世界啤酒品飲大全 Book Review 》王鵬著作 | The Beer Handbook

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

世界啤酒品飲大全”跟“格蘭菲迪鑑賞攻略”一樣皆為原創作, 作家王鵬則是業界出名的酒類專家與導師, 2016年也出版簡體字在中國販售.
Same as “Glenfiddich Pioneer Spirit, “The Beer Handbook” is written by Taiwanese instead of translated from foreign books. The author Paul Wang is one of a few well-known professionals and teachers at Taiwan Alcholic Beverage Industry.



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Book Name 書籍名稱: 世界啤酒品飲大全 The Beer Handbook
Author 作家: 王鵬著作
ISBN: 978-986-91284-4-5
** Only in Chinese Version **
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大致上整理出我覺得這本書值得考慮購買的重點 There are a few selling points about this book!

1.餐酒搭配建議 Suggestion about Pairing Food with Beer

大部分的台灣人對啤酒的餐飲搭配只知道地區性原則, 到德國餐廳豬腳要配德國啤酒, 英式料理 (例如Fish and Chips)要搭配英式啤酒 ..etc. 但在“世界啤酒品飲大全書”中第七章, 作者教導如何練習與試驗餐酒搭配, 若像我一樣懶惰, 可直接參考作者寫的一些餐酒建議, 例如“全熟牛小排可搭配香氣豐沛, 苦味稍少, 果味較多的夏季金黃艾爾”.
Most Taiwanese see Taiwan beer as all-kind of street stir-fried food. Also, most people only know about “Local Food, Local Drink”. However, the author writes several suggestions of beer pairing with food. For example, well-done ribs can pair with fruity flavor beers.


2. 附錄一有“經典啤酒500選” 500 Beers Category

網路知識大爆炸, 反而找一份資料需要花更多時間, 跟網路上資料不一樣的地方是用“派系” , 我指的是例如“德國深色拉格”或是“美式波特”這種類型, 也就是“地區+啤酒種類”這種分類.
Nowadays, I spend more time researching the internet but couldn’t get the correct informations that I want. Using this book as guide saves many of my time. The author categorizes all different 500 beers into “easy-to-read” format.



3. 文章內容淺顯易懂 Easy to Read

由於王鵬是一位專家也同時是老師, 文章內容同時帶有教育性質與小知識之類, 小知識方面則是我最喜歡的部分, 因為此種細節無法在網路上找到, 幾乎都是專家級的人才會知道. 最有趣的小知識則是”飲酒場所規範不同“, 蘇格蘭則是公園禁酒, 大家應該都有看到英國恐攻時, 有人就拿著裝滿的啤酒杯逃命, 很明顯地, 少許英國公開場合有開放街頭飲酒.
Mr. Paul Wang not only a professional but also a lecturer/teacher. The articles that he wrote has education meaning and also informations that you are not able to find on the internet. That is why I like to read books!


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論



