溫柔鄉 》台北深夜食堂 | 中山區威士忌酒吧 | Late Night Dining Whisky Bar

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

溫柔鄉是一家位於亞都麗緻飯店附近的威士忌酒吧, 也是台北深夜食堂之一, 晚上 11 點營業, 早上 6 點打烊的特別營業時間.
The Tender Land” is one of the whisky bars near “The Landis Taipei”. It is suitable for late night dining. Its operation hour is from 11pm ~ 6 am.

娜姐 Foodelicious Facebook 粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/globalfoodelicious/


溫柔鄉位置介於中山國小捷運站與行天宮捷運站中間, 猶記那天是星期四晚上, 從南京三民捷運站的 “東旅 (Hotel East) ” 跟朋友坐 Taxi , 店家位於夜晚十分寧靜的錦州街巷弄裡, 冷酷鐵灰色大門上寫著字形柔和的 “溫柔鄉”, 推進門後又有一道門, 只差沒跟 “Le Kief 菱玖洋服”一樣需要按密碼. 打開第二道門, 客人喧嘩對話隱約聽到英文與粵語.
The nearby MRT station would be Zhongshan Junior High School and Hsing-Tian Temple. My friend and I took taxi from Hotel East. Pushing in the grey front door, it is surprising to see another door, which gives me thrills.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


抵達的時間已是晚上 11點半, 16 個座位已滿, 坐在一旁的沙發等待的同時, 我跟朋友觀察著店家環境, “咦 ~那不是在Inception 電影裡的陀螺?”, “咦~我家也有那些書“, 角落裝潢讓人感覺回到溫暖的家裡. 等到凌晨一點半時終於入座,中島ㄇ字型的吧台上方吊掛來自世界各地的威士忌, Wyatt 老闆與廚師們在料理台忙著烹煮每份餐點, Eddy 老闆則是用心地照每位客人喜好來推薦威士忌.
The arrival time is 11pm. However, all 16 seats are taken. My friend and I await quietly at the sofa area. The surrounding is interesting since it has a picture of Inception spinning top and books. It almost feels like home. At 1:30am, we finally are seated. There are many whiskies from around the world hang at the top. Boss Wyatt and chefs are busy cooking every dish. Boss Eddy is also busy choosing the whisky that meets customer’s preference.



與 Eddy 老闆閒聊“溫柔鄉”經營理念, 原來兩位老闆在之前也是在餐飲業, 經常忙到凌晨, 卻苦苦找不到一間有“溫度”的餐廳, 因此決定開一家深夜食堂可以讓辛苦警消,護士與餐飲人員可以在深夜裡有個安靜且溫暖的用餐環境. 講究愉悅用餐環境的Eddy老闆也提到店家星期五六休息, 以免週末吵雜人群影響用餐環境. 關於行銷方面, “溫柔鄉“並未接受任何媒體正式採訪, 臉書粉絲頁基本上只是個公告欄, 告知今天有無突發事故而休息一天之類, 菜單則是幾乎每天不一樣, 看Wyatt 老闆採買哪種食材而決定菜單, 可惜的是當天沒有知名的滷肉飯.
While waiting for my food, I chattedwith Boss Eddy regarding “The Tender Land”. He mentioned that Wyatt and he works in the bar/restaurant industry before. Sometimes, he wants to eat proper food with quiet and nice dining environment. So, they decided to open “The Tender Land” for people that work at late night shift – such as nurse and police officers. Boss Eddy also mentioned they don’t open on Friday and Saturday. “Too Noisy!”, replied by Eddy. Simply but yet strong answer shows Boss Eddy and Wyatt’s original thought. They don’t do any interview nor marketing. Their Facebook Fan Page only announced whether they open or not. The menu is also different from day to day depends on Boss Wyatt.




English Name: Beef Noodle
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

勺起淺褐色且半透澈的牛肉湯頭入口, 並不會像 “食徒”或是 “大師兄銷魂麵”有刺激味蕾的香料, 取而代之的是微淡的蕃茄風味, ”溫醇“是最好的形容詞, 店家採用澳洲牛肉, 碗裡的牛肉份量給得一點都不吝嗇, 口感極佳, 相當軟嫩. 一碗簡單的牛肉麵讓晚歸職人有著暖心的感覺.
Sipping the beef broth, the tastebuds didn’t get the impact like “Loyal Chef Beef Noodle” or “Master Spicy Noodle”. Instead it has hints of tomato flavor with fair amount of meaty flavor. Boss Wyatt uses Australian Beef, which tasted quite tender. One simply Beef Noodle warms up all customers’ tastebuds and feelings.




English Name: Grilled Baby Corn
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

店家採用台灣在地種植的玉米品種- 帶葉水果玉米筍, 英文是 “Baby Corn” 有玉米葉可延長賞味期.一邊跟老闆聊天, 一邊將玉米葉撥開, 連同玉米鬚一起吃, 撇開脆度十足不說, 甜度程度極高, 若覺得風味單調, 可沾放在一旁的椒鹽, 並不是市面上料理罐, 而是 Wyatt 老闆精挑細選的椒鹽, 並不會搶走玉米筍的風味.
Boss Wyatt uses Taiwan Baby Corn, which is crisp and also sweet. You can also add the salt and pepper on the side. Generally speaking, the baby corn tastes perfect unlike other grilled corn in the market.



Clynelish 14 年高地單一純麥威士忌

English Name: Clynelish 14 Year Old Whisky
Price: NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

若是我自己一個人用餐, 我盡量不點對味蕾有太大衝擊的酒, 例如 Patron Silver 或是 Glenlivet 18 years . 於是我把在小後苑喝的 Dalwhinnie Highland Single Malt 的照片給 Eddy 老闆看, 於是他幫我挑了一支 Clynelish 14 Year Old Whisky. 濃郁蜜糖香氣相當迷人, 需要品酌時隱約察覺到花果香氣, 飽滿酒體中有著奶油風味與少許鹹味, 搭配餐也不會搶走料理風味, 反而有加分的效果.
If I dine alone, I wouldn’t order strong flavor alcohol, such as Patron Sliver or Glenlivet 18 years. Therefore, I showed Boss Eddy the Clynelish 14 Year Old Whisky picture that I drank at Backyard Jr. Restaurant. Boss Eddy recommended “Clynelish 14 Year Old Whisky”. The strong sweet aroma dominates. Full wine body has butter and hints of saltness flavor. But it wouldn’t cover any dish flavor, instead, it adds more flavor into the dish.



Talisker 雙桶陳釀單一純麥威士忌
English Name: Talisker Double Matured in Amoroso Cask Single Malt Scotch Whisky
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我朋友不常喝威士忌, 老闆提到也可以做簡單調酒, 我跟朋友說就點威士忌吧, 老闆會推薦酒款, 隨後老闆拿”大摩”跟”Talisker”, 我朋友後來選擇 “Talisker Double Matured in Amoroso Cask”. 老實說, 我對泥煤威士忌的印象不是很好, 但是這杯陳釀在雪莉桶的威士忌酒體相當地飽滿且香甜風味十足, 果香中帶有著較微弱的泥煤味與胡椒風味, 可可風味則是在尾韻出現. 我朋友平常不常喝威士忌, 她表示還不錯可接受.
My friend don’t drink whisky much. Boss mentioned that they also do easy cocktail. Since it is a whisky bar, my friend chose Boss’s recommendation – Talisker Double Matured in Amoroso Cask. The sherry cask provides this whisky full wine body texture with sweet aroma. In between fruity flavor, it has hints of peat flavor and pepper flavor. The cocoa flavor appears at the end note.



延伸閱讀: 台北酒吧 》TAIPEI BAR GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide



警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!

Restaurant Name 店名: 溫柔鄉 The Tender Land
Address: No. 22, No. 175th Lane, Jinzhou Street, Taipei City 台北市中山區錦州街175巷22號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTenderLand/
Nearby MRT station: Taxi would be Better
電話: 02-2563-6303
營業時間: Friday and Saturday Off
Sunday ~ Thursday 11pm ~ 6am


