阿香工作坊是屬於低調且美味的新北市私廚餐廳推薦, 預約制家常江浙菜的私廚桌菜更深得饕客們的喜愛, 尤其是茄汁獅子頭. A-Xiang Private Kitchen is a New Taipei City Private Kitchen recommendation with low profile and delicious foods. Its reservation-only Jiangs...
花娘小館是 輝達 NVIDIA 創辦人黃仁勳 安排公司聚餐的台北平價餐廳, 這次在包廂品嚐花娘小館桌菜 , 菜單除了蒼蠅頭 , 也有點其他菜餚. NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang arranged a company dinner at Flower Restaurant, which is a Taipei price-friendly restaurant. We ord...
2023 新開幕台北上海鄉村信義137 是信義安和美食餐廳之一, 信義店菜單延續濟南店的經典菜餚, 中式菜餚份量調整為少數人也能分享. 2023 newly-opened Taipei Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137 is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. The menu still has tradit...
翟九麵館 是 台北 2023 新開幕餐廳, 也是遠百信義 A13 4樓餐廳美食之一 . 翟九菜單以台灣美食居多, 例如蔥肉餃子, 滷牛舌, 招牌肉燥乾麵. Chai Jiu Restaurant is a 2023 newly open Taipei restaurant in Xinyi District. It is located at 4F of Far Eastern Departmen...
仙塘跡農園餐廳是 台中景觀餐廳推薦, 這次沒有點仙塘跡必點悶鴨與紫蘇蝦仁, 家人的朋友們協助點了其他仙塘跡菜單推薦. Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taichung Taiwanese restaurant with views. This time, we didnt order Fairy Pond menu signature dis...
(2023.4 N訪 更新) 香港九記港式海鮮餐廳是知名的台北粵菜餐廳推薦, 也很適合家庭聚餐, 九記海鮮菜單裡的山楂陳醋骨則是蔡康永心目中的台北 500 盤之一. (2023. 4 Update) Hong Kong Jui-Ji Seafood is a Taipei Cantonese restaurant recommendation. Their Deep-fried Pork Ribs...
(2024.8 更新) 台北平價餐廳美食不好找, “月光族”在月底覓食是一件很困難的任務, 因此我決定做了一個台北平價美食推薦懶人包讓大家一目瞭然, 而且是有經過篩選, 僅限Foodelicious Review過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2024.8 Update) During the end of the month, people always look for budge-wi...
晶華軒 Silks House 是晶華酒店餐廳推薦, 也是台北米其林入選餐廳之一. 這次在大包廂與 其他 49 人品嚐晶華軒菜單推薦與 2023 新的粵菜菜餚. Silks House is one of the Taipei Regent Hotel Restaurants and also one of the Michelin Selected restaurants. This time,...
饗食天堂 是 2023 新北與台北吃到飽推薦, 這次中壢的饗食天堂下午茶訂位意外成功. 這篇文章會提到饗食天堂價格 , 訂位, 菜色等重點. Eatogether Buffet Restaurant is one of 2023 New Taipei City and Taipei Buffet Recommendation. This time, we successfully reserve ...
(2023.10 更新) 榮榮園浙寧餐廳 是 台北米其林必比登餐廳推薦 之一, 這次二訪吃到榮榮園必點的光餅夾 (㸆) 烤排骨 , 也有品嘗到榮榮園推薦且需預訂的傳統菜餚. (2023 Oct Update ) Rong Rong Yuan Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants. We t...