(2022.3.25 結束營業) 大山洋行 J Deli 全名為 J-Deli 火腿臘腸專賣店, 是少數台北可以買西班牙伊比利火腿, 義大利帕瑪火腿, 法國拜雍火腿與乳酪的店面, 現在 大山洋行電商網站 已經架設好, 可以更方便網路購物! (2022.3.25 Closed Down) Dashine J-Deli Store is one of Taipei shops that sells J...
(結束營業) KUKUI POKE 生魚波奇飯 是台北 2021 新開幕餐廳 , 這間民生社區美食餐廳 也在我的台北夏威夷生魚拌飯推薦名單上. (Closed Down) Kukui Poke is on my Taipei Poke Bowl recommendation list. It is opened at 2021. It is also a restaurant at Taipei ...
(12/31/2024 結束營業) RAW 餐廳 是眾所皆知的 2022 台北米其林二星餐廳美食, RAW 訂位 2022 方式更改, 此篇文章是關於 RAW 新主廚王奕翔 Ben 與 主廚 Andre 推出的 2021 ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單. ( Closed at 12/31/2024 ) RAW TAIPEI is a Taipei Michelin 2 Stars Res...
(2024.7.14 結束營業) 這家雙連站甜點店老闆是日籍夫婦, 摸摸桃子洋菓子菜單上的焦香巴斯克起士蛋糕眾所皆知, 公認這家為 2020 新開幕的台北甜點店推薦. (Closed Down on 2024.7.14) Gâteau de momochee dessert shop owner is Japanese. Their Basque Cheesecake is quite famou...
(已結束營業 ) Circle Pasta 小圈子義大利麵是台北國父紀念館美食之一, 經營團隊是來自永康街 CELLO 騎樓義大利麵 , Circle Pasta 菜單上多數都是簡單的義大利麵. (Closed) Circle Pasta is one of the restaurants near Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. Most dishes...
(2021.8月底結束營業) 豊賀大酒家是台北永康街美食之一, 餐廳外面有大型烏魚子裝飾, 令人印象深刻, 這家東門站餐廳也可以歸類於台北餐酒館. (Closed at end of August, 2021) Li Ho Bistro is one of the Taipei Yongkang Street Restaurants. It has the large mullet roes de...
(Closed Down ) Papi Pasta 是台北市政府站美食之一, 除了老闆是法國人之外, 另一個亮點應該就是老闆手工製作義大利麵條, 搭上這波台北手工義大利生麵熱潮. Papi Pasta is one of the Taipei City Hall restaurants. There are two spotlights - the owner is French and the ...
(Closed Down ) Settle Taipei 餐酒館是2021 新開幕餐廳之一, 裝潢有著拉丁美洲熱帶雨林的風格, 酒單與菜單也是充滿異國風情. Settle Taipei Bistro is one of the 2021 Taipei new restaurants. The restaurant decoration is full of Latin America Rainfo...
(已歇業) 樓上見餐酒館是新開幕台北餐酒館, 饕客們都知道主廚是之前 MUME 餐廳副主廚, 樓上見菜單價位偏中等. (Closed Down ) See You Bar & Restaurant is one of the newly-opened Taipei Bistros. Most foodies know that the chef has working experience...