COFE 喫茶咖啡 》 靠台灣茶磚巧克力就值得放進大稻埕美食旅程

Last Updated on 2021-05-06 by Foodelicious

在許多人眼裡, COFE Bar 喫茶咖啡大稻埕迪化街老宅下午茶美食之一 , 我則是專程為了台灣茶磚巧克力台灣精品咖啡巧克力到 COFE 喫茶咖啡.
Many people consider COFE Taipei store is a Dadaocheng Afternoon Tea place. I only visit there for their special COTE Chocolate and COFE chocolate.

COFE 喫茶咖啡 菜單 在文末 》COFE 喫茶咖啡 Menu is at the end of Article

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COFE 喫茶咖啡 訂位 & 低消

COFE 喫茶咖啡 Reservation & Minimum Charge

COFE 喫茶咖啡離大橋頭站1號出口大約 15 ~ 20 分鐘, 轉進迪化街一段會先經過 “ 豐舍 B.B.R.” , 到台北市大同區迪化街一段248號即可看到「印花作夥」招牌, 穿過店面走樓梯即可到COFE 喫茶咖啡. 空間頗大且有一個大長桌在靠近窗戶的地方, COFE 喫茶咖啡訂位我會建議打電話 02-2552-8386 , 低消則是 NTD $150/人 , 如果有人候位, 用餐時間則是 150 分鐘, 已經足足有餘. COFE 喫茶咖啡有販售美食 – 例如早午餐與主餐之類. 我則是專程到COFE 喫茶咖啡是吃台灣茶磚巧克力與喝台灣精品咖啡.
COFE shop is about 15 ~ 20 minutes from Exit 1 of Daqiaotou MRT station. You would pass the “B.B.R. Restaurant” first. The address is No. 248, 1st Section , Dihua Street. It is at the 2nd floor. The space is quite large. You would need to call 02-2552-8386 to reserve seats. The minimum charge is NTD $150/per person. If there is any person waiting, the limited dining time would be 150 minutes. COFE menu has brunch and main course. But, I am more interested in their special chocolate and special drink.

延伸閱讀: 豐舍 B.B.R Restaurant 》 在大稻埕品嚐與眾不同的料理套餐

延伸閱讀: 其他大同區美食 》 Other Restaurants at Datong District



COTE vs COFE Concept

COFE 喫茶咖啡與 2021 新開幕 “Terra 土然巧克力專門店“ 出發點類似, 除了推廣 Bean to Bar 概念, COFE 更是將台灣精品咖啡與台灣巧克力推廣至國際. 基本上我是稱 COTE 為台灣茶磚巧克力, COFE 為台灣咖啡磚巧克力, 最特別的部分則是 COFE 喫茶咖啡想到加黃豆粉.

COFE: 可可脂 + 咖啡豆+冰糖+黃豆粉
COTE: 可可脂 + 茶葉 + 冰糖+ 黃豆粉

COFE concept is a bit similar with the newly-opened store – “Terra Bean to Bar Chocolate Shop”. COFE concept is Coffee Bean to Bar. They are trying to introduce and promote Taiwanese coffee and Taiwanese chocolate world-wide. I would call COTE as Tea Chocolate, and COFE as coffee chocolate. The most special part would be that they add soy flour.

COFE: Cocoa Butter + Coffee Bean + Rock Sugar + Soy Flour
COTE: Cocoa Butter + Tea Leafs + Rocky Sugar + Soy Flour

延伸閱讀: TERRA 土然巧克力專門店 》 享用來自各國產區 Bean To Bar 的巧克力饗宴



COTE 系列巧克力

COTE Chocolate (Made With Taiwan Ingredients)


Oriental Beauty Oolong Chocolate
Price: NTD$ 80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

冷藏櫃裡有許多款茶磚巧克力, 多款單片巧克力是 NTD $50 ~ NTD $70, 我則是選單價比較高的東方美人茶磚巧克力 (NTD $80). 入口後, 剛開始味蕾可感受到細緻茶香風味, 經典巧克力香氣不會覆蓋著茶香, 兩種風味並存很不錯. 我個人很推薦, 基本上是看你平常喜歡喝哪種茶款來點. 下次二訪, 我應該一次會點四款不同 COTE 巧克力 來做比較.
The display place has lots of Tea chocolate. Most units price are NTD $50 ~ NTD $70. I selected NTD $80 Oriental Beauty Oolong Chocolate. At the beginning, the tastebuds can sense the tea flavor and aroma. The classic chocolate won’t cover the tea flavor. I can basically sense both flavors together. I would recommend this Tea Chocolate.



Pineapple Red Oolong Chocolate
Price: NTD$55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

台灣除了茶出名外, 當然還有水果! 店員解說是將新鮮水果乾燥磨成果乾粉, 再與適合的茶類搭配, 成為“水果 COTE 系列”. 個性顯明的台灣鳳梨有著酸甜風味, 搭配濃香紅烏龍, 我跟朋友嚐了一口皆是驚嘆 “好鳳梨喔!!” , 整體不會過酸, 紅烏龍茶風味若隱若現.
Besides Tea, Taiwan is also famous for its tropical fruits. The staff mentioned that the fresh fruit would grind and dried into dried fruit powder. And they would pick the suitable tea to remix. It would become the Fruit COTE chocolate. Taiwanese Pineapple has strong characters , which are sweet and has fair amount of acidity. And it pairs with Red Oolong Tea, which has strong tea flavor. My friend and I both are surprised by the strong Pineapple flavor at the first bite. Overall, it only has fair amount of acidity. The red oolong tea flavor is not too strong.


COFE 系列飲料

COFE Drink

嘉義阿里山蜜處理 (淺中焙) 手沖咖啡

Alisan Honey Drip Coffee
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我相信許多人聽到台灣咖啡, 第一印象就是很貴, 要不然就是過於濃郁. 這次在COFE 喫茶咖啡主要是來吃茶磚巧克力, 飲料就決定選台灣手沖精品咖啡. 我點的手沖咖啡並不會過於濃郁, 但是也沒有太多淺焙花香特性, 對我來說是偏中規中矩.
Most people’s first impression about Taiwanese Coffee would be expensive. Or it tastes too thick. Now, I decide to drink Drip Coffee with Taiwanese Alishan coffee bean. The coffee bean would be light and medium roasted. This coffee doesn’t have much classic light roasted character, such as floral aroma. It tastes average comparing with the next drink.


COFE 咖啡果乾葉茶

Cascara & Coffee Leaf Black Tea
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款紅茶其實就是將咖啡葉子當作茶葉, 用紅茶製作方式製成這款特殊的飲料 (?!). 紅茶香氣並不會過於濃郁, 如果不明說, 可能真以為是精品紅茶. 我個人會比較推薦COFE 咖啡果乾葉茶.
This black tea substitutes tea leafs with coffee leafs. They makes this particular black tea with black tea manufacturing process. The black tea aroma is not too strong. I would prefer this drink better than the drip coffee.




我當初到 COFE 喫茶咖啡 跟我到 “慢慢弄乳酪坊”的理由是一樣, 那就是看如何將台灣原料或食材發揮得淋漓盡致. 如果已經來過大稻埕 N 次, 也吃過在地小吃很多次, 我個人推薦到這家特別的店家.
I visited “Man Mano Cheese Lab“ and COFE shop for the same reason. I would like to see and taste how Taiwanese ingredients are used and promoted. If you visited Dadaocheng and ate the local food many times, I would recommend you to visit here.

延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese




COFE 喫茶咖啡 資訊

COFE Store Information

餐廳: COFE 喫茶咖啡
地址: 台北市大同區迪化街一段248號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 大橋頭捷運站
電話: 02-2552-8386
Restaurant: COFE
Address: 2F, No. 248, 1st Section , Dihua Street , Da’tong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Daqiaotou MRT station
Tel: 02-2552-8386

COFE 喫茶咖啡 菜單 》 COFE Menu



