御牛殿牛肉麵 》Taipei Beef Noodle | 比台北永康牛肉麵更好吃

Last Updated on 2018-08-30 by Foodelicious

御牛殿牛肉麵 ( 也名為鈜景牛肉麵 ) 在我的台北東門捷運站美食推薦名單上, 最著名料理為刺身牛肉麵系列, 我認為台北最好吃的清燉牛肉麵就在御牛殿.
Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle is on my Taipei Yongkang yummy list. The most famous cuisine would be raw beef noodle. I personally think Yu Niu Dian is the best clear broth Beef Noodle in Taipei.


御牛殿牛肉麵菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


目前在 Google 搜尋上大部分文章都是關於信義區的御牛殿麵鍋食堂, 但我通常都會選御牛殿牛肉麵永康店本店, 跟有些人只去 “鼎泰豐”永康街本店是一樣的概念. 御牛殿牛肉麵在東門捷運站一號出口旁臨沂街巷弄內, 請注意鮮紅色招牌上寫著鈜景牛肉麵, 但也有御牛殿的白底紅字招牌, 相當容易錯過. 店內裝潢樸實且座位不多, 煮麵檯在餐廳入口, 餐廳裝潢並沒有 “麵屋牛一雞骨牛肉麵” 如此華麗, 御牛殿用餐氛圍倒是有點像民生社區的“北方牛肉麵”.
Most people search Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle Xinyi District instead of Yongkang branch store. But I always select the original store, just like “Ding Tai Fung” at Yongkang area. The restaurant location is near Dongmen MRT station exit 1. Unlike “Chicken Broth Beef Ramen House”, there isn’t much of the decoration. The indoor decoration is a bit similar with “Northern Beef Noodle”.


延伸閱讀: 台北牛肉麵餐廳懶人包 》TAIPEI BEEF NOODLE GUIDE



Sliced Beef Clear Broth Noodle
Price: $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

御牛殿的刺身牛肉麵系列是老饕們所公認的美味料理, 最主要的原因是店家老闆是採用台灣牛肉, 而非進口牛肉, 從產地到餐桌的概念. 餐廳採用意想不到的桌邊服務, 鮮紅色肉片鋪在微燙細白麵上, 店員用有稍作設計的熱水壺將清燉牛肉湯頭注入碗中, 在心裡不經意地數秒數看著水平線上升, 牛肉從鮮紅緩緩地轉化成粉嫩, 文末有更清楚的影片. 御牛殿清澈湯頭會讓人誤以為風味淡, 實際上主廚採用牛大骨, 與半筋半肉部位慢火煮12小時, 雖然風味不留在舌尖, 但溫醇且微鹹香風味令人難忘.請注意牛肉不要川燙得太熟, 微嫩程度取決在客人自己. 店員端上來的三小格醬料的空格是放川燙完的牛肉,微辣豆瓣沾醬並不會蓋過牛肉風味. 我會建議加海鹽即可, 我相當推薦這款平價和美味的清燉牛肉麵.
Raw beef noodle series is the foodie selection. The main reason would be the owner/chef uses Taiwanese beef instead of imported beef. And it was shipped straight from the origin. Their table service is unexpected. The bright red raw sliced beefs are placed on the top of the white noodle. The staff pours down the clear broth straight from the pot slowly. The video at the end of the article shows more details. The meats slowly change the color from red to pink. The clear broth is in fact very flavorful with a bit salty beef flavor. I would suggest to add a bit salt instead of soybean paste. It is overall quite delicious. I would recommend this clear broth beef noodle to everyone.



Beef Blade Braised Broth Noodle
Price: $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道料理一樣是採用桌邊服務, 御特饌肉片帶有少許牛筋, 因為是川燙, 肉質依舊稍微有點嫩度, 紅燒湯頭並不會過於濃郁或是辛辣, 也許是因為有與中藥與蔬菜一起燉煮, 喝起來有點中規中矩的感覺, “門前隱味牛肉麵”的紅燒湯頭依舊是我的最愛.
This is also table service. The Beef blade has a bit of beef tendon. The meat texture is still tender since it is still a bit raw. The braised broth is not as thick as expected, It tastes at its average level. ““Hidden Beef Noodle” braised broth is still my favorite.


延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants




店名: 御牛殿牛肉麵
地址: 台北市中正區臨沂街70號 (Map)
捷運: 東門捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbeefEastGate/
Restaurant Name: Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle
Address: No. 70, Linyi Street , Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dongmen MRT Station
Tel: 02-2356-3468
Operation Hour: Check Facebook





