Taipei Hot Pot 》 蘭亭鍋物割烹菜單料理比預期地豐盛與多樣化

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down – Moved) 蘭亭 鍋物割烹 是饕客們公認的台北和牛火鍋推薦之一, 吃完 2020 蘭亭鍋物菜單- 旬, 才知道原來蘭亭和牛鍋物也包括壽喜燒與陶板燒等不同烹調方式.
(Closed Down – Moved ) Lanting Pot Restaurant is one of Foodies’ Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot Recommendation. After tasting its 2020 Lanting Summer Menu, I realized that Lanting Pot restaurant also offers other cooking method cuisines.



Lanting Pot Restaurant Reservation and Information

蘭亭鍋物餐廳靠近信義安和捷運站五號出口, 需再步行 10 ~ 15 分鐘至巷弄裡, 只有晚上營業的蘭亭鍋物餐廳外觀非常低調, 步入大門後有意想不到的涼亭與文墨畫作. 餐廳內有適合約會的兩人座位, 小家庭的圓桌或方桌, 也有不同的包廂 (可直接電話詢問低消和人數). 最引人注目的莫過於生猛海鮮水箱與跟 ”A Cut Steakhouse “ 相似的牛肉展示櫃, 文末影片有更多用餐環境細節. 蘭亭鍋物割烹訂位可用網路 inline 訂位 ( )或是打電話訂位皆可. 2020 夏季的蘭亭 鍋物割烹菜單有旬套餐 (NTD $5000/2人) 與朱雀套餐 (NTD $4000/2人), 最大差別是朱雀套餐和牛肉品比較少, 旬套餐則是海鮮比較少.
Lanting Pot Restaurant is closed to Exit 5 of Xinyi Anhe MRT station with 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance. Lanting Pot restaurant only opens at night. They have different types of seats, which include two people seats, family seats and private dining rooms. The customer can reserve seats via inline ( ) or calling. 2020 Summer Menu has two types – Wagyu Beef Oriented (NTD $5000/2 people) and Seafood Oriented (NTD $4000/2 people)

延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants


延伸閱讀: A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse

延伸閱讀: 其他信義安和站餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station



2020 蘭亭 鍋物割烹 季節旬套餐

價位: NTD $5000/2人
備註: 搭配少見台灣原住民部落食材, 目前加贈酒香石燒龍蝦
Lanting Pot Restaurant Set for Two Menu (Wagyu Beef Oriented)
Price: NTD $5000/2 people
Remark: Pairs with Taiwan Aboriginal Food Ingredients. The bonus dish is Fire-Grilled Lobster


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小菜 & 手工慢炒黑豆茶

Snack & Black Bean Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

無咖啡因黑豆茶是蘭亭鍋物套餐的專屬飲品, 可續杯, 喝著熱茶可解油膩. 我在等待朋友的同時也吃了店家準備的澎湖花生與店家自製醃漬蘿蔔, 澎湖花生涮嘴到我想打包回家.
Non-Caffeine black bean tea is the set drink, which can be refilled. While waiting for my friend, I also tasted the Penghu peanuts and store-made pickled radish. Honestly, the peanuts are very delicious!



Chef’s Seasonal Appetizers
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

季節前菜從左到右是松露絲瓜, 胡麻豆腐與櫻桃鴨胸佐芥末籽. 松露醬意外地沒有覆蓋著絲瓜的甜味, 我必須要稱讚蘭亭主廚所製作的胡麻豆腐, 濃郁胡麻醬在舌尖環繞, 這次山葵反而成為配角, 蘭亭胡麻豆腐美味程度可媲美南山微風 46F “Ukai Taipei” 的招牌胡麻豆腐.
From left to right is loofa with truffle sauce, tofu with sesame sauce, and duck breast with mustard seeds. The truffle sauce surprisedly didn’t cover the sweet from the loofa. I have to say that Lanting’s sesame sauce on the tofu tastes better than “Ukai Taipei”’s sesame tofu dish.

延伸閱讀: The Ukai Taipei 》在微風南山 46 樓美食餐廳品嚐日式割烹料理


日本A5和牛沙朗 – 蒸騰

Steamed Japanese Wagyu Beef
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

蘭亭菜單上的和牛皆是採用澳洲與日本和牛. 剛入座時, 就已經注意到六角型蒸籠放在鍋物上, 店員先將蒸籠移開介紹鍋底的備長炭, 花蓮美雲小油菊與玫瑰鹽. 在進行下一個步驟時, 店員先將原味湯頭倒入金魚杯裡給我們品嘗, 再將高湯注入擺滿柴魚與玉露茶葉的蒸籠裡, 熟悉日系柴魚味撲鼻而來, 再將六角蒸籠移開, 迅速將另外一個日本A5和牛沙朗到鍋物上, 蓋上蒸騰大約 40 秒至1分鐘, 文末影片有更詳細的步驟. 桌邊服務的專業烹煮作法讓人目不轉睛.雪花般的日本A5和牛沙朗如預期軟嫩, 柴魚香氣頗弱, 依舊是以肉香為主, 搭配微炙燒的大蔥是經典搭配, 整體並不會過於油膩, 我個人蠻喜歡這道簡單卻深藏潛力的菜色.
Lanting Pot Restaurant menu Wagyu Beef are from Australia and Japan. At the beginning, the staff introduces the pot ingredients – charcoal, ramtilla and salt. Before starting, the staff would pour the broth into the cup for us to taste. Then, the staff pours the broth into the steamer, which is full of bonito and tea leaves. After removing the steamer, the staff starts steaming the Japanese A5 Wagyu Beef for 40 seconds and 1 minutes. There are more details at the video at the end of the article. The professional cooking is impressive. The Wagyu Beef is extremely tender as expected. There isn’t much bonito aroma. Meaty flavor pairs with green onion is a classic match. The overall taste is not too oily. I personally like the simple but with full of potential dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋餐廳懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)


澳洲帝王和牛佐德島柚香 – 沖湯

Australian Wagyu Beef Soup with grapefruit aroma
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

不同於西餐套餐菜單一道道獨立菜餚, 蘭亭鍋物套餐菜單裡的菜餚幾乎都是環環相扣. 蘭亭鍋物店員先將澳洲和牛肉品與柚子放置於桌上, 柚子皮末灑至於肉品上, 柚香聞起來清新. 這道菜餚採用台南牛肉湯的概念, 就像在永康 “御牛殿牛肉麵”, 將湯注入生牛肉燙成 3 分熟. 這次在蘭亭則是用剛剛蒸完日本和牛的鍋物高湯精華注入碗裡. 高湯本身帶著適度肉香與柴魚香氣, 入口增加整體湯品的牛肉風味. 這道湯品可以說是台灣烹飪手法與國外食材結合的最佳代表作, 我個人喝了兩碗, 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
Different from western restaurant independent dish set menu, Lanting pot set menu dishes are related with each other. The staff spreads small amount of refreshing grapefruit peels on the Australian Wagyu Beef. Lanting Pot restaurant uses the concept of Tainan Beef Soup, which is pouring in the beef broth on the beef. It is similar with “Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle” at Dongmen. The soup has the essence of bonito and Waygu Beef flavor. This is the best example of Taiwanese cooking concept and foreign ingredients combination. I drank two bowls of soups, which is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: 御牛殿牛肉麵 》Taipei Beef Noodle | 比台北永康牛肉麵更好吃



Soft Tofu with various aboriginal ingredients
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當我看到蘭亭鍋物菜單時, 我以為這一道和牛豆腐腦是已經事先在廚房做好, 孰不知也是蘭亭店員專業製作的桌邊服務, 而且也有用到鍋物. 豆腐是凝固體, 豆腐腦是半凝固. 店員將豆漿注入鍋物裡烹煮, 再靜置冷卻成豆腐腦. 店員將四小格食材 (長濱鄉茴香, 腐皮, 日本蔥, 客家老菜脯), 與和牛肉燥推疊在豆腐腦上, 再加上獨特的阿美族金字塔鹽花與漢家鄉的手工椒麻醬, 種種食材元素符合蘭亭鍋物旬菜單的這次的主題-原住民部落食材香料. 每一口豆腐腦都可品嘗到鹹香辛香並存的和牛肉燥, 可以說是一次吃到具有許多原住民香料風格的品嚐經驗.
When I see the Lanting menu, I thought that this soft tofu dish is pre-made at the kitchen. But, surprisingly, they still use table service, which makes this particular dish in front of the customers. Also, they still execute the pot concept. Pouring soy milk into the pot and let is cooling down. Later on, the staff would place the fennel, tofu dried sheet, green onion, preserved radish and ground Wagyu beef. The most unique ingredients of this dish would be aboriginal salt and hand-made peppercorn sauce. Each ingredient matches its 2020 summer menu concept, which is aboriginal ingredients and spices. Each bite of the soft tofu would taste the salty and strong meaty flavor from the Wagyu Beef. This is definitely a special experience for tasting the aboriginal ingredients.


澳洲帝王和牛翼板 – 陶板燒

Australia Wagyu Top Chuck Steak – Grill
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

澳洲帝王和牛翼板油脂分布均勻, 吃起來並不會像之前的和牛肉片偏嫩, 外觀看似明太子的醬其實是有酸辣風味的醃製蘿蔔泥, 我個人會建議搭配醬料吃.
Australia Wagyu Top Chuck Steak’s fats are spreaded evenly, which makes the texture not too tender. The orange paste is the pickled radish with sour and spicy flavor. I would suggest to pair the steak with the sauce.


日本A5和牛肩胛 – 花蓮小米酒壽喜燒

Japanese A5 Wagyu Chuck Steak – Sukiya
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

吃完上一道和牛翼板, 店員將花蓮小米酒倒入鍋物裡, 請別擔心, 酒精會揮發掉. 先讓豆腐與大蔥在湯頭裡烹煮, 再將日本和牛肉品微涮且捲起洋蔥, 生蛋黃點綴成為另類沾醬, 再加上軟嫩肉質, 讓這道關東壽喜燒深得我心, 這是我當天 Top 2 的菜餚.
After eating the Australia Wagyu Top Chuck Steak, the staff pours in the Hualien rice wine. No worries, there isn’t much heavy alcohol aroma. The staff cooks the tofu and green onion at the broth first. Wrapping the onion with the Japanese A5 Wagyu beef is a classic combination. Tender meat with raw egg yolk is definitely a plus. I simply like this sukiya. This is my Top 2 dish of the day.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


原住民香料牛尾湯 + 台東白玉螺手工丸

Wagyu Oxtail Soup with aboriginal spices and snail meatball
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道鍋物看似羅宋湯, 單喝湯品, 先是感受到番茄風味, 味蕾隨後感受到八角,茴香與其他有鮮明風格的台灣原住民香料的衝擊, 和牛牛尾 頓時成為配角, 口感 Q 度高, 有吃牛筋的錯覺. 當天最特別的食材 – 台東白玉螺手工丸 出現在這道牛尾湯裡, 白玉螺其實就是台東白玉蝸牛品種, 愛吃有脆口感螺肉的人應該會很愛這款特別的手工肉丸.
The soup appearance looks like Borscht. While drinking the soup, you would sense the tomato flavor. The tastebuds later on sense the sensational impact from the aboriginal spices, which include cumin, fennel, and other ingredients. The Wagyu oxtail tastes like beef tendon. The most surprisingly ingredient of the day is snail meatball. The snail is originated from Taitung, Taiwan. If you like to eat escargot from the French cuisine, you would like this meatball.


萌 韃靼和牛金稻香

Wagyu Beef Tartare with Taiwan Single Malt Liquor
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當我品嘗到這道菜餚時, 真心覺得蘭亭鍋物店員多才多藝. 米香鍋粑放置於高溫鑄鐵鍋底部, 再放上洋蔥與和牛, 噴上少許”萌”台灣威士忌, 感覺很像“小後苑“ 會出現的撇步, 和牛肉質並不會像 “和牛 47”的義式生牛肉塔塔如此生, 而是會有些炙燒的口感.
Lanting pot restaurant staffs are definitely professional. They put the rice at the high temperature cast iron pot, then put on onion and Wagyu Beef. They spread small amount of Taiwan Single Malt Liquor, which you can see this method at “Backyard Jr.”. The meat texture is not as raw as “Wagyu 47” raw beef tartare. Lanting beef tartare has hints of grilling taste.

延伸閱讀: 台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀

延伸閱讀: 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO



Plum Juice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

清涼酸梅湯入口順, 並沒有想像中地酸.
The plum juice is refreshing with not too much acidity.



Seasonal Fruit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Taiwanese seasonal fruits taste great as expected.



Chocolate Gelato with Egg thread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

當我看到 “金絲”兩個字, 我原本以為是像 “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee” 中東金絲蜜酥甜點的炸麵條金絲. 店員先是端上一鍋滾燙的糖水, 在沸騰同時將鴨蛋與雞蛋混合的蛋液特製成為蛋絲, 文末影片有更詳細的過程,  液態氮瞬間冷卻呈現微Q口感, 我個人很喜歡這款迦納 85%的巧克力冰淇淋, 整道甜點是我個人當天 Top 3 喜歡的料理!
When I see “thread” at the menu, I thought that the thread is fried noodle, like the one that I tasted at “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee”. The staff cooks a pot of sugar water. While boiling, the staff puts in the mixed chicken egg and duck egg into the sugar water pot to make it thread shape. They than use the liquid nitrogen to cool down immediately along with the chocolate gelato. I like the Ghana Chocolate Gelato. This dessert is my Top 3 dish on the day.



Bonus – Free Lobster coming with the set
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

近期點旬套餐菜單有贈送火燒石鍋龍蝦 (請打電話確認) 兩人贈送一份, 這道有兩款酒精濃度偏高的酒輔佐, 黑蘭姆酒與微甜紹興酒造就瞬間的火焰視覺, 也讓這道龍蝦肉呈現充滿酒香與鮮甜海鮮風味, 讓這道旬套餐菜單吃得更值得.
If you order Wagyu Beef Oriented Set menu (Call to Confirm), you would get one whole lobster as bonus for free. This dish recipe has two high ABV alcohols, which are black rum and sweet shaoxing rice wine. The flame appears while pouring in the alcohols. The tastebuds would sense the alcohol aroma and fresh seafood flavor. This bonus dish makes the whole set menu definitely worth more than its original price.



Which type of person is suitable fo Lanting Pot Restaurant

很多人 (包括我) 一直都以為蘭亭 鍋物割烹就是純粹的台北火鍋餐廳, 孰不知鍋物這兩個字代表不同烹煮方式. 如果平常有在吃和牛火鍋, 這裡很適合你. 或是你像我一樣需要桌邊服務來烹煮和牛, 你也可以考慮蘭亭和牛鍋物. 2020夏季旬套餐更是老闆花心思找台灣原住民食材與香料, 在台北餐廳也不常見. 現在點旬套餐都有送龍蝦, 對價格敏感的人可趁現在訂位!
Many people (include me) always thought Lanting Pot restaurant is a simply Taipei Hot Pot restaurant. It turns out that Pot also means different types of cooking methods. If you eat Wagyu Hot Pot regularly, this restaurant is suitable for you. If you need table service to cook Wagyu Beef, Lanting restaurant is for you as well. 2020 Summer menu theme is aboriginal food ingredients and spice. If you are willing to try different type of ingredients, Lanting Pot Restaurant is also for you. Now they offer free bonus of lobster when ordering the summer set menu, you can also try out this restaurant if you are price-sensitive.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 蘭亭 鍋物割烹
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段300巷32弄3號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2701-5585
營業時間: 每天 6pm ~ 11:30pm
官網線上訂位 (Reservation):
Restaurant: Lanting Pot Restaurant
Address: No. 3, 32th alley, 300th lane, 4 section, Re-ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT Station
Tel: 02-2701-5585
Operation Hour: 6pm ~ 11:30pm Daily
