我的台北私藏美食口袋名單 》My Special Taipei Food Guide
Last Updated on 2023-04-06 by Foodelicious
(2023. 4 更新) 這篇文章是我自己的 台北私藏美食口袋名單 ,我會帶我台灣朋友與外國友人去的「 非觀光景點與台北具有特色的特別商家 」.
(2023. 4 Update) This article is my secret and special Taipei Food & Drink Guide. I will bring my Taiwanese friends and foreign friends to visit. It is not suitable for one-time tourists.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface
請注意這篇文章沒有酒吧, 因為住的地方離台北市區很遠, 無法知道受歡迎酒吧過 11 pm 之後的調酒品質與服務態度, 我決定不寫以免誤導. 此外, 有些優質餐廳搬家且重新裝潢 , 例如 “FU MilkTea 福奶茶“ 與 “Hugh Lab” , 我沒有再次拜訪, 所以我沒有放進名單.
Please note that this article doesn’t include bars. Due to the long commute time, I couldn’t review the popular bars cocktail quality and service attitude after 11 pm. So, I decide not to misguide you. Also, some great restaurants moved and redesigned, for example “FU MilkTea” and “Hugh Lab”. I didn’t re-visit. So, I didn’t put at the list as well.
延伸閱讀: FU MilkTea 福奶茶 》預約制奶茶店
延伸閱讀: HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流
Special Restaurant at Nangang District
Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei
這裡適合帶台灣朋友來這裡吃, Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦 , 我會建議店家一開門就去吃 , 店家不接受訂位, 招牌醬燒牛胸肉為限量, 也是最快販售完的肉品. 往往不到 3pm 就售完 , 連台北人自己想吃可能都吃不到.
I would bring my Taiwanese friends here. Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei is the best Taipei American BBQ restaurant. I would suggest to dine there around noon. They do not accept reservation. Beef Burnt Ends is limited quantity and the best selling item. Usually, it will be sold out around 3pm.
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餐廳: Bogart’s Smokehouse 美式木柴烤肉屋
地址: 台北市南港區南港路一段255號 (Map)
捷運站: 南港捷運站
電話: 02-2785-2217
Restaurant: Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei
Address: No. 255, 1st Section, Nangang Road, Nangang District , Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nangang MRT Station
Tel: 02-2785-2217
Special Restaurant at Shilin
British Oysters Seafood Shed
這裡適合帶台灣朋友來這裡吃. 逛完台北市立美術館或是故宮, 發現離晚餐還有一些時間, 肚子也小餓, 我會建議朋友到這家位於圓山花博裡的英國生蠔海鮮小屋. 2 ~ 3 人可點一盤英國生蠔再搭啤酒或白酒, 請注意這裡是英國生蠔, 並不是法國生蠔.
I would bring my Taiwanese friends here. After the trip to Taipei Fine Arts Museum or National Palace Museum, there are still times before dinner. I will bring my Taiwanese friends to British Oysters Seafood Shed, which is located at Yuanshan MAJI Square. 2 ~ 3 people can order one plate of British Oysters pairing with beer or white wine. Please note that they are selling British oyster instead of French Oyster.
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店名: 英國生蠔海鮮小屋
地址: 台北市中山區玉門街1號 (圓山花博) (Map)
捷運: 圓山捷運站
Restaurant Name: British Oysters Seafood Shed
Address: Taipei EXPO Park (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Yuanshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2596-8308
Special Night Snack Store at Taipei East District
Deep Fry Snack Store
這裡適合帶台灣朋友與外國友人來這裡吃. 看似平凡的台式小吃店面, 意想不到的角椒起司鑲肉和炸豬腳是初炸小吃店的招牌下酒菜料理. 建議台灣朋友點小黑板上的菜餚, 外國朋友可點代表台灣的鹽酥雞之類. 餐廳有吧台室內座位, 也有戶外座位. 請自行注意營業時間.
I would bring my Taiwanese friends and foreign friends here. It seemed to be a regular Taiwanese snack store that sells Herbs Salted Chicken. But, with the chef’s experience at western cuisine, the outcome might surprise you. Their signature dishes are pepper with cheese & pork and deep-fried pork knuckle. I would suggest that Taiwanese friends order the little black board special. Foreign friends can order herbs salted chicken, which represents Taiwan. They have indoor bar seats and outdoor seats. Please note the operation hour.
店名: 初炸小食店
地址: 台北大安區光復南路308巷57號 (Map)
捷運: 國父紀念館捷運站
Restaurant Name: Deep Fry Snack Store
Address: No. 57, 308th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2776-5855
Special Store at Binjiang Market
Gusto Market of Taste
這裡適合帶台灣朋友來這裡吃. 逛完上引水產, 下午有空閒,可到好食多義大利食材專賣店點冷切肉盤與乳酪盤內用, 價格比餐廳便宜, 再點個義大利啤酒或其他酒款, 營業時間為 9am ~ 5pm. 週末有時候會舉辦 Brunch Party.
I would bring my Taiwanese friends here. After visiting “ADDICTION Seafood Market” , you still have time in the afternoon. You can visit Gusto Market of Taste to order meat and cheese platter to dine in. The price is cheaper than restaurants. The operation hour is 9am -5pm. They sometimes would host brunch party during weekends.
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餐廳: Gusto Market of Taste 好食多
地址: 台北市中山區龍江路370巷47號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站 或 行天宮捷運站
電話: 02-2518-0458
Restaurant: Gusto Market of Taste
Address: No.47, 370th Lane, 4th Section, Longjiang Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station or Xingtian Temple MRT station
Tel: 02-2518-0458
延伸閱讀: 台北濱江市場美食懶人包 》2022 Taipei Binjiang Market Food Guide
Special Store at Dadaocheng Area
COFE 喫茶咖啡
這裡適合帶台灣朋友與外國朋友來這裡吃.在許多人眼裡, COFE Bar 喫茶咖啡是大稻埕迪化街老宅下午茶美食之一 , 我則是專程為了台灣茶磚巧克力與台灣精品咖啡巧克力. 如果已經來過大稻埕 N 次, 也吃過在地小吃很多次, 我個人推薦到這家特別的店家.
I would bring my Taiwanese friends and foreign friends here. Many people consider COFE Taipei store is a Dadaocheng Afternoon Tea place. I only visit there for their special Made in Taiwan COTE Chocolate and COFE chocolate.If you visited Dadaocheng and ate the local food many times, I would recommend you to visit here.
餐廳: COFE 喫茶咖啡
地址: 台北市大同區迪化街一段248號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 大橋頭捷運站
電話: 02-2552-8386
Restaurant: COFE
Address: 2F, No. 248, 1st Section , Dihua Street , Da’tong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Daqiaotou MRT station
Tel: 02-2552-8386
Special Tea Store at Taipei City
HeHe QingTian
假設貓空下大雨, 不方便上山喝茶, 而且已經去過“開門茶堂” , 建議可帶外國朋友來和合青田, 這裡是預約制台北茶館包廂推薦 , 保持著日據時代風格 , 事先需匯款. 請注意有很多款包廂, 店家有最後安排權利. 特色是用傳統燒炭火泡茶, 和合青田茶館的茶單全部都是中國雲南秘境千年古茶- 普洱茶, 細節可再打電話確認.
It would be inconvenient to bring your friends to Mao-Kong to drink teas. And you already visited “Kaimen Tea House”. I would suggest to bring your foreign friends to visit HeHe QingTian. You and your friends can have individual private tea room with Japanese style. You would need transfer money prior visiting. HeHe QingTian Tea House only offers Chinese Pu’er Tea. You can call to confirm again.
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餐廳: 和合青田
地址: 台北市大安區青田街8巷10號 (MAP)
捷運: 古亭捷運站 & 大安森林公園捷運站 & 東門捷運站皆可
電話: 02-2321-0055
Restaurant: HeHe QingTian Tea House
Address: No. 10, 8th Lane, Qingtian Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Gouting, Da’an Park, and Dongmen MRT station
Tel: 02-2321-0055
Taipei Mocktail Bar Recommendation
Abvless Bar
一時無酉 Abvless 是中山捷運站只開白天的台北無酒精酒吧推薦, 提供無酒精調酒飲品, 也有甜點. 一時無酉無固定酒單且不接受訂位. 適合帶外國朋友與台灣朋友來.
Abvless Bar Taipei is a Taipei Mocktail Bar Recommendation near Taipei Zonghshan MRT station. They also have desserts to pair with. They do not have menu and they don’t accept reservation in advance. I would bring my foreign friends and Taiwanese friends here.
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餐廳: 一時無酉
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段26巷18號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: N/A
Restaurant: ABVless Bar Taipei
Address: No.18, 26th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: N/A
Special Ingredient Restaurant
SAKAE Japanese restaurant
榮和漢酒肴 SAKAE 不僅是販售河豚料理的餐廳, 他們也有販售其他日式料理. 我個人會在河豚季節 (11 月~ 3 月) 建議喜歡新奇食材的朋友來這家餐廳, 已將這家餐廳放進我的台北私藏美食口袋名單 . 建議點的菜餚就是這篇文章裡的菜餚. 請記得有些菜餚需要預訂, 以免售完.
SAKAE Japanese restaurant not only offers puffer fish cuisine, they also offer Japanese cuisine. I would suggest people who like new type of ingredients to visit during winter time (November ~ March ). I will put this restaurant in my Special Taipei Food Guide. My dish suggestion is at this article. Remember to reserve some puffer fish dishes in advance.
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店名: 榮和漢酒肴
地址: 台北市大同區重慶北路一段83巷8號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山/北門捷運站
電話: 02-2550-2110
Restaurant: SAKAE Restaurant
Address: No. 8, 83th Lane, 1st Section, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan / Beimen MRT station.
Tel: 02-2550-2110
Quick Lunch after Check-Out
Fa Burger 法堡
Fa Burger
如果沒下雨, 可帶台灣朋友到 Fa Burger. 戶外吧台式座位與帶骨牛小排巧巴達是兩大特色. 我則是點香料燻烤牛肉巧巴達 (5oz), 份量為一人份. 兩人用餐建議先預訂 30oz 帶骨牛小排巧巴達. 這裡皆是等客人點菜後才開始切片的動作, 保持著肉汁與溫度. 不只食物美味與價格合理, 店員也是頗為親切.
If it is not raining, you can bring your Taiwanese friend to have a quick lunch after check out. The outdoor bar seats and delicious Short Ribs Ciabatta are the two main reasons to visit there. I would suggest you to reserve the Short Ribs Ciabatta (30oz) in advance for 2 people. One person can order the smoked beef ciabatta. The food is delicious and price is reasonable. The staff is quite friendly as well
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餐廳: Fa Burger
地址: 台北市大安區大安路一段172號 (Map)
捷運站: 大安捷運站
電話: 02-2325-5807
Restaurant: Fa Burger
Address: No. 172, 1st Section, Da’an Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Da’an MRT Station
Tel: 02-2325-5807
Masa Taco
我會帶我台灣朋友來 Masa Taco. Masa Taco 有信義安和店與中山店, 請自行注意營業時間. Masa Taco 販售自製新鮮塔可玉米餅, 偏向美式墨西哥 Taco, 美味又具有特色.
I will bring my Taiwanese friend to Masa Taco. Masa Taco has Xinyi Anhe and Zhongshan stores. They have different operation hour. Masa Taco offers fresh taco. The style is toward American Mexican Taco. It is delicious and worth visiting.
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餐廳: MASA 塔可專賣店
信義安和店地址: 台北市大安區通安街48號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和站
電話: 02-2709-0603
中山店地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段 140 巷9號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山站
Xinyi Anhe Store Address: No. 48, Tong-An Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe Street
Tel: 02-2709-0603
Zhongshan Store: No. 9 , 140th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan Station
Tel: :02-2522-2737
Where to grab a glass of wine at Taipei City?
延伸閱讀: 台北單杯酒懶人包 (分區) 》Where to Drink Single Glass Wine in Taipei City?