Fujin Tree Landmark 》富錦樹咖啡 | 華山文創園區下午茶

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) 富錦樹咖啡華山店 ( Fujin Tree Landmark)台北華山文創園區下午茶之一, 也是忠孝新生捷運站週邊輕食咖啡店.
(Closed) Fujin Tree Landmark is located inside Taipei Huashan Creative Park, which is near Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station.


部分菜單在文末 Partial Menu are at the end of article

往華山文創園區正門走, 即可看到顯眼復古紅磚上的銀灰色 Fujin Tree Landmark 字樣, 富錦樹集團旗下有相當多餐廳與Cafe, 富錦樹咖啡華山店與 “瑪黑家居選物”類似, 結合品牌與餐飲, 店內一半的佔地販售文青小物, 靠窗座位稍微擁擠, 多於四人或是有娃娃車可以選擇坐在隔開的半開式包廂. 店家採用在櫃台點餐且先付錢, 店員會依號碼牌送餐.
While walking toward the front of the creative park, you would see the obvious red brick wall with silver words – Fujin Tree Landmark. Actually, Fujin Tree is a group that owns quite a few restaurants & cafes. This particular Fujin Tree Landmark is similar with “Marais Taipei”, which offers food and also brand products. The seats near the window are crowded. But if there are more than 4 people or kids, you can choose the open private dining room at the back. The customer would need to order and pay prior at the cashier counter.



English Name: Tieguanyin Tiramisu
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

其實這家店最有名的是生乳捲系列, 但因當天全部缺貨, 只能退而求其次選擇鐵觀音提拉米蘇, 也就是將鐵觀音茶代替咖啡, 蛋糕 Size 中等, 外型看起來跟經典提拉米蘇沒有差別, 切下一小塊時, 發現店家灑非常多巧克力粉, 品嚐時, 果然巧克力風味蓋過所有其他風味, 尤其是期待的鐵觀音茶香, 完全沒有察覺到, 蛋糕體則是偏乾, 蠻可惜.
Their signature dessert is cake roll series, but sadly were sold out. Therefore, I ordered Tieguanyin Tiramisu, which substitute coffee with Tieguanyi Tea. The size is medium and appearance is exactly like the classic tiramisu. When cutting down on slice, I noticed that they spread tons of chocolate powders on the top. The chocolate flavor obviously covers all other flavor, especially the tea flavor. Also, the cake body is a bit dryer than expected.


壹加壹 1+1

English Name: Cappuccino Right After Espresso 1+1
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

富錦樹咖啡跟 “8% Ice Bistro”販售一樣有販售卡布奇諾和一小杯濃縮咖啡組合, 但是價格貴 NTD $50. 店員提到他們用的混合產區咖啡豆是淺培, 風味偏酸, 我會建議只點卡布奇諾, 因為若再加進濃縮咖啡, 感覺是過酸, 我還是比較鍾愛台北東區“Olivia Coffee Roaster”的 1+1.
Fujin Tree Landmark offers Cappuccino with Espresso 1+ 1, just like “8% Ice Bistro”. However, the price is NTD $50 higher. The staff mentioned that their coffee bean is light-roasted, which has a bit more acidity. After tasting it, I would recommend only order Cappuccino. I would expect less acidity for my coffee. I still prefer “Olivia Coffee Roaster” 1+1.




Restaurant Name 店名: Fujin Tree Landmark 富錦樹咖啡華山店
Address: No. 1 , 1st Section, Bade Road, Taipei City 台北市八德路一段1號 (MAP)
Website: http://fujintreegroup.com/shop-list/fujin-tree-landmark/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station 忠孝新生捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 9pm (Check Facebook)


