Papi Pasta 》台北信義區平價義大利麵美食 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ) Papi Pasta台北市政府站美食之一, 除了老闆是法國人之外, 另一個亮點應該就是老闆手工製作義大利麵條, 搭上這波台北手工義大利生麵熱潮.
Papi Pasta is one of the Taipei City Hall restaurants. There are two spotlights – the owner is French and the pasta is hand-made by him.


Papi Pasta 菜單 在文末 》Papi Pasta Menu is at the end of Article


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Papi Pasta 訂位

Papi Pasta Reservation

2020年 8月開幕 Papi Pasta 離市政府捷運站一號出口大約10分鐘路程, 過基隆路一段後轉進巷弄即可,許多上班族會在這個巷弄內吃午餐, Papi Pasta 餐廳的老爺爺 LOGO 非常明顯, 先在櫃臺點餐, 整體用餐環境感覺比 “ 花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora ” 還要輕鬆, 跟 “Circle Pasta” 一樣是在地住家會去的餐廳. 店家可外帶也有 Ubereat. 缺點是 Papi Pasta 訂位需要用他們的商業帳號 Line@ ( ID @papipasta ), 原因是開放式廚房人手不夠, 沒有空接電話, 這種訂位方式對我來說比較麻煩, 因為我 LINE 工作群組太多, 不想再多加群組. Papi Pasta 營業時間請以 Facebook 公告為主.
Papi Pasta is opened at August, 2020. it is about 10 minutes walking distance across Keelung Road. The grandpa logo is quite obvious. You would need to order at the front counter. The overall dining environment is more relaxing than “La Cucina di Flora”. Besides white collars, there are also locals that will visit Papi Pasta, similar with “Circle Pasta” target audience. You can order take-out and they have ubereat too. The down side is that you would need to add their LINE@ group to reserve seats ( ID @papipasta ). The main reason would be that they are too busy  to pick up the phone during dining time. Since I have too many work related LINE groups, I seriously don’t want to add more LINE@ group. Also, you would need to check the operation hour time via Papi Pasta’s Facebook.

延伸閱讀: 花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora 》南京東路巷弄美食餐廳推薦

延伸閱讀: 其他市政府捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants Near Taipei City Hall MRT station


Papi Pasta 點菜 SOP

What is the standard procedure to order at Papi Pasta

Papi Pasta 固定每天只有兩款手作義大利麵條, 想知道麵的種類有兩個方式 , 第一, 你可以查詢他們的 Instagram or Facebook , 甚至私詢直接問, 第二則是加入他們的 Line@ 群組, 我是用第一個方式. 在店面前方櫃檯選好麵與醬後,店員不會主動問軟硬度, 請自動提醒櫃檯註明義大利麵口感要硬ㄧ點, 「不是」台式義大利麵, 入座前自行拿餐具與水, 吃完後再到櫃檯付錢.
Papi Pasta only has two types of pasta each day. There are two methods to know about the pasta type in advance. First method would be to check their social media (Instagram or Facebook) or even ask via private message. The second method would be add their LINE@ group. I use the first method. After ordering the pasta and sauce, you would need to remind the staff to write “to cook more al dente instead of soft” on the memo. The staff won’t ask you automatically. You would need to get the utensils and water by yourself.

Papi Pasta 義大利麵類型


Pasta with Basil Pesto
Price: NTD $188
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

價格兩百元有找, 而且外帶比內用便宜 NTD $30. 我選的是麻花捲麵, 搭配的醬並不是ㄍㄡ ㄍㄡ的奶油青醬, 而是以義大利進口之頂級冷壓初榨橄欖油做為青醬的基底, 九層塔清爽香氣搭配適量蒜香,我個人喜歡店家再撒上帕瑪森起司粉增加青醬的厚度, 這道義大利麵裡沒有肉, 份量算適量, 女生吃六分飽. 我個人蠻推這道新鮮青醬義大利麵, 真心許願可以搭配水管麵.
The dine-in price is NTD $188, and take-out is cheaper by NTD $30 difference. I selected Casarecce. The basil pesto is not creamy. Instead, the sauce base is EVOO along with basil and garlic flavor. I like the parmesan cheese to enrich and thicken the basil pesto. There isn’t any meat in this pasta and the quantity is fair amount. Girls can fulfill 60% of appetite. I definitely recommend this pasta and sauce. However, I would wish to pair with rigatoni.



Pasta with Chicken and Cream Sauce
Price: NTD $188
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

選的是細扁麵. 可惜雞胸肉偏乾, 奶油醬加了有點多, 整體吃起來會偏膩. 我個人不建議點.
I selected linguine. However, the chicken breast is too dry. And the cream sauce is a bit too rich and too much. Overall, it tastes quite heavy. I don’t suggest you guys to order it.


結論 Conclusion

Papi Pasta 並不是台式義大利麵餐廳 , 麵體與醬皆是Papi Pasta 自己做,我沒有升級為套餐. 我會想再來試水管麵+肉醬, 可惜不會再選與雞胸肉有關的義大利麵, 請記得提醒店員要註明麵要煮得硬一點, 「 不是」台式義大利麵. 我真心希望店家可以準時在 Instagram 限時動態公布本日麵條種類. 很高興可在信義區找到 NTD $200 左右又不錯吃的義大利麵, 這家就是ㄧ家可以吃 Easy Lunch 或是 Easy Dinner 的地方. Papi Pasta 價格適合有預算的人.
Papi Pasta is not a Taiwanese style pasta restaurant. The pasta and sauce are all made by Papi Pasta owner. I didn’t upgrade to set though. I would like to try the rigatoni with meat sauce. However, I wouldn’t order any chicken breast meat related pasta. Please remind the staff to cook the pasta with more al dente and hard texture. I also wish that Papi Pasta can post their daily pasta type on Instagram daily story. Last but not least, it is difficult to find a pasta place that price matches delicious level.  I am glad that I found it for easy lunch or easy dinner. Papi pasta is for people who have a budget.

延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)


Papi Pasta 短秒影片



Papi Pasta 資訊

Papi Pasta Information

餐廳: Papi Pasta
地址: 台北市信義區忠孝東路四段559巷16弄18號 (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站
電話: N/A (因為太忙沒空接電話)
Restaurant: Papi Pasta
Address: No. 18, 16th alley, 599th Lane, 4th section, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall MRT station
Tel: N/A (They are too busy to pick up the phone)


Papi Pasta 菜單 》 Papi Pasta Menu

Chinese and English Menu Link:



