Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee 》 台北土耳其咖啡店

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業, 搬至其他地址)  Saturn Landing 是一家台北大安區土耳其咖啡店, 土耳其藍的室內裝潢讓這家大安捷運站咖啡店相當顯眼.
(Closed Down. Move to another Location ) Saturn Landing is one of the Turkish Coffee Shops near Taipei City Da’an MRT Station. The turkey blue indoor design is eye-catching at the Da’an District as well.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


與另一家土耳其咖啡店 “一步一步來Kopi Ibrik” 最大的不同即是在室內外裝潢, 室外如同希臘愛琴海以藍白為主, 開放式落地窗雙人座位區讓品酌咖啡氛圍有歐式異國風情, 室內以土耳其藍為主軸, 鮮豔紅橘黃抱枕作為點綴.
There is another Turkish coffee shop named “Kopi Ibrik” in Taipei City. The difference would be Saturn Landing has better indoor and outdoor design. The seats near the window brings the customers more delightful and relax drinking environment.


最特別的櫃台有煮土耳其咖啡的沙推. 煮熱土耳其咖啡的順序:
The most part would be there are sands, which are used to brew the coffee, above the coffee machine at the counter. The process of brewing the Turkish coffee would be at the following:


咖啡粉放進長柄小壺 (Cezve / Ibrik) -> 倒進糖漿與熱水 -> 將壺在熱沙堆中以畫圓的方式來回均勻加熱 -> 之後只讓壺底層接觸在沙推上以免咖啡過焦 -> 靜置後再倒入小茶杯裡 (文末有更詳細的影片)
Put the coffee powder into the Cezve/Ibrik -> Pour in the syrup and hot water -> Place the Cezve into the sand and move in circle -> Place the Cezve bottom on the sand to prevent over-brewed -> Pour the coffee into the small cup.



English Name: Home-made Sütlaç with nuts (Rice pudding with nuts)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

傳統土耳其米布丁並沒有堅果, 而是有一層像布丁般口感的表面. Saturn Landing 這款甜點是老闆去土耳其考察品嚐到的創意食譜, 老闆將米換成台東關山米, 挖了一小口冰米布丁與堅果入口, 烘烤堅果香與顆粒口感, 搭配米布丁的滑順與米香, 意外地合適. 這道甜點並不是純素 (Vegan) , 有加牛奶, 讓人吃起來更像燕麥風味. 我相當推薦這道甜點.
Traditional Turkish Rice Pudding (Sütlaç) doesn’t have nuts on the appearance. Instead, This is a new recipe that the owner learns at Turkey. The owner change the rice ingredient into Taiwanese Taitung rice. You would immediately taste the nuts texture and flavor while taking a bite. The rice pudding itself is creamy and full of rice flavor. Both main characters are perfect match. This dessert is not vegan since it has milk ingredient. It is a bit like eating the oatmeals. I would recommend this dessert.



土耳其三重奏- 經典, 單品, 特調

English Name: Turkish Trio – Classic, Speciality, Signature
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

銀盤上放著土耳其軟糖和三種咖啡 – 單品咖啡 (左), 黑糖奶蓋特調 (中), 經典 (右), 隨後也放上一杯開水. 因爲我個人比較喜歡有核果風味的咖啡, 老闆因此建議單品用巴西日曬咖啡, 來自巴西東南部聖保羅的 Mogiana 產區, 喝起來酸度低, 且有濃郁的烘烤堅果風味, 味蕾會被像黑巧克力般風味包圍, 相當不錯.
There are Turkish delight (Lokum) and three different types of coffees – Speciality Coffee (left), Brown Sugar (middle), Classic (right). They would also serve a cup of water along with this coffee set. Since i prefer nuts flavor coffee, the owner suggest Brazil Coffee from Mogiana section. There is less acidity along with thick nuts aroma and flavor. The tastebuds would be surrounded by the black chocolate flavor as well. It overly tastes quite good.


至於黑糖奶蓋特調(中), 黑糖甜度偏高, 會暄賓奪主, 將咖啡特色給蓋住. 至於經典咖啡 (右), 因為不過濾咖啡渣, 喝起來額外濃郁, 就像熱可可, 也稍微帶點苦勁, 喝到最後會有如泥漿般的咖啡渣, 可用在知名的土耳其占卜, 可惜這家咖啡店沒有提供這項土耳其占卜服務.
As for the brown sugar coffee (middle), it is too sweet. Instead, it would cover the coffee unique flavor. As for the classical coffee, it has thick texture since it doesn’t use filter. The coffee flavor is also strong with miild bitterness. The leftover coffee is like mud texture, which can be used at the famous turkey divination. However, this coffee shop doesn’t offer this type of service though.



English Name: Sweet Osmanthus Ice Coffee
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

老闆先將冰涼Schweppes Tonic 通寧水倒進高腳杯裡, 再將手沖過濾冰咖啡和少許桂花糖將注入杯中, 再放上少許乾燥桂花末增加香氣. 冰咖啡顏色在陽光底下呈現紅褐色, 花香搭配適量的甜度, 再加上冰塊降低咖啡濃度, 並不會像傳統土耳其咖啡般濃郁, 整體相當輕盈且迷人, 這是限定款, 並沒有在Menu上.
This ice coffee includes Schweppes Tonic, sweet osmanthus syrup and of course coffee. This red brown color coffee has floral flavor and fair amount of sweetness. The ice would decrease the caffeine. Over all,the texture is delightful, different from the classical turkish coffee. However, this is limited edition, which you wont see on the menu.


延伸閱讀:  2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

二訪- 依舊推薦

Second Visit – Still Recommend!

Saturn Landing 是一家台北大安區土耳其咖啡店, 我有列在台北咖啡推薦名單裡. 二訪與一位 IG Friend 相約這裡, 點了土耳其咖啡與中東金絲蜜酥kadayif. 土耳其咖啡製作過程依舊新奇, 請想像喝起來像熱可可的“口感”卻是咖啡因的風味.中東金絲蜜酥甜點 (kadayif)外型就像我在 T/T 餐酒館吃的料理, 麵細絲包裹著堅果, 吃起來不止有奶油香氣, 也有少許太妃糖的甜意, 非常特別. 若是這輩子還沒喝過土耳其咖啡, 我會推薦趕快去這家試試.
Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee will be closed after November, 2020. Geez, another good coffee shop is going to close down. At my 2nd visit, I came here with a IG friend. We ordered of course Turkish Coffee and kadayif, which is a dessert from Middle-East. The process of making Turkish coffee is still interesting. Image Cocoa Texture but with caffeine flavor. The Kadayif is made with fried noodle wrapped around nuts. The taste is buttery along with Toffee flavor. If you never try Turkish Coffee before, I would suggest you to come here to try.


二訪影片: 2nd Visit Video


一訪影片: First Visit Video



Restaurant Name 店名: Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee
Address:No. 23, 154th Lane, Sìwei Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區四維路154巷23號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Da’an MRT Station 大安捷運站
營業時間: Check Facebook



