台北東區平價餐廳 》 瘦虎麵屋 | Taipei Formosa Soul Food

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(結束營業) 台北忠孝敦化捷運站附近有一家新開幕的平價餐廳 – 瘦虎麵屋 ( Formosa Soul Food ), 販售銅板台式麵食.
(Closed) There is a newly-opened restaurant located near Taipei Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. Its name is Formosa Soul Food, which offers price-friendly Taiwanese food.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

店家位置較靠近市民大道, 餐廳櫥窗相當搶眼, 中式長燈籠上有老虎LOGO, 英文 Formosa Soul Food 字樣印在燈籠, 木板印上店內料理品項, 跟 “家.溫度 湯專賣店” 有異曲同工之妙. 跟老闆閒聊談到其實餐廳名稱先有英文 “Soul Food” 才有中文 “瘦虎”, 相當有趣. 餐廳內部座位算多, 甚至也有像拉麵店的單人吧台座.辣椒醬和醬油膏放在小菜檯上, 可斟酌加進自己點的料理.
The restaurant is near Civil Blvd. The display window is very eye-catching. The long lantern has a tiger logo and the restaurant’s English name. The small wooden plates state the items that they offer. This particular design is similar with another restaurant called “Soup Stock Store”. The owner mentions that they first have the “Soul Food” english name first. They want Taiwanese traditional cuisine to be Taiwanese’s soul food aka the comfort food. There are also one-person seats near the bar and window. The spicy sauce and soy sauce paste are placed at the side dish counter near the opened kitchen.


瘦虎乾拌麵 (小) + 特製溏心蛋

English Name: Dry Noodle with Shallots (small size) + Braised Half-Boiled Egg
Price: NTD $45 + NTD $20
Noodle Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Half-Boiled Egg Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

NTD $45 的乾拌麵居然出現在台北東區!! 小 Size視同一球麵, 胃口小的女生應該只能六分飽, 建議直接點大碗. 如麻油麵線般的細麵淋上少許醬汁, 店家自製油蔥和細肉末混搭在一起, 再以蔥花當做點綴. 建議麵一上桌趕緊攪拌, 熱氣散發出紅蔥頭獨特風味與古早味肉香風味, 因為成本考量, 醬汁並不多, 可惜並不是每口細麵皆能有醬汁 (例如華山的“一碗來”), 建議在十分鐘之內完食, 以免麵糾結在一起. 特製溏心蛋有稍作調味, 但是還是 “麵屋牛一”的溏心蛋深得我心.
Honestly, it is rare to see NTD $45 dish anywhere in Taipei East District. However, I would suggest everyone to order large size dry noodle. There are small amount of sauce spreading on the thin noodle. Custom-made shallots are mixed with the shredded porks. The chef uses green onion as the last touch. I would suggest to mix the noodle with other ingredients right away. Due to the cost consideration, there isn’t much sauce. Hence, it would be difficult to have the noodle absorbs the sauce evenly (For example, “Taiwan Mama” at Hwashan Culture Park). I would suggest to finish this dish within ten minutes. Or else, the noodle will be dried and there wont be enough sauce to make it moist. As for the braised half-boiled egg, I still prefer “Chicken Broth Beef Ramen House”.


紅燒肉 (瘦)

English Name: Fried Pork Chop (Thin)
Price: NTD $55
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

若沒有看菜單上的圖片, 會以為是紅燒滷肉, 但實際的視覺上是酥炸紅糟肉. 我選的是瘦肉, 菜單上也有肥肉的選項, 但我想建議店家用肥瘦參半的肉即可, 因為我相信大多數的人都會選瘦肉. 由於是現點現做, 需要較長一段時間, 這道料理上色均勻且定型完整, 麵衣薄但相當酥脆, 肉偏嫩, 單吃有點鹹香, 我會建議沾一旁的甜醬, 如果有“紅燒肉乾拌麵”會更完美.
If I didn’t look at the picture on the menu, I would think of Taiwanese Traditional Braised pork. But, it is fried pork chop instead. I chose the thin fried pork chop. It would take a few minutes to make this dish. The color is evenly red and texture is dense. The appearance is thin and crispy. The meat is a bit tender with hints of salty. I would suggest to dip into the sweet sauce on the side. This dish overly tastes good.


延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants

延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide



Restaurant Name 店名: 瘦虎麵屋 Formosa Soul Food
Address: No. 9, 62 Lane,Yanji Street, Taipei City 台北市大安區延吉街62巷9號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FORMOSASOULFOOD/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station 忠孝敦化捷運站
營業時間: Call to Confirm



