D&C Bistro 》台北內湖大直餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業)   內湖大直 D & C Bistro 為牛排教父鄧有葵所開的餐廳之一, 號稱一道料理NTD $100元起,太陽和牛滷肉飯,和牛漢堡與龍蝦義大利麵為此家的三道招牌料理.
(Closed) D&C Bistro, which is located at Taipei Neihu (Dazhi), is one of the restaurants owned by famous chef Danny. Braised Wagyu Rice, Wagyu Burger, and lobster pasta are their signature dishes.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


餐廳位於劍南捷運站二號出口附近, 店內佔地頗大且有跟 “No. 168 Prime 牛排館”類似的酒櫃, 與其他高級餐廳相比,並沒有所謂的距離感. 雖然營業時間寫到下午三點, 但最後點餐時間是下午兩點. 當天用餐時間為 1:30pm, 很可惜的是如文末菜單所示, 紅筆劃掉的項目都是賣完的料理, 店員提到只有單點, 未來預計也不會有套餐, 需要自行劃想要的料理再請服務生來拿, 用餐完後在桌邊結帳.
The restaurant is near Jiannan MRT station Exit 2. The restaurant is large and has the similar wine cellar as “No. 168 Steak House”. Even though the operation hour stated until 3pm, but the last order is 2 pm. I arrived about 1:30pm, sadly, some of the menu items are crossed out since it is sold out. The staff mentioned that they don’t sell set. The customer would need to select the dish item on the menu and hand it to the staff.



English Name: Braised Japanese Wagyu Rice
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

碗的Size約 “金子半之助”丼飯的一半, 用筷子將蛋戳破, 在蛋黃緩緩流下的同時 , 趕緊挖起一小口和牛品嚐, 廚師將和牛切得像平常吃的滷肉差不多大, 但口感較嫩, 偶而會吃到類似牛筋的口感, 廚師說是油脂, 猜測是牛肩,油花與筋膜混合在一起 (?). 店家淋在池上越光米的醬汁相當有誠意, 至於新聞稿上提到的鬱金香粉醃製蘿蔔醃菜, 也許是因為鹹滷汁關係, 我吃不太出來差別.
The bowl size is about half size of “Tendo.JP”. The Wagyu is cut as the usual Taiwanese braised pork dice. However, the taste is more tender. I tasted a bit of tendons in between. The restaurant offered fair amount of salty sauce to pair with the rice and the egg yolk.



English Name: Fried Avocado with Honey Mustard Sauce
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

我去 “Sprout 初芽餐廳”點酪梨三明治的理由跟在這家餐廳點這道蜂蜜芥末炸酪梨相同, 我本身算是蠻喜歡酪梨, 炸酪梨倒是第一次嘗試, 口感跟吃南瓜天婦羅一樣, 外層確實酥脆, 咬下去則是偏軟. 讓我失望的是蜂蜜芥末醬, 並沒有像餐廳介紹影片一樣分開放, 而是將少量淋在上面, 酪梨若沒有醬的輔佐, 本身是沒有任何風味.
I personally like avocado. I ordered avocado sandwiches at “Sprout Restaurant” and Fried avocado in this restaurant. It is my first time trying fried avocado. The taste is similar with tasting the pumpkin tempura, which is crispy on the outside and mushy at the inside. I was disappointed regarding the honey mustard sauce. In the restaurant’s intro video, the mustard sauce is placed separately. Instead, the honey mustard is drizzled at the top of the fried avocado. Honestly, the fried avocado doesn’t have much flavor without the sauce.




English Name: Chorizo & Mushroom
Price: NTD $165
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

餐廳介紹照片是三個蘑菇上方有酥脆西班牙臘腸切片, 實際上是四個蘑菇裡的臘腸肉泥上有少許切末, 商攝與實際料理似乎差太多. 臘腸肉香十足且帶有辣味, 完全覆蓋菌菇風味與口感, 若是嚮往菌菇風味, 建議去 “El Marqués Tapas Bar”點烤蘑菇佐Aioli醬.
The restaurant’s Facebook photo shows three mushrooms with sliced Chorizo on the top. In fact, it is four mushrooms with mashed chorizo with sliced chopped ones. The actual final display is a bit different from the photo. The chorizo is spicy with strong meaty aroma, which covers any other flavor. If you are more into the mushroom flavor, I would recommend Roasted Mushroom with Aioli Sauce at “El Marqués Tapas Bar



English Name: Bread
Price: N/A 每桌都有佐餐麵包
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

每桌皆有佐餐麵包搭配橄欖油, 可惜的是我的佐餐麵包是最後才給, 並不是像西餐一樣先給.
Every table has bread along with olive oil. However, my breads are served after dining instead of prior.


延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide




Restaurant Name 店名: D&C Bistro
Address: No. 55, No. 69 Alley, Jingye 2nd Road,Taipei City 台北市中山區敬業二路69巷55號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DNCBistro/
Nearby MRT station: Jiannan MRT station 劍南捷運站
電話:02- 8502-5770
營業時間: Check Facebook


