黑馬小廚是 2023 新開幕的台北義大利餐廳, 也是台北餐酒館推薦之一, 除了招牌 Chorizo 炒小卷, 黑馬小廚菜單也有手工義大利麵與單杯酒. Heyma Restaurant is 2023 new Taipei Italian Restaurant. It is one of the Taipei Bistro recommendation. Besides Squid with Cho...
Cucina Man Mano 慢慢弄乳酪義大利餐廳 是 2022 新開幕民生社區餐廳美食, 將在台灣製造的慢慢弄品牌乳酪入菜, 也可直接在延壽街店面購買新鮮乳酪. Cucina Man Mano is a 2022 newly-opened Italian Restaurant at Taipei Minsheng Community. The chef uses Made-in-Taiwan ...
( 2025.1 更新) 之前瘋傳一篇 “台北民生社區美食地圖”, 我在此篇文章會提到位於富錦街的餐廳外, 也會標註中式西式和民生社區平價美食推薦. (2025.1 Update) There was an popular article about “MingShen Community Foodie Map” . Besides the restaurants on Fujin Street,...
六丁目 Cafe 是台北民生社區咖啡店推薦, 更特別的是 六丁目 Cafe 菜單 也提供多款日本進口的茶品, 招牌抹茶甜點則是 2.5 倍濃抹茶生乳酪蛋糕. Rokucyoume Cafe is one of the Mingshen Community Coffee Recommendation. The menu also stated that they have various Japan...
A Mano Pizzeria & Italian Kitchen 義舍廚房是台北民生社區美食推薦之一, 也是台北餐酒館, 饕客們都知道 A Mano 訂位不容易. A Mano Taipei is one of the Taipei Mingshen District Restaurants. It is also categorized as Taipei Bistro. Most f...
All Day Roasting Company 是知名民生社區咖啡廳之一, 也在我的不限時且有插頭的台北咖啡店推薦名單上. All Day Roasting Company is one of the famous coffee shops at Taipei Mingshen Community. It is also at my Taipei Coffee Shop Recommendati...
金舌頭食集是台北專賣日本進口蕎麥產品的店鋪, 也是民生社區下午茶選擇之一. Origins Foodist is one of shops that sell buckwheat product from Japan. It is also one of the afternoon tea options at Mingshen Community.
2017年6月新開幕的台北東旅 ( Hotel East Taipei ) 位於南京三民捷運站附近, 是台北松山區南京東路上的商旅之一. 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗一晚住宿. Newly-opened Hotel East Taipei is one of the hotels near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. It is also one of the busine...
位於台北松山區南京東路五段的1/2 Cafe採用台灣食材製作手作果露咖啡, 深受附近上班族與居民喜愛, 近日也推出雪糕冰拿鐵和4度C冰鬆餅, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到這些新產品. 1/2 Cafe is located near Nangjing Sanmi MRT station in Taipei Songshan District. The owner uses Taiwan local ...
網路跟書上常提到夏天要吃涼麵, 冬天要吃湯麵, 但是當然那只是參考, 要不然這家位於辦公室林立附近的“空軍涼麵“怎麼會每天生意好得不得了?!? Who set the rule saying that it would be better to eat soup noodle in the winter time? If so, why is “Air Force Cold Noodle Res...