3 F
M One Cafe 信義 A11 店 是 2021 新開幕台北餐廳之一, M One Cafe 菜單豐富受到許多人喜愛, 強烈建議要先訂位.
English Name: M One Cafe A11
Floor: A11 3F Restaurant
Short Review:
M One Cafe A11 is one of the 2021 New Restaurants in Taipei Xinyi District. Most people like the various dishes on M One Cafe Menu. I would suggest to reserve seats in advance.
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樓層: A11 B2 Food Court
餐廳位置在 B2 大師兄銷魂麵旁邊. 新高軒也是屬於美食街高人氣的餐廳, 我點了牛肋條咖哩飯搭配溏心蛋, 玉米和冰紅茶, 共 NTD $290 +10 %也許是我吃遍台北咖喱飯, 吃起來感覺還算可以. 若是有新光禮卷, 倒是可以試試.
English Name:Nitakaken Curry House
Floor: A11 B2 Restaurant
Short Review:
I ordered beef rib curry rice (with egg, corn and ice black tea). The total price is NTD $290 + 10%. I guess that I ate way too many curry rices at Taipei City. Nitakaken’s Curry Rice is just average. If you have gift coupon from the SKM mall, you can consider this restaurant though.
樓層: A11 B2
我點的是麻辣半筋半肉湯 & 銷魂麵. 吃起來並沒有想像中地驚豔.
English Name: Master Spicy Noodle
Floor: A11 B2
Short Review:
I ordered Spicy Half Meta and Half Tendon & Master Noodle. However, it wasn’t tasty as expected.
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樓層: A11 B1 Food Court
餐廳位置在 B1 一蘭拉麵餐廳旁邊. 剛開幕的時候造成排隊人潮, 個人認為港式餐點沒有想像中地優, 也許是因為我吃不習慣
English Name: Honolulu Cafe
Floor: A11 B1 Restaurant
Short Review:
I personally think the dishes are not as good as expected.
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一蘭拉麵 – A11 分店
樓層: A11 B1 Food Court
這是一蘭拉麵在台北信義區的第二家分店, 因為在室內排隊, 開幕一陣子後依舊有排隊人潮, Review 是關於信義本店, 但湯頭是一樣
Floor: A11 B1 Restaurant
Short Review:
The branch restaurant is the 2nd branch at Xinyi District. Since it is indoor, there are still lots of people lining up during dining time. Even though it is a branch store, but the broth is the same.
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Kiehl’s Coffee
樓層: A11 1F Kiehl Store Front
這家嚴格上來說只是Kiehl’s 專櫃的咖啡店面,我只建議點咖啡做個紀念就好, 畢竟信義區咖啡店選擇太多
English Name: Kieh’s Coffee House
Floor: A11 1F Restaurant
Short Review:
In my opinion, it doesn’t count as coffee house. It is just a coffee shop at Kiehl’s cosmetic front.
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樓層: A11 2 F
這是ㄧ家素食餐廳, 菜單上的三明治選項多過於其他料理
English Name: Miacucina
Floor: A11 2F Restaurant
Short Review:
Miacucina is a vegetarian restaurant. It offers more sandwiches than other dishes
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欣葉日本料理- 信義店
樓層: A11 5 F
English Name: Shinyeh Restaurant
Floor: A11 5F Restaurant
Short Review:
All you can Eat
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新光三越 A9 美食
Shinkong Mitsukoshi Mall A9
A9 是在 A8 的旁邊, 也就是有 PAUL 餐廳的那間餐廳. A9 is right next to A8. A9 is the building that has PAUL restaurant.
樓層: A9 3 F
餐廳在福里安花神咖啡館正上方, 每季都會換菜單, 若是想與朋友聚餐, 我會推薦這家餐廳. 這裡有單點也有套餐
English Name: Backyard Jr.
Floor: A9 3F Restaurant
Short Review:
It is directly on the top of Caffé Florian Coffee. I would recommend this restaurant for friends’ hanging out.
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Enoteca 愛諾特卡
樓層: A9 3 F
Enoteca 旗艦店是少數台北販售單杯酒的店面, Enoteca 單杯酒價位不高, 可成為微醺信義區下午茶好去處.
English Name: Enoteca
Floor: A9 3F Wine Store with Single Glass Wine
Short Review:
It is one of the Taipei wine stores that offers single glass wines.
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樓層: A9 7 F
這是一家高級火鍋餐廳, 和牛火鍋算是招牌料理, 相當適合家庭聚會的餐廳
English Name: Orange Shabu
Floor: A9 7F Restaurant
Short Review:
Its Wagyu Beef Hot Pot is one of their signature dishes. This restaurant is suitable for family gathering as well.
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Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳
樓層: A9 4 F
知名的林明健主廚擁有的其中一家餐廳, 以燒烤料理為主, 若需宴客, 我會推薦這一家餐廳
English Name: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant
Floor: A9 4F Restaurant
Short Review:
It is one of Chef Kin’s restaurants. Its dishes mainly focus on grilled cuisines. If you would like to treat the guests, I would recommend this restaurant.
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樓層: A9 2 F
這是一家信義區的下午茶餐廳, 也是一家海外分店, 單價偏高
English Name:Caffé Florian Coffee
Floor: A9 2F Restaurant
Short Review:
It is one of the afternoon tea places at Xinyi District. It is an oversea branch but also with higher price.
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Other Xinyi District Mall Restaurants
♛ 信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant
連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide