al sorriso 義大利餐廳 》紅蝦評鑑套餐 | Gambero Rosso Dining Set

Last Updated on 2023-05-15 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down ) al sorriso 義大利餐廳忠孝復興捷運站美食餐廳之一, 在獲得義大利紅蝦評鑑兩支叉子後, 乘勝追擊推出兩款 “紅蝦評鑑套餐” (1780元與1380元) 讓饕客們品嚐. 這次有榮幸可以品嚐到價值 $1780元的 “紅蝦評鑑套餐”.
Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant is one of the Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station restaurants. Right after they had won two forks at Gambero Rosso International-Taipei, they decide to offer two special dining sets (NTD $1780 and NTD $1380) in honor of Gambero Rosso. Today, I have the opportunity to try out their NTD $1780 dining set.



延伸閱讀: 2018 紅蝦評鑑 – 台北 》Gambero Rosso International – Taipei
延伸閱讀: al sorriso 義大利餐廳下午茶 》台北紅蝦評鑑認證 | Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北大安區美食 》 al sorriso 2019 晚餐套餐新菜單 Review


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


這家餐廳並不是獨立餐廳店面, 而是在大安區的Home Hotel裡, 除了飯店早餐外, 也有午餐, 下午茶與晚餐, 每段用餐時間皆有不同氛圍. 之前有在 al sorriso 義大利餐廳吃過下午茶, 氛圍與價位是較平易近人, 午餐時段顧客則是附近上班族居多, 晚餐時段則是鋪上桌布轉換成經典Fine Dining的用餐環境, 這兩款“紅蝦評鑑套餐”是每日限量, 因此建議事先預訂.
Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant is located inside the Home Hotel instead of store front. Besides breakfast, they also offer lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. The Gambero Rosso Dining Sets are limited quantity, so, I would suggest to reserve prior.




Gambero Rosso Dining Set (Deluxe Set)
Price: NTD $1780

台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Appetizer: 鮮切伊比利火腿與季節水果

English Name: Iberico Cebo Ham with Fruit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

每家在台灣的正統義大利餐廳都會販售”伊比利火腿與水果”冷盤, al sorriso 義籍主廚選擇厚切伊比利火腿, 而非微透光的薄切片 (例如 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房”的前菜) . 鮮紅亮麗火腿肉表層上佈滿油花紋路, 豐潤口感再加上迷人堅果香氣, 哈密瓜與生菜的點綴並不會搶走味蕾所感受到的火腿肉經典鹹度. 我平常不太點生火腿冷盤, 但是我非常推薦 al sorriso 義大利餐廳的伊比利火腿冷盤.
Each original Italian restaurant in Taiwan has “Iberico Ham with Fruit Cold Plate”. Al Sorriso Italian chef chooses thick slice Iberico ham instead of thin slice (For example, “La Locanda” ). The bright red ham appearance has fair amount of marble fats. Meaty flavor pairs along with nuts aroma . The honey dew and salad wouldn’t cover the classic saltness from the ham. I don’t usually order ham cold plate. But, I strongly recommend al sorriso Italian Restaurant’s Iberico Cebo Ham cold plate.



Appetizer: 托米諾起司佐碳烤蔬菜

English Name: Tomino Cheese Grilled Vegetable
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

身為配角的碳烤櫛瓜與杏鮑菇整齊排列在盤子邊緣,北義托米諾起司覆蓋著整顆鮮紅番茄, 給予不可忽視的視覺感, 用叉子緩緩地勾起象牙白色托米諾起司, 心裡想 “哇~ 比牽絲更厲害!“, 切一小塊單吃, 除了少許甜度外, 煙燻風味也纏綿在口中. 搭配番茄後, 比常見的“馬茲拉起司搭配番茄”更加有層次, 相當不錯.
The sliced and grilled zucchini and mushroom are displayed around the plate. The Tomino Cheese from Northern Italy covers a whole tomato from the top. The ivory white cheese has more smoky flavor than sweet flavor. With tomato’s acidity, this dish becomes more flavorful than expected.




English Name: Zucchini Soup with Scallop
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

跟“Le Blanc”一樣, 上湯品時, 服務生先將熱騰騰高湯注入湯盤 (文末影片), 長紫米依舊沈澱在盤底,櫛瓜湯本身並不會濃郁, 也不會像菠菜湯有獨特的蔬菜風味, 生食級炙燒大干貝相當厚實, 鮮味代替了鹽巴調味, 偶爾還會品嚐到紅椒粉的辛辣味.
Same as “Le Blanc” , the staff pours the hot broth counter clock wise into the soup (video at the end of article) . The purple rice is still at the bottom of the bowl. The zucchini soup broth is not thick and doesn’t have the unique flavor as spinach. The large grilled scallops are thick and full of seafood flavor with hints of paprika.



English Name: Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

佐餐麵包全部都是店家自製, 且並沒有因為是佐餐麵包而做成小Size, 三款鬆軟麵包皆有足夠麥香.
All breads are custom-made by the restaurant. It is regular size instead of small. Three types of bread has fair amount of wheat flavor.



English Name: Ravioli with Stewed Beef with Pumpkin Sauce and Truffle Oil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

廚師團隊手工製作圓型麵餃 (Ravioli) 放置在白色長盤上, 令人眼睛一亮的是類似珊瑚狀的帕達諾起司, 即使只是一片薄起司, 也帶有濃郁鮮醇風味. 沾了南瓜醬的圓餃麵體咬起來紮實, 可惜的是辛香料蓋住鹹香牛肉泥內餡風味, 但是我相信平常有吃辣的饕客們應該會很喜歡這道料理.
Hand-made and custom-made Raviolis are placed at the white long plate. The most interesting part would be the small coral size Padano Cheese. Even though it is only thin slice, it has thick and heavy milk flavor. The texture of the raviolis are firm. The stewed and salty beef flavor is covered by spices. Foodie who likes to eat the spicy food would like this dish.



濕式熟成小牛菲力牛排(7oz) 與綜合鮮菇

English Name: Grilled Veal Fillet (7oz) with mixed mushroom
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

小牛菲力牛排 (Veal) 這道食材經常出現在美食料理參賽節目 (例如 Chopped @ Food Network), 小牛顧名思義就是尚在發育階段, 因為無油脂與油筋加持, 非常容易煎過熟, 因此主廚建議三分熟放在溫熱盤上. 切牛排的時候即可感受到嚼勁,這道料理最特別的是主廚用台灣香料馬告來醃製澳洲牛排, 有著獨特香茅,薑, 黑胡椒的風味, 稍微搶走牛排的風彩, 我會建議加一旁的英國馬爾頓海鹽 (Maldon Sea Salt), 可稍微蓋過馬告的辛香. 玉米葉與芋頭脆片配置並不常見, 搭配軟嫩菌菇可緩衝醃製香料對味蕾的衝擊.
Veal always appears at Cooking Challenge TV program, such as Chopped @ Food Network. Veal is the meat of calves, which means that it was still growing. Without extra fats, the veal is always easily over-cooked. The chef suggested medium-rare and placing on the warm plate. I can feel the chewy texture while cutting down the fillet. The most unique part would be the chef uses maqau, which is Taiwanese Pepper used by Taiwan aboriginal tribe, to sauté the beef. The lemon grass mixed wth ginger and black pepper flavor grabs most of the attention. I would suggest to dip the steak into the Maldon Sea Salt placing aside, which should cover the maqau flavor a bit. The yam crisp and corn leafs are not the usual side dishes. With the tender mushrooms, it should soften the impact from the spices.



甜點: 義式脆片, 草莓慕斯, 甜點酒 (ABV: 12.5%)

English Name: Cookie, Strawberry Mousse, Pollio Moscato D.O.C. (ABV: 12.5%)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

每日甜點不同, 最棒的當然是有少許大湖草莓果粒的草莓慕斯,蛋糕體是濕潤費南雪, 而不是常見的戚風或是海綿蛋糕. 撒上糖粉餅乾脆片有酥脆感, 並不會因為只是甜點的一小部分而馬虎. 這款Pollio Moscato D.O.C. 蜜桃香氣逼人, 稠烈程度與雪莉酒相似, 建議先吃完甜點再喝這一杯酒. 這款套餐並沒有附茶或是咖啡, 建議直接點酒搭配餐.
Every day’s dessert is different. The best would be the Strawberry Mousse, which has actual strawberry decoration and also inside eat mousse. At the bottom, it is moist financier instead of chiffon or sponge cake. The crisp with sugar powder is crispy. As for the Pollio Moscato D.O.C., it has strong peach flavor. Its aroma, flavor, and ABV is a bit like Sherry. I would suggest to finish the cake and crisp first. However, this set doesn’t have tea nor coffee. It would be better to order wine to pair with the set.



 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar

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娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

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Restaurant Name 店名: al sorriso 義大利餐廳
Address: No. 219-2 , 1st section, Fuxing South Road 1st Section, Taipei City 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station 忠孝復興捷運站
電話:02- 8773-5013
營業時間: Everyday 6:30am ~ 10am ; 12 ~ 9:30pm






