直物文具 Café 》忠孝新生捷運站下午茶 | Taipei Coffee Shop

Last Updated on 2018-05-13 by Foodelicious

直物生活文具 & Café 是一家販售文具與咖啡甜點的複合商店, 也是忠孝新生捷運站下午茶選項之一.
Plain Stationery & Homeware Cafe is a shop that sells both stationaries and desserts. It is one of the afternoon tea options near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


從忠孝新生捷運站五號出口右轉即可看到帶有少許歐式風格的文具店, 淡金色字樣寫著 “Plain Stationery & Homeware Cafe”, 一走進這家文具店, 隨即感受到與誠品文具完全不一樣的文青感, 直物文具 Café的經營模式與 “瑪黑家居選物 Marais Taipei” 相似, 皆是賣商品為主, 賣餐飲為輔. 販售產品除了常見的筆記本和鋼筆外, 也有印章與文青帆布包. 咖啡甜點吧檯與座位區並沒有明顯被隔開, 由於當天較少人, 用餐氛圍相當安靜.
After turning right at Exit 5 of Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station, you could see the shop. The light golden color is written “Plain Stationery & Homeware Cafe” on the window. Its style is similar with “Marais Taipei”, which offers products and coffees & desserts at the same time. Besides the usual notebooks and fountain pens, they also offer stamp and tote bags. The seating area and the counter are at the end of the bookstore. Since there aren’t too many people, the dining environment is quite pleasant.




Soy Bean Chiffon Cake with Cream and Red Bean
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

黃豆戚風蛋糕聽起來很陌生, 米色系蛋糕樸實如鄰家女孩般, 中間切開置入細緻奶油, 少許燉紅豆則是放置在最上方. 吃第ㄧ口時蛋糕體相當鬆軟, 意外地濕潤而不乾, 老闆堅持採用屏東萬丹紅豆, 雖然是用燉, 但紅豆依舊有顆粒口感並不會過於軟爛, 搭配奶油將整體甜點結構更完整.
Soy bean chiffon sounds quite unfamiliar. The beige color cake body with whipping cream in the middle. The owner uses Pintung red bean as the toppings. The first bite of the cake is surprisingly moist. Even though the red bean is stewed, the red beans are not mushy. The cream completed this structure of this dessert.




Sparkling Coffee Drink (Ice)
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

原本要點在 “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar”喝過的西西里咖啡, 可惜當天缺原料, 換點他們的自家釀咖啡氣泡飲. 這是一杯簡單不複雜的冰咖啡氣泡飲品,氣泡在舌尖彈跳, 也不會有咖啡苦味, 事實上咖啡因後勁算是相當強.
I was going to order Sisley Coffee, which I ordered at “Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar”. However, they didn’t have the ingredient. So, I ordered their Sparkling Coffee drink. This drink is simply with sparkling on the tongue. It isn’t bitter but the caffeine is strong after all.



店名: 直物文具 Café
地址: 台北市中正區新生南路一段56巷16之4號 (MAP)
捷運: 忠孝新生捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plain.tw/
Restaurant Name: Plain Stationery & Homeware Cafe
Address: No. 16-4, 56th Lane, 1st Section, Xinsheng South Road, Taipei City  (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station
Tel: 02-2393-5107
Operation Hour: Check Facebook




