IL MERCATO TAIPEI 》天母玻璃屋餐廳 | 天母新光三越週邊美食
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(2019.4 歇業) IL MERCATO (義瑪卡多) 是2017年新開幕的台北天母義大利餐廳之一, 醒目玻璃屋裝潢深受許多講究用餐氣氛的饕客喜愛.
(2019.4 Closed Down) IL MERCATO TIANMU is one of the newly-opened Italian restaurants. Its beautiful glass building attracts many foodie from all over Taiwan.
Menu and IL MERCATO CAFE are at the end of article
IL MERCATO 翻譯成中文是 ”市場“的意思, 顧名思義這家並不是想像中的 Fine Dining 餐廳. 餐廳正門在巷弄, 而非面對天母棒球場. 推開門立刻眼尖地看到 2018 台北紅蝦評鑑的酒杯證明, 代表這家餐廳擁有好酒. 一樓與兩樓基本上是兩個不同的世界, 一樓採自然光, 透過玻璃屋整體呈現高級與典雅, 座位皆是四人以上的座位, 因為當天訂位用餐是兩人, 被安排至二樓, 燈光顯得較為昏暗, 座位稍微擁擠如同星巴克, 若可撤掉少數兩人座會更完美. 當下原本想換座位到兩人沙發區被拒絕, 因為已有人訂位無法更改, 我跟朋友被安排到靠牆的座位. 我會建議 4 人以上到這家餐廳用餐並要求一樓座位.
IL MERCATO means market in Italian. It basically indicate that this place is not a fine dining restaurant. The front door of the restaurant is at the side instead of facing the Tianmu Arena. Based on observation, first floor and second floor seemed to be two different world. 1st floor is more elegant and 2nd is more like crowded Bistro with dim light. My friend and I were seated near the wall at the 2-people seats. I would recommend party of 4+ to dine here and ask for the first floor seats if possible.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
Set Menu for Lunch
Content: Appetizer, Pasta/Risotto , Main Course
Price: NTD $980 / person
English Name: Bread
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
點完餐後, 服務生端上用獨特聞香杯, 裡面裝著歷史悠久義大利品牌 “ Gradassi Centenaria” 冷壓初榨橄欖油, 金綠色澤搭配清新草原香味, 當多種佐餐麵包送上時, 服務生迅速地倒出橄欖油至兩人的盤中, 較為特別的是 IL MERCATO 並沒有像 “Osteria Rossa Taipei” 加入巴薩米可醋 (Balsamic Vinegar). 佐餐麵包皆是由隔壁的 IL MERCATO CAFE 所製作, 鬆軟程度相當高, 只是個人偏好橄欖油有濃郁果仁風味, 而非像此款較為清淡的橄欖油.
After ordering, the waiter brought out unique Nosing Glass with Italian brand “Gradassi Centenaria” EVOO. It has golden green color with refreshing grass aroma. The breads, which are made by its Cafe next door, are all soft and delicious. The most interesting part is that they didn’t add Balsamic Vinegar like “Osteria Rossa Taipei”. I personally prefer thick nuts flavor instead of light aroma.
胡蘿蔔濃湯佐鮮嫩蟹肉, 以在地產嫩薑與孜然提味
English Name: Carrot Cumin, Ginger Soup with Crab Meat
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
湯頭呈橘黃色且相當濃稠, 若不與放置中間的蟹肉搭配, 湯本身只有淡淡胡蘿蔔味, 蟹肉濕潤且鹹度頗高, 充裕的海鮮風味遠遠蓋過菜單上提到的 “嫩薑與孜然”, 建議每一口都是蟹肉搭配湯一起喝.
The soup base color is orange-yellow color and has thick texture. Without the crab meats, the soup only has hints of carrot flavor. The crab meat itself is salty and moist. The seafood flavor covers the cumin and ginger flavor that is mentioned on the menu. I would recommend to drink the soup along with crab meats.
English Name: Campo dell’Oste Carnaroli Rice with Oliveri Porcini Mushrooms and Taleggio
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
IL MERCATO 最有名的是女王燉飯, 這次午間套餐的燉飯也是用相同的卡納羅利米 (Carnaroli) 來製作, 端上桌時, 燉飯正中央放著一小塊雷吉歐起司 (Taleggio), 建議馬上將起司融入熱騰騰燉飯中, 趕緊品嚐一口, 米心如預期中地紮實, 也許是義大利雷吉歐熟成起司 (Taleggio) 的加持, 濃郁的乳香風味包圍著味蕾, 遠遠地蓋過深藏不露的意大利進口牛肝菌切片獨特的菇味.
IL MERCATO’s signature dish is QUEEN RISOTTO. As in the lunch menu, they have Porcini Risotto with Taleggio Cheese. After mixing the Taleggio cheese, the risotto becomes more creamy and also increase more milky aroma. It would be difficult to detect the Porcini unique aroma.
我朋友則是點 “油漬鮪魚子義大利麵”, 菜單上的敘述是 彈牙義大利麵佐油漬鮪魚子與蛋黃泡, 我並沒有品嚐.
My friend ordered Spaghetti Pasta with Calliope Tuna bottarga and Egg Foam. I didn’t try it.
香烤章魚佐馬鈴薯與甜辣椒 (微辣)
香烤章魚搭配主廚特製章魚奶黃醬, 佐醋拌馬鈴薯, 酸豆與甜辣椒
English Name: Grilled Octopus with Octopus “Mayonnaise”, Vinegared Potato, Baby Capers and Sweet Chili
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
點菜之前, 我對照中文與英文的名稱, 讓我比較納悶的是 “甜辣椒”是不是糯米椒”, 因為英文翻譯是 Sweet Chili, 服務生說他不清楚, 於是我只能自作聰明應該是在 “Beer Smith” 吃到的綠色糯米椒. 端上桌則是以一條鮮艷紅色無籽長辣椒 (?) 為設計主軸, 少量中型八爪章魚腳為輔, 長腳肉質並不會硬, 短腳有彈性, 至於風味方面較為欠缺, 我個人比較喜歡 “Naked Bistro 裸餐酒”的小卷炙燒海鮮風味.
Before ordering, I was confused by the name of “sweet chili”. The waiter mentioned that he didn’t know. Therefore, I simply assume that the sweet chili is the same one that I tasted before at “Beer Smith”. However, the plating is a long sweet chili (?) with octopus at the side. However, all octopus lacks the grilled aroma and seafood flavor. I would prefer “Naked Bistro”’s grilled squid.
Remark: 我朋友跟我都只能接受小辣, 於是將紅色辣椒移開, 不敢親自嘗試, 若資訊有誤, 請見諒
Red Wine- 2013 Baracchi, Smeriglio, Cortona Syrah D.O.C
ABV: 14.5%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
IL MERCATO 的專業酒窖是眾所皆知, 因此禁止客人帶酒, 酒類皆是義大利進口, 幾乎每一瓶酒皆可點單杯. 我單點一杯 “2013 Baracchi, Smeriglio, Cortona Syrah D.O.C” (NTD $ 210) . 較為可惜的是服務生並沒有在我們面前使用葡萄酒取酒器 (Coravin), 也許是因為兩人桌太小. 紅寶石酒體飽滿, 黑莓香氣中帶有少許黑胡椒與菸草香氣, 除了細緻外, 單寧也不會過高,
Everyone knows that IL MERCATO has great wine cellar, which has lots of Italian wine. Almost every wine can be sold as single glass. I ordered 2013 Baracchi, Smeriglio, Cortona Syrah D.O.C” (NTD $ 210). Sadly, the waitress didn’t use Corvine in front of us, maybe because the 2-people table is small. Dark ruby color along with full-body wine has fair amount of black berry aroma and flavor. There are also hints of black pepper and tobacco aroma. It has smooth texture and also soft tannin.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide
ღ 台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation
娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount
📧 自媒體採訪, 文字邀約, 行銷合作, 請 Email 至 [email protected]
If interested in cooperation, please Email to [email protected]
Restaurant Name 店名: IL Mercato Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 164, 2nd section, Zhongcheng Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 台北市士林區忠誠路二段164號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhishan MRT station 芝山捷運站
電話: 02-2873-0608
營業時間: 12 noon ~ 10:30pm
位置在餐廳的隔壁, 可買麵包與喝咖啡. The cafe is right next to the restaurant. You can purchase bread and drink coffee.