Dansui Local Restaurant 》淡水海風餐廳
Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious
(2023. 4月歇業 ) 淡水海風餐廳重新開幕, 若是計畫全家出遊到淡水, 淡水老街海風餐廳會是一個不錯的家庭用餐地點.
(Closed Down 2023 April ) Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant, one of the Dansui Restaurants, reopened! This restaurant would be a good option for family gathering dining at New Taipei City.
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延伸閱讀: Taiwan Tamsui Travel 》淡水美食與淡水景點旅行懶人包
目錄 / Table of Contents
淡水海風餐廳交通 & 停車
Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant Traffic & Parking
到淡水最方便的莫過於搭捷運至淡水捷運站, 出捷運站後沿著中正路走即可抵達, 但是一到週末假期全家出遊幾乎都是開車, 一條路進出淡水區常塞車, 停車也是讓許多人煩惱, 我特別挑兩個停車資訊, 連結如下.
The most convenient way to visit Dansui is to take MRT till the end – Dansui MRT station. After exiting the station, you would need to follow Zhong-Zhang road to see the restaurant. However, most Taiwanese tend to drive a car with family during weekend. Honestly, it isn’t easy to find a parking space. So, I researched several parking space link:
停車場資訊 1: https://tamsui.cc/travel/motorcycle-and-car-parking-paid-and-free-information/
停車場資訊 2: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=261224864054238&id=250063631837028
About Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant
每家新聞台在淡水海風餐廳歇業時皆有報導, 歇業的原因是要讓老闆休息養病, 時間是 2016 年初歇業, 之後海風餐廳於 2016 年底重新開幕, 稍作裝潢, 由二代接棒, 可惜新聞幾乎都沒有報導, 讓許多人都以為餐廳仍舊歇業. 海鮮依序放好在餐廳外, 吸引遊客或是在地人進來用餐, 有趣的是, 他有兩個門, 一個在老街, 一個在中正路上. 店內是長型開放式廚房, 就跟 “Pino Pizzeria Taipei” 一樣, 有非常多爐灶, 難怪菜單可以洋洋灑灑好幾頁, 有清蒸, 炸, 炒 …etc. 店內座位有長型桌, 也有像 “海真私房菜” 的圓形桌適合大家庭聚餐, 我忘記我何時有吃過海風餐廳, 因此我無法跟以前的海風餐廳料理做比較.
Most TV programs reported this old restaurant closed down due to the elder boss. The closing date is the beginning of 2016. However, Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant is re-opened by the second generation. But, not much TV news reported this news though. The seafood displayed at the front door to attract customers. The open kitchen is in long shape, just like “Pino Pizzeria Taipei”. There are many stoves (no wonder the menu is long). There are round table for groups, just like at “Haizen Chinese Restaurant”. Honestly, I don’t remember if I visited this restaurant before. So, I couldn’t compare the old restaurant and this one.
延伸閱讀: 台北團體聚餐推薦 》海真私房菜 1000 元挑戰點菜 | Taiwanese Cuisine
延伸閱讀: 其他淡水捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Dansui MRT station
Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant
炒螃蟹 (小)
Stir-Fry Crab (Small)
Price: NTD $690 -> NTD $790 (2023 New Price)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道料理是淡水海風餐廳的招牌菜, 之前的名稱是 “奶油炒螃蟹”, 在 2019 年, 這道料理名稱為 “炒螃蟹”, 食材依舊是萬里三點蟹, 我仔細觀察後發現, 螃蟹並不是100% 完整裹粉先拿去油炸再炒, 我知道外觀不可能像是 “La Mole Taipei” 的酥炸軟殼蟹如此炸得透徹, 吃的時候並沒有經過酥炸感覺, 也沒有海鮮風味, 我倒是很喜歡這道料理的洋蔥與炒蛋, 鮮甜風味相當適合配飯/麵.
The stir-fry crab is the restaurant’s signature dish. The previous dish name is stir-fry crab with butter. However, the nowadays name is called stir-fry crab. From observation, the crab is not 100% completely fried and then stir-fry. I understand that the appearance wouldn’t be like “La Mole Taipei” fried soft crab appearance. When I eat the crab, I didn’t sense the crispy texture at all. However, I like the onion and egg in this dish though!
延伸閱讀: 台北中山區餐酒館美食 》 LA MOLE TAIPEI 義大利餐廳 | 中山國中捷運站
蚵仔酥 (小)
Fried Oyster ( Small )
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
蚵仔酥總是台灣熱炒店的前三名受歡迎的菜餚, 淡水海風餐廳的蚵仔酥並不會乾扁, 而是吃起來飽滿, 沒有海鮮腥味是加分, 沾些椒鹽也不錯吃, 比預期地美味. 可考慮點來分享或是當作下酒菜.
Fried Oyster is always the top 3 dishes at Stir-fried restaurants in Taiwan. The fried oyster dish at Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant is not dry nor over-fried. in fact, it is quite delicious without the typical smell. You can also dip into the pepper salt at the side. It is more delicious than expected. You can order to share with your friends.
Stir-Fry Clams (Small)
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
淡水海風餐廳的料理皆有分小 Size 和 中 Size, 若是用餐人數多於六人, 我建議菜餚都點 中 size. 炒海瓜子這道料理看似有份量, 其實海瓜子數量並沒有很多, 形容詞也不會用到肥美這個形容詞, 這道料理重點其實是九層塔, 口裡的獨特辛香與鹹香勾勒出台灣熱炒風情, 若是平常在熱炒店習慣點炒蛤蜊, 我倒是建議在淡水海風餐廳可以點炒海瓜子.
Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant dish has small size and medium size. If the group is more than 6 people, I would suggest to order medium size. The quantity of clams is not as much as expected. The main character of this dish is Chinese Basil. The spice stimulation and salty flavor represents the Taiwanese Re-Cho style.
炒海菜 (小)
Stir-Fried Seaweed ( Small )
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我們在前面點菜時, 店員提到炒海菜這道菜餚, 新鮮海菜經過翻炒顯得更清脆, 鹹度也恰到好處, 若是沒有點炒青菜, 可考慮點這一道
We ordered the seafood at the counter near the front entrance. The staff mentioned Stir-Fried Seaweed dish, which is quite crispy and refreshing. There are certain levels of saltness. If you didnt order stir-fried vegetable, you can consider order this dish.
Stir-Fry Mixed Noodle with Seafood
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
菜單上寫這道海鮮炒麵/什錦炒麵 只限平日提供, 其實吃海鮮義大利麵時, 我個人比較喜歡收汁乾淨且麵偏硬, 但是換到海鮮台式炒麵時, 我反而偏好中式油麵偏軟, 與底層海鮮湯汁浸泡在一起, 咬一口肥美蚵仔釋放出鹹香海鮮風味, 每一口的炒麵都有滿滿的海鮮香氣, 而且海風餐廳的海鮮炒麵裡有淡水魚丸, 具有在地特色.
This dish is only offered during weekday. While eating Italian pasta with seafood, I prefer al dente. However, while eating Stir-Fry Chinese noodle, I prefer soft texture with small amount of broth. The taste of oyster is perfect. Each taste of noodle has salty seafood flavor. The most interesting part would be this dish has local Dansui Fish Ball.
炒桂竹筍 (小)
Stir-Fry Bamboo (Small)
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道料理是季節性菜餚, 也可要求少油少鹽. 台灣桂竹筍大概是在春季, 嚴格來說是 4 ~ 5月, 恰巧用餐時間是4月底. 桂竹筍 Size 比想像中地大, 切的方式也跟預期地不一樣. 辛香與鹹香風味相當適合嚮往重口味的人, 我個人推薦這一道料理, 前提是你平常會吃重口味食物.
This dish is seasonal dish. The customer can ask less oil and less salt. This particular Taiwan bamboo only appears during April and May. The size of the bamboo is larger than expected. The cut shape is also different. The spicy and salty stimulation is great for people who like to eat salty dish. I would recommend this dish.
蛤蜊湯 (小)
Clam Soup ( Small )
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
如果習慣點湯, 海風餐廳可能也沒有太多選擇, 我跟家人就點最簡單的薑絲蛤蜊湯, 頗解膩.
If you used to order the soup, Dans Sea Breeze restaurant doesn’t have too much choice. My family and I ordered the simple Clam Soup with refreshing ginger slices.
炒麵 (小)
Stir-Fried Noodle ( Small )
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
填飽肚子的澱粉, 可點可不點, 可考慮點另一道海鮮炒麵.
You can consider order the other dish -Stir-fried seafood noodle.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant
地址: 新北市淡水區中正路17號 (Map)
捷運: 淡水捷運站
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/淡水老街海風餐廳海鮮/202014593163074
Restaurant Name: Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant
Address: No. 17 , Zhong-zheng Road, Dansui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Dansui MRT station
Tel: 02-2621-2365
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
2019 淡水海風餐廳 菜單 Menu
2019 Dansui Sea Breeze Restaurant Menu