大江戶町鰻屋 》台中南屯區鰻魚飯美食 | Taichung Eel Rice

Last Updated on 2018-02-10 by Foodelicious

大江戶町鰻屋台中市南屯區新開幕鰻魚飯餐廳, 斗大的招牌在文心南路上非常顯著.
Newly-opened Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant is one of the Taichung Nantun District restaurants. The restaurant sign is very obvious on the side of Wenxin South Second Road.

菜單連結在文末 Menu is at the end of article


2017 10 月台中旅遊特別安排了這家鰻魚飯餐廳, 最主要是想跟台中另一家大東屋鰻魚飯作比較, 光是整棟的餐廳裝潢已完勝大東屋. 大江戶町鰻屋位於二樓, 有電梯可以搭乘, 一樓則是餐飲集團的其他餐廳 – 迴轉壽司與鐵板燒.
During the 2017 October Taichung travel, I made reservation. The main reason is to compare this restaurant with another Taichung Eel Restaurant- Da-Don House. Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant is located at the 2nd floor of the building.



走進大江戶町鰻屋裡, 挑高且大坪數顯得相當霸氣, 雖然有歌舞妓座舞台佈景結合居酒屋模式, 但跟台北東區的 Dozo 氛圍截然不同, 大江戶町鰻屋非常適合家庭聚會, 也有娃娃椅, 廚房前的吧台座位也可一人用餐和師傅聊天.
Walking inside the restaurant, there is huge dining area and high ceiling appearance. The indoor design is similar with Geisha performance stage. However, Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant is suitable for family gathering. The customer can also sit in front of the bar to chat with the chef.



後來跟師傅聊天得知“大江戶町鰻屋”是用出口到日本的台灣養殖頂級”青口鰻“, 而非進口的星鰻或是海鰻 (例如: 虎鰻). 網路上提到 “大江戶町鰻屋” 採用青口活鰻且用台灣龍眼炭進行碳烤, 優點是無煙不會讓食物變味, 火侯穩定燒烤均勻. 入座後, 服務生遞上一小盤毛豆, 因為鰻魚燒烤時間較長.
This restaurant offers “Live” Taiwan high-quality eels, mostly only export to Japan. Also, it is grilled with Taiwan Longan Charcoal, which has more stable temperature and less smoke (sometimes, there isn’t any).



鰻魚桶飯三吃 (2 人份)

English Name: Eel Rice (for 2 people)
Price: NTD $690
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

鰻魚桶飯的Size大約 6吋蛋糕大, 深褐色油亮的蒲燒鰻魚將白飯蓋好蓋滿, 份量顯然是兩人份, 朋友協助將飯分為兩等份, 再放入店家準備的黑色小碗. 我搶先品嚐一口, 濃稠醬汁不會過鹹, 比市面上的蒲燒醬汁更有甜味, 鰻魚肉則是肥嫩, 較為特別的是鰻皮不會過軟, 反而帶有酥脆, 這是台北肥前屋與台中大東屋沒有的特質.
The eel rice container size is similar with 6 inch cake. Dark brown and oily grilled eels are placed on the rice. The eel tastes very tender and has fair amount of fat. The sauce is unexpectedly sweet and not overly salty. The most surprising part would be the skin is crispy instead of soft.



接下來讓溫泉蛋的金黃色蛋黃汁流出, 飯如預期中的更加綿密, 蔥花與芥末更凸顯出海鮮風味, 但是我會建議芥末不要加太多以免搶走待會要加的柴魚湯風味.原本以為柴魚湯會偏淡, 但風味卻相當顯著, 會不經意搶走鰻魚的風味. 我相當推薦這道料理.
The egg yolk thicken the rice as expected. The green onion and mustard are perfect pairing with the eel and rice. Surprisingly, the soup has fair amount of bonito fish flavor. I strongly recommend this dish.




English Name: Eel Soda
Price: N/A (Promotion- Free)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

由於新開幕, 店家告知Facebook打卡送一瓶鰻魚汽水, 我天真地問了服務生 “這鰻魚汽水是有鰻魚風味嗎??” , 服務生回答說成份雖然有鰻魚萃取物, 但毫無海鮮味, 喝起來像黑松沙士. 倒汽水進杯中, 要喝的瞬間像是第一次喝 Patron Tequila , 期待又害怕, 喝後的感想就是, 這只是一瓶像黑松沙士的汽水.
This so-called eel soda is free due to the promotion. However, it tastes like root beer without any expected seafood flavor. The waiter explained that it is just hints of eel extract.




延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide


Restaurant Name 店名: Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant 大江戶町鰻屋
Address: 2 F, No.1, Wenxin South Second Road, Nantun District, Taichung City 台中市南屯區文心南二路1號2樓 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ooedomachi3/
Nearby MRT station: N/A
電話: 04-2473-7711
營業時間:11:30AM ~ 2:30PM ; 5:30PM ~ 9:30PM

菜單 Menu
