全聯推薦懶人包 》Taiwan PX Mart Shopping Guide

Last Updated on 2022-08-08 by Foodelicious

(2022. 8 更新) 全聯產品有標 “ Fire.jpg🔥” 是我個人的 全聯推薦 購買清單, 有包括 全聯必買, 全聯美食全聯好物.
(2022. 8 Update) The items with “ Fire.jpg🔥” is at my PX Mart Item Recommendation list. It included PX Mart Snack, PX Mart Food, and PX MRT lifestyle items.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

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目錄 / Table of Contents

前言 Preface

全聯福利中心是離我家最近的超市, 附近沒有家樂福或是 Jasons 超市 , 目前疫情期間大約是每週去一次購物, 產品內容並沒有寫價格, 建議現場看, 因為牌價不一, 有時也會特價. 我在 Facebook 也創立一個全聯社團 – 連結在下方.
PX Mart is the closest supermarket / grocery store near my apartment. We don’t have Jasons supermarket nor Carrefour Taiwan. During the pandemic, I usually shop once a week. I didn’t list the item price since the price may vary. I also created a Facebook Group to share items reviews and shopping experience.

全聯分享俱樂部社團 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/441708843670013

延伸閱讀: 台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST



PX Mart Shopping – Alcohol

Alpaca 智利葡萄酒

Alpaca Chile Wine

許多人在 7-11, 全聯和家樂福都有看到有金色羊駝 Logo ( 草泥馬 Logo ) 的 ALPACA 智利羊駝紅白酒系列, 也是CP 值高的葡萄酒之一. 我比較喜歡Alpaca 卡本內蘇維翁- 美洛.
Many people saw this wine series with golden color alpaca logo at 7-11, PX Mart and Carrefour in Taiwan. Chile Alpaca wines are also considered price-friendly. I would prefer Alpaca Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot.

延伸閱讀: ALPACA 智利羊駝葡萄酒 Review 》進口平價紅酒與白酒


La Corte 葡萄酒

La Corte Wine

✅ La Corte Bianco del Veneto 白酒:  Garganega (70%) , Chardonnay (30%).
我本來就喜歡 Chardonnay 葡萄品種,基本上海鮮都可以配. 或是你本身就是白葡萄酒派, 這支是屬於平價不錯喝的白酒.
I prefer Chardonnay itself. Basically, it can pair with seafood. It is price-friendly white wine.
✅ La Corte Rosso del Veneto 紅酒 : Merlot (50%) , Amarone (30%) , Corvinone (20%).
This red wine is better to cook mulled wine.




ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒系列即在 500元以下的平價葡萄酒名單上, 而且不用到酒專, 直接在便利商店、全聯社和大賣場皆有販售. 我個人喜歡 ISLA NEGRA Seashore Cabernet Sauvignon.
Imported Wine ISLA Negra from Chile offers below NTD $500 wines. You can also purchase at many sales channels, which also include 24 hours convenient stores, PX Mart and other hypermarkets. I personally like ISLA NEGRA Seashore Cabernet Sauvignon

延伸閱讀: ISLA NEGRA 智利之星葡萄酒 Review 》新世界進口紅酒



PX Mart Shopping -Dumpling


Wanchai Ferry -Chive and Pork Flavor

灣仔碼頭整齊地將 40 顆水餃分兩層放, 不會像奇美水餃總是有碰撞的痕跡. 灣仔碼頭的水餃皮不容易破裂, 內餡有飽滿, 韭菜多過豬肉很多, 不用加醬油就很夠味, 不錯吃, 防疫美食無誤.
Wanchai Ferry brand separate 40 dumplings into 2 layers. The appearance shape will be reserved perfectly, unlike Chimei. The chives quantity are more than ground porks. You don’t need to add soy sauce. The overall is delicious.

灣仔碼頭 – 韭菜豬肉
價格: N/A
規格: 共 40 顆水餃/包
Wanchai Ferry -Chive and Pork Flavor
Price: N/A
Package: 40 units/package



Wanchai Ferry – Cabbage and Pork Flavor

我的個人喜好是 高麗菜豬肉 > 韭菜豬肉 , 我個人喜歡厚的水餃皮, 例如巧之味與南港北大荒水餃, 所以灣仔碼頭剛好符合我愛的類型. 高麗菜清脆不錯吃, 台灣豬肉味不會過重. 好吃推薦!
My personal preference is cabbage and pork flavor > chive and pork flavor. I personally like thick texture of dumpling sheet. And Wanchai Ferry brand falls into the category. The cabbage is crisp and the Taiwanese pork is not too smelly. I would recommend it!

灣灣仔碼頭 – 高麗菜豬肉
價格: N/A
規格: 共 40 顆水餃/包

Wanchai Ferry – Cabbage and Pork Flavor
Price: N/A
Package: 40 pcs dumplings/package



Ji-Di Dumpling – Pork and Chive

因為很多人都說及第水餃很好吃, 所以我就買了豬肉韭菜來試試.Size 比台糖水餃大一點點, 跟灣仔一樣是分兩層, 一層16 個微厚水餃皮. 我大概知道為何很多人愛及第水餃, 因為韭菜味與豬肉味都沒有很重, 調味得恰到好處且不用沾醬油, 我之後會再考慮買.
Many people mentioned that Ji-Di dumpling is yummy. So, I decide to try the Pork and Chive. The dumpling size is a bit bigger than Tai-Sugar Dumpling. There are two layers- 16 pcs per layer. Both pork and chive flavors are not too strong. You also don’t need to dip into sauce to try. I will consider to repurchase again.

及第水餃 – 豬肉韭菜
價格: N/A
規格: 800g (32 pcs)

Ji-Di Dumpling – Pork and Chive
Price: N/A
Package: 800g (32 pcs)



I-Mei Dumpling – Pork and cabbage

義美水餃的 Size 跟台糖水餃都屬於小size, 連塑膠盒包裝都相似, 但是數量比台糖多. 這一包約 40 ~ 45 顆, 一次足以餵飽兩人. 水餃皮有厚度, 豬肉高麗菜水餃如同包裝上寫的 “不沾醬也很對味”, 還不錯吃, 以後會考慮再買.
I-Mei Dumpling size is similar with Tai Sugar Dumpling size, which is small. Even the package is similar. I-Mei has more quantity than Tai Sugar. One package is about 40 ~ 45 pcs. The appearance is a bit thick and the Pork & cabbage filling is quite delicious. I will purchase it.

價格: N/A
規格:810g (40 ~ 45 pcs)

I-Mei Dumpling – Pork and cabbage
Price: N/A
Package: 810g (40 ~ 45 pcs)


台糖水餃- 韭菜豬肉🔥

Tai Sugar Dumpling

我個人比較喜歡台糖水餃的韭菜豬肉,全部水餃一起放在包裝盒,  台糖水餃個頭小, 我吃這款韭菜豬肉不用加醬油, 皮有點薄, 我會再買來吃.
I purchased Tai Sugar Dumpling – Pork Chive flavor. The size is small. I prefer Pork Chive Flavor without adding soy sauce. The appearance is a bit thin. I  would re-purchase again in the future.

台糖水餃 – 豬肉韭菜
價格: N/A
規格: 440g (約 15 顆水餃)

Tai Sugar Dumpling – Pork Chive
Price: N/A
Package:440g (approx. 15 units)



Chi-Mei Dumpling – Chive and Pork

最特別的莫過於此款水餃可以做成煎餃, 蒸餃與炸餃, 因為內餡是已經是熟的, 比較不用擔心吃到生肉.  1275g 很大包, 我沒在數大約幾顆. 皮厚是我喜歡的 Style, 吃韭菜豬肉也不用沾醬油.缺點就是因為是袋裝無塑膠盒, 水餃的邊邊有時候會碎掉.
You can cook this dumpling in various ways – pan-fried , steamed, and deep fried. Since the filling is already well-done, you don’t need to worry about raw meat. 1275g is a large bag, but with unknown quantity. The dumpling appearance is thick, which I prefer. You don’t need to dip in soy sauce with Chive & Pork filling. However, it is a bag package instead of with extra box to protect the dumpling appearance.

奇美熟水餃 – 韭菜豬肉
價格: N/A
規格: 1275g

Chi-Mei Dumpling – Chive and Pork
Price: N/A
Package: 1275g



Wanchai brand – Shrimp & Chives Dumpling

灣仔本來就是我喜歡的水餃品牌, 這次新產品鮮蝦韭黃一盒 20 顆, 整隻蝦仁吃起來是不錯, 我已經忘記買的價格, 我只記得有點貴, 嚐鮮可買, 若愛吃海鮮水餃, 建議去餐廳吃. 
Wanchai is my favorite dumpling brand. This new product is Shrimp & Chives Dumpling (20 unites/box). I don’t remember the exact price, but I know that it is a bit expensive. If you are curious, you can buy and trial-taste. But, if you really like seafood dumpling, I would suggest you to go to restaurant to eat it.

價格: N/A
規格: 20顆/盒

Wanchai brand – Shrimp & Chives Dumpling
Price: N/A
Package: 20 Units/Box



I-Mei Dumpling – Pork and Chive

我自己都很驚訝 – 我比較喜歡義美水餃的歡豬肉高麗菜口味, 義美的豬肉韭菜反而沒有很特別, 但還是一樣不錯吃, 一盒有 40  ~ 45 顆小水餃, 很適合 2 ~3人的小家庭.
I am also surprised that I prefer the pork and cabbage flavor instead of this flavor. Honestly, Pork and Chive flavor doesnt taste special though. But, it is still delicious as always. There are 40 ~ 45 pcs small dumplings, which is suitable for small family (2 ~ 3 people).

義美手工水餃 – 豬肉韭菜
價格: N/A
規格: 810g (40 ~ 45 pcs)

I-Mei Dumpling – Pork and Chive
Price: N/A
Package:810g (40 ~ 45 pcs)



Auntie Dumpling – Pork & Cabbage

這個品牌沒有塑膠盒的保護, 水餃外皮有點薄, 煮的時候有破掉, 我個人是比較厚的水餃皮, 這款水餃需要沾醬油才會比較好吃.  
This brand doesn’t have the plastic box to protect. The dumpling appearance is a bit thin. It is a bit tear down during cooking. I personally prefer thick dumpling appearance though. You would need to dip into the sauce to become more delicious.

價格: N/A
規格: 1080g

Auntie Dumpling – Pork & Cabbage
Price: N/A
Package: 1080g



I-Mei Dumpling- Pickled Cucumber & Chicken

水餃鹹度是夠, 不用沾醬油, 雞肉內餡也不會乾 我個人不太習慣瓜仔在水餃裡的口感, 所以以後不會再購買.
The dumpling has fair amount of saltness. You don’t need to dip the soy sauce. The chicken filling is not dry. I personally don’t like the pickled cucumber texture in the filling. So, I will not purchase again.   

義美手工水餃- 瓜仔雞肉
價格: N/A
規格: 756g

I-Mei Dumpling- Pickled Cucumber & Chicken
Price: N/A



Tai Sugar Dumpling

我買的台糖水餃- 豬肉高麗菜,全部水餃一起放在包裝盒, 並沒有像灣仔是個別分開放, 台糖水餃個頭小, 很適合怕吃水餃會胖的人, 我吃台糖水餃需要加醬油, 皮有點薄, 因為價格便宜, 我偶而會買來吃.
I purchased Tai Sugar Dumpling – Pork Cabbage flavor. All dumplings are placed together instead of separate in the package, The size is small, which is suitable for people who only want to have a small bite.I need to add soy sauce while eating Tai Sugar Dumpling. The appearance is a bit thin. Since the price is cheap, I sometimes would buy this brand.

台糖水餃 – 豬肉高麗菜
價格: N/A
規格: 440g (約 15 顆水餃)

Tai Sugar Dumpling – Pork Cabbage
Price: N/A
Package:440g (approx. 15 units)



Ji-Di Dumpling -Pork and Cabbage

紅色包裝上面有 “手工水餃“四個字, 一層16 個微厚水餃皮, 共兩層. 我發現只要高麗菜豬肉內餡裡有加蔥, 我都不用再沾醬油, 我個人比較喜歡豬肉韭菜.
The red package has “hand-made dumpling” wording on the package. There are two layers- 16 pcs per layer. The pork and cabbage filling also has tiny amount of the green onion. I don’t need to dip into the soy sauce. However, I personally prefer pork and chive filling.

及第水餃 – 高麗菜豬肉
價格: N/A
規格: 800g (32 pcs)

Ji-Di Dumpling – Pork and Cabbage
Price: N/A
Package: 800g (32 pcs)


韓國 Buldak 煎餃  

Korea Buldak Grilled Dumpling- Spicy Chicken

朋友本身就很喜歡吃韓國食物, 在全聯看到這個火辣雞風味辣餃子, 感謝朋友煎給我們吃! 不太吃辣的我吃一口後, 覺得超級辣, 這應該就是所謂的中大辣了!
My friend loves Korean food. She right away purchased this Korean brand spicy chicken grilled dumpling. Thanks to my friend to let me try out this spicy food. As a person who only eats mild spicy, this item is way too spicy for me.

韓國 Buldak 煎餃 – 火辣雞風味辣餃子
價格: N/A (不便宜)
規格: 660g

Korean brand Buldak Grill dumpling – Spicy Chicken
Price: N/A (Not Cheap)



PX Mart Shopping -Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item


Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Tofu

全聯美味堂滷味系列裡, 我個人最愛吃爆汁豆干切, 光是看豆干切面就知道會爆汁, 適量鹹與微辣, 推薦買!
Meiwei Tang Brand Braised tofu at PX Mart is my favorite braised item.  You can taste its high juicy level at the first bite. It has fair amount of salty level and hints of spicy. I definitely recommend it. 

美味堂滷味 -豆干
價格: N/A
規格: 200g

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item -Tofu
Price: N/A
Package: 200g



Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Seaweed

全聯的美味堂滷味不錯吃, 我已經很久沒有看到滷海帶, 該不會是 Level 3 常缺貨吧?! 不確定未來還會不會有這個品項. 熱吃與冷吃都很適合. 我一人可以吃完ㄧ盒.
Meiwei Tang Brand Braised seaweed at PX Mart is quite delicious. However, I haven’t see this item on the shelf since Level 3. You can eat it cold or hot. I can finish one box by myself.

美味堂滷味 – 海帶
價格: N/A
規格: 150g

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Seaweed
Price: N/A
Package: 150g



Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Pig Ears

這款滷味的全名是豬耳頭皮絲, 所以沒有辦法像熱炒店老闆會問你是要 “豬耳朵部位” 還是 “豬頭皮”. 這一款我都分兩天吃, 一天吃完負擔有點大, 卡路里有點高, 但是我還是喜歡買來吃!
The completed item name is braised pig ears and pig scalps. So, if you don’t eat both parts, it would be better to skip this.I would divide the quantity into two days. After all, the calories are a bit high. But I still like this braised item.  

美味堂滷味 -豬耳朵
價格: N/A
規格: 130 g

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item -pig ear
Price: N/A
Package: 130 g



Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Beef Tripe

美味堂牛肚蠻受歡迎,以冷藏食物標準來說, 我個人覺得美味堂牛肚還行, 只是我並不是每次看都會買.
Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Beef Tripe is above average considering it is refrigerated items instead of restaurants. However, I don’t purchase it every time I see it though.

價格: N/A
規格: 100g

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Beef Tripe
Price: N/A


美味堂 – 椒麻滷牛筋 

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item –  Beef Tendon 
椒麻滷牛筋要冷藏, 但是吃需要加熱, 冷著吃會太硬. 這一道很適合煮牛肉麵配 (如果自己不會滷牛筋), 吃起來不會太辣, 還是要注意牛筋並沒有滷得非常軟爛
This appetizer need to be refrigerated. It would be too hard just to eat it in refrigerated condition. This appetizer is suitable for Beef Noodle (if you don’t know how to braise the tendon). It is not too spicy. But still, the tendon is not braised too tender though. 

美味堂 – 椒麻滷牛筋
價格: N/A
規格: 120g

Meiwei Tang Brand Braised Item – Beef Tendon
Price: N/A



Marinated Wheat Gluten

鼎泰豐的烤麩是 NTD $90. 美味堂紅燒烤麩原價是 NTD $89, 份量比鼎泰豐多 1/4 吧. 真空包裝可能是因為怕醬汁外漏, 烤麩沒有美味堂自家爆汁豆干好吃, 豆子也偏軟, 我還是會選擇去鼎泰豐吃烤麩. 
Marinated Wheat Gluten at Din Tai Fung is NTD $90. The original price of this PX mart new product is NTD $89. Promotional price is NTD $89. The quantity is about 1/4 more than Din Tai Fung. The vacuumed packaging prevents the sauce from dripping out. The gluten is not as delicious as their own tofu. The beans are a bit softer than expected. I will still go to Din Tai Fung to eat this particular marinated wheat gluten.

價格: 特價 $79 (原價 NTD $89)
規格: N/A

Marinated Wheat Gluten
Price: Promotional Price NTD $79. Original Price NTD $89
Package: N/A



PX Mart Shopping – Wonton


Wenfu Wonton

有人提到腥味很重, 我個人覺得還ok , 也許是因爲我有吃過更重口味的豚骨拉麵湯頭, 如果有人可以分享, 建議買來吃.
Some people said that the pork filling flavor/aroma is too strong. Since I tasted strong pork flavor broth ramen before, I personally think that it smells only average. I would suggest to share.

價格: N/A
規格: 300g (約 20 顆)
Wenfu Wonton
Price: N/A
Package: 300g (約20顆)



Laurel Brand Wonton

夏天吃餛飩湯有點熱, 可能比較適合冬天吃吧. 濃縮高湯包與調味包很特別, 應該也可以下白麵做成雲吞麵.  鮮肉雲吞很大顆, 整體吃起來算普通, 只是我記得不太便宜, 我個人比較喜歡里港文富餛飩.
It is a bit hot to eat Wonton “soup” during summer time. Maybe it is more suitable for winter time. You can also make this dish into Wonton Noodle with Soup. The condensed broth and seasoning is quite special. However, it tastes average. And I remember that the price is bit high. I still prefer Wenfu Wonton.

價格: N/A
規格: 12pcs /Box

Laurel Brand Wonton
Price: N/A
Package: 12pcs/box



PX Mart Shopping – Dry Noodle


Midnight Diner Noodle – Shallot & Spicy

我本來就很愛關廟麵, 麵與醬也有塑膠盒包裝不怕碰撞, 比較特別的是油蔥頭是獨立一包, 而且量蠻多, 風味十足, 搭配的椒麻也不錯! 推薦愛吃油蔥風味的人品嚐 
I personally like thick noodle. There are also protection, which is the plastic box package, on the noodle and sauce.  The most special part would be shallot pieces are in one bag. It brings fair amount of shallot flavor. The spicy sauce is quite good too. I would recommend for people who like shallot flavor.

深夜食堂拌麵 – 油蔥椒麻
價格: N/A
規格: 4包/1袋

Midnight Diner Noodle – Shallot & Spicy
Price: N/A
Package: 4 bags / package



Bullhead Brand Noodle – Spicy with pepper

牛頭牌乾拌麵 – 勁辣椒麻 調味當然有牛頭牌沙茶醬, 比較水一些, 方便淋在麵上, 椒麻辣油也ok. 也許是因為沙茶醬風味偏重, 導致麻味並沒有很明顯. 
It of course comes with the signature Bullhead BBQ Sauce ( Sha-Cha ). It is easy to pour on the noodle. The spice oil tastes okey. However, maybe because the Sha-Cha has fair amount of flavor. It covers some of the spicy stimulation. 

牛頭牌乾拌麵 – 勁辣椒麻
價格: N/A
規格: 4入

Bullhead Brand Noodle – Spicy with pepper
Price: N/A
Package: 4 Units/bag


老媽拌麵 – 蔥香椒麻

Lao-Ma Noodle – Scallion Oil with Sichuan Pepper

一個包裝只有3 包, 蔥油確實很香, 小包調味料有個缺點, 將蔥油倒出後, 會剩下一些類似沙茶型態的醬油, 四川花椒不會過辣, 整體不錯吃, 只是我還是比較喜歡曾拌麵的香蔥椒麻😅
There are only three units in one package. The scallion oil aroma and flavor are quite tasty. However, there is a tiny foul on the small bag. It is not easy to pour out all the sauce mixing with oils. The Sichuan pepper is not too spicy. Overall, it is tasty. I still prefer Tseng Noodle. 

老媽拌麵 – 蔥香椒麻
價格: N/A
規格: 3包/袋

Lao-Ma Noodle – Scallion Oil with Sichuan Pepper
Price: N/A
Package: 3 Units/Package



Dajian Noodle-Shallot Sauce

大甲乾麵的麵是家常麵, 包裝上寫煮四分鐘, 我煮兩分鐘而已, 我比較喜歡有硬度的麵. 包裝缺點是沒有像曾拌麵的塑膠托盤, 油蔥醬份量足夠可以拌麵, 有入味不會過鹹, 整體 so so, 應該不會回購.
Dajian Noodle is quite famous at Taiwan. The noodle itself is regular size instead of Guanmiao Noodle. The downside of the package is without the plastic tray to protect the noodle. The package stated cooking for 4 minutes. But, I only cook 2 minutes since I like the noodle with a bit hard texture. It is not too salty but flavorful. Overall, it is so so. I probably won’t re-purchase.

價格: N/A
規格: 4包/袋 ; 110g/包

Dajian Noodle-Shallot Sauce
Price: N/A
Package: 4 bags/bag ; 110g/bag



PX Mart Shopping – Egg


Umec Brand Egg (Selected/Deluxe)

台農萃選白蛋大概是我最常買的蛋. 都放在冷藏櫃裡, 蛋 Size 大小適中, 盒子算堅固, 不會輕易被我扯破之類.
This brand of egg is on my regular shopping list. it is store at refrigerator display. The size is medium. The box is in better condition.

價格: N/A
規格: 10pcs / 盒

Umec Brand Egg (Selected/Deluxe)
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs /box


Chuanguo Brand Colored Shell Egg

川果紅殼蛋也只是我好奇買的. 我有拿來做 Omelet (aka 蛋捲) , 其貌不揚就不貼出來, 吃起來蛋香是比較香, 吃白煮蛋的時候發現蛋殼有比較厚, 比較好剝. 但是我煎蛋捲的比例真得太低, 可能哪天心血來潮會再買來做豪華型早餐吧.
I purchased this brand out of curiosity. I used the eggs to make the omelet (ya, it is too ugly to show). The overall eggy aroma is pleasant. The egg shell itself is a bit thick, so it is easy to peel off. However, I rarely make omelet though. I might purchase next time when I feel like making deluxe breakfast. Haha.

價格: N/A
規格:10 pcs/ Box

Chuanguo Brand Colored Shell Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs / Box /box



Umec Brand Egg

台農洗選蛋Size小, 通常也是最便宜, 在 Level 3 , 補貨最快的也是台農洗選蛋, 缺點有一個 – 外盒不好開, 常會被我弄壞. 所以我幾乎都是選別款品牌.
The size of Umec Brand egg is small. And it is usually the cheapest. During level, Umec Egg is probably the only brand on the shelf. However, the package is not easy to open.So, I usually select other brands.

價格: N/A
規格: 10顆

Umec Brand Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 units



Mu-Gon Brand Egg

我到要寫這篇的時候才知道原來木崗品牌的蛋是味全. 好吧, 只能跟自己說, 不知者無罪.比較特別的是每顆蛋都有印上“有效期限”, 我以為只有整箱散蛋才會這樣做, 下次可能不會買吧, 因為是味全, 而且也沒多便宜 …..
I have no idea Mu-Gon brand belongs to Wei Chuan Foods Corporation, which has scandals regarding food industry. Their egg has expiration date on the egg appearance. I might not purchase next time since the brand belongs to Wei Chuan Corp.

價格: N/A
規格: 10 顆/盒

Mu-Gon Brand Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs / Box



Warm Jade Brand Egg

好像很多人都買暖玉紅心蛋來做 “水波蛋”.因為我自己在家裡都是吃全熟水煮蛋, 只有到餐廳才吃半熟蛋/水波蛋,買紅心蛋只是好奇, 但是其實沒啥感覺😂
Many people purchase this type of egg for soft-boiled egg. I always eat well-done boiled egg at home. I bought this egg out of curiosity. Honestly, I felt the same after tasting the eggs. Nothing changed. Haha.

價格: N/A
規格: 10 顆/盒

Warm Jade Brand Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs/box


Tai-Wu Mountain Farm Egg

上次跟朋友聊天, 她有提到她比較在意盒子上印的 “蛋有來歷, 檢驗合格“這些字, 因為蛋也是要給她的小孩吃, 天下父母心. 對成人來說, 吃起來差不多,太武山牧場蛋的蛋殼有點偏薄. 
I was chatting with my friend. She mentioned that she cared about the “Pass the Test” or pass other related tests. It turns out that the eggs are also for her kids. So, she selected foods carefully. However, for me, it tastes a bit the same. But, the egg shell is a bit thiner than expected.

價格: N/A
規格: 10 pcs/box

Tai-Wu Mountain Farm Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs/box



Ful-O-Pal Egg

我覺得現在還是不要買雞蛋吧, 吃便利商店的茶葉蛋比較好, 除了超市蛋價格比較高以外, 蛋的大小也令人擔憂, 你有注意到有一顆蛋高人一等嗎? 哈哈
I would NOT suggest to purchase eggs now. It is better to eat the 7-11 flavored egg. The main reason would be the egg price is high and the quality is not good as before. Did you notice that there is one egg taller/bigger than others?

價格: N/A
規格: 10顆/盒

Ful-O-Pal Egg
Price: N/A
Package: 10 Units/Box



PX Mart Shopping – Cookies

Ritz 起司餅乾 🔥

Ritz Cheese Cracker

Ritz 包裝很完善, 不會像有些餅乾會撞碎, 中間的起司也不會過鹹, 美味不變! 目前在我家是防疫零食等級.
Ritz Package is reserved well. The cracker itself won’t be easily broken. The Cheese filling is not too salty. It is still as delicious as always. 

Ritz 起司餅乾
價格: N/A
規格: 236 g
Pringles Chips
Price: N/A
Package: 236 g



在健康時刻餅乾系列裡, 我個人最愛也最推薦這款 “鮮蔥海苔”, 不會過於辛嗆, 蔥香多過於海苔風味, 好吃!
In this Kenji Cookie series, I definitely love and recommend this green onion flavor cookie. The overall is not too spicy. There are more green onion flavor than the seaweed flavor. Quite delicious!

Kenji 健康時刻餅乾 – 鮮蔥海苔
價格: N/A
規格: 6包/盒

Kenji Cookie – Green Onion Flavor with Seaweed
Price: N/A
Package: 6包/盒



Kenji Cookie – Milky Flavor

我個人的Kenji 餅乾喜好是 青蔥海苔 > 牛奶餅乾 > 原味. 沒辦法, 我就是台, 即使這款牛奶餅乾是用 100 % 紐西蘭奶粉做的.😂
My personal preference is Green Onion Seaweed > Milk Flavor > Original Flavor. I guess that I like Taiwanese green onion ingredient. This particular milk flavor is quite rich since it is made with 100% New Zealand powder.

Kenji 健康時刻餅乾 – 牛奶餅乾
價格: N/A
規格: 6包/盒

Kenji Cookie – Green Onion Flavor with Seaweed
Price: N/A
Package: 6包/盒


Kenji Cookie – Original Flavor

特價通常都是兩盒比較便宜, 天然酵母其實就是原味, 吃起來普通,可是也蠻便宜.
The price is cheap during promotion. The original flavor tastes average.

Kenji 健康時刻餅乾 – 天然酵母
價格: N/A
規格: 6包/盒

Kenji Cookie – Original Flavor
Price: N/A
Package: 6包/盒


自然主義餅乾 – Mini

Soda Cracker Cookie – Mini

其實我本來是要買大片的餅乾, 而不是 Mini Size. 這次買的口味是 “藜麥 x蓬萊米x 三星蔥 胡椒蔥蘇打餅“. 我個人不是很喜歡胡椒的味道, 我個人還是比較喜歡大片的奇亞籽鑽石鹽藍藻蔥餅.
I was going to purchase large cookie instead of mini size. This time, I purchased Quinoa & Rice & Sunshing scallion pepper cookie. I personally don’t like the pepper flavor. I still prefer the “Chia Seed & Spirulina & Green Onion” large size cookie.

自然主義餅乾 – Mini
價格: N/A
規格: 100g

Soda Cracker Cookie – Mini
Price: N/A
Package: 100g



Soda Cracker Cookie

那次特價時, 我買了兩個口味 – 奇亞籽鑽石鹽藍藻蔥餅 , 香草胡椒鑽石鹽蘇打餅, 口感偏脆, 不會軟, 風味與奇亞籽也很充足, 我個人比較喜歡有蔥味的餅乾, 有黑胡椒風味的餅乾我無法接受.
I purchased two flavors – Chia Seed & Spirulina & Green Onion ; Herbs & Black Pepper. The cookie texture is crisp instead of soft. It is flavorful and with enough chia seeds. I personal prefer green onion flavor. However, I don’t like the pepper flavor cookie though.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A (忘了 check)

Soda Cracker Cookie
Price: N/A
Package: N/A



PX Mart Shopping – Snack

Pringles 洋芋片🔥

Pringles Chips

全聯零食區架上最空的就是 Pringles 洋芋片! 我個人最喜歡原味與 sour cream. 你們呢??
I personally love the original flavor and sour cream flavor. What about you guys?

Pringles 洋芋片
價格: N/A
規格: 110 g
Pringles Chips
Price: N/A
Package: 110 g



PX Mart Shopping – Items


Charmy Magica Detergent

之前是用橘子品牌洗衣粉 ,可能是洗衣機比較舊, 洗衣粉比較不容易溶解. 想說順便換品牌用, 近期才改成日本獅王奈米樂洗. 買的原因是 MADE IN JAPAN. 還不錯用.
I used to purchase Orange Brand laundry powder. Due to the old washing machine, the powder is not easy is dissolve. So, I change to Charmy Magica Detergent brand since it is MADE IN JAPAN. It is quite useful.

價格: N/A
規格: 660g

Charmy Magica Detergent
Price: N/A
Package: 660g

舒潔 速效廚房紙巾🔥

Su Jay Kitchen Paper

在家煮早午晚餐的時間變多了, 有時候洗完肉需要瀝乾, 或是氣炸食物需要吸油, 我都是用舒潔速效廚房紙巾, 請記得選 “大小隨意撕”, 我都是撕成小張. 六串就可以用很久!
I cooked a lot since Level 3 these days. Sometimes, I need to dry the meats after washing. Or let the paper/tissue absorbs the oils from the fried foods. Honestly, you can use 6 rolls of Kitchen Paper for a LONG time.

舒潔 速效廚房紙巾-大小隨意撕
價格: N/A
規格: 108張x6捲/串

Su Jay Kitchen Paper
Price: N/A
Package: 108 pieces x 6 rolls



Radar Brand Electric Mosquito Repellent

夏天蚊子很多, 我住在 15 樓以上, 我只能說台灣蚊子飛真高, 我家居然有蚊子, 這款雷達液體電蚊香是松木精油香味, 我個人很喜歡木質系的精油味道 (例如檜木或松木 ) , 有時候睡前會先把這款電蚊香放在房間熏一下, 松木味道蠻舒服.
Taiwans has lots of mosquitos during Summer time. I live above 15+ floor. Surprisedly, I got mosquitos at home. I personally like the essential oil with pine aroma. So, sometimes, I would put this item in my room before sleeping. It smell quite nice.

雷達液體電蚊香 – 松木精油
價格: N/A
規格: 2 個補充瓶

Radar Brand Electric Mosquito Repellent
Price: N/A
Package: 2 small bottles



Dehumidifier Bag

我住在淡水 aka “很潮濕的河邊”, 家裡除了有除濕機外, 我也會在全聯或是 Momo 買克潮靈除濕袋放在衣櫥與櫃子. 右邊是掛在衣櫥, 左邊我是放在放抽屜, 我通常是三週換一次.
I live at Dansui, which is quite humid.  Besides dehumidifier, I also put the dehumidifier at the closet. The right hand side is for hanging in the closet. The left hand side is for the drawer. I usually change one time per three weeks.

價格: N/A
規格: 左邊是三包一袋, 掛式是兩包一袋

Dehumidifier Bag
Price: N/A
Package: The left hand side is 3 units per bag. The hang type is 2 units per bag.


垃圾袋 – 中型

Garbage Bag – Medium Size

菲力家族在全聯有賣大中小 size 粉紅垃圾袋, 這種生活用品我也很少在換牌子, 雖然垃圾袋質地不厚, 裝平常的垃圾撐得住不會擔心破.
Phili Family offers Large, Medium, Small Size pink color garbage bag.  I don’t change the brand though. Even though the texture is a bit thin, it can still held the light-weight garbage.  

菲力家族垃圾袋 – 中
價格: N/A
規格: 138 張

Orange: Phili Family Garbage Bag
Price: N/A
Package: 138 pieces



Orange House Dish Washing Liquid

其實我對洗碗精品牌沒有忠誠度, 護不護手其實沒有差別, 因為我都有帶手套洗碗.薰衣草香與綠茶香的洗碗精不買, 我買這牌只是因為味道還ok, 不會太突兀. 因為產品小 size, 比較適合小家庭.
I am not loyal to the dish washing liquid brand. And I always wear gloves while washing dishes. I don’t buy the dish wash product with lavender or green tea aroma. I purchase this brand because it smells pretty good. Since the package size is small, it is more suitable for small family.

價格: N/A
規格: 650ml

Orange House Dish Washing Liquid
Price: N/A


Combat 滅蟑🔥

Combat Roach Medicine 

其實我是放心安, 我住在比較高樓層, 加上重新裝潢, 已經很久沒看到蟑螂. 我通常都是買正在特價的 Combat 滅蟑
Honestly, I have not seen roaches in a while. I basically just purchase for the “in case” or “what if”.

Combat 滅蟑
價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Combat Roach Medicine
Price: N/A
Package: N/A


全聯美食 – 優格

PX Mart Shopping – Yogurt


Matthews Choice Yogurt

這個品牌大概是全聯優格裡最貴的. 有原味與蜂蜜兩種口味, 我都是買原味, 我個人覺得不錯吃! 早餐換優格, 我會推薦買一個來試試.
This brand is the most expensive among others. There are plain flavor and honey flavor. I purchase the plain flavor. You can eat yogurt as breakfast. I like it and would like to recommend it.

價格: N/A
規格: 450 公克

Matthews Choice Yogurt
Price: N/A
Package: 450g



Matthews Choice Yogurt

馬修精品優格在全聯有兩個口味, 原味與蜂蜜. 我幾乎都是買原味, 偶而想吃甜的才會買蜂蜜口味. 馬修蜂蜜優格並不是像市面上需要自己再倒蜂蜜進去, 蜂蜜已經與優格融合. 所以每一口都是龍眼蜂蜜風味,  而且不會過甜.
There are two flavors of Matthews Choice Yogurt – Original and Honey. Most of the time, I purchase original flavor. If I want to taste some sweetness, I will purchase the honey flavor. In the market, you would need to pour the honey into the yogurt. However, Matthews yogurt is already blended with honey prior packaging. So, every bite/taste has fair amount of honey flavor. It is not too sweet.

馬修精品優格 – 蜂蜜
價格: N/A
規格: 450g

Matthews Choice Yogurt – Honey
Price: N/A



Matthew’s Choice Yogurt Drink

這次馬修嚴選品牌在全聯獨賣「 220g 優格飲 」, 有藍莓牛奶優格飲與蘋果百香優格飲. 看起來兩層顏色, 拿起來搖10 秒 , 讓沈澱於罐底的果漿與混合在一起, 微濃稠又不會太甜, 推薦回購.
This time, Matthew’s Choice has specific item – 220g Yogurt Milk selling at PX Mart.  There are blueberry milk yogurt drink and apple passion fruit yogurt drink. The drink looks like two layers of colors. Shake it for 10 seconds to even the fruit essence and milk.

價格: NTD $85 👉有時候有特價!
規格: 220g

Matthew’s Choice Yogurt Drink
Price: NTD $85 👉 Sometimes, there is promotion!
Package: 220g



Taiwan Dairy Farm Yogurt

想說換一個優格品牌吃看看. 六甲田莊原味優格的膜很難開, 裡面的優格會因為太用力而溢出來, 因為優格表層都蠻水. 六甲田莊吃起來沒有希臘優格味, 有一點像馬修優格, 整體我還是比較喜歡馬修優格, 奶香比較醇厚.
It is not easy to open Taiwan Dairy Farm brand Yogurt. The overall texture has small of liquid on the appearance. It tastes a bit similar with Matthews Choice Yogurt. However, I still prefer Matthews because the milky flavor is thicker.

價格: N/A
規格: 400g

Taiwan Dairy Farm Yogurt
Price: N/A
Package: 400g



Fresh Delight Premium Yogurt

左邊淺藍色包裝的希臘式優格不錯吃, 感覺有一些蜂蜜風味, 當然沒有馬修好吃. 右邊的深藍色福樂希臘式優格沒有加糖, 吃起來太怪而且像不好吃的起司, 對我來說是個雷
The light blue package is pretty good with honey flavor. However, it is not as good as Mathew’s. The dark blue package on the right side doesn’t have any sugar. So, it taste like bad cheese, which is awful.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Fresh Delight Premium Yogurt
Price: N/A
Package: N/A



PX Mart Shopping – Instant Noodle


Chilli Beef Flavor instant Noodles

我今天要寫才專心地看滿漢大餐的牛肉來源, 有澳洲, 紐西蘭與巴拉圭. 哈哈 ~ 巴拉圭ㄟ! 超有趣. 我個人是覺得滿漢大餐品牌泡麵都不錯吃, 推薦買珍味與蔥燒, 我至今沒買過豬肉與麻辣牛肉口味. 
I just noticed the origin of the beefs from the ramen. The origins include Australia, New Zealand and Paraguay. Interesting…. Paraguay. I personally consider this particular Tongyi brand ramens are yummy. However, I haven’t tried the pork nor the spicy beef flavor though.

價格: N/A
規格: 192g

Tonyi Chilli Beef Flavor instant Noodles
Price: N/A
Package: 192g



TTL Shaoxing Wine Flavor Chicken instant noodles

台灣菸酒泡麵很受歡迎, 將花雕酒加進泡麵很不錯吃. 花雕酒讓整個湯底成為更多層次,不再只有死鹹 ,喝過的人大部分都會給蠻高的評分. 我推薦這款泡麵!
TTL Ramen Shaoxing Wine Flavor Chicken instant noodles is very famous. Pouring Shaoxing into the instant noodle is quite interesting and yummy. It is not too salty. Most people like the taste. I definitely would recommend this ramen.

延伸閱讀: 台酒花雕雞泡麵 TTL Ramen | 台灣十大泡麵

價格: N/A
規格: 200g

TTL Shaoxing Wine Flavor Chicken instant noodles
Price: N/A
Package: 200g


TTL Sesame Oil Flavor Chicken instant noodles

麻油雞泡麵是我台酒泡麵的第二順位, 冬天我會特別想吃這款泡麵.
Sesame Oil Flavor Chicken is my 2nd option. I always want to eat this ramen during winters.

延伸閱讀: 台酒花雕雞泡麵 TTL Ramen | 台灣十大泡麵

價格: N/A
規格: 200g

TTL Sesame Oil Flavor Chicken  instant noodles
Price: N/A
Package: 200g


黑辛拉麵  ( 豆腐泡菜口味 )

Shin Black Ramen – Korean Tofu Pickled Cabbage Flavor

全聯沒有賣單純牛肉湯風味的 Shin Black, 只有這一款豆腐泡菜口味的黑辛拉麵, 吃起來So So,個人喜好問題, 我還是比較喜歡之前牛肉湯風味的黑辛拉麵 (Shin Black).
PX Mart no longer sell the simply Beef Broth Shin Black Ramen. Now, they only offer this flavor – Korean Tofu Pickled Cabbage Flavor. It tastes so so (truly subjective). I still prefer the Shin Black Ramen -Beef Flavor

豆腐泡菜口味的黑辛拉麵 Shin Black
價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Shin Black Ramen – Korean Tofu Pickled Cabbage Flavor
Price: N/A
Package: N/A







PX Mart Shopping – Coffee

Cama 濾掛咖啡🔥

Cama Drip Bag Coffee

Cama 濾掛咖啡在全聯有三種- 淺焙 (清爽花香) & 中焙 (經典), . 我個人是喜歡中焙 (金色包裝), 因爲喜歡剛泡好的適量堅果香氣, 咖啡冷掉也不會過苦, 我都是特價的時候去買, 沒特價的時候偏貴.
There are three types of drip bag coffee – light roasted (silver package) & medium roasted (golden package) . I personally like the medium roasted (golden package). It has fair amount of nutty flavor when finished making. Even when it is cold, it won’t be bitter. I usually purchase when it is on promotion. Or else, it is a bit expensive at its regular price.

Cama 濾掛咖啡
價格: N/A
規格: 8g x 8包
Cama Drip Bag Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: 8 g x 8 bags



OKLAO Panama Geisha Drip Coffee

朋友很好心跟我 Share 她在全聯買的濾掛咖啡, 單品咖啡豆來自巴拿馬產地, 藝伎咖啡本來就比高級, 酸度明顯, 蠻好喝, 我之後會再去看多少錢再決定要不要買.
My friend purchased the Panama Geisha Drip Coffee at PX Mart. The single origin coffee bean is from Panama. Geisha Coffee is meant to be more high class. The acidity is quite obvious, which tastes pretty good. I will check the price before purchasing at PX Mart.

OKLAO 巴拿馬精品咖啡
價格: N/A
規格: 10包/盒 (10g per bag)

OKLAO Panama Geisha Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package:10 bags/box (10g per bag)




Pu-Lo Coffee

那時因為 CAMA 沒有貨, 所以選擇這款咖啡, 每個包裝很難撕開, 咖啡不是我喜歡的類型, 非常地苦, 我個人不推.
Because CAMA doesn’t have any coffee on the shelf, so, I pick this coffee brand. Each package is difficult to open. This coffee is not my preference. It is very bitter. I don’t recommend it.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Pu-Lo Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: N/A



Nescafe Gold Drip Coffee

這款是 2020/2021 咖啡濾掛新產品. 雀巢金牌 100% 阿拉比卡中焙濾掛咖啡喝起來只有微弱的堅果香, 溫度降低後偏苦, 中規中矩, 應該算是我的全聯濾掛咖啡第二順位.
This is Nescafe’s new product – 100 % medium roasted Arabica coffee. Drip Coffee. It only has small amount of nutty flavor. When the temperature drops lower, the flavor becomes bitter. It tastes average. It is probably my 2nd favorite drip coffee at PX Mart.

價格: N/A
規格: 8g x 10 bags

Nescafe Gold Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: 8g x 10 bags


UCC 炭燒濾掛咖啡

UCC Charcoal Roasted Drip Coffee

UCC 職人系列的炭燒咖啡是混合咖啡豆, 咖啡香氣十足, 已經將近濃香的程度, 中等苦, 可是沒有我喜歡堅果香. 整體平均價格是最便宜.
UCC Charcoal Roasted Drip Coffee content are mixed coffee beans from all round the world. There are lots of thick coffee aroma but with mild bitter. However, there isn’t any nutty flavor that I preferred. The average price is cheapest.

UCC 職人系列炭燒濾掛咖啡
價格: N/A
規格: 8g x 12 bags

UCC Charcoal Roasted Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: 8g x 12 bags


UCC 經典濾掛咖啡

UCC Classic Blend Drip Coffee

UCC 職人系列的經典咖啡是混合咖啡豆, 酸度微弱, 適量咖啡香氣, UCC 濾掛咖啡平均價格是便宜.

UCC Classic Drip Coffee is blended coffee beans. The acidity is quite low. There are fair amount of coffee flavor. The average price is quite cheap.

UCC 職人系列經典濾掛咖啡
價格: N/A
規格: 8g x 12 bags

UCC Classic Blend Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: 8g x 12 bags


Mocca 濾掛咖啡

Mocca Colombia Drip Coffee

摩卡哥倫比亞裡的濾掛咖啡包裝不好撕 (見圖), 要特別小心. 因為我都是用馬克杯, 每次加的水量幾乎都一樣, 每一包重量為 10g , 比 Cama 品牌濾掛多一些, 所以喝起來是偏苦偏重, 喝不太出來中焙的堅果香.
Mocca Colombia Drip Coffee package is not easy to tear (see pic). You need to be extra careful. Since I always use the mug, I basically use the same amount of water for all the drip coffee. Each bag is 10g, which is more than Cama Drip Coffee. So, the overall taste is quite bitter and heavy. I couldn’t taste the nutty flavor from the medium-roasted coffee.

價格: N/A
規格: 10g x 10包

Mocca Colombia Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package:10g x 10 bags



One Fresh Cup Drip Coffee

全聯有賣 “鮮一杯品牌“藍山風味濾掛咖啡和曼巴風味濾掛咖啡.我今天才發現鮮一杯濾掛咖啡外盒包裝上面有標 oz 與公克, 通常是要出口到國外才會有這種包裝.😂我個人還是比較喜歡 Cama. 鮮一杯比較不是我喜歡的 Style, 因為比較沒有堅果香.
One Fresh Cup brand offers Blue Mountain Blend Drip Coffee and Mandheling & Brazil Drip Coffee. I just realized that they have both oz and gram on the bag.  I would still prefer Cama brand though.

價格: N/A
規格: 9g x 8 bags

One Fresh Cup Drip Coffee
Price: N/A
Package: 9g x 8 bags


全聯美食 – 其他

PX Mart Shopping – Others

毛豆 🔥


需冷藏, 份量夠兩個人吃, 毛豆吃起來調味頗夠, 雖然寫著黑胡椒, 吃起來並不會過辣, 辛香度夠, 我個人蠻喜歡, 會再回購.
It needs to be refrigerated. The edamame tastes quite great considering it is marinated with black pepper. It is not too spicy. I like it and will repurchase it in the future.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Price: N/A
Package: N/A


萬歲牌杏仁果 🔥

Viva Brand – Almonds

我有試過其他品牌的杏仁果都不是很愛. 我是在早餐吃馬修優格搭配堅果吃, 一罐我大概可以吃2個月. 萬歲牌薄鹽杏仁果吃起來不會太鹹, 也不會太苦或是過硬, 我個人最愛打開罐子時的聞到的堅果香.
I don’t like other brands. I used to pair almonds with yogurt or salad. I can finish one package within two months. The texture is not hard. It is not too salty nor bitter. It is quite delicious. I also like the nutty aroma.

萬歲牌- 薄鹽杏仁果
價格: N/A
規格: 380 公克

Viva Brand – Almonds
Price: N/A
Package: 380g


桂冠花生湯圓 🔥

Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball with Peanut Filling

桂冠品牌的湯圓應該是壟斷市場了吧?!美國華人也很愛吃桂冠湯圓. 我回來台灣後, 有時候挫冰我會加小湯圓 , 婚禮也喜歡吃炸小湯圓. 因為湯圓可以凍起來, 有時全聯特價我會買兩盒回家慢慢吃. 我從小到大最喜歡花生湯圓. 超推薦
Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball is definitely the world-wide famous. Asians in USA also like Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball. After getting back from USA, I ordered small rice ball for shaved ice. And I also like the fried rice ball during wedding dinner. I love the peanut filling and definitely recommend it.

價格: N/A
規格:10 pcs/ Box

Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball with Peanut Filling
Price: N/A
Package: 10 pcs / Box


綠野農莊雞肉 🔥

Green Grange Chicken

我都是買“綠野農莊”品牌的雞棒腿切塊. 其他品牌雞肉都買過, 都是雞腿肉, 其他品牌煮出來都吃起來偏乾, 只有綠野農莊比較好吃! 我個人蠻推薦這個品牌.
I always purchase Green Grange Chicken Thigh meat. I bought other brands, but the taste outcomes are too dry. Only Green Grange Chicken is worth buying.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Green Grange Chicken
Price: N/A
Package: N/A


十全鰹昆味噌 🔥

Japanese Miso (Blue Package)

全聯的日本味噌選項沒有太多, 我有買過圖片裡的三款日本味噌,我後來固定會買 “十全菊鶴鰹昆味噌” (圖一藍色包裝), 因為 Size 比較小, 適合一人或小家庭. 有適量鰹魚鮮味, 不會過鹹, 我會用來煮烏龍麵或是鮭魚味噌湯.
There aren’t many miso selections at PX Mart. I basically purchased three types of miso (see the following pic). After trying all three miso, I decide to use the blue package (picture 1) . The main reason is that the size is small. There are fair amount umami from the fish, which is similar with hondashi. Overall, it is not too salty. I use the miso for soup or udon.

價格: N/A
規格: 300g

Miso (Blue Package)
Price: N/A



Chili Blueberry

我通常都會買來自任何國家的藍莓搭配優格吃, 可惜進貨數量不多, 並不是每次去都有.
I usually pair the yogurt with blueberry from any country. But you probably won’t see it every time while shopping.

Chili Blueberry
價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Chili Blueberry
Price: N/A
Package: N/A



Tofu (Made with Non-GMO soybean)

很多人稱這款為豆腐界的LV, 普通中華豆腐一盒約 13 元 , 這款膳食家品牌的水豆腐 Size 較大, 26 元, 法國非基改大豆當然比較貴可理解.當初我看到 “水豆腐”三個字還不太確定意思, 後來聽別人解釋水豆腐 = 板豆腐 , 很適合滷或是煎炒豆腐料理, 例如紅燒板豆腐. 我個人推薦買!
The regular tofu is NTD $13/per box. This particular tofu brand is larger with the price of NTD $26. I can understand the higher price due to the non-GMO. This hard texture type of tofu is suitable for braising or stir-fried / pan-fried. It is quite delicious. I would definitely recommend it.

價格: N/A
規格: 100g 左右

Tofu (Made with Non-GMO soybean)
Price: N/A
Package: 100 g



ODS Brand Soy Sauce

之前這款黑豆桑醬油買一送一活動造成轟動, 我也去買了一紅一黑. 黑色是拌炒用, 紅色則是紅燒與滷肉用. 我個人蠻喜歡黑豆桑, 成分單純, 沒有濃郁化學味道, 後來才知道原來是用非基因改造黃豆與靜置釀發酵, 而不是化學速成法.
PX Mart has buy one get one free promotion on this particular brand – ODS brand. So, I went to purchase one of each color (red and black). Black label is for stir-fried. Red label is for braised process. I like this brand since the ingredients are simple without chemical smell. They use Non-GMO soy bean.

價格: N/A
規格: 500ml

ODS Brand Soy Sauce
Price: N/A



Jen Jen Brand Cod Meatball

比起花枝丸, 我個人比較喜歡珍珍牌鱈魚丸, 吃起來較為細緻微軟, 也有適量海鮮風味, 不錯吃, Size 比較小, 很適合煮火鍋. 
Comparing with Squid meatball, I would prefer the Cod meatball. The texture is more smooth and delicate. It also has fair amount of seafood flavor. It is yummy. Since the size is small, it is suitable for cooking the hot pot.

價格: N/A
規格: 200g

Jen Jen Brand Cod Meatball
Price: N/A
Package: 200g



Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball with Double Peanut Sauce Filling

可能因為我很少吃 Nutella 花生醬, 我覺得這款湯圓好甜, . 平常有在吃花生醬的人應該會愛. 口感確實是有顆粒感.
Maybe because I rarely eat Nutella peanut butter sauce, I found this rice ball is extremely sweet. But it sure has grainy texture.

桂冠”雙醬” 花生湯圓
價格: N/A
規格: 10 顆/盒

Laurel Brand Glutinous Rice Ball with Double Peanut Sauce Filling
Price: N/A
Package: 10 units/box



Jen Jen Brand Squid Meatball

Costco 也有賣珍珍品牌花枝丸, 只是那是 2kg 包裝, 全聯賣的是 200g. 不含硼砂已經是現代人對丸類的要求.我相信網路上說珍珍花枝丸的花枝比例是 40.2 %, 因為我幾乎每一個都吃得到花枝塊, 口感比較扎實, 可是我個人還是比較細緻一點的花枝丸.
Costco also offers Jen Jen Brand Squid meatball, but with 2kg package. PX Mart offers 200g package. I believe the website saying that the percentage of squid meat is 40.2%. I can taste the squid meat almost in every bite. The overall texture is dense. I would prefer a soft texture Squid Meatball though.

價格: N/A
規格: 200g

Jen Jen Brand Squid Meatball
Price: N/A



Tomax Self-Grind Black Pepper / Rose Salt 

之前是用味好美, 想說換一牌(小磨坊) 看看.玫瑰鹽我是覺得跟味好美差不多, 完整的黑胡椒粒是比味好美香. BUT,小磨坊自磨過程並沒有很順手, 沒有像味好美的手感穩, 我很怕小磨坊自磨完可能就報銷了.
I used McCormick brand before. I would like to try another brand. Tomax rose salt doesnt seem to be different from McCormick. But Tomax whole black pepper smells much better than McCormick. But, the grinder process is not smooth. I am afraid that the grinder might damaged after I uses all spices.

價格: N/A
規格: 78g

Tomax Self-Grind Black Pepper / Rose Salt
Price: N/A
Package: 78g



O’Long Sugar Free Black Soybean Soy Sauce

這款產品教會我一件事, 沒用過的產品還是別在 “買一送一”的時候衝動地買. 並不是這款醬油不好, 畢竟薄鹽又甘醇, 只是我個人沒辦法接受黑豆壺底醬汁的“味道”, 我還真不知道該如何形容那個味道.😅 我個人還是選擇黑豆桑.
This product teach me on thing – do not purchase the products during Buy One Get One Free promotion. I honestly don’t like the smell, but I seriously don’t know how to describe it. It is just personal preference. I will still choose ODS Brand Soy Sauce.

價格: N/A
規格: 400ml

O’Long Sugar Free Black Soybean Soy Sauce
Price: N/A



Sesame oil mixed with Soy Bean oil

成分是寫有白芝麻油與大豆油 ,是調和油 整體上來說是很香, 沒有油耗味.
The ingredients include white sesame oil mixed with soy bean oil. The overall smell is quite good.

價格: N/A
規格: 250ml

Sesame oil mixed with Soy Bean oil
Price: N/A
Package: 250ml



Tofu – Every Brand

大漢豆腐與中華豆腐都是 NTD $13/盒 左右, 我個人是比較喜歡中華豆腐品牌.
Zhonghwa Tofu and Da’han Tofu price are NTD $13/package. I personally prefer Zhonghwa brand Tofu.

價格: N/A
規格: N/A

Zhonghwa Tofu
Da’han Tofu
Price: N/A
Package: N/A


Taiyen Bio Salt- Less Sodium

平常用的鹽我都是用台鹽生技, 這款粉紅色包裝是美味含碘鹽, 減鈉 -30 %. 另外一款綠色包裝是減鈉 -50 %, 比較沒有鹹味. 我沒有偏好, 只是看架上有哪款保存期限日期比較久就買那一款.
I always use Taiyen Bio brand salt. There are two types of salt – pink package (-30% sodium) and green package (-50% sodium). I don’t have preference which type. I basically just check the expiration date to decide.

價格: N/A
規格: 300g

Taiyen Bio Salt – Less Sodium
Price: N/A
Package: 300g



Duck Meatball

丸師傅的鴨肉貢丸並不是放在冷凍櫃, 而是在冷藏展示櫃. 鴨肉的肉味偏重, 如果放在火鍋煮可能會蓋過其他食物的味道. 另一個缺點是保存期限過短. 之後才知道有嘉楠與海瑞兩大貢丸品牌 😅.
Duck Meatball package is not stored at the freezer. It is placed at the refrigerated display. The meat smell is a bit too strong. If you cook this meatball at the hot pot, the smell might cover other foods. However, the expiration days are too short.

丸師傅 – 鴨肉貢丸
價格: N/A
規格: 250g

Duck Meatball
Price: N/A
Package: 250g



