Coffee Essential 民生工寓 》黑糖拿鐵與重乳酪蛋糕令人難忘

Last Updated on 2018-10-27 by Foodelicious

台北民生社區咖啡廳相當多, 民生工寓則是民生社區不限時咖啡店之一, 也有提供輕食與早午餐.
There are many coffee shops at Taipei Mingshen Community. Coffee Essential is one of the coffee shops with no time limited policy. They also offer light food ad brunch.


Coffee Essential 民生工寓 菜單在文末 Coffee Essential Menu is at the end of article


民生工寓在位於民生東路巷弄內, 離知名 “Moiseur L 餐廳” 相當近, 走進有著硬派黑色招牌的咖啡店內,鐵灰色調和紅磚裸牆裝潢展現所謂的工業風, 與 “Peekaboo Coffee” 一樣有單人高腳椅, 門口也有 “Fly’s Kitchen” 一樣的櫃台座位, 除了有義式咖啡機外, 也有手沖咖啡器具, 空氣瀰漫著除了咖啡氣息外, 也隱約嗅到剛出爐的烘培點心氣息.恰巧我被安排到這一個採光特殊的區域, 仔細一看, 原來是屋頂上有透光玻璃.
Coffee Essential is located in the alley of the Mingshen East Road. It is quite near “Moiseur L Restaurant”. The dark sign and red brick wall represents the Industrial style. It also has high chair like “Peekaboo Coffee” and counter seating area like “Fly’s Kitchen”. Besides the espresso machine, there is also pour-over coffee equipment. The atmosphere has both coffee and dessert flavor. I was seated in an area with bright light.




Brown Sugar Latte
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

多數台北咖啡店都有販售黑糖拿鐵, 但是大部分皆是隨意撒上薄薄的黑糖粉 (例如: “Truffles Living” ) ,民生工寓的黑糖咖啡則是與眾不同, 陽光透著玻璃灑在亮褐色炙燒黑糖粉上, 刻意搖晃著咖啡杯, 表面張力讓糖粉也不會灑落在桌上. 適量黑糖讓咖啡並不會過苦或過甜, 但保持濃郁的咖啡香, 咖啡因具有強度, 很難遇到與”貝拉卡咖啡”一樣好喝的黑糖咖啡, 我相當推薦這一款咖啡.
There are many coffee shops that offer brown sugar coffee. However, most coffee shops just drizzled the brown sugar powder, for example: “Truffles Living”. However, the brown sugar from Coffee Essential is quite different. The surface is full of torched brown sugar. This coffee is not too overly bitter nor sweet. But, it still has thick coffee flavor and strong caffeine. It is difficult to drink such a good coffee as I drank at “Beraka Coffee”. I would definitely recommend this coffee.



Cheese Cake
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

我其實比較常吃紐約起司蛋糕 (New York Cheese Cake) , 也就是有派皮在蛋糕底層. 我比較少吃重乳酪蛋糕, 看似蓬鬆的蛋糕外觀, 切下去反而相當紮實, 完全不會支離破碎, 從蛋糕切面即可看到完全沒有空隙或乾裂, 搭配蛋糕表層的酸奶 (Sour Cream), 接著連吃好幾口都不會過甜膩, 味蕾滿是濃郁奶香與藍莓果粒醬酸甜風味, 相當不錯, 我相當推薦這一款重乳酪蛋糕.
Comparing with this type of cake, I mostly eat New York Cheese Cake, which has pie crust down below. Coffee Essential’s Cheese cake has fluffy appearance. But, when cutting down, the texture is absolutely dense without any air. It is very delicious pairing with the sour cream and blueberry jam on the top. The tastebuds can sense the creamy and cheese flavor with acidity. I strongly recommend this cheese cake.



Pour-over Coffee
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

民生工寓第二杯飲料是半價, 這種行銷方式讓更多人可以在這裡一直陸續工作.這裡的手沖咖啡豆屬於中輕焙咖啡豆, 店員端上與 “HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊”一樣無把手的咖啡杯, 此款手沖咖啡並不會過酸, 個性並不會太顯著, 但是卻相當是和初飲手沖咖啡的人.
Coffee Essential offer 2nd drink with half price. So, people who work there as mobile office can order drinks again. The staff brings out the coffee cup without handle, just like at “HERZMOMENT Dessert Shop”. This pour-over coffee only has hints of acidity. It is suitable for first-time pour over-coffee drinkers.







餐廳: 民生工寓
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路四段56巷1弄3號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站 or 松山機場捷運站
電話: 02-8712-1220
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: Coffee Essential
Address: No. 3, 1st Alley, 56th Lane, 4th Section, Mingshen East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School or Songshan Airport MRT station
Tel: 02-8712-1220
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


