永春捷運站不限時咖啡甜點店 》蘋果肉桂甜點店 | Taipei Dessert

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已歇業, 搬新家) 蘋果肉桂甜點店 (Apple Cinnamon Cafe) 是一家台北信義區不限時有Wifi的咖啡甜點店, “冰淇淋脆皮蘋果派”是店內的招牌.
(Closed, Moved to new address) Apple Cinnamon Cafe is a dessert and coffee cafe at Taipei City Xinyi District. It offers unlimited wifi and dining time. Their signature dessert dish is “Apple Crumble Pie With Vanilla Ice Cream”


菜單連結在文末 Menu is at the end of article


在永春捷運站附近的甜點店還有 “HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊”, 走進蘋果肉桂 Cafe (Apple Cinnamon Cafe), 感覺是到別人家裡作客, 桌椅顏色基本上是混搭, 並沒有所謂的“主要色系”或“主題”, 對我來說, 裝潢是其次, 美味才是重點.
Its location is near HERZMOMENT Dessert Shop, which is at Yongchun MRT station area. It feels like walking to someone else’s living room while stepping in Apple Cinnamon Cafe. There isn’t much indoor design let along theme nor major color. To me, delicious is more important than indoor decoration.




English Name: Weekday Afternoon Tea Set
Monday ~ Friday 2pm ~ 5pm
Content: One Cake + One Drink
Set Price: NTD $99



English Name: Apple Crumble Pie With Vanilla Ice Cream
Price: Add Extra NTD $45 for Ice Cream
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

之前幾乎都是吃有奶油襯托的蛋糕, 只有近前在 “休習日” 品嚐過磅蛋糕, 跟 “Tori Coffee ” 販售的蘋果派, 當溫熱的蘋果派端上桌時, 我心裡想 “這是德國蘋果派! 這種Size , 單點賣 NTD $130 太便宜 “.
I recently ate Pound cake at Z Day cafe and Apple Pie at Tori Coffee. Both are without cream. I instantly noticed that their apple pie is actually German Apple Pie instead of traditional American Apple Pie.



忍不住將盤子轉一圈欣賞蘋果派的切面, 內餡有塞好塞滿的蘋果切塊, 而非蘋果泥. 拿起叉子, 輕易地切一小塊來吃, 灑在派上的肉桂脆糖接著散落, 蘋果香氣遠遠超過台灣人較不習慣的肉桂風味.最值得一提的是蘋果內餡脆度極高, 跟大部分市面上的蘋果派截然不同, 意想不到的酒釀葡萄乾更是在每一口都會吃到, 雖然甜度高但不會過膩, 也許是蘋果派上的明治香草冰淇淋加重了甜度 , 微酸的存在倒是很難被察覺. 我會推薦這款甜點給喜歡品嚐傳統歐式甜點的人.
The filling are full of Apple chunks instead of thin sliced nor paste. While cutting, the cinnamon sugar crumbles fall parts. The most remarkable part would be the apple filling is very crisp. You can taste the raisins in almost every bite. The sweet level, which is enhanced by the ice cream, is quite hight but there is still hints of acidity. I would recommend this dish to the people who would like to try European traditional desserts.




English Name: Latte
Price: Add Extra NTD $45 for Upgrade
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍 👍

拿鐵風味雖然記憶點不高, 但杯子可愛的造型讓 蘋果肉桂 Cafe (Apple Cinnamon Cafe) 更有家的感覺.
Honestly, their Latte is not complex nor remarkable. But, the cup is very cute though.


Total Price : NTD $99 + NTD $45 +  NTD $45 = NTD $189









Restaurant Name 店名: Apple Cinnamon Cafe 蘋果肉桂甜點店
Address: No. 26, 492th lane, 5th section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段492巷26號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/applecinnamoncafe/
Nearby MRT station: Yongchun MRT station 永春捷運站
電話: 02-2727-6306
營業時間: 11am ~ 9pm



