Taichung Restaurant 》仙塘跡農園餐廳菜單除了招牌悶鴨還要點什麼?

Last Updated on 2023-04-25 by Foodelicious

仙塘跡農園餐廳台中景觀餐廳推薦, 這次沒有點仙塘跡必點悶鴨與紫蘇蝦仁, 家人的朋友們協助點了其他仙塘跡菜單推薦.
Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taichung Taiwanese restaurant with views. This time, we didnt order Fairy Pond menu signature dishes – Duck dish and Fried Perilla Leaves with Shrimp. We order other dishes.



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仙塘跡農園餐廳 交通與停車

Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant Traffic and Parking

仙塘跡農園餐廳地址是台中市石岡區萬仙街仙塘坪巷2號, 附近有豐原高爾夫球俱樂部, “又見一炊煙“ 與 飛花落院離這家餐廳的車程不遠. 仙塘跡餐廳位於半山腰, 只能開車才能抵達餐廳, 餐廳附近有停車場.
Fair Pond Chinese restaurant address is No. 2, Xiantangping Ln., Wanxian St., Shigang Dist., Taichung City , Taiwan. There is golf court nearby. “Fooding Smoke Restaurant” and Inflorescence restaurant are not too far away. Since Fairy Pond Chinese restaurant is located at the mountain, you can only drive to get there. There are parking lots near the restaurant.

延伸閱讀: Taichung View Restaurant 》關於又見一炊煙的三個重點 ( 內有菜單價格 )


仙塘跡農園餐廳 訂位

Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant Reservation

仙塘跡農園餐廳訂位是直接打電話訂位 ( 04-2582-3023 ) , 這家餐廳雖然在半山腰, 卻十分受到歡迎, 當天我們是星期五中午用餐, 餐廳大概 8 分滿, 所以我會建議先訂位.
Fairy Pond Chinese reservation is via phone call ( 04-2582-3023 ). Even though it is a restaurant at the mountain, it is quite popular. We dined there on Friday lunch and it is full of people. So, I would suggest to reserve seats in advance.


仙塘跡農園餐廳 用餐環境

Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant Dining Environment

仙塘跡不僅是台中景觀餐廳, 也是寵物友善餐廳. 這裡餐廳多數是大桌, 可坐 8 人左右, 我們六人是坐靠窗的桌子, 可惜輪椅出入不太方便, 洗手間也需要走樓梯下去.
Fair Pond Chinese restaurant is not only a restaurant with views, it is also pet-friendly. Most tables are large and can fit 8 people. We have six people and sit next to the window. However, it is not handicapped accessible. You will need to walk downstairs to the restroom.



仙塘跡農園餐廳 菜單 ⭐

Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant Menu

仙塘跡與 “榮榮園” 一樣有設計好的 8 ~ 10 人桌菜套餐菜單 (圖三), 也有單點菜餚.
Same as “Rong Rong Yuan “, Fairy Pond Chinese also has 8 ~ 10 people set menu (Pic 3). You can also order single dish.

延伸閱讀: Rong Rong Yuan Restaurant 》八人吃榮榮園菜單的預訂菜餚


仙塘跡農園餐廳 菜餚 Review

Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant Dishes Review


Braised Pork Belly with Bamboo
Price: NTD $650
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

菜餚外型看似台版東坡肉, 可是沒有 “ 晶華蘭亭餐廳” 油亮與細緻, 桂筍封肉是台灣古早味辦桌菜之一. 勾起食慾, 品嚐一小塊滷肉, 口感Q彈, 長時間的燜煮讓肥厚豬肉非常地軟嫩且入味, 筍乾清脆且微鹹, 記得點白飯來搭配這一道菜, 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚, 也推薦你們點.
The dish appearance looks similar with Taiwanese version of DongPo Pork. However, it is not as oily bright and delicate as the pork dish at “Regent Hotel Lan Ting restaurant”. Braised Pork belly is quite tasty. The pork skin is with chewy texture. With long time braising, the meat is tender and has fair amount of salty flavor. The bamboo is crispy. Remember to order rice to pair with this dish. This is my favorite dish of the day.

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳



Braised Dried Bamboo
Price: NTD $350 / NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

筍子似乎是這一家餐廳的特色食材. 這一道油悶筍也很受歡迎, 之後有朋友跟我說他們都稱這道菜餚為「雞汁燜筍」, 我上次吃油燜筍是在 “桃園大溪紅樓”, 這一道菜餚的筍子本身雖然沒有像 “鼎泰豐” 冷筍沙拉清脆, 但也不會像台北拉麵店的筍乾具有纖維感. 每一口悶筍皆有雞油的風味, 我一口接著一口搭飯吃.
Bamboo seemed to be this restaurant’s special and famous ingredient. This braised dried bamboo dish is quite popular. Last time I had the similar dish was at a “Taoyuan Restaurant”. Even though the bamboo is not as crisp as the ones at “Din Tai Fung”. It is not like the dried bamboo at Ramen Restaurant neither. Every bite of the bamboo has chicken oil flavor. I also pair this dish with the rice.

延伸閱讀: Taoyuan Restaurant 》在桃園大溪紅樓可吃到各種中式料理派系美食

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2023 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2023 推薦美食排名

延伸閱讀: 台北拉麵推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)



Fried Red Bean Pastry with Peanut Powder
Price: NTD $320 / NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

每次在台北都是吃港式甜品 (例如 “85 TD” ) , 我已經很久沒有吃到台式甜點菜餚 (?!) , 咬一口炸花生紅豆糕, 外部口感頗酥脆, 裡面內餡有完整的紅豆顆粒, 甜度雖然偏高, 但還是會忍不住多吃幾個.
I always eat Cantonese Dessert (For example: “85 TD” ) at Taipei City. It has been a long time that I tasted Taiwanese pastry dessert. First bite has crispy texture. The filing has actual round shape of red beans. Even though it is sweet, it is difficult to stop eating.

延伸閱讀:85TD Restaurant 》關於台北 101 捌伍添第餐廳的五個重點



Fried Shrimp with Salt and Pepper
Price: NTD $380 /NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

仙塘跡菜單有可宴客的桌菜 – 避風塘軟殼蟹 (NTD $1000) , 避風塘烹調方式幾乎都是在知名中式餐廳吃到過, 例如 “晶華軒”的避風塘炒皇蝦球與 “大三元酒樓” 的避風塘星斑.我們不是點仙塘跡農園餐廳招牌菜餚 – 紫蘇蝦仁, 我們是點偏台式的下酒菜- 椒鹽溪蝦, 炸得非常酥脆, 整隻蝦包括蝦頭都可以吃, 調味除了椒鹽外, 也帶有蔥香, 不錯吃.
Fairy Pond Chinese Restaurant menu has Fried Soft Crab dish with Garlic and Chili ( Typhoon Shelter Style) (NTD $1000). This type of flavored dish always appear at famous restaurant – For example “Silks House “ and “Taipei Three Coins restaurant”. The deep-fried shell is crispy and you can eat the whole shrimp, including the shrimp head. Besides the salt and pepper, there is also green onion aroma. It is quite delicious.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )



Pan-Fried Pork Liver
Price: NTD $320 /NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這家餐廳的豬肝 比 ”聚苑 Ju Yuan “的美極豬肝厚切許多, 可以感受到豬肝的柔軟度, 也不會過苦 我個人不太吃豬肝, 但還是會淺嘗. 建議先問同桌客人吃不吃豬肝再點.
This pork liver is thick-sliced, which is even thicker than “Ju Yuan” pork liver dish. You can sense the the soft texture of the liver. And it is not bitter. I don’t usually eat pork liver though. I would suggest you to ask other people’s opinion before ordering this dish.

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點



Price: NTD $750/ NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

上次在 “儂來會館”吃過的白斬雞皮顏色與這次的不太相同, 仙塘跡的白斬雞份量頗多, 台灣本土品種雞嫩度高, 並沒有碎骨, 美味程度中等, 如果你們沒有點另一道 “悶鴨”, 你們可以考慮點白斬雞.
Nong Lai Taipei” chicken skin color is a bit different from this dish. There are large amount chicken in this dish. Taiwanese chicken is always tender and without much broken bones. It is above average. If you didnt order the duck dish, you can consider ordering this chicken dish.

延伸閱讀: 儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳

延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin Restaurant 》雞家莊菜單除了三味雞還有哪些台菜推薦



Hakka Stir-Fried Dish
Price: NTD $320 /NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

客家小炒在許多台式餐廳常看到, 我上次吃客家小炒是在 ”閤家小館“, 仙塘跡客家小炒比較偏鹹香, 魷魚口感也偏硬一些, 吃起來涮嘴, 記得搭配白飯.
You can always see this Hakka Stir-Fried Dish at Taiwanese restaurant menu. Last time I had the similar dish was at “Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant”. The squid is a bit toward the hard texture but much more flavorful. Remember to order rice to pair.

延伸閱讀: 閤家小館》 台北大安區美食 | 適合家庭聚餐 | Chinese Restaurant




Chicken Soup with Dried Aged Radish
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

老菜脯雞湯沒有在單點菜單上, 但是有在 NTD $6000 套餐 與 NTD $7000 套餐 , 建議在餐廳訂位時, 可事先詢問可不可以單點. 這道湯品的老菜脯並不是像常見的菜脯蛋食材, 老菜脯號稱台灣黑金食材, 越陳年越亮黑, 我上次吃到老菜脯食材是在 “頤宮 Le Palais”. 這一道老菜脯雞湯喝起來頗特別, 老菜脯吃起來像醬瓜, 白蘿蔔也吸收適量雞湯精華, 我沒有吃湯品裡的烏骨雞. 這一道湯品比較不是我喜歡的類型.
This soup is not at the single order menu. However, it is at the NTD $6000 and NTD $7000 set menu. Remember to ask if you can single order this dish. The dried aged radish is not a common ingredient. When there is aging process, the color of the dried radish will become darker. Last time, I had dried aged radish at Michelin Star restaurant “Le Palais”. This particular soup tastes quite special. The aged radish tastes like pickled cucumber. The white daikon absorbs large amount of chicken soup essence. However, for my own preference, this is not my type of soup though.

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯名店餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Chicken Soup Guide



Stir-Fried Vegetable with Bamboo
Price: NTD $200/ NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

由於許多菜餚通常有適量鹹度且下飯, 客人通常會點一盤炒青菜搭配.
Many dishes have fair amount of saltiness. Customers always order one dish of vegetable to pair with.



仙塘跡農園餐廳 餐廳資訊

Fairy Pond Restaurant Information

店名: 仙塘跡農園餐廳
地址: 台中市石岡區萬仙街仙塘坪巷2號 (Map)
電話: 04-2582-3023


Restaurant: Fairy Pond Restaurant
Address: No. 2, Xiantangping Ln., Wanxian St., Shigang Dist., Taichung City , Taiwan (MAP )
Tel: 04-2582-3023



