台北大安區美食 》 al sorriso 2019 晚餐套餐新菜單 Review
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(Closed Down) 忠孝復興捷運站的 al sorriso 義大利餐廳已轉型成歐陸餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸品嚐到 al sorriso 2019 新菜單.
(Closed Down) al sorriso Restaurant no longer only offers solely Italian cuisine, but with various European cuisines. I have the opportunity to taste their 2019 al sorriso new menu.
2019 al sorriso 菜單 在文中和文末 2019 al sorriso Menu is at the middle and the end of article
al sorriso 餐廳交通
al sorriso Restaurant Traffic
al sorriso 餐廳在台北大安區的 Home Hotel 裡, 歸類於台北飯店餐廳, 飯店並沒有停車場, 但是附近有付費停車場, 我會建議搭大眾運輸, 因為 al sorriso 餐廳靠近忠孝復興捷運站三號出口, 往仁愛路四段的方向步行 10 分鐘即可抵達.
al sorriso restaurant is located inside of Home Hotel at Da’an District. It is categorized as one of the Taipei hotel restaurants. However, this hotel doesn’t have a parking lot. But, there are parking lots with hourly fees around the area. al sorriso restaurant is near Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit three with 10 minutes walking distance.
延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳酒吧懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar Guide
關於 al sorriso 餐廳
About al sorriso Restaurant
al sorriso 餐廳有早餐, 商業午餐, 下午茶和晚餐, 也有包廂可以辦多人聚會 (圖一). 很多人都不知道飯店大門旁有麵包烘烤區域, 餐廳有自己的麵包師傅, 而不是與其他店家合作, 每天烘烤的麵包都會放在餐廳中島區, 份量並不多. 2018 年因工作拜訪三次 al sorriso , 這次則是 2019 年第一次拜訪 al sorriso 餐廳.
al sorriso restaurant has both breakfast, business lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. There is also a large private dining room for family or business meeting. Most people do not know that there is a baking section near the hotel entrance. al sorriso has their own bread chefs, instead of cooperating with other bakeries. I visited al sorriso three times last year because of works. This visit is the first visit of 2019.
一訪: al sorriso 義大利餐廳 》紅蝦評鑑套餐 | Gambero Rosso Dining Set
二訪: 台北東區美食 》al sorriso 義式餐廳 | 義大利食材百匯天堂
三訪: al sorriso 義大利餐廳 》新主廚推出 2018 聖誕跨年套餐與新菜單
al sorriso 餐廳晚餐套餐 Menu
al sorriso Restaurant Dinner Set Menu
Price : NTD $1480/person
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
麵包品項不定期更換, 每一位客人都會有一份開胃麵包, 大部分餐廳 (例如 “ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei” ) 都是以酸麵包作為佐餐麵包, al sorriso 麵包並不像一般歐式麵包的酥脆口感, 而是溫熱鬆軟口感, 我個人比較喜歡風乾番茄布里歐圓形麵包, 沾橄欖油與義大利巴薩米克醋增加歐式風味.
The breads may be vary. Each customer would have one set of breads. Most restaurant (such as “ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei”) offers sour bread. al sorriso’s Brio is a bit soft and perfect match with olive oil and the balsamic sauce.
延伸閱讀: ULV Restaurant and Bar Taipei 》台北餐酒館 | 法式料理與北歐料理之邂逅
開胃菜 (二選一)
1. 布拉塔起司,番茄重奏, 7年酒醋
2. 煎干貝, 青花菜泥, 白花菜
Starter (Select One out of Two)
1. Burrata Cheese with Tomato Trio
2. Pan-Seared Scallop with Broccoli puree
布拉塔起司/番茄重奏/ 7年酒醋
Burrata Cheese with Tomato Trio
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
原本以為會像 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房”將布拉塔起司切一小塊當作簡單前菜, 孰不知是像 “La Mesa Taipei” 一份正餐, 完整象牙白起司, 搭配紅蕃茄與青番茄的點綴, 再以風乾番茄作為裝飾. 品嚐時, 發現淋在起司上的少許義大利陳年酒醋才是重點, 七年時光造就濃郁酸與甜的交響樂, 酒醋濃稠質地與軟綿布拉塔起司是絕配, 我個人比較推薦這一道開胃菜.
I thought the starter would be like “La Locanda” with small pieces of Burrata Cheese. However, the size of the cheese is almost like a regular dish size of “La Mesa Taipei”. Unlike other Italian restaurants, there are both fresh green tomato and red potato at this dish along with dried tomato. However, after the first taste, I realized that the 7-years-old aged balsamic sauce is the highlight of this dish. The sweetness and acidity level are perfect match. The thick texture of the sauce and gooey cheese tastes quite perfect. I would definitely recommend this dish.
延伸閱讀: La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房 》小巨蛋捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro
延伸閱讀: La Mesa Taipei 》台北東區西班牙餐酒館 | 換季新菜單登場
煎干貝, 青花菜泥, 白花菜
Pan-Seared Scallop with Broccoli puree
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
干貝 Size 並沒有“小後苑 Backyard Jr.”大, 干貝並沒有炙燒, 而是用煎的烹飪方式, 口感偏軟, 少許紅椒粉讓海鮮風味不再單調, 若是喜歡干貝的海鮮風味, 建議不沾青花菜泥.
The scallop size is as not large as “Backyard Jr.”. The scallop is not grilled, but with pan-fried. The scallop texture is soft. hints of paprika add more surprising element into the seafood flavor. However, the broccoli puree somehow covers seafood flavor in the mouth.
延伸閱讀: 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO
延伸閱讀: 二訪 Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑成為全方位的台北威士忌酒吧
前菜 (二選一)
1. 法國生蠔,青葡萄冰沙, 紫蘇泡沫
2.蒸煮九孔, 水梨, 肝薑汁露
Appetizer (Select One out of Two)
1.French Oyster with Grape Sorbet and Shiso Foam
2.Stewed Abalone
法國生蠔, 青葡萄冰沙,紫蘇泡沫
French Oyster with Grape Sorbet and Shiso Foam
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
al sorriso 餐廳採用知名法國吉拉朵二號生蠔, 而非“英國生蠔海鮮小屋”採用的英國生蠔. 很多人誤認吉拉朵是品種, 其實是養殖家族品牌名稱, 至於等級則是用蠔殼大小和重量, 在台灣最常見到的就是二號生蠔. 這一道端上時, 發現青葡萄冰沙隱藏在誘人生蠔底層, 紫蘇泡沫更是搶眼, 一口吞進去碩大鮮美生蠔, 單吃吉拉朵生蠔本來就非常美味, 飽含鱻味, 紫蘇泡沫增加少許海鮮風味, 青葡萄冰沙賦予清爽口感. 我個人比較推薦這一道前菜.
al sorriso restaurant offers No. 2 Specials Gillardeau French Oyster instead of British oyster as the “Taipei British Oysters Shed “. Many would think Gillardeau as a species. But, Gillardeau is more like a long-last family name . The level of the oyster is determined by the oyster size and weight. The most common oyster in Taiwan would be No. 2 Specials Gillardeau French Oyster. al sorriso chefs hide the grape sorbet at the bottom of the oyster. The shiso foam enhances seafood flavor and the grape sorbet offers refreshing taste. I would recommend this appetizer.
延伸閱讀: 英國生蠔海鮮小屋 》 Taipei British Oysters Shed | 新鮮英國生蠔空運直送
蒸煮九孔, 水梨, 肝薑汁露
Stewed Abalone
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
當我看到 “肝薑汁露” 在菜單上, 店員解釋是所謂的九孔肝臟, 也就是貝肉和貝殼都會有一個鼓起的長型硬肉, 那個部位就是九孔肝臟 (長知識), al sorriso 餐廳則是將九肝臟搭配薑一起燉煮後打成沾醬般的質地, 九孔外型不輸給大型鮑魚, 也具有咬勁, 水梨的甜有彌補到沾醬的微苦.
The dark green sauce is the mixed sauce with Abalone organ (yes, abalone has organs too) and ginger. This particular type of abalone meat is a bit chewy. The sweet from the pear is the opposite of the bitter from the dark green sauce. I would prefer the French oyster over this dish though.
湯品 (二選一)
1 .雞肉澄清湯, 椰子汁, 胡椒
2. 栗子濃湯, 薏仁, 紅藜麥
Soup (Select One out of Two)
1. Chicken consommé
2. Chestnut Soup with Barley and Quinoa
雞肉澄清湯, 椰子汁, 胡椒
Chicken consommé
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
此道熱湯是採用 Table Service 將湯注入湯盤裡, 我最近喝到澄清湯是在天母私廚 “逗號洋行私廚 Curio Comma Taipei”. 近期越來越多的餐廳提供雞肉澄清湯, 差異度則是配料的部分, 除了湯裡放了兩小塊雞肉外, al sorriso 廚師將椰子汁與雞肉一起燉煮再淨化, 濃郁雞湯香氣與風味遠遠霸佔著味蕾, 感受不到絲毫椰子香氣, 其實對我來說, 雞肉澄清湯的重點是雞湯香, 肯定的是 al sorriso 澄清湯的濃郁香氣是絕對足夠. 若是沒喝過法式澄清湯的人, 倒是可以點來體驗湯清味濃的感覺, 因為並不是每家異國料理餐廳願意將費時費力的澄清湯放在菜單上.
The dish served with table service. I recently tasted Chicken consommé at “Curio Comma Taipei”. There are more and more restaurants that offer Chicken consommé. The most difference would be the side ingredients. Besides two small dice of chicken at the soup plate, al sorriso restaurant chefs mixed the chicken and coconut juice , stewed together, and filtered. The chicken flavor are far more than the coconut flavor. If you never try chicken consommé before, I would recommend this soup.
延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理
栗子濃湯, 薏仁, 紅藜麥
Chestnut Soup with Barley and Quinoa
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
此道熱湯也是採用 Table Service , al sorriso 餐廳的栗子濃湯並沒有像“Chambistro 享.香檳海鮮餐酒館” 偏濃郁泥狀, 台灣紅藜麥和薏仁頂替栗子濃湯的經典沙沙口感, 我個人偏好栗子濃湯的堅果香氣與風味. 所以我個人認為 al sorriso 餐廳這兩道湯品很難擇一!!
The chestnut soup is also served with table service. al sorriso restaurant chestnut soup is not as thick as “Chambistro”. The quinoa and barley texture substitute the thick texture of the chestnut soup. I prefer the nutty flavor from the chestnut soup. It would be difficult to select one soup out of two.
延伸閱讀: 信義新光三越A9餐廳 》Chambistro – 香檳搭配料理的餐酒館
義大利麵/燉飯 (四選一)
1. 雪莉酒醋, 自製肉醬, 手工貓耳朵麵
3.鵪鶉, 竹筍, 野米
4.澳洲和牛臉頰, 古岡左拉頓飯 (+ NTD $120)
Pasta/Risotto (Select One out of Four)
1. Orecchiette Bolognese with Sherry Vinegar
2. Spaghetti alla Puttanesca
3. Quail with Bamboo shoots Risotto
4. Wagyu Cheek Cheese Risotto (+NTD $120)
雪莉酒醋, 自製肉醬, 手工貓耳朵麵
Orecchiette Bolognese with Sherry Vinegar
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我先來說為何我沒有選其他兩款, 煙花女麵是偏辣, 我在主餐則是選雞肉, 所以義大利麵和燉飯則盡量不選同樣肉品.上次在 “Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館”吃到念念不忘的貓耳朵麵, 這次 al sorriso 餐廳則是不同的版本, 不規則形狀的貓耳朵麵口感硬度佳, 肉醬份量剛好不過膩, 雪莉酒醋帶給味蕾難忘且意想不到的酸嗆風味, 愛吃泰式料理的人應該會很愛這一道.
Let’s start why I didn’t choose other two dishes. Spaghetti alla Puttanesca is spicy and my main course is chicken. Last time I ate Orecchiette was at “Vicolo Trattoria Italian Restaurant”. This is a different version. Fair amount of meat sauce matches the quantity of the Orecchiete. The sherry vinegar acidity is stronger than expected. If you like Thai food, you would love this dish.
延伸閱讀: 天母餐酒館推薦 》Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館 | Tianmu Bistro
澳洲和牛臉頰, 古岡左拉燉飯
Wagyu Cheek Gorgonzola Cheese Risotto
Price: Extra + NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
燉飯已經成為多數台灣西式餐廳菜單上必有的料理, 有些餐廳, 例如 al sorriso 餐廳, 依舊堅持採用義大利米, 也很大膽用味道頗重的義大利古岡左拉藍紋起司 (Gorgonzola Cheese), 很多台灣人對藍紋起司就像外國人對臭豆腐敬而遠之, 但是這道燉飯並沒有過多擾人起司霉味, 反倒是勾勒出獨特味道, 讓口中繚繞著起司香氣, 米的硬度與燉煮澳洲和牛臉頰軟嫩度剛好相呼應, 這道則是兼具賣相和口味的菜色, 只是份量不多, 意猶未盡, 我個人比較喜歡這道燉飯多過於上一道的貓耳朵麵.
Risotto is becoming a must-have dish at Taiwan Western Cuisine restaurants. Some restaurants, such as al sorriso restaurant, still use Italian rice as risotto ingredients. al sorriso restaurant also uses Gorgonzola Cheese, which is one of the blue cheeses. However, this risotto doesn’t have the typical smell from the blue cheese. The taste brings unique cheese flavor into the mouth. The hard texture of the risotto and stewed wagyu cheek meat soft texture pairs great together. I prefer this risotto dish over the pasta dish.
主餐 (四選一)
1.當日鮮魚, 主廚醬汁
2. 竹地雞, 玉米泥, 紹興酒肉汁
3. 盤克夏松阪豬, 黑蒜醬, 蕪菁
4. Prime 菲力, 松露洋芋泥, 野菇 (+NTD $120)
Pasta/Risotto (Select One out of Four)
1. Chef’s Daily Fish
2. Hakka Farm Chicken with Corn Puree and Shoaxing wine gravy
3. Panke Summer Pork Shoulder with Black Garlic Sauce
4. USDA Prime Beef Tenderloin with mashed potato ( +$NTD 120)
竹地雞, 玉米泥, 紹興酒肉汁
Hakka Farm Chicken with Corn Puree and Shoaxing wine gravy
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
無骨雞胸與紹興酒肉汁結合將鹹香升級, 玉米和皎白筍皆稍微炙燒的痕跡, 口感鮮脆很適合搭配雞肉的軟嫩, 我沒有沾微甜玉米泥一起吃, 因為紹興酒肉汁的鹹香度已足夠滿足, 只是雞肉部分偏少, 多數台灣人的刻版印象是主餐會是一個套餐內最多份量的菜餚, 這個觀念應該近期不會改變.
The boneless chicken breast combines with Shoaxing Wine gravy creates both salty and meaty aroma. The baby corns and bamboos have hints of grilling mark. The crisp texture is a great match with the tenderness of the chicken. I didn’t dip into the sweet corn puree. The main reason would be I am already satisfied with the meaty flavor from the chicken. However, most Taiwanese see main course is the dish with the large quantity of the set. However, this dish doesn’t have much chicken as expected.
盤克夏松阪豬, 黑蒜醬, 蕪菁
Panke Summer Pork Shoulder with Black Garlic Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
印象中的松阪豬是切薄片且口感脆, 這道盤克夏松阪豬像牛排切塊, 品嚐起來的口感是軟嫩, 當黑蒜醬挑逗食慾時, 小茴香點綴更是讓腦裡只有一吃再吃的念頭.
Most people would assume pork shoulder is in thin slice shape with crispy texture. However, this pork shoulder is a bit like slice of steak. It actually tastes soft and tender. When the garlic sauce increases the appetite, the cumins also stimulate the tastebuds as well.
檸檬慕斯& 無花果磅蛋糕
Lemon Mousse & Figs Pound Cake
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
每一份套餐都會有一份甜點, 上層為檸檬慕斯, 酸度沒有想像中地高, 檸檬的清香魅力不減. 除了有像 “Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant”的新鮮無花果外, 磅蛋糕裡乾燥無花果更加深我對這份甜點的印象. 我吃到一半才發現原來 al sorriso 將金箔裝飾在蛋糕旁, 整道甜點視覺升級.
Every person would get a dessert. Upper side is lemon mousse, which doesn’t have achieve the expected acidity. But the lemon mousse still has the refreshing taste. It has the fresh fig like at “Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant”, and also dried figs inside the pound cake. The dessert tastes great. I also noticed the golden foil decoration at the side of cake. It immediately upgrades the image level of this dessert.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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店名: al sorriso 義大利餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 以 Facebook 為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alsorriso.tw/
Restaurant Name: al sorriso Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 219-2 , 1st section, Fuxing South Road 1st Section, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-5013
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
2019 al sorriso 菜單 》 2019 al sorriso Menu