【格蘭菲迪鑑賞攻略 】Glenfiddich | 導讀會 | 威士忌 | 書籍評論

Last Updated on 2019-05-12 by Foodelicious

格蘭菲迪威士忌品牌在2017年開始大筆投資台灣市場, 例如之前在台北信義區ATT 4 Fun 的Show Room, 最近則是推出格蘭菲迪自己品牌的書, 舉辦了一場結合導讀和品酒的小型活動.
I have noticed that Glenfiddich invested lots of money in Taiwan market since the beginning of 2017. First, it was the show room near “ATT 4 FUN”  at Taipei XinYi District. Now, they hosted their own book event along with tasting event in their Taiwan head office.

Event Name活動名稱: 《格蘭菲迪鑑賞攻略》導讀會

Glenfiddich Pioneer Spirit Book Review
Book ISBN: 9789869426008
Book Price: NTD $600
Purchased Location: Glenfiddich Taiwan office



其實剛開始參加這個活動單純只是想花$540(書有折扣) 參加品酒會, 書跟導讀會只是額外的Bonus, 原因是我連“國家地理世界威士忌地圖”和“威士忌全書”都還沒拆包裝, 應該不再需要另一本威士忌書吧? 但是聽完台灣格蘭菲迪品牌大使James耐心地講解一些書籍內容的由來, 就覺得這本書很值得這個價格和時間去閱讀.
At the beginning, the sole purpose that i spent $540 (they have discount for the book) is for the tasting event instead of the book. The reason is that I have “The World Atlas of Whisky” and  “Whisky : The Definitive World Guide: Whisky”  books waiting for me to read. I was thinking why would I need another Whisky book? But, after Taiwan Glenfiddich Brand Ambassador James patiently explained and showed us his work, this book is definitely worth the money and time to read.


我整理出一些這本書特別的地方 There are a few reasons that you should read this book :


1. This is not a translated book 這不是翻譯書

這可是台灣格蘭菲迪品牌大使James辛苦寫的, 處在這個知識大爆炸的年代, 網路的資料可以說是滿山滿谷, 但是還是有一些沒有在網路上甚至連紙本都沒有的資料, 搜集這些額外資料很費時和費心, 還要撰寫成對威士忌產業不太熟悉的人看得懂更不簡單!! 我想他大概是台灣Food & Beverage產業第一位品牌大使親自撰寫此類進口品牌書籍.
This book is written by Taiwan Glenfiddich Brand Ambassador James himself. There isn’t any English version. He collected all the extra informations since most Taiwanese might not know about the Whisky Industry. Collecting informations without paper trails requires a lot of efforts even though people envy his trip around the world. You might read some interesting stories that you cannot find on the internet. I am sure that he is probably the first Brand Ambassador in the Taiwan Food & Beverage Industry to do this kind of work.


2. 2D Glenfiddich Collections 這本書可以稱做2D博物館:

如果不是這本書, 我不會知道格蘭菲迪品牌跟很多國際知名品牌異業合作創作紀念款威士忌, 知名品牌包括女人最愛的Wedgwood, 讓男人好奇的Playboy, 和讓收藏家心癢癢的各種珍藏, 圖文並茂讓我對各種威士忌更好奇.
Without this book, I probably wouldn’t know Glenfiddich cooperated with many well-known companies to create memorable whisky collections.  The companies include Wedgwood, Playboy..etc. There are also lots of rare collections that wouldn’t appear on the internet. This book can intrigue more whisky curiosity!


3. Suitable for Entry Level and Advanced Level 適合初學者和進階者閱讀:

這本書絕對不是格蘭菲迪的目錄, 它有包括最基本的威士忌知識, 也包括有錢也買不起甚至絕版的珍藏圖跟文, 也包括格蘭菲迪如何製造他們的威士忌. This book provides easy-to-read basic knowledge about Whisky. As for advanced level, it also explained how Glenfiddich manufactured their Whisky.


4. Price is way too low not to miss it 價格合理:

我沒寫物超所值因為我不是在寫新聞稿, 但是這種價格應該是算在格蘭菲迪的2017行銷預算, 算起來應該不會有利潤.
This book costs only half of the market price. This book is probably in their 2017 A&P budget plan since the price is way too low to make any profit.


在此活動, 我們試飲了五款威士忌, 最特別的應該是格蘭菲迪21年單一麥芽威士忌 ,  此款酒除了在美國橡木桶21年外, 之後又放入加勒比海蘭姆酒四個月! 其實格蘭菲迪原廠可以考慮將這本書翻成簡體字版和英文版, 這本書的影響絕對比想像中的大.
At the event, we also tried 5 different kinds of Whisky, including their “21 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky Reserva”. It was once reserved in Rum Casket from Caribbean for extra 4 months. I sincerely  hope that Glenfiddich will have this great book translating to Simplified Chinese and English version. This book has far more influence than you would imagine.


延伸閱讀: 關於其他飲食書籍評論

延伸閱讀: 關於其他活動 Other Events





警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康  <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!
