Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦

Last Updated on 2019-01-28 by Foodelicious

主廚林明健新開幕台北 Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳信義新光三越A9 美食之一, 菜單項目以直火燒烤牛排居多, 對我來說已經算是台北信義區牛排餐廳.
Newly-opened Taipei Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant is one of Chef Kin’s restaurants. Since there are many grilled steak options on the menu, I have considered this restaurant as Taipei Steak House.

2018 Wildwood 菜單價格在文末 2018 Wildwood Menu is at the end of the article


Wildwood 餐廳和新光三越“橘色涮涮屋” 近期皆進駐百貨公司, 一樣將客群鎖定在經濟狀況中上的家庭和上班族. Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳位於台北新光三越A9 4 樓, 在同一棟樓有 “小後苑 Backyard Jr. “,  “福里安花神咖啡館”和 “PAUL”, 從市政府捷運站或是世貿 101 捷運站皆可走到, 百貨公司也有提供停車位, 交通或停車都非常便利. 近期也推出 Wildwood Happy Hour.
Wildwood Restaurant and “Orange Hot Pot restaurant” recently start to find its niche market at the department mall. Wildwood Restaurant and “Backyard Jr.” , “Caffé Florian Coffee”, and “PAUL” are located at the same shopping mall called A9. You can walk from City Hall MRT station or 101 MRT station. The department store also offers parking spaces. Recently, they are promoting the Wildwood Happy Hour.

延伸閱讀: Wildwood Happy Hour Review 》台北信義區 Happy Hour 之微醺午後

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

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繼 2018 米其林餐盤 “Chou Chou 法式餐廳“ 和 米其林一星 “Longtail 餐廳“之後, 林明健主廚在台北又開了一家以原木直火燒烤為主的 Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine, 燙金色櫃台顯得相當亮眼, 黑白磁磚拼圖排出W字樣地板, 入口的深藍色布簾布簾除了隔絕餐廳內的燒烤氣味外, 也讓人好奇餐廳內部是不是像 “大亨小傳”般貴氣. 店內裝潢以木質色系為主, 有吧台座位, 也有像 “WINE-derful餐廳”一樣可隔開的包廂, 甚至有戶外露台座位可看到台北 101.
After opening “Chou Chou French Restaurant (2018 Michelin Plate) “ and “Longtail (2018 Michelin 1 star), Chef Kin opened Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine, which is specialized in grilled with actual woods. The front entrance counter gets lots of attention with its golden color. The dark blue curtain shows a bit of “The Great Getsby” feelings. There are bar seats, outdoor seats and private dining rooms like “WINE-derful Restaurant”.



入座吧台座位可看到主廚陳暐與廚師團隊在開放式廚房工作, 我盯著新聞上報導的高級 Grillwork 烤爐和操作方式, 原來左右邊烤盤是可用上方的轉盤上下單獨移動, 燒烤到一個段落時, 將烤盤用轉盤移到上方, 整理下方的柴木, 讓肉品可以平均炙燒. 我不確定 “nkụ Taipei” 是不是用同一個品牌的烤爐, 我只知道 “nkụ Taipei” 店員說他們用的柴木是龍眼木和荔枝木, Wildwood 餐廳是用台南龍眼木. 除了菜單上提到的肉品外, 每天新鮮魚貨價格也寫在黑板上, 並不會有像我在 “Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳” 想點漁貨但貨尚未送到的囧況.
The great advantage sitting at the bar seat is to look at how Chef Chen and his chef teams work at the open kitchen. I was curious about the Grillwork brand oven (Photo credit: Grillwork Website ). Right side and left side can be moved upward and downward by operating the wheel on the top. Whenever there is a break, the chef would try to spread the woods evenly in order to get every inch of the meats grilled perfectly. I am not sure if “nkụ Taipei” is using the same brand oven. Besides the meat items on the menu, Wildwood restaurant also have fish items that delivered almost everyday. Its price are all written on the blackboard. So, unlike “Chateau Zoe Restaurant”, you definitely can order the fish when they open the restaurant.


Wildwood 商業午餐套餐 – 原木燒烤澳洲菲力牛排 8oz

包括前菜, 主菜, 甜點, 咖啡
a. 牛排肉品均有加價, 我點的菲力牛排加價 NTD $300
b. 加價 $200 則附葡萄酒一杯
總共價格: NTD $980 + NTD $300 + NTD $200 = NTD $1480


Wildwood Lunch Set – Wood Fired AUS tenderloin 8oz

Including Appetizer, Main Course, Dessert, Drink
Steaks are extra charge. My AUS tenderloin is charged with extra NTD $300
If added one glass of wine, there will be NTD $200 extra charge.
Total Price: NTD $980 + NTD $300 + NTD $200 = NTD $1480



前菜: 烤白花椰菜湯, 杏仁 , 金桔

Appetizer: Roasted Cauliflower Soup, Almond, Calamansi
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

若到一家高級餐廳, 讓我選湯或沙拉, 我直覺會選湯, 但是我也不知道為何在台灣的高級牛排餐廳 (例如“A Cut Steakhouse ”和 “No. 168 Prime 牛排館”) 的例湯幾乎都是蘑菇卡布奇諾湯. 但在Wildwood 餐廳, 一如反常提供烤白花椰菜湯. 這款湯品的濃稠程度已有點類似醬汁,品嚐時除了濃郁奶油香氣外, 味蕾也品嚐到極為小清新且細緻的花椰菜奶油與獨特的菜香氣, 微酸甜金桔風味在攪拌湯品時已被蓋過, 烤杏仁堅果香與口感讓湯品不會過膩, 我相當推薦這一道湯品, 可惜在單點菜單上似乎沒有這道湯品.
When visiting a fine dining or pricy restaurant, I prefer soup over the salad. But, most steak houses (such as “A Cut Steakhouse” and “No. 168 Steak House” ) all offer Mushroom Cappuccino Soup. But, in Wildwood restaurant, their chef team offers “Roasted White Cauliflower Soup with Almond and Calamansi”. The soup broth is almost as thick as sauce, which is great! While tasting, the creamy texture and thick buttery flavor appear. The tastebuds can also sense delicate and unique buttery flavor from White Cauliflower itself. The acidity from the Calamansi seemed to be covered by the creamy soup broth. The nuts aroma and texture from baked almond is also delicious. I recommend this soup dish, but it doesn’t seemed to be on the main menu.


主菜:原木燒烤澳洲菲力牛排 8oz

Main Course: Wood Fired AUS tenderloin 8oz
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Wildwood 餐廳並沒有免費佐餐麵包, 需另外加點, 所以喝完湯品就會直接進入牛排主餐, 店員換上新餐具 (專業牛排刀和叉子), 熱盤上放置兩塊 3 ~ 4分熟的嫩紅色厚切牛排, 最引人注目莫過於牛排表層正在燃燒的新鮮迷迭香, 作法與 “家 Maison” 在上菜時點燃五葉松的概念相似, 若我坐在餐廳座位而非吧台座位的話, 應該是可以聞到迷迭香的特有香氣. 菲力牛排較少油脂, 切牛排與吃牛排的時候都可以感受經典嚼勁口感, 建議若經濟能力允許, 點 Wildwood 的和牛或是肋眼牛排會較適合.
Wildwood restaurant does not order free breads, instead, you would need to order for extra charge. After replacing the professional steak knife and other utensils, they serve the white warm plate with two thick-sliced medium rare steak. The most interesting part would be the burning rosemary. The method is a bit similar with “Maison Restaurant”, which they light the fire on the bamboo woods on their dish. If I sit at the sofa area instead of the bar seat, I would probably smell the unique aroma from the rosemary. Since there is only a bit of fat from the Tenderloin, you can sense the chewy texture from cutting and eating the steak. If your budget is higher, I would suggest to order Wildwood Wagyu Beef or Ribeye.


白盤左邊是搭配牛排的辣根酸奶醬, 切一小塊牛排沾少許濃稠的醬, 肉香意外地並沒有被蓋住, 反而帶給舌尖緩衝的辛香刺激感, 與常見的芥末籽醬相比, 我比較喜歡這款辣根酸奶醬. 若吃不習慣沾醬, 白盤右邊則是有少許海鹽. 另一個配菜是過貓.香草麵包粉. 店員解釋上方的碎末是香草麵包粉, 藏在奶香醬中有青豆仁, 巴西利和過貓蔬菜, 此款配菜也可當牛排沾醬. 多數台灣人應該對過貓很陌生, 就跟多數台灣人對馬告香料很陌生一樣, 兩者皆在台灣原住民料理看到. 過貓吃起來就像龍鬚菜, 口感帶有點脆度. 青豆仁加上麵包粉酥脆口感, 口感與風味皆相當豐富. 但是因為前菜我吃的是濃稠湯品, 過貓.香草麵包粉也是屬於濃稠類型, 較為可惜.
The dip sauce on the left side is horseradish creme fraiche, which is a bit spicy like wasabi. The steak’s meaty aroma surprisingly does not cover the spicy dip sauce. Instead, the horseradish stimulates the tastebuds gently. If you are used to the dip sauce, you can also try the sea salt on the right hand side on the plate. The other side dish is chayote with herbed panko. Chayote is one of the Taiwanese ingredients that appear at Taiwan aboriginal cuisine. It tastes like Gracilaria, in another word, spicy spinach. The bean with herbs panko brings flavorful tastes to this side dish. The staff also mentioned that you can also dip the steak into this particular creamy sauce. However, I already tasted the thick texture soup at the appetizer. And this particular side dish is also the thick creamy texture.



甜點: 無花果塔和雪酪

Dessert: Figs Tart and Sorbet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

Wildwood 商業午餐甜點有蛋糕與塔類的選擇, 我選擇無花果塔, 因為我吃到跟無花果有關的甜點幾乎都是慕斯或只是內餡,目前沒有看到像 Wildwood 甜點主廚一樣將新鮮無花果擺滿塔表面, 塔皮本身並不會過薄, 切下時會有酥脆感, 單吃新鮮無花果只有細微甜度, 無花果肉細緻與塔內的綿密卡士塔醬是絕配, 雪酪也相當紮實, 整體不會過甜, 甜點相當出色!
Wildwood Restaurant Business Lunch dessert has cake and tart options. I chose the Figs tart. I always tastes fig in mousse form or in filling form. I never tried the fresh figs placing on the top of the tart. The tart itself is quite thick and crispy. If only eating the figs, there wont be much sweetness. The sorbet is also perfect. However, if eating the fresh figs along with the custard filling, it is a perfect match. It is overly not too sweet and also delicious. I love this dessert.



咖啡: Latte

Latte Coffee
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

午間套餐有附茶或咖啡, 咖啡奶泡就像 “Piccola Botega” 並沒有拉花,. 拿鐵喝起來並沒有焦苦, 就以套餐咖啡來說, 我認為已經相當不錯了.
The Business Lunch has free tea or coffee. The foam shape is the same as “Piccola Botega” . The Latte does not taste bitter, which is great just a simple set coffee.


Rocca delle Macie Vernaiolo Chianti DOCG 2016

ABV: 13%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine 餐廳酒單裡的款式相當多, 有新舊世界葡萄酒與其他酒類, 午間套餐外加 $200 即可選一杯葡萄酒, 而且單杯酒的選項較多, 並不像其他餐廳只有一款紅酒 House Wine 與 一款白酒 House Wine. 此款酒的色澤是偏深紅色寶石 (照片看不太出來), 聞到濃郁莓果類香氣與微弱辛香, 建議先將酒放置在一旁大概3 ~ 5 分鐘, 這款酒將會喝起來會比較圓潤, 充滿成熟莓果類風味, 酒體是偏飽滿, 搭配牛排並不會澀或是覆蓋著肉香.
Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant alcohol menu has many items. There are new/old world wines and other alcohol. You can add extra NTD $200 for one glass of wine. There are more options of single glass, unlike other restaurants only have one Red House wine and one White wine. This wine color appears to be dark ruby (You probably cant tell from the picture). The nose sense the thick berries aroma and hints of spices. I would suggest to place this glass of wine on the side for 3 ~ 5 minutes. The taste would become smooth and full of ripped berries flavor. The wine body is medium-full. The flavor will not cover the meaty flavor while pairing with the steak.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafe Guide

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

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店名: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號4F (信義新光三越 A9 4樓) (Map)
捷運: 市政府捷運站 or 101 捷運站
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: https://www.facebook.com/wildwood.tw/
Restaurant Name: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine
Address: 4F, No. 9, Songshou Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: City Hall or Taipei 101 MRT Station
Tel: 02-2722-8886
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm






