Fuji Curry 富士咖哩 》 台北六張犁捷運站美食 | Taipei Curry Restaurant
Last Updated on 2018-04-26 by Foodelicious
台北咖哩飯餐廳勁爭越來越激烈, 大安區開了一間平價日式咖哩飯餐廳, 名為富士咖哩 (Fuji Curry).
There are many Japanese curry restaurants in Taipei City. Fuji Curry is a budget-wise Japanese Curry restaurant, which is opened recently at Taipei Da’an District.
菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
餐廳位置離六張犁捷運站有點距離, 需要先經過 “井上禾食” 所在的嘉興街, 跟 “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee 土耳其咖啡“一樣都是開在學校附近. 富士咖哩 (Fuji Curry) 是一間只有十個吧台座位的餐廳, 室內裝潢簡單, 以日式木質系為主, 吧台上放置面紙與日本辣油, 可自行加辣. 放名片的地方是用一座小富士山, 外型相當討喜, 用餐檯面乾淨並無其他雜物.
The restaurant’s location is a bit far from Liuzhangli MRT station. You would need the pass the alley that “Jin-Shan Japanese Restaurant” is located. Same as “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee”, Fuji Curry next to a school. This is a small restaurant with only ten bar counter seats. The decoration is simply and yet with light wooden color. The napkins and Japanese hot oil are placed on the counter. You can add the hot oil as preference. The small fuji mountain decoration is placed with business card.
富士咖哩雙拼 (牛肉 & 雞肉) + 起司
Mixed Fuji Curry Rice (Beef & Chicken) + Cheese
Price: NTD $180 + NTD $20 = NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
咖哩飯與麵皆附荷包蛋, 可選半熟或全熟, 此外, 老闆親自推薦要加起司, 只需加價 NTD $20. 八角盤裡兩側放置深咖啡咖哩, 亮面且微凝結表面, 醬汁比“No Name Curry” 濃稠兩倍, 但一端上料理的咖哩香氣並沒有想像中地濃郁, 醬汁附著於牛肉, 放入口中時, 日式甜咖哩特色才慢慢浮現, 雞肉比牛肉軟嫩許多. 將半熟蛋黃汁拌於微硬白飯中, 起司則是加入咖哩裡, 再拌在一起, 風味相當簡單與家常, 但是與台北市其他咖哩飯比較, “寅樂屋咖哩”還是我心中的第一名.
All curry rice and noodle comes with egg, you can choose the halted-raw or well-done. The owner recommended to add cheese for extra NTD $20. Dark brown color curry are placed on both sides. Unlike “No Name Curry“, the thick texture curry doesn’t have heavy Japanese curry aroma at the beginning. The chicken meat is more tender than the beef. The flavor of sweet Japanese curry appeared shortly after eating. The egg yolk is mixed with the hard texture rice. I would mix the cheese with the curry. Then I would mix all together. The overall flavor is simple. Comparing with other Japanese curry restaurants, I still prefer the “Torarakuya Taipei”.
Sliced Lemon
Price: Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
老闆告知咖哩飯吃完後會提供一片檸檬片附砂糖與咖啡粉, 聽起來相當奇妙的組合, 清爽微酸檸檬加上甜度偏高的砂糖顆粒, 咖啡粉反而不太明顯.
The owner offers one slice of lemon with sugar and coffee powder on the top. It sounds like interesting combination. The hints of acidity with sweet flavor can refresh the tastebuds. The coffee flavor is not obvious though.
Fuji Flan
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
與 “鎌倉咖啡”最大的不同是富士布丁並不是用沖繩黑糖, 所以味蕾並沒有感受到獨特香甜,但是依舊相當地美味, 布丁的紮實, 穀麥的香氣, 搭配完全不違和.
The difference between Fuji Flan and “Kamakura Cafe”’’s flan is the sugar. Fuji flan didn’t use Okinawa brown sugar. Therefore, the sweet flavor is not unique, but still delicious. The texture of the flan is hard along with the oats wheat aroma. It is an interesting and yummy combination.
延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide
店名: 富士咖哩
地址: 台北市大安區臥龍街153號 (Map)
捷運: 六張犁捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fujicurry/
Restaurant Name: Fuji Curry
Address: No. 153, Wolong Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Liuzhangli MRT station
Tel: 02-2737-2903
Operation Hour: Check Facebook