HOME HOTEL DA-AN 》台北忠孝復興捷運站住宿房型介紹

Last Updated on 2020-03-21 by Foodelicious

Home Hotel 大安Home Hotel 信義 是我認為在台北東區相當潮 (Chic) 的飯店.
Home Hotel Da-An and Home Hotel Xin-Yi is two of the Chic hotels at Taipei East District.


這次剛好受邀在 Home Hotel 樓下的 al sorriso 義式餐廳用餐,我個人喜歡參觀精品飯店, 就麻煩飯店行銷專員抽空帶我走馬看花參觀飯店住宿房型, 並無實際住宿心得.
I was invited to al sorriso Italian restaurant for Gambero Rosso Dining promotion. Since I personally like to visit high-end and chic hotels, I ask the Marketing Specialist to take me to check out their Hotel rooms. But there isn’t any actual room review since I didn’t live there for one night.

延伸閱讀: al sorriso 義大利餐廳 》紅蝦評鑑套餐 | Gambero Rosso Dining Set
延伸閱讀: 其他飯店 》Other Hotels


交通資訊 Traffic Information

直接從忠孝復興捷運站三號出口右轉往回往復興南路方向, 會經過台北SOGO錢櫃, 到復興南路後直接左轉不用過馬路, 走約 10 分鐘後, Home Hotel 就位於警察局旁邊, 外觀類似豪宅, 並沒有誇張的裝飾.
Walking out the No.3 Exit of Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station and making a U-turn to walk toward Fuxing South Road. You will pass the SOGO Cashbox KTV. When arriving Fuxing South Road, there is not need to go across the road. You will need to turn left and walk approx. 10 minutes. Home Hotel is right next to the police station. The appearance is similar with High-End pricing apartment without any extra shiny decoration.


飯店 Hotel

飯店 Check-In & Check-Out 的櫃台在5樓, 若是要叫計程車, 可請一樓餐廳櫃台協助.建議可在等待Check-in 的同時逛一下擺設在5樓的台灣原創品牌 (例如茶籽堂), 5 樓也有會議室可供租借. 觀察往來房客幾乎都是來自港澳日韓的散客, 並無所謂的團體客.
The hotel check-in and check-out area are at the 5th floor. You can ask the 1F counter staff to call the taxi for you. Also, while waiting for check-in, you can go around to take a look at Taiwan original brand display to know more about the culture. There is also meeting room at 5th room. Most room residents are from Hong Kong, Macau, Japan and Korea independent visitors.



驚豔客房 Deluxe Marvelous Bedroom

除了可看到捷運軌道外, 房間外(不是戶外)有類似溫泉旅館的大理石浴缸,設計新穎, 當然也有窗簾保有隱密性高, , 難怪名為 “驚豔客房”, 沐浴備品也是採用整罐知名品牌茶籽堂.
Besides the MRT rail, there is also a marble color sunken bathtub like the one you see at Hot Spring Hotel. You don’t usually see this type of design in Taipei Hotel. Their showering gel/lotion/shampoo are all manufacturers by well-known Taiwan brand Cha Tzu Tan.




標準原創客房 Standard Original Bedroom

最愛窗邊的符合人體工學的椅子, 乾濕分離的浴室, 但並沒有浴缸, 但空間比想想中寬敞, 並沒有九坪的感覺.
I love their comfortable chair near the window. However, this room doesn’t have bath tub. The space is larger than expected though.





Hotel Name 飯店名稱: Home Hotel Da-An 大安
Address: No. 219-2, 1st Section, Fuxing South Road, Taipei City, Taiwan 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homehoteldaan/
Multi-language Website: http://www.homehotel.com.tw/daan.php




