門前隱味牛肉麵 》板橋府中捷運站美食 | Taipei Beef Noodle

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 採預約制的門前隱味牛肉麵位於府中捷運站附近的巷弄內, 屬於新開幕的板橋牛肉麵美食之一, 內含訂位資訊和交通資訊.
(Closed Down) “Hidden Beef Noodle” near Banqiao area only takes reservation. It is a newly-opened and unique beef noodle restaurant.
Remark: I honestly don’t know how to translate their Chinese store name

娜姐  Foodelicious FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/globalfoodelicious/


訂位資訊 Reservation Information

門前隱味牛肉麵預約是上網預約, 首先先到 http://www.wumamii.com.tw 首頁, 再按畫面最下方的”線上預約“, 選擇大人與小孩的人數後, 即可選擇想要預約的日期, 雖然網站提到可打客服電話號碼, 但因為老闆很忙, 並不一定會接電話. 預約成功後, 跟 天母 “IL MERCATO TAIPEI ” 玻璃屋餐廳一樣的系統會寄簡訊給你, 只需按確定後即可.
Basically, you would need to go to their website to book reservation (English version: goo.gl/c7v7mP ). After booking, you will later receive a message from the same system that “IL MERCATO TAIPEI” used. You would need to press sure. You can also call the restaurant, but good luck if the boss pick up.


交通資訊 Traffic Information

門前隱味牛肉麵離府中捷運站大約10 ~ 15 分鐘路程, 先從捷運1號出口左轉可看到大馬路, 再往左轉往銀灰色的天橋走, 在第一個紅綠燈等待準備過馬路 (縣民大道), 過馬路時, 左邊可看到紅色繼光香香雞的招牌後直接右轉進 “重慶路”, 一路靠右走後會碰到交叉路口, 再往藍白色“希臘婚禮”的方向走, 也是一路靠右, 到達重慶路88巷直接右轉進入巷子, 走到底再左轉即可看到“門前隱味牛肉麵”. (見文末影片)
It only takes about 10 ~ 15 minutes to walk from Fuzhong MRT station (Blue Line) . First, turn left from Exit one, follow the grey color sky bridge and wait for the traffic light at the first block. Second, walk across the road, you would see red sign stating “ J&G Fried Chicken” and then turn right at ”Chongqing Road”. Walking on the right hand side all the way to the three-way cross roads, you would see blue and white building stated “Greece Wedding”. Follow the road and arrive at “Chongqing Road 88th Lane”. Basically, if you take taxi, you should just mention “New Taipei City Banqio Chongqing Road 88th Lane (板橋重慶路88巷)”. Walk toward the end of 88th lane, then turn left and walk toward the end. You will see the restaurant.



彷彿動畫電影 “天外奇蹟 UP”裡的氣球房屋 , 純白色招牌與全新日式文青裝潢顯得格格不入, 米色的布簾與 “慢慢弄乳酪坊”相似, 3 坪空間裡只有五個座位, 入座後, Archer 老闆端上剛砌好的成本較高的熱騰騰的坪林白茶, 茶色較淺稍微淡, 但不會像烏龍茶般變苦或是香片有著過多香氣, 讓人忍不住想續杯.
White sign and Japanese indoor wooden design restaurant is located in the unexpected alley. Beige curtain is similar with “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. There are 5 seats at 3 pin restaurant area. After seating, Boss Archer served the hot high-cost white tea immediately. The tea color is light with hints of aroma.



牛肉麵 (寬麵)

English Name: Beef Noodle (Thick Noodle)
Price: NTD $185
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

菜單只有一項, 只有販售牛肉麵, 可選擇寬麵或細麵, 老闆隨後準備好木製托盤, 隨後放上兩碟小菜, 微褐色薄切豆干口味較為清爽, 脆到會出聲的淺綠色醃製酸菜相當特別.
There is only one item on the menu, which is the Beef Noodle. However, the customer can choose thick noodle or thin noodle. After ordering, Boss Archer brings out a large wooden plate to place the dried tofu and Chinese pickled cabbage. Both are delicious and custom-made by the restaurant.



“吃辣嗎?” 老闆微笑著問我, “小辣可以接受“ 我也以微笑回答. 第三碟則是亮紅色辣椒醬, 我習慣先單獨品嚐辣椒醬, 並不會像“食徒”的罌粟醬般濃稠, “門前隱味”的辣椒醬以蕃茄為基底, 蒜味,紅蔥頭, 辣椒風味一層層疊起, 辛辣度並不會過度刺激味蕾.
Boss Archer plated the third plate is the bright red spicy sauce. The texture isn’t as thick as “Loyal Chef” poppy sauce. Instead, it is tomato base with red pepper, garlic and shallots. The spicy sauce does not stimulate the taste buds as much as expected.



“門前隱味”的牛肉湯頭並不單純, 與其他家牛肉麵最大的不同是口感稍微帶有點膠質, 在我的記憶抽屜中並沒有類似湯頭的店家, 熟悉的牛肉麵香氣依舊, 少許油脂讓每一口更加誘人,詢問之下, 店家花兩天時間用蕃茄, 牛骨, 雞骨, 豬骨燉煮, 也許這就是為何湯裡的紅白蘿蔔有讓人驚豔的彈性, 這是我第一次將碗捧起來將牛肉湯全部喝完, 第一次將配置全部吃完, 第一次有種衝動想跟老闆說 “我想加湯”.
Surprisingly, their beef broth texture has hints of collagen. Their secret weapon is that they spend 2 days to stew cow, chicken and pig bones along with tomato. Their daikon and carrot are both delicious with interesting texture. Maybe after absorbing collagen and soup broth, it becomes a bit like beef tendons (hard to believe, I know). This is my first time that I want to add more beef soup broth and drink it all again and again.



“門前隱味”的寬麵並不會像關廟麵或是刀削麵過度Q彈, 而是帶有點嚼勁, 麵的寬度類似 台北市的 “光復麵館” 和 “牛肉麵.雞湯“, 細麵也是相當出色, 但寬麵條向來是我首選. 店家測試好幾次才決定採用澳洲牛腱肉, 紮實又入味.
I always prefer thick noodle than thin noodle. “Hidden Beef Noodle”’s thick noodle is similar with Taipei “Guangfu Noodle” and “Beef Noodle. Chicken Soup”. Their thin noodle is always great. However, I would still recommend the thick noodle. They use Australian Beef Shank. Its texture is chewy but yet delicious.



那天下起雨, 我雙手捧著熱茶和Archer 老闆聊天, “妳最喜歡吃哪一樣?“老闆好奇地問, 我揚起嘴角肯定地說 “湯頭和白蘿蔔“, 觀察老闆滿意的表情, 我想我是唯一一個說喜歡 “湯頭和白蘿蔔”的人. 在滴答滴答的雨滴聲音中隱約聽到張惠妹和林俊傑的歌曲, Archer 老闆跟“溫柔鄉”的 Eddy 老闆經營理念有點相似, 想給客人一個舒適的用餐環境. 我一定會再找時間再訪.
Boss Archer asked me “Which part of our beef noodle do I like?”. I replied “The soup broth and daikon”. He wants to offer comfort zone for customer to dine, just like “The Tender Land” that I visited before. I would definitely find time to visit again.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北牛肉麵餐廳懶人包 》TAIPEI BEEF NOODLE GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 其他特別商家 Other Special Stores






Restaurant Name 店名: Hidden Beef Noodle 門前隱味牛肉麵
Address: 1F, No. 12-2, 2nd Alley, 87th Lane, Sichuan Road, Banqiao Section, New Taipei City 新北市板橋區四川路一段87巷2弄12-2號1樓-1 (MAP)
Website: http://www.wumamii.com.tw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wumamii/
Nearby MRT station: Fuzhong MRT station 府中捷運站
電話: 02-8951-6600
營業時間: Check Facebook for Details

