玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
Last Updated on 2022-07-21 by Foodelicious
(2022.7 更新) 台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳又一家! 玉喜飯店是許多饕客們的台北東區餐廳美食之一, 這次也吃到朋友推薦的玉喜飯店預訂桌菜.
(Update 2022.7) Yu Hsi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Taipei East District. It is also suitable for Family gathering. We also tasted their reserved-only dishes.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Yu Hsi Restaurant Reservation & Parking
玉喜飯店地址為台北市大安區忠孝東路四段289號3F, 每次經過都可以看到餐廳招牌. 請注意, 餐廳在 3 樓, 通常喜宴是在4樓. 國父紀念館捷運站一號出口約3分鐘路程, 交通十分方便, 關於玉喜飯店停車, 網路截圖顯示停車場蠻多, 可是根據朋友說法, 停車位要等很久. 玉喜飯店訂位有 inline ( https://reurl.cc/9OE4ya ) , 也可以用打電話的方式 (02-8773-8898 ) , 我個人是建議打電話, 因為有需要預訂的桌菜.
Yu Hsi Restaurant address is 3F, No. 289, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City. You can see the restaurant sign while passing through. Please note that the restaurant is located at 3F. It is about 3 minutes walking distance near Exit 1 of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. There are several parking lots near the area. However, according to my friends, it is not easy to find/wait for a parking spot. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://reurl.cc/9OE4ya ) .You can also reserve via phone call (02-8773-8898 ) . I would suggest to call since there are reserved-only dishes to discuss with the restaurant.
延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
Yu Hsi Restaurant Dining Environment
台北有許多所謂的老字號餐廳, 玉喜飯店是許多同溫層的童年回憶, 抵達三樓, 桌布與椅套皆是白色, 並不是像另一家 “兄弟飯店” 偏米色. 玉喜飯店座位非常多, 也有不少 4 – 6 人座位, 適合帶家人們聚餐, 靠窗的座位區可看到忠孝東路四段.
There are many so-called traditional restaurant. The table cloth and seat cloth are white, unlike Brother Hotel beige color. There are quite a few seatings. It is suitable to bring family here to dine. You can also see the view from the seatings near the window.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Dim Sum 》 兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳有經典推車! ( 內有菜單 )
Yu Hsi Restaurant Private Dining Rooms
玉喜飯店有一個大包廂 (圖一) , 跟 “晶華軒” 大包廂 Size 差不多. 也有一個 8-10人包廂靠近窗邊 (圖二), 我會建議選擇這一間靠窗包廂. 我跟朋友們是在 6-8人包廂 (圖三), 很隱密也很氣派.
There is a large private dining rooms (pic 1). The size is similar with “Silks House Taipei” private dining rooms. There is also another 8-10 people private dining room near the window (pic 2). My friends and I chose to sit at 6-8 people private dining room.
延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
Yu Hsi Restaurant Dishes Rank List
Chicken Consommé with Thin Sliced Tofu
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
這是一人份, 需預訂.澄清湯 ( consommé ) 是烹煮長時間的高湯, 過濾後做成的濃郁湯品. 我目前都是在西式餐廳 (例如 ”Naked Bistro 裸餐酒” ) 喝到澄清湯. 我蠻驚訝可以在玉喜飯店喝到這道看似清淡卻濃郁不膩的澄清雞湯, 豆腐刀工也頗細緻且厚度一致, 我個人非常推薦這一道菊花豆腐.
This is one bowl, which is one person portion. I usually tasted consommé at Taipei Western restaurant (such as “Naked Bistro” ). I am quite surprised to taste the chicken consommé with thick flavor. The tofu is sliced perfectly and consistent. I definitely recommend this Chicken Consommé with Thin Sliced Tofu.
延伸閱讀: Naked Bistro 裸餐酒 》二訪重新裝潢新開幕的台北東區餐酒館
Steamed Shrimp Dumpling
Price: NTD $150/ 3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
一籠 3顆蝦餃 NTD $150 , 平均 NTD $50/顆 , 玉喜飯店的蝦餃外型飽滿, 皮 Q彈不乾, 咬第一口時更不會黏口, 蝦內餡鮮脆, 不用再沾芥末或醬油就很好吃, 比另一道魚子燒賣好吃, 我個人會推薦點水晶鮮蝦餃.
One steamed shrimp dumpling dish is NTD $150 for 3 pcs. The average is NTD $50/pcs. The appearance is tasty with smooth texture. The shrimp filling is fresh and yummy. You don’t need to dip into mustard nor soy sauce. I would recommend ordering steamed shrimp dumpling dish.
BBQ Pork Pastry
Price: NTD$120/ 2 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
一份刺蝟叉燒包為 2 個, 平均 NTD $60/個, 玉喜飯店有傳統的叉燒包, 這一道是近年推出的刺蝟造型叉燒包, 不僅外型搶眼, 店員也提到底部有煎過, 而且是煎得恰恰, 口感微酥脆, 微甜叉燒內餡軟嫩不錯吃, 我會推薦一人吃一個刺蝟叉燒包.
One dish includes 2 BBQ Pork Pastry. The average price is NTD $60/pcs. Yu Hsi Restaurant also has traditional steamed BBQ Pork Pastry. Their chef created this cute dish in the recent year. The bottom of this pastry is grilled, which is a bit crispy. The sweet BBQ pork filling is quite yummy too. I would recommend one BBQ Pork Pastry for each person.
Casseroles Chicken Broth (Large)
Price: NTD$2800
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這一道砂鍋土雞湯需預訂, 有大 Size (8-10 人 NTD $2800) , 小 Size (4-5人 $1500), 圖四相片是官方網站, 因為我們有交代全雞不用放, 我們怕吃不完, (其實應該要點小 Size 砂鍋土雞湯), 食材有金華火腿, 老母雞, 干貝, 熬煮 N 小時, 雞湯上層的油脂與膠質融合在一起結成一層薄膜, 喝雞湯時香氣撲鼻而來,我很難得喝了三碗. 我推薦 4-5 人就可以點一道小Size 的砂鍋土雞湯.
You would need to reserve this Casseroles Chicken Broth. The large size is for 8-10 people (NTD $2800). The small size is for 4-5 people (NTD $1500). The picture four is from the website. We specifically tell the restaurant that we do not want to put the chicken into the the casseroles. Honestly, We should just order smaller size. The ingredients include ham, chicken, scallop together stewing for several hours. The collagen and the fats form the thin appearance. I actually had three bowls. I would suggest to order small chicken broth if you have 4-5 people.
Daikon Pastry
Price: NTD $115 / 3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
三片臘味蘿蔔糕 NTD $115 , 平均 NTD $38/片, 比 “台北國賓粵菜廳” 便宜許多, 跟朋友討論每個人喜歡的蘿蔔糕都不太相同, 我個人覺得玉喜的蘿蔔糕偏軟, 但是不會一夾就整個散掉, 臘味帶點肉香, 不會焦黑是我認為可點的原因之一.
Three daikon pastry price is NTD $115. The average price is NTD $38/pcs. It is cheaper than “Ambassador Canton Court”. Yu Hsi Restaurant daikon restaurant is in soft texture but not be broken easily. It also has a bit of meaty flavor. Overall, the daikon pastry is not over-grilled. It also tastes quite delicious as well.
延伸閱讀: Ambassador Canton Court 》台北國賓粵菜廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已
Steamed BBQ Bun
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
朋友跟我都喜歡這款傳統叉燒包, 吃起來不會乾, 叉燒本身也比預期地嫩.
My friend and I like this traditional steamed BBQ Bun. It doesn’t taste too dry. The BBQ pork itself is much tender than I expected.
茶飲料 – 冷泡茶
Tea Drink – Cold Brew Tea
Price: NTD $ 200/Bottle
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
平常茶資是 NTD $30/人, 店員提到玉喜飯店有自製冷泡茶, 在玉喜自己的網站也有販售 (Website: https://www.yu-hsi.com.tw ) , 圖一右邊的台東鹿野紅烏龍冷泡茶不錯, 不怕冷可在冬天點.
The regular tea fee is NTD $30/ person. The staff mentioned that they have their own cold brew tea. They also sell at their website (Website: https://www.yu-hsi.com.tw ). The right hand side is the red oolong cold brew tea, which is quite good.
Glutinous Rice Dumplings
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我個人很少吃鹹水角港點, 麻糬外皮有點Q
I rarely eat this dish. The rice cake appearance is quite yummy.
Fried Spring Roll Stick with shrimp filling
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我不確定價格, 名字很特別, 如同長金箍棒造型, 實際上是炸春捲皮與蝦內餡, 酥脆口感搭配少量蝦的風味, 不錯吃
I am not sure about the price. This is actually fried spring roll with shrimp filling. The crispy texture along of small amount of shrimp flavor is delicious.
Baked Cabbage with Crab Meats and White Sauce
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
需預訂, 而且最低預訂數量是五份. 玉喜飯店的焗烤白菜不會軟爛, 搭配起司白醬與紅蟳不錯吃, 比一般港式外面餐廳不一樣.我會建議有 8-10 人再點.
You would need to reserve, and the minimum quantity will be 5 dishes. Unlike other restaurants, Yu Hsi Restaurant’s Baked cabbage is unexpectedly crisp. I would suggest to order if there are 8-10 people.
Rice with Sliced Green Pepper and Taiwanese Beef
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
其實玉喜飯店不是粵式餐廳, 雖然有港式點心, 但沒有像 “波記茶餐廳” 那種大排檔麵食與飯食, 玉喜菜單飯麵類裡比較特別的是鹹魚雞粒炒飯, 這次點朋友推薦的青椒牛肉燴飯, 勾芡不會過厚, 嫩脆青椒切絲刀工一致, 店員也提到牛肉是台灣牛, 如果沒有想要點白飯, 可考慮點這一份青椒牛肉燴飯.
Yu Hsi Restaurant is not a Cantonese restaurant. But, it has dim sim at lunch and dinner time. The chef uses cornstarch to thicken the texture of beef and green pepper. They also uses Taiwanese beef. If you do not want to order plain rice, you can consider ordering this dish.
延伸閱讀: 台北東區茶餐廳 》波記茶餐廳重新裝潢感受復古港式風情 | Taipei HK Restaurant
Crispy Egg Tart
Price: NTD $120/3 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
三個酥皮蛋塔 NTD $120 , 平均 NTD $40/個, Size 大概是兩口 Size , 港式塔皮搭配葡式蛋塔的 Custard 內餡, 喜歡港式甜點的人可點.
Three egg tars price is NTD $120. The average price is NTD $40/pcs. It is bite size. The custard filling is smooth and creamy. If you like Cantonese dessert, you can order it.
Apricot Kernel Drink with Deep-Fried Dough Sticks
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我吃比較少港式甜點, 我個人仍舊比較喜歡 “九記海鮮”的古法杏仁茶佐油條.
I don’t usually eat Cantonese dessert. However, I still prefer this particular dessert at Jui-Ji Seafood restaurant.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)
Price: NTD $140/ 4 pcs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
一籠魚子燒賣4個$140, 平均一個 NTD $35, 價格平價, 可是我個人比較喜歡玉喜的蝦餃.
One dish is NTD $140 for 4 pcs. The average price is NTD $35/pcs. It is quite price-friendly. I would prefer their steamed shrimp pastry though.
Double V 香草雪糕
Double V Vanilla Popsicle
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這是 Double V 與玉喜聯名, 我忙著聊天, 我忘記筆記價格與他們有的口味, 香草冰棒不錯吃.
This is Yu Hsi Restaurant co-brands with Double V. However, I am too busy chatting and forget to take notes of the price and flavors. I like their popsicle.
泡豇豆私房菜 (小盤)
Spicy ground pork with peas (small)
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: N/A
吃大辣的朋友很愛, 很下飯, 吃小辣的我無法招架
This dish is for people who like spicy food. Great pairing with rice. However, I only can eat tiny spicy food
結論 Conclusion ⭐
其實玉喜飯店不是粵式餐廳, 雖然中午晚上都有港式點心, 但是沒有像大排檔的菜餚. 菜單上有非港粵式的菜餚.
📣 我個人會建議初訪 4-5 人, 推薦點的菜餚
✅ 菊花豆腐 – 需預訂, 一人一份
✅ 砂鍋土雞湯(小)- 需預訂, 適合 4-5人
✅ 水晶鮮蝦餃 – 平常一籠3個
✅ 刺蝟叉燒包 – 平常一份兩個, 建議預訂, 因為常賣到缺貨.
✅ 你也可以選擇傳統叉燒包
✅ 臘味蘿蔔糕 – 平常一份3片
✅ 青椒牛肉燴飯- 你也可以點別的, 選擇不多.
Yu Hsi Restaurant is not a Cantonese restaurant. Even though they have Dim Sum during lunch and dinner time, the menu also has non-Cantonese dishes.
📣 I would suggest 4-5 people at their 1st visit. I would recommend the following dishes
✅ Chicken Consommé with Thin Sliced Tofu – Need to reserve. Each person should order one.
✅ Casseroles Chicken Broth(Small)- Need to reserve. The small size is suitable for 4-5 people
✅ Steamed Shrimp Dumpling – 3 pcs per dish
✅ Special BBQ Pork Pastry – 2 pcs per dish. I would suggest to reserve in advance since it is very popular
✅ Traditional BBQ Pork Pastry
✅ Daikon Pastry – 3 pcs per dish
✅ Rice with Sliced Green Pepper and Taiwanese Beef – You can also order others, but there aren’t much choices.
玉喜飯店 短秒影片
Yu Hsi Restaurant Video
玉喜飯店 資訊
Yu Hsi Restaurant Restaurant Information
店名: 玉喜飯店
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段289號3F (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-8773-8898
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yuhsi.rt/
Website: https://www.yu-hsi.com.tw
Restaurant: Yu Hsi Restaurant
Address: 3F, No. 289, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-8898
Yu Hsi Restaurant Restaurant Menu
單點菜單 Menu: