BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)
Last Updated on 2023-04-23 by Foodelicious
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館是台北餐酒館推薦之一, BeApe 評價與價格皆不錯, 這次是去吃 BeApe 菜單推薦的套餐.
BeApe French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistro Recommendation. The review and price are both reasonable. This time, I went to taste the set at BeApe Menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
BeApe 訂位 & 停車
BeApe Reservation & Parking
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館地址是台北市中山區中山北路二段72巷1號2樓, 離雙連捷運站一號出口只有 5 分鐘路程, 附近停車場不多 (圖一) . BeApe 位於二樓, 只有樓梯沒有電梯. BeApe 訂位是從 BeApe 的官網 ( ) , 訂位時會收取訂金 NTD $600 /人.
BeApe restaurant address is 2F, No.1, No. 72th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 minutes walking distance from Exit 1 of Shuanglian MRT Station. There aren’t many parking lots nearby. BeApe restaurant is at 2F, and there are only stairs instead of the elevator. You will need to reserve seats via BeApe website ( ). You will need to pay NTD $600/person as downpayment.
延伸閱讀: 一訪 BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
BeApe 低消與用餐環境
BeApe Minimum Charge & Dining Environment
每位低消爲一份套餐, 也可加點單點菜餚, 例如生蠔或是每週經典義大利麵. 挑高餐廳空間採光良好 , 類似 “ Vice Versa 餐廳 “ , 餐廳後方則是有法小酒館的感覺 ( 類似 “Muzeo Taipei” ) , 座位並不會像 “DiVino Taipei” 擁擠. 如果是要包場, 餐廳通常會安排餐廳後方的空間, 當我入座時, 發現有跟台北文華東方酒店 “Café de LUGANO” 一樣的桌型服務鈴, 服務生也會照顧到餐廳後方的客人.
Each person’s minimum charge is One Set of Meal. You can also order extra single dish for sharing, for example weekly pasta or oyster. The restaurant is bright, similar with “Vice Versa restaurant”. There are also seating area at the back of the restaurant, which is similar with “Muzeo Taipei”. The seating area is not as crowded as “DiVino Taipei”. Large groups are usually seated at the back of restaurant. They have service bell/machine on the table, just like at “Café de LUGANO”. So, servers will also notice the customers at the back.
延伸閱讀: Vice Versa 餐廳 》六人在這家台北餐酒館點什麼 (內有菜單)
延伸閱讀: Muzeo Taipei 》 這家台北東區餐酒館有 Cocktails on Tap
延伸閱讀: DiVino Taipei 》適合朋友小酌聚餐的台北義大利餐酒館 ( 內有菜單 )
延伸閱讀: Café de LUGANO 》歐洲風格的台北文華東方酒店下午茶
BeApe Restaurant 菜單 ⭐
平日中午也可以點 “套餐” , 不一定要點商業午餐, 2023. 4 月商業午餐是 NTD $980/Set.
2023.4 月套餐價格有分
✅ NTD $1280/Set
✅ NTD $1680/Set
You can also order “Set” during weekday lunch time. You don’t need to order Business lunch during weekday lunch time. 2023.April Business Lunch Set is NTD $980/set.
2023. April Set Price has
✅ NTD $1280/Set
✅ NTD $1680/Set
延伸閱讀: 其他台北法式餐廳列表 》Other French Restaurants in Taipei City
BeApe 套餐 Review
BeApe Business Lunch Review
平日中午也可以點 “套餐” , 不一定要點商業午餐. 若覺得吃不飽, 可另外加點單點菜餚.
這篇文章是 2022.12 的菜單
✅ 我是主餐加價升級嫩煎頂級澳洲放牧小羔羊 (NTD $1280 + NTD $750 = NTD $2030).
✅ 我朋友是主餐加價升級為點羅西尼牛排 (NTD $1280 + NTD $1200 = NTD $2480 )
You can also order “Set” during weekday lunch time. You don’t need to order Business lunch during weekday lunch time. If you want to fulfill more appetite, you can also pay extra for single dishes.
This article is 2022.December Menu
✅ I pay extra for upgrading to Australian Lamb Chops. The total price is
NTD $1280 + NTD $750 = NTD $2030
✅ My friend pays extra for upgrading to Tournedos Rossini . The total price is NTD $1280 + NTD $1200 = NTD $2480
Chestnut Crisp Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
我一訪的時候是吃馬賽魚湯, 這次 2022.12 月是選擇秋冬食材 – 栗子濃湯. 我很久沒品嚐到正統法式栗子濃湯, BeApe 栗子濃湯的堅果香氣隱藏在口感飽滿的奶油濃湯裡, 栗子脆片是驚喜. 整款湯品都非常地美味.
I tasted bouillabaisse at my first visit. This time at 2022.December menu, I chose to taste Chestnut Crispy Soup. Chestnut is the fall/winter ingredient. I hasn’t tried the Original French Chestnut Crisp Soup for a while. The nutty flavor is hidden from the creamy soup. The chestnut crisp is a surprise. Overall, it is very delicious.
延伸閱讀: 一訪 BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館
Soft French Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
軟法麵包外層微酥脆, 麵包本體是亞洲人喜歡的偏軟口感 , 麥香沒有預期地豐富, 可搭配湯品一起吃.
The soft french bread appearance has hints of crispy texture. The bread itself has the soft texture that Asians prefer. However, there isnt much aroma as expected. You can pair the bread of the soup.
Porcini Scrambled Eggs
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
因為蛋荒 , 2023 套餐菜單已經沒有這項牛肝菌箘法式炒蛋. 這一款牛肝菌法式炒蛋尚未入口就能感受到其滑嫩程度, 雖然簡樸, 美味程度與高價位 “ Tutto Bello “ 的黑松露炒蛋沙拉不相上下.
Because of the egg inflation, 2023 set doesn’t have this Porcini Scrambled Eggs dish. You can sense the smooth texture even before tasting it. Even though this dish looks simply, but it is as delicious as the other Black Truffle scramble eggs salad at “Tutto Bello”.
延伸閱讀: Tutto Bello 》菜單單點推薦哪些義大利料理?
Main Course
澳洲放牧小羔羊 (+NTD $750)
Australian Lamb Chops (+NTD $750)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我是主餐升級加價點 “嫩煎頂級澳洲放牧小羔羊” , 法式餐廳怎能不點羊排?! 我是主餐加價升級嫩煎頂級澳洲放牧小羔羊 (NTD $1280 + NTD $750 = NTD $2030). 五分熟羊排是主廚建議, 下次我可能需要再熟一些 (七分熟?!). 雖然切面細致度不及 “空盤 Komboi” 與 “Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳”, 嫩口感ㄧ樣有存在感, 一旁的百里香, 奶油, 橄欖油輔佐羊排濃郁肉香. 如果你愛吃羊排, 可考慮點.
I pay extra +NTD $750 for upgrading to Australian Lamb Chops. How can you not order lamb chop at French restaurant? I pay extra for upgrading to Australian Lamb Chops. The total price isNTD $1280 + NTD $750 = NTD $2030. The chef suggested medium, but next time, I might ask for medium-well. Even though the lamb is not as delicate as the lamb chop at “Komboi” and “Orchid by Nobu Lee”, it still has tender texture. The thyme, butter, EVOO pairs with the meaty flavor from the lamb chop. If you love eating lamb chops, you can consider ordering it.
延伸閱讀: 空盤 Komboi 》在台北法式餐廳吃午餐套餐菜單美食
延伸閱讀: Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳 》二訪菜單的威靈頓牛排與羊排皆美味
羅西尼牛排 (+NTD $1200)
Tournedos Rossini (+NTD $1200)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這是我朋友點的, 我朋友是主餐加價升級為點羅西尼牛排 (NTD $1280 + NTD $1200 = NTD $2480 ). 我上次吃羅西尼牛排是在 “Lou Lou Dining Express” , 這次在 BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館外型比較類似 Fine Dining 餐廳的菜餚, 我只吃了一口牛排與鴨肝 , 沾一些盤底的濃郁醬汁 , 搭配後不錯吃, 朋友也說很美味.
My friend ordered this dish. My friend pays extra for upgrading to Tournedos Rossini . The total price is NTD $1280 + NTD $1200 = NTD $2480. I tasted Tournedos Rossini last time was at “Lou Lou Dining Express”. This time at BeApe restaurant, the appearance is more toward fine dining appearance instead of family cuisine. I only tasted one bite of steak and duck liver along with the sauce at the bottom. It tastes pretty good and my friend said so too.
延伸閱讀: Loulou Dining Express 》台北餐酒館推薦 (內有菜單連結)
Dessert & Drink
當日甜點是 Creme Brûlée. 不錯吃. 咖啡則是偏普通.
The daily dessert is Creme Brûlée, which is quite tasty. However, the coffee is average though.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
我會推薦 BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館, 不同於其他台北餐酒館, BeApe 餐廳有很多優點 :
✅ 可以訂一位, 訂位時會收取訂金 NTD $600 /人 , 美味程度是值得繁瑣訂位過程
✅ 以台北西式套餐價格而言, BeApe 價位與美味程度是成正比
✅ 不僅有套餐, 也有單點
I will recommend BeApe French Restaurant. Different from Taipei Bistros, BeApe has many selling points:
✅ You can reserve for one person. However, you will need to pay downpayment NTD $600/person. Even though it is a bit complicated, but it is still worth it.
✅ Compairing to other Western cuisine set price in Taipei City, BeApe restaurant price and delicious level are reasonable.
✅ Besides set, you can also order extra single dish.
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 資訊
BeApe Restaurant Information
店名: BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段72巷1號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 雙連站
電話: N/A (無提供電話)
Restaurant: BeApe Restaurant
Address: 2F, No.1, No. 72th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shuanglian MRT Station
Tel: N/A (they do not offer phone number)