Longyue Restaurant Taipei 》 朧粵菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

Last Updated on 2024-09-28 by Foodelicious

(2024. 9 更新) 朧粵中餐廳 Longyue大直美食餐廳,  是春大直 2F 美食餐廳之一,  餐廳團隊裡有米其林主廚簡師傅 與其團隊, 準備,  成為頂級台北粵菜餐廳之一. 二訪後, 我有撰寫 朧粵菜單推薦排行榜, 內容有經典粵菜與港式點心,
(2024. 9 Update) There are several Michelin chefs at Longyue Cantonese Restaurant. You can taste classic Cantonese cuisines and Dim Sum at Longyue menu. After several visits, I edited an Longyue Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List.


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前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐

每次都是超過 8 人聚餐, 因此吃過的菜餚幾乎沒有重複, 我決定將我吃過的菜餚整理成「 朧粵菜單推薦精選排行榜⠀」, 請記得

✅ 中午午餐時間才有港式點心
✅ 有些菜餚是需要預訂並沒有在菜單
✅ 有些菜餚是季節性且時價

Every time, we have more than 8 people to dine together. Most dishes are not repeated. Therefore, I decide to edit a「 Longyue Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List 」Please note that

✅ Only Lunch Time offers Cantonese Dim Sum
✅ Some dishes need to be reserved and not on the menu.
✅ Some dishes are seasonal and price may be vary

延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide



朧粵 Longyue 訂位

Longyue Reservation

朧粵中餐廳離劍南路捷運站3號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 直接穿過美麗華到樂群三路, 往 “RAW” 與 “Taïrroir 態芮“ 的方向抵達春大直後, 朧粵 Longyue 位於春大直二樓, 朧粵訂位採 inline ( https://reurl.cc/02LVYK ) , 請注意網路訂位是以四位客人為最低人數, 如果需訂低於四人的座位, 建議直接打電話詢問 ( 02-8502-5522 ).
Longyue restaurant is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance near No. 3 Exit of Jiannan Road MRT station. You would need to walk toward “RAW” and “Taïrroir” direction. Longyue restaurant is located at Chun Place 2F. You would need to reserve via inline ( https://reurl.cc/02LVYK ). Please note that if you would like to reserve less than 4 people, you would need to call the restaurant to reserve (02-8502-5522)

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳



Longyue Parking

截圖裡看似有許多停車場, 平日用餐時, 朋友們提到他們是停路邊.
This picture shows that there are several parking lots near the restaurant. However, most of my friends park at the side of the road instead of parking lot during weekday lunch time.



Longyue Private Dining Room

朧粵有大包廂與小包廂, 大包廂比較特別是有獨立洗手間與沙發 (圖一), 包廂都是靠近窗戶, 而且可以合併, 低消資訊在 inline 頁面 ( https://reurl.cc/02LVYK ).
There are large private dining room and small private dining rooms. Large private dining room is quite special since they have their independent restroom and sofa (Pic 1). The minimum charge of the private dining room is at the inline page ( https://reurl.cc/02LVYK ).


台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


朧粵菜單推薦精選排行榜 ⭐

Longyue Restaurant Menu Dish Recommendation Rank List

我跟朋友們是吃平日中午時段, 請注意朧粵只有中午有提供港式點心. 有單點/午間套餐/全日套餐的選擇 (以下連結). 我是當天唯一初訪的人, 其他人至少來過一次, 我們六人沒有點烤鴨, 反而是點粵菜與港式點心 . 我以我喜歡的菜餚順序來寫.
My friends and I dine during weekday lunch time. Please note that Longyue restaurant only offer dim sum during lunch time. There are many set and dish options as well (see the down below link). I am the only one that visit for the first time. Other friends have been here at least once. We six people didn’t order roasted duck. Instead, we order classic cantonese cuisines and dim sums. I will start writing from my favorite dish.

2023. 5 月詳細菜單網站連結: https://reurl.cc/EpO8y1
2023. 5 Detailed Menu Website Link: https://reurl.cc/EpO8y1



Osmanthus Roasted Pigeon
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

深褐色外皮的焦脆 , 嫩且多汁美味皆到位, 餐廳說這一道可預訂單點, 我會推薦點.
The pigeon has a beautifully deep-brown crispy skin with tender and juicy meat. The flavor is on point. According to the restaurant, this dish is available for pre-order à la carte. Recommend this dish for sure.



Longyue Steamed Shrimp Dumpling
Price:  N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

朧粵港式點心是午間限定. 一籠 3 顆 NTD $360, 均價是 NTD $120/個. 我先是注意到晶瑩剔透的蝦餃皮, 不僅薄得可包覆住飽滿內餡, 聽朋友說, 朧粵蝦餃皮的折是也有講究 , 我當時心裡想 – 那不就跟 ”鼎泰豐小籠包“ 一樣嚴格. 內餡裡有蝦肉與台灣產豬肉, 豬肉的味道與內餡調味不會過重, 蝦賦予的海鮮風味讓這道蝦餃不錯吃, 讓我想起另一道不錯吃的 “頤宮 Le Palais” 蝦餃, 我個人則是推薦朧粵蝦餃.
Longyue Dim Sum is only offered during Lunch Time. Longyue Steamed Shrimp Dumpling price is NTD $360/3 pcs (NTD $120/each). My friend mentioned that the dumpling folding technique also has its own strict standard (Just like at “Din Tai Fung”). The dumpling filling includes shrimp meat and Taiwanese pork meat. The shrimp filling offers fair amount of seafood flavor to the tastebuds. It tastes similar with another yummy shrimp dumpling at “Le Palais”. I would recommend Longyue steamed shrimp dumpling.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2022 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2022 推薦美食排名

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀



Steamed Aged Mandarine Peel Beef Balls
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

朧粵餐廳只有在午餐時間提供港式點心, 我其實不會在台北港式點心餐廳點 “牛肉丸港式點心” ( 例如: “兄弟飯店港式飲茶” ) , 聽朋友說, 2023年5月朧粵餐廳菜單推出一些新點心, 陳皮牛肉球就是其中之一. 朧粵餐廳的牛肉丸口感不韌, 微彈牙, 陳皮多了些許香氣, 平衡牛肉濃郁的肉香, 遠比 “85 天地“ 的陳皮牛肉餅美味許多, 更具有港式風格. 我個人會推薦點.
Longyue restaurant only offers Cantonese Dim Sim during lunch. Honestly, I don’t order beef balls dim sim at Taipei Cantonese Restaurant (For example “ Brother’s Hotel Dim Sim” ). I heard that steamed aged mandarine peel beef balls dish is one of the new 2023 May dishes. Their meatball is quite tender along with the mandarine aroma. The mandarine flavor balances the thick meaty flavor. It is much more delicious than the Steamed aged Mandarine Peel beef dish at “85 TD Restaurant”. I would recommend you to order one dish.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Dim Sum 》 兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳有經典推車! ( 內有菜單 )

延伸閱讀: 85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點



Rice with Abalone
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

朧粵餐廳的招牌飯類是魔鬼炒飯, 我上次在簡師傅的另一家粵式私廚 “聚苑 Ju Yuan“ 吃過. 這一道鮑魚撈飯是每人一小碗 (如圖) , 與印象中港式撈飯/撈麵不相同, 浸在濃稠鮑汁高湯裡的撈飯非常美味, 每一口飯皆吸收濃香的鮑汁高湯, 鮑魚口感嫩軟, 雖然是接近尾聲才上菜, 我還想再吃一碗撈飯.
Longyue restaurant’s signature dish is Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor, which I tasted at “Ju Yuan restaurant”. This dish is one small bowl per person. It is a bit different from the expected tradition large plate. The rice absorbs large amount abalone broth becomes incredibly delicious. The abalone is tender too. Even though it is served toward final dish, I still want more!

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點


Braised Fish Maw with Leeks and Preserved Vegetables
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

入口時, 花膠比預期更厚實, 且帶有滑嫩口感 .濃醇鮑汁點綴出整道菜餚花不少時間準備. 推薦在重要場合點這一道菜 (商業聚會或是生日)
The fish maw has a thicker, more substantial texture than expected, with a silky, tender bite. The rich abalone sauce complements the dish, which clearly takes time and effort to prepare. This is a dish for special occasions.





Signature Barbecued Pork
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

通常一道招牌金蒜黑豚叉燒 NTD $1080 有八片叉燒, 最特別的是朧粵主廚採用頂級西班牙伊比利豬來製作叉燒, 肥瘦比例均勻的叉燒肉非常誘人, 第一口最明顯的印象是叉燒口感嫩軟與黏牙, 蒜酥獨特風味並不是很明顯, 我個人喜歡這一道招牌黑豚叉燒的適量甜度, 跟“晶華軒” 招牌蜜汁叉燒一樣好吃, 我個人會推薦點這道朧粵叉燒.
NTD $1080 dish usually has 8 units of BBQ pork. The most special part would be Longyue chef uses Spanish Iberico pork to make this dish. This signature BBQ pork is tender and sweet. Interesting enough, the texture is a bit sticky. The unique garlic aroma is not obvious. I personally like Longyue BBQ pork because it is as delicious as the BBQ pork at “Silks House”.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Deep-Fried Crispy Chicken
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道需要預訂, 每天只限量兩隻手吊脆皮雞. 我承認剛開始我有懷疑為何這道菜餚要預訂, 而且價格偏高, 後來店員解釋朧粵廚師團隊花了很多時間做這一道菜餚, 除了醃製需要時間, 還需要風乾7-8小時, 最困難的部份莫過於要用熱油淋很多遍. 手吊脆皮雞不會皮肉分離, 外皮極脆搭配多汁軟嫩雞肉一起入口是一種享受, 如果想要品嚐米其林等級的菜餚, 這ㄧ道值得點來 4 ~ 6 人享用.
You would need to reserve this dish since there are only two units of deep-friend crispy chicken everyday. The restaurant staff mentioned that the chef team spends lots of time to make this dish. Besides air dry for 7-8 hours, the most time-consuming step would be using the boiling oil to scald the chicken. The crispy chicken skin pairs great with the juicy and tender chicken. If you wish to taste the Michelin level cuisine, this dish is worth ordering for 4 ~ 6 people to share.



Braised Fish Maw with Leeks and Preserved Vegetables
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

入口時, 花膠比預期更厚實, 且帶有滑嫩口感 .濃醇鮑汁點綴出整道菜餚花不少時間準備. 推薦在重要場合點這一道菜 (商業聚會或是生日)
The fish maw has a thicker, more substantial texture than expected, with a silky, tender bite. The rich abalone sauce complements the dish, which clearly takes time and effort to prepare. This is a dish for special occasions.



Cantonese Goose in Three Ways
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道需預訂, 我上次吃片皮鵝三吃是在 “大三元”. 這次在 朧粵餐廳, 我們的廣式片皮鵝三吃包括片皮鵝捲餅, 脆皮鵝腿, 避風塘鵝架. 師傅俐落地分切時, 可以看到誘人油脂流出, 簡師傅提到鵝是來自嘉義.
You will need to reserve. I had experience tasting the Cantonese Goose dish at “Taipei Three Coins Restaurant”. This time at Longyue restaurant, we had sliced goose roll, crispy goose legs, and goose with garlic and chili. While the chef was cutting through the goose, you can see the impressive juicy from the goose. The chef mentioned that the goose is from Chiayi.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Sliced Goose Meat Roll

餐廳店員協助片皮鵝捲餅, 入口時有 ㄎㄠˇ的一聲, 微熱餅皮搭配脆皮嫩鵝肉十分美味.
The staff will assist rolling the goose meat roll. While tasting it, the crispy sound from the goose skin appears. The tender goose meat is delicious too.



Crispy Goose Legs

朧粵餐廳的脆皮鵝腿比 “辰園” 美味, 酥脆鵝皮隱藏著誘人的油脂, 嫩鵝肉入口, 美味程度值得點.
Crispy Goose Legs is delicious than “The Dragon Taipei” goose legs dish. The crispy goose skin is crispy and juicy. It is worth ordering.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)



Goose with Garlic and Chili

這次三吃並沒有湯品或是粥品, 朧粵餐廳準備在粵式餐廳最常見的避風塘菜餚, 之前在“晶華軒” 吃避風塘炒皇蝦球, 在“泰和樓” 品嚐過避風塘草蝦, 吃過的避風塘皆非常下酒偏重口味, 倒是在朧粵餐廳吃到的避風塘鵝架不會太多蒜辣風味, 並不會蓋住味蕾, 頗為特別.
The spiced dish – Garlic and Chili – is quite common at Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei City. For example, I tasted the garlic and chili shrimp dish at “Silks House”. I also dated the garlic and chili shrimp at “Taihe House”restaurant. Both dishes has quite heavy spiced and flavorful. Interesting enough, Longyue Chef didnt put too much garlic and chili spices. It won’t cover the tastebuds. It is quite special.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

延伸閱讀: 泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot



Crispy Suckling pig
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

說起在台灣吃乳豬這件事, 我個人喜歡吃中式烤乳豬多過於西式乳豬菜餚 ( “Juju Spanish Gastrobar” , “CROM TAIPEI” , “Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊), 朧粵餐廳告知這一道鴻運乳豬是採用彰化 90 天幼豬 (約 4.5kg) , 每一刀切得工整, 入口豬皮如預期地酥脆, 口感不會過硬 , 豬肉不僅嫩香而且多汁, 我個人蠻滿意.
Speaking of eating suckling pig at Taipei City, I prefer Chinese suckling pig cuisine than Western suckling pig cuisines. ( “Juju Spanish Gastrobar” , “CROM TAIPEI” , and “Molino de Urdániz “). The 4.5kg pig is 90 days old from Changhua, Taiwan. Each cut is clean. The skin is crispy as expected. The texture is not hard. The pork is tender and juicy. I am quite satisfied.

延伸閱讀: JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 》菜單除了西班牙烤乳豬外還點哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: CROM Taipei 》信義安和餐酒館之北義創意料理遇上台灣食材

延伸閱讀: Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理


避風塘沙公 & 白粥

Typhoon Shelter Crab & Congee
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

每一次跟朋友們到粵菜餐廳聚餐 , 我總是期待會有這一道菜. 後來我發現我喜歡的其實不是沙公或是海鮮, 而是香味十足的微辣蒜酥.朧粵的避風塘沙不會過於油膩, 並不是偏向經典的重口味.
Whenever I dine with friends at a Cantonese restaurant, this is the dish I look forward to the most. Over time, I realized it’s not the crab nor seafood that I’m drawn to, but the aromatic, slightly spicy fried garlic crumbs. Long Yue’s version is less oily and not as intense as the traditional heavy-flavor versions, which is a nice change.




Roasted Pork Belly
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

因為我們是以套餐制出餐, 我不太確定一道冰燒三層肉 (NTD $980 )有幾個. 經典冰燒三層肉雖然有 “冰”這個字 , 並不是你們想像的冷盤, 而是熱騰騰, 金褐色外皮的酥脆口感如同冰塊一樣脆響, 吃起來時, 肥瘦相間的誘惑, 不僅爆汁也肉香充沛, 油潤脂香, 可搭配旁邊的芥末更有一番獨特風味. 整體吃起來比 “辰園”的金磚燒肉好吃太多!
I am not sure how many units in NTD $980 dish. The pork skin appearance is crispy and the meat is juicy. You can also pair with the mustard on the side. Overall, it tastes way better than “The Dragon Taipei”.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)



Deep-Fried Turnip Pudding with Air-dried Meat
Price: NTD $300/ 3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

朧粵港式點心是午間限定. 一盤臘味蘿蔔糕 3 片 NTD $300, 均價 NTD $100/片. 每個人都有喜好的蘿蔔糕類型, 我偏好”玉喜飯店“偏薄且微脆的臘味蘿蔔糕. 朧粵的臘味蘿蔔糕不會過油, 口感頗為軟綿,朧粵餐廳強調的是蘿蔔甜度, 而不是臘味.
Longyue Dim Sum is only offered during Lunch Time. This dish has three units of turnip pastry for NTD $300. Everyone has his/her own turnip pasty/cake. I prefer the thin and crispy texture turnip cake from “Yu Hsi Restaurant”. Longyue turnip cake is not too oily. The texture is soft. The tastebuds would sense the sweetness from the turnip instead of the meat flavor.

延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Walnut Peanut Dessert with Tangyuan
Price: NTD $180 / one bowl
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

比起粵式餐廳的杏仁茶, 我個人比較喜歡核桃花生露, 朧粵餐廳的核桃露裡有芝麻湯圓, 每喝一口皆有核桃花生的沙沙口感, 有些饕客頗喜歡這種口感, 我個人比較喜歡 “九記” 家傳核桃露的細緻口感.
Comparing with traditional grind almond milk, I personally prefer walnut peanut dessert with Tangyuan. This dessert has sesame tang yuan. Each sip has gritty texture with walnut peanut flavor. Some foodies love this type of texture. I personally prefer “Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)



Salted Egg Custard Buns
Price: NTD $180/3 UNITS
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

每人有一顆熱騰騰的金沙流沙包, 小心翼翼地撥開的鬆軟外皮, 甜鹹金沙內餡流心又爆漿, 遠比 “雅苑港式餐廳”的流沙包美味許多, 如果平常喜歡吃港式點心, 可以考慮點.
Everyone has one steamy hot salted egg custard buns.The appearance is fluffy and soft. The custard filling has sweet and salty flavor. It is way more delicious than the dim sim at “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sim



Traditional Grind Almond Milk
Price: NTD $180 / one bowl
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

你如果是杏仁茶愛好者, 這一道適合你.
If you like grind almond milk, this dish is suitable for you.



Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我個人是吃小辣. 這道魔鬼炒飯是鹹, 辣與香並存, 粒粒分明. 喜歡吃辣的人會喜歡這道菜餚.
I only can eat mild spicy food though. The Stir-Fried rice is spicy, salty and full of spicy aroma. If you like spicy food, you will like this dish.




XO Marinated Drunken Prawns
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Braised Fin with Fresh Crab Meat
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Yunnan Matsutake Soup
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Sour & Spicy Bean Curd Rolls
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Braised Radish with Scallops and Greens
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Avocado with Imperial Bird’s Nest
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍



Shanlinxi Red Tea
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍





Crispy Glutinous Rice Dumplings Stuffed with Dried Shrimp and pork
Price: NTD $300/3 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

朧粵餐廳的安蝦鹹水角飽滿, 炸糯米外皮非常脆爽不會油膩, 不黏口與不會過厚皆是優點, 豬肉與蝦內餡甜鹹風味頗特別.
Each deep fried rice dumpling is large and plump. The appearance is crispy and not too oily. It is not sticky nor overly too thick. The mixed pork and dried shrimp filling flavor is quite special.



Crispy Egg Tart
Price: NTD $180/ 3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

咬一口朧粵酥皮蛋塔, 酥皮層次式立體且分明, 有著迷人奶香風味, 愛吃港式蛋塔的人可考慮點這一道.
Longyue Egg tart is crispy and has large amount of impressive buttery aroma and flavor. If you like Cantonese egg tart, this dish is for you.



Taro Spring Roll
Price: NTD $240/3 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

外型極像脆笛酥, 如果沒有看菜單, 應該猜不出這一道是香芋春捲, 內餡以肉香為主, 並沒有芋香與芋頭的專屬黏口感
The filling flavor is mainly meaty flavor from the pork. The tastebuds can’t really sense the taro aroma nor flavor.


Baked Abalone Puff with Diced Chicken
Price: NTD $360/3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

朧粵港式點心是午間限定. 一盤鮑魚雞粒酥 3 個 NTD $360, 均價 NTD $120/個. 這次我們沒有點鮑魚燒賣皇, 我們點的是鮑魚雞粒酥. 內餡的雞肉丁並沒有多餘的肉香 , 鮑魚是適量 Q 軟, 咬下去的派皮是偏軟, 整體吃起來, 味蕾反而充滿經典港式點心的派皮奶油香氣.
Longyue Dim Sum is only offered during Lunch Time. This dish is NTD $360/3 units. We didn’t order steamed pork shumai with abalone. Instead, we ordered the “baked” abalone puff with diced chicken filling. The chicken filling doesn’t have extra meaty flavor. The abalone texture is tender instead of hard texture. The puff is a bit softer than expected. Overall, the taste has more classic buttery flavor.




Stir-Fried Pork Neck
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我幾乎都是在燒肉餐廳 ( “上吉 Yakiniku” )或是 火鍋店 “寬巷子” 吃到松阪豬, 至於中式餐廳, 我只在 “元味料理” 炒豆干松阪豬, 朧粵的蜜椒汁炒松阪豬則是多些調味, 適合配飯.
I always eat the pork next at Japanese Yakiniku restaurant (“Jokichi Yakiniku” ) or Hot Pot Restaurant ( “Quan Alley Hot Pot “ ). As for Chinese restaurant, I only ate pork neck at Yuan restaurant. This dish at Longyue restaurant has more flavors and pair well with rice.

延伸閱讀: Jokichi Yakiniku 》上吉燒肉菜單連週末也有超值午間套餐

延伸閱讀: Taipei Hot Pot 》寬巷子菜單上有哪些具有食物設計美感的火鍋配料

延伸閱讀: Taipei Fried Rice 元味料理 》饕客公認台北炒飯推薦與台式手路菜推薦餐廳



Crab with Broccoli, Bamboo Pith, and Crab Roe
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我吃過最高級的竹笙菜餚是 “頤宮 Le Palais“ 的松茸竹笙釀官燕湯品, 這次在朧粵 Longyue 吃到的竹笙雖然是配角, 與搭配的蟹黃相呼應, 在勾芡裡增加口感.
The most high-end bamboo pith dish that I had was at “Le Palais” , which is “Edible Bird’s Nests Soup with Bamboo piths and Pine Mushrooms”. The time at Longyue restaurant, the bamboo pith pairs great with the crab roe and adds different type of texture.

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀



Wok-Fried Noodles with Dried Scallop
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我們沒有點魔鬼炒飯, 我們點砂鍋瑤柱炒麵, 遠看感覺沒有很多料, 孰不知美味元素藏在細節裡. 你可以選擇將悶久一點, 增添鍋巴感, 或是直接打開砂鍋蓋, 請店員協助拌開, 細麵體口感微濕軟, 瑤柱 (干貝) 鮮味精華有入味,  店員建議加辣醬增加風味, 我個人認為不加辣醬保持原味更為特別.
We didn’t order the fried rice. We ordered the wok-fried noodles with dry scallop. Honestly, it doesn’t seem to have too much ingredients. You can choose keeping the lid closed in order to enhance the crust texture. Or you can open the lid and ask the staff to stir it. The noodle seemed to be a bit soft. You can taste the scallop seafood flavor within the noodle. The staff suggested to add the hot sauce to increase flavors. I personally consider keeping it original flavor is much more special.



Fried Sliced Cod with Salted Egg Yolk
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道是當時朋友們公認的下酒菜,金沙鱈魚條寬度比其他家餐廳的金沙鱈魚條寬了許多,鹹香的風味也更為濃厚, 酥脆口感更讓每個人吃了都一片接一片.
My friends all consider this dish is great pairing with the alcohols. The size is thicker and wider. The salty egg flavor is much more thicker than expected. I also love the crispy texture, just like eating snacks.



Poached Seasonal Vegetables in Porridge
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

粥水浸時蔬的價格不確定因為已經分好一人一碗. 這是我第一次吃到粥水芥菜百合, 在台北吃到百合入菜是在 “Chinois Taipei” 與 “Curious Taipei” , 芥菜吃起來微苦, 粥水樸實可以清味蕾, 這一道完全是看個人喜好.
I am not sure about price since it is already one person per bowl. This is my first time eating this dish – Poached Seasonal Vegetables in Porridge. I had Lily ingredients at “Chinois Taipei” and “Curious Taipei”. The mustard green is a bit bitter. I would consider the porridge is refresh the tastebuds.

延伸閱讀: Chinois Taipei 》Chinois 菜單適合喜歡創新且 Fusion 料理的探險型食客

延伸閱讀: Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷




Tiger Grouper ( Stir-Fried with XO Sauce )
Price: 時價 (Price May Vary)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

XO醬炒老虎斑球是時價, 此道菜餚設計很適合宴客, 建議預訂. 朧粵是採用活海鮮, 比起清蒸烹調, XO醬翻炒的烹調方式更能夠展現出粵菜風格, 意外地是, 老虎斑球吃起來並沒有過油或是過多醬香, 品嚐的時候有察覺到魚的嫩鮮, 再搭配一旁的菇類, 讓這ㄧ道XO醬炒老虎斑球有更多風味層次. 我個人建議如果有宴客可以考慮點這一道菜餚.
This seafood dish price may vary. This dish design is suitable for treating guest. So, I would suggest to reserve this dish. Longyue chef team uses live seafood. The XO sauce shows more classic Cantonese cuisine character than the steam cooking method. Surprising, it doesn’t taste too much sauce flavor nor too oily. Instead, I can taste the fresh seafood flavor from the tender fish meat. It would increase layers of flavor if pairing with the mushroom on the side. If you are treating guests, I would suggest you to order this dish.


烏魚子拌 XO 醬炒澳洲龍蝦

Stir-Fried Australian Lobster with XO sauce and mullet roe
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我最喜歡的烏魚子類型是溏心烏魚子 , 要做到好吃軟嫩不容易, 目前最喜歡的溏心烏魚子是在 “喜來登請客樓” 與 “餵公子吃咖哩”. 此道豪華的饗宴菜餚有澳洲水姑娘龍蝦與烏魚子, 品嚐時能感受到龍蝦肉的彈牙與微鹹, 我希望烏魚子更軟嫩一些.
My favorite mullet roes are still from “The Guest House” and “Feed the Curry”. It is soft and tender at the inside and outside is grilled. This deluxe dish has Australian lobster and mule roe. You can sense the mild salty flavor from the lobster meat. However, I wish the mullet roe would taste softer though.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚



Green Lobster ( Black Truffle Sauce )
Price: 時價 (Price May Vary)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

上次學到 “青龍” 這個名詞是在 “儂來會館”,  朧粵 Longyue 的升級版則是黑松露小青龍,  一人一盤夠奢華, 一端上桌, 全部人目光幾乎聚集在黑松露薄片, 新鮮彈牙且爽脆的龍蝦肉淋上有著適量香氣的黑松露醬汁, 不會喧賓奪主.
I had small/green lobster at “Nong Lai restaurant”. Now at Longyue restaurant, it is the upgrade version of green lobster dish with black truffle sauce and truffle slice. Each person has one plate. Everyone focuses at the actual black truffle slice. The fresh lobster meat is tender and flavorful with black truffle sauce. Surprising, you can still taste the seafood flavor.

延伸閱讀: 儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳



Grouper Fish with Tree Tomato
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一道樹番茄酸湯浸斑球似乎是雲南菜餚 (?!), 我很少吃酸辣風味的菜餚, 之前就聽說雲南人善用食材來調酸度, 例如這一道的樹番茄食材就是增加酸度, 無刺石斑魚依舊細緻, 味蕾可感受到酸香衝擊, 其他朋友們蠻喜歡這一道菜餚.
This dish is seemed to be a dish from Yunnan Province, China. I rarely order and eat the spicy and sour dish. The tree tomato ingredient is for increase the overall acidity. The boneless grouper fish is still tender. The tastebuds can sense the straight forwarder spicy and sour flavor. Other friends seemed to like this dish.



Stewed Broth with matsutake, morel , sea cucumber
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我極少會主動點有海參的菜餚, 甚至不知道原來遼參是最貴的海參, 這一道湯品並沒有中藥味, 反而以羊肚菌與松茸風味為主. 喜歡吃海參, 可考慮點這一道.
This soup doesn’t have Chinese medicine aroma. Instead, the flavors are toward mushroom aroma and flavors, which are from matsutake and morel. If you like sea cucumber, you can consider order this dish.



Double-Boiled Sea Whelk Soup
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

價格不確定因為湯品已分好一人一碗. 這一道滋補響螺湯讓我想起法式澄清湯 (consommé) , 看似清淡無雜質,啜飲時則是濃郁, 湯鮮味濃的代表作, 響螺肉的飽滿與獨特鮮味讓這一道湯品成為朧粵 Longyue的 招牌湯品.
I am not sure about the price since each person has one small bowl. This soup dish reminds me of the consommé. It looks light and filtered. In fact, the soup tastes with thick flavor. The sea whelk offers the unique seafood flavor. There is no doubt that people consider this soup is Longyue signature soup dish.



Wok-Fried Wagyu Beef Brisket with Vegetables
Price: NTD $3580
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

和牛產地是日本, 我跟朋友曾經在 “香宮” 點過干煎美國純種和牛柳, 這次在朧粵中餐廳點的是燒汁和牛脯, 微勾芡與燒汁醬比印象中的粵菜料理不太相同, 香煎日本A5沙朗並不會過硬, 牛肉的柔軟嫩度與肉香程度跟預期差不多.
The Wagyu Beef is from Japan. My friends and I once ordered USA Wagyu Beef dice at “Shang Palace”. This time at Longyue restaurant, we ordered Wok-Fried Wagyu Beef Brisket with Vegetables. Unlike classic Cantonese cuisine, the beef doesn’t have too much thicken powder nor too much sauce. The A5 Wagyu beef is tender as expected.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼


結論 Conclusion ⭐

第一次是坐「 非包廂 」, 第二次是坐「 大包廂 」. 每次都是超過 8 人聚餐, 因此吃過的菜餚幾乎沒有重複, 朧粵 Longyue 菜單價位偏高, 適合宴客或是家庭聚會, 這裡的港式點心皆是中午才有提供,  我個人會建議中午用餐, 建議提早訂位與預訂菜餚

📣 3~ 4人 點的推薦菜餚
✅ 手吊脆皮雞 or 桂花燒乳鴿 (預訂)
✅ 魔鬼炒飯 or 鮑魚撈飯 (預訂)
✅ 蝦餃皇 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 陳皮牛肉球 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 臘味蘿蔔糕 (午餐提供)
✅ 招牌金蒜黑豚叉燒 or 冰燒三層肉 ( 午餐提供 )
✅ 核桃露湯圓 or 金沙流沙包 or 生磨杏仁茶 (午餐提供)


📣 5-8 人 點的推薦菜餚
✅ 廣式片皮鵝三吃 (預訂)  – 初訪可選鴨, 二訪可選鵝
✅ 手吊脆皮雞 or 桂花燒乳鴿 (預訂)
✅ 魔鬼炒飯 or 鮑魚撈飯 (預訂)
✅ 蝦餃皇 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 陳皮牛肉球 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 臘味蘿蔔糕 (午餐提供)
✅ 招牌金蒜黑豚叉燒
✅ 冰燒三層肉
✅ 核桃露湯圓 or 金沙流沙包 or 生磨杏仁茶 (午餐提供)


📣 8人以上點的推薦菜餚
✅ 廣式片皮鵝三吃 (預訂) – 初訪可選鴨, 二訪可選鵝
✅ 手吊脆皮雞 or 桂花燒乳鴿 (預訂)
✅ 蔥燒梅菜三頭花膠
✅ 海鮮類型 – 建議事先詢問
✅ 魔鬼炒飯 or 鮑魚撈飯 (預訂)
✅ 蝦餃皇 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 陳皮牛肉球 ( 午餐提供)
✅ 臘味蘿蔔糕 (午餐提供)
✅ 招牌金蒜黑豚叉燒
✅ 冰燒三層肉
✅ 金沙流沙包 (午餐提供)
✅ 核桃露湯圓 or or 生磨杏仁茶 (午餐提供)


First time, I was seated at the restaurant public area. My second time is at the Large Private Dining Room. Every time, we have more than 8 people to dine together. Most dishes are not repeated. Longyue Chinese restaurant is suitable for treating guests or family gathering. The Dim Sim dishes are only offered during Lunch Time. I would suggest to dine during lunch time. I would suggest to reserve both seats and dishes earlier.

📣 Dish Recommendation for 3~ 4 people to order
✅ Deep-Fried Crispy Chicken (Reserve)
✅ Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor or Rice with Abalone (Reserve)
✅ Steamed Shrimp Dumpling ( Lunch Time)
✅ Steamed Aged Mandarine Peel Beef Balls ( Lunch Time)
✅ Steamed Turnip Cake (Lunch Time)
✅ Signature Barbecued Pork or Roasted Pork Belly ( Lunch Time )
✅ Walnut Peanut Dessert with Tangyuan or Salted Egg Custard Buns
or Traditional Grind Almond Milk (Lunch Time)


📣 Dish Recommendation for 5 ~ 8 people to order
✅ Cantonese Goose in Three Ways (Reserve) – If it is 1st visit, you can choose duck. If it is 2nd visit, you can choose goose.
✅ Deep-Fried Crispy Chicken or Osmanthus Roasted Pigeon (Reserve)
✅ Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor or Rice with Abalone (Reserve)
✅ Steamed Shrimp Dumpling ( Lunch Time)
✅ Steamed Aged Mandarine Peel Beef Balls ( Lunch Time)
✅Steamed Turnip Cake (Lunch Time)
✅ Signature Barbecued Pork
✅ Roasted Pork Belly
✅ Walnut Peanut Dessert with Tangyuan or Salted Egg Custard Buns
or Traditional Grind Almond Milk (Lunch Time)


📣 Dish Recommendation for 8 people or above to order
✅ Cantonese Goose in Three Ways (Reserve) – If it is 1st visit, you can choose duck. If it is 2nd visit, you can choose goose.
✅ Deep-Fried Crispy Chicken or Osmanthus Roasted Pigeon (Reserve)
✅ Seafood Dish – Suggest to ask and reserve first.
✅ Stir-Fried Rice with Spicy Flavor or Rice with Abalone (Reserve)
✅ Steamed Shrimp Dumpling ( Lunch Time)
✅ Steamed Aged Mandarine Peel Beef Balls ( Lunch Time)
✅Steamed Turnip Cake (Lunch Time)
✅ Signature Barbecued Pork
✅ Roasted Pork Belly
✅ Salted Egg Custard Buns (Lunch Time)
✅ Walnut Peanut Dessert with Tangyuan or Traditional Grind Almond Milk (Lunch Time)




Longyue Information

店名: 朧粵 Longyue
地址: 台北市中山區樂群三路303號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站
電話: 02-8502-5522
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/朧粵-Longyue-102048948916744
Restaurant: Longyue Restaurant
Address: 2F, No. 303 , Le Qun 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan Road MRT station
Tel: 02-8502-5522
