台北和牛 47 》 Wagyu 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀
Last Updated on 2019-07-06 by Foodelicious
台北和牛47餐廳 是信義區微風南山美食餐廳之一, 也在微風南山高空景觀餐廳名單內, 嚴格來說, 和牛47是結合燒肉與懷石料理的餐廳.
Taipei Wagyu 47 is one of the Nanshan Breeze Restaurants. It is also on the list of the restaurants that can see the Taipei 101 View.
2019 和牛47 菜單在文末 2019 Wagyu 47 Menu is at the end of article
和牛47 交通
Wagyu47 Traffic
和牛47 餐廳位於微風南山百貨的 47 樓, 若是開車, 可直接停在微風南山停車場, 若是搭捷運, 可從象山捷運站1號出口 或是 台北101世貿捷運站4號出口 走至微風南山百貨. 與信義微風一樣, 和牛 47也有所謂的直達高空電梯, 位置在臨近ATT4Fun (見圖一) . 餐廳內部空間裝潢細節在文末影片裡.
Wagyu 47 is located at Nanshan Breeze Mall 47th Floor. If driving, you can park at Nanshan Breeze parking lot. If taking the public transportation, you can exit from Elephant Mountain MRT Exit 1 or Taipei 101 MRT Exit 4. Same as Xinyi Breeze Mall, Wagyu 47 has the elevator that goes to the top directly. The entrance is near ATT4Fun (Picture 1). There are more details regarding the indoor design at the video at the end of article.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
和牛47 價位
Wagyu47 Price
每人低消是一份套餐, 和牛 47目前只有一種套餐, 午餐套餐價位與晚餐套餐價位皆是 NTD $3500, 目前並沒有所謂的商業午餐. 值得一提的是和牛 47 餐廳有專業侍酒師, 因此, 若是要餐搭酒( Wine Pairing) , 則是另外加價 NTD $1500. 和牛 47 餐廳也有8 ~ 10 人的包廂, 這裡基本上適合浪漫約會也適合家庭聚會. 那天我與朋友們都點一份套餐與餐搭酒組合 (NTD $3500 + NTD $1500 = NTD $5000), 以上價格為2019年4月的價格.
Each person minimum charge is one set. And now, Wagyu 47 now has only one type of set. Both lunch and dinner sets are the same – NTD $3500. There is no so-called business lunch.They also have their own sommelier, therefore, the wine pairing is extra NTD $1500. Wagyu 47 is suitable for dating and also family gathering. My friends and I order sets and wine pairing (NTD $3500 + NTD $1500 = NTD $5000). The above price is April, 2019.
延伸閱讀: 台北適合約會的餐廳 》Taipei Romantic Restaurants
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
和牛 47套餐 ( 9 道料理)
價格: NTD $3500/套餐
1. Balik頂級煙燻鮭魚, A5和牛, Prunier魚子醬手卷
2. 和牛生牛肉三種盛合
3. 季節日式濃湯
4. 本日嚴選三拼
5. 特選和牛.月見醬
6. 本日嚴選和牛牛排, 五彩蔬菜
7. 季節牛肉鍋
8. 季節炊飯,漬物,
9. 冰雪夢子, 飲品
Wagyu 47 Set (9 Dishes)
Price: NTD $3500 / per set
1. Balik Smoked Salmon, A5 Wagyu Beef, Caviar Hand Roll
2. Raw Wagyu Beef Set
3. Soup
4. Wagyu Beef Deluxe Set
5. Wagyu Beef with Egg Sauce
6. Daily Wagyu Steak, Vegetable
7. Wagyu Beef Pot
8. Rice Dish, Pickled Dish
9. Iced Dessert, Drink
Balik頂級煙燻鮭魚, A5和牛, Prunier 魚子醬手卷
Malik Smoked Salmon, A5 Wagyu Beef, Prunier Caviar Hand Roll
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
“輝煌華麗”是我當初看到這一道料理的形容詞, 從右到左是 Prunier魚子醬,Balik頂級煙燻鮭魚與A5和牛. 上次品嚐少許魚子醬是在台北米其林三星的“頤宮”,之前在微風南山 5 樓的“犇 牛肉食堂” 也吃過魚子醬搭配干貝. 這次在和牛47看到的一整盒黑鑽魚子醬, 等不及先趕緊用小木匙品嚐, 緩緩地咬破黑鑽, 微鹹海鮮風味在口裡爆發, 不虧是歐洲百年頂級魚子醬品牌Caviar house & Prunier.
“Magnificent” is my impression of this dish. From right to left is Cavior House & Prunier brand caviar, Balik smoked salmon and A5 Wagyu Beef. Last time I tasted caviar is at “Le Palais” with tiny amount. I tasted caviar with grilled scallop at “Ben Teppan & Grill Restaurant”.Now, at Wagyu 47, I get to taste a small box of caviar. I scoop up a small amount with small wooden spoon. The seafood with salty flavor bursts out in the mouth. Perfect!
延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀
延伸閱讀: 犇 牛肉食堂 》台北和牛鐵板燒餐廳 | Taipei Wagyu Steak Teppanyaki
我最愛的是則是魚子醬搭配 A5和牛手卷, 聽說這一道和牛魚子醬手卷只有在米其林一星的上海老乾杯才吃得到, 先是將少許法國魚子醬放在日本生和牛表層, 完全是 Fushion Style, 將海苔捲起如同在 “梅子鰻屋”吃到的手卷, 一口咬下手卷, 海苔的脆搭配醋飯的軟, 和牛的嫩搭配魚子醬的鮮, 完美!! 我相當推薦!
First, you would need to place shining black caviar on the A5 Wagyu Beef. Then, roll up like that hand roll that I tasted at “UMEKO Japanese Restaurant“. The crisp texture from the seaweed pairs great with the rice. The tenderness of the Wagyu beef is a perfect match for caviar. I would definitely recommend this dish.
延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》梅子鰻屋不僅有鰻魚飯也有日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice
Raw Wagyu Beef Set
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
基本上如果排斥吃生和牛肉品, 你不太適合來這裡用餐. 這道和牛生牛肉三種盛合從左到右是日式生牛肉,義式生牛肉塔塔與生和牛肉握壽司, 三款肉品因為搭配不一樣食材配角而勾勒出不同特色, 即使蔥花佈滿日式生牛肉 (圖二), 仍舊可看到雪花般的油脂. 義式生牛肉塔塔 (圖三) 則是牛肉搭配起司充滿異國風格, 我則是最喜歡生和牛肉握壽司, 油脂在舌尖融化, 山葵挑逗著味蕾, 經典搭配相當迷人.
Honestly, if you have doubts eating raw wagyu beef, you might not suitable for this restaurant. The second dish is mixed raw Wagyu Beef Set. From left to right is Japanese style raw Wagyu beef, Wagyu tartar, and Wagyu Nigiri. Because of different side ingredients, each unit shows different type of taste and texture. Even though the green onions are spread all over the raw beef, you can still see the fats at the surface (Picture 2). As for beef tartar, cheese is always a perfect match for beef (Picture 3). I personally like the raw wagyu beef nigiri. The fats melts at the moment when I tasted it. The wasabi stimulates a bit of the tastebuds at the same time. It is a classic and great unit.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
看似綠茶, 實際是湯品, 喝起來有點像高麗菜奶油濃湯.
The appearance looks like green tea, but it is soup. It tastes a bit like cabbage creamy soup.
Wagyu Beef Deluxe Set
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
除了高空景觀外, 和牛47的另一個賣點就是每一桌有專屬負責燒烤肉品的店員,不是像有些高級燒肉店是一人負責多桌, 就跟 “橘色涮涮屋” 一樣店員負責煮火鍋的概念一樣, 而 店員將這道料理 (牛舌, 特選牛五花, 特選角切) 與其他醬料一起端上桌, 每人都是三款肉品各一片, 一邊吃這道料理時, 店員一邊會解釋如何搭配醬料. 我個人比較喜歡牛五花.
The other selling point would be each table would have one staff serving and grilling. This particular serving type is a bit similar with “Orange Shabu”. The staff places this dish (beef tongue, beef flank, beef cube) and other sauces. Each person gets one unit of each ingredient. While eating this dish, the staff would explain how to pair with sauce. I personally like the beef flank.
延伸閱讀: 橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
特選和牛, 月見醬
Wagyu Beef (New York strip steak) with Egg Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道也是燒肉, 不同於經典結實的紐約客肉片, 這款和牛紐約客肉品有著雪花般的油花, 與新光三越“橘色涮涮屋”澳洲和牛有得比! 除了月見醬外, 和牛 47 也準備了少許白飯, 店員解釋將燒肉沾月見醬後, 再將白飯捲在和牛裡入口. 完勝微風南山5樓的 “犇 牛肉食堂”.
This is also a grilling dish. Unlike the regular New York strip steak, the wagyu has fats evenly spreading out. Besides the egg sauce, Wagyu 47 also prepares small amount of rice. The staff mentions that dip the meat into the sauce, and than roll the rice in between and eat. It is perfect and has better taste than “Ben Teppan & Grill Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: 橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
本日嚴選和牛牛排, 五彩蔬菜
Daily Wagyu Steak Selection, Vegetable
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道和牛牛排的厚度比我期望地高, 和牛 47 店員燒烤技術也不錯, 5 分熟是恰到好處, 也可以要求3分熟, 店員會切塊, 不用客人擔心. 正當準備要品嚐時, 店員將一個六角盤五彩蔬菜送上桌, 藉蔬菜解膩, 我倒是覺得和牛47 可以與專業牛排餐廳 (例如: “No. 168 Prime 牛排館” )一樣有更多牛排調味料, 不光是只有山葵與岩鹽, 畢竟和牛47 價格與專業牛排餐廳不相上下.
The steak is bigger than I expected. The staff’s grilling skill is above average. The medium is right on the spot, but of course you can ask for medium-rare. The staff would also pre-cut the steak. There are also vegetables and flavoring at the wooden plate. However, it would be better if Wagyu 47 has more flavoring, just like at “No. 168 Prime Steak House”. After all, the price is almost the same.
延伸閱讀: No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House
Wagyu Pot
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道料理因季節而改變, 店員先將一整鍋季節牛肉鍋端上, 再將湯汁淋在鮮紅色的生和牛肉片上, 分給美味客人, 名為季節牛肉鍋, 看似與和牛壽喜燒, 但是吃起來並沒有過多醬油味, 柴魚與昆布湯底與白蘿蔔帶給味蕾些許微甜, 整體算是不錯.
This dish might change due to the seasons. The staff serves a large pot of the Wagyu pot. First, the staffs pours the soup at the raw beef and serve. It doesn’t have much soy sauce flavor. Instead, the broth and radish brings hints of sweetness into the mouth.
Rice Dish, Pickled Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道菜餚會因為季節不同而改變, 這次是蛤蠣炊飯, 店員採 Table Service, 直接協助攪拌炊飯再依序盛給客人, 飯與蛤蠣的比例看似只是原本一款平凡的飯食, 但第一口即可品嚐到蛤蠣與高湯賦予炊飯微鹹海鮮風味, 充滿驚喜. 我沒照到漬物因為是用分享的方式, 而不是像 “光の越後”每個人有小份量漬物.
This dish would change by season. This time is rice with clam. This dish is also table service. The staff would assist serving each guest with a small bowl of rice. I thought this dish is only regular rice dish. However, the clams and broth offer thick seafood flavor. It is full of surprise. As for the pickled dish, it is for sharing. I didn’t take the pictures. But, I truly wish that Wagyu 47 has pickled dish in a small plate, just like at “Hikarunoechigo Japanese Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: 光の越後 》日本籍阿光師之不按牌理出牌的美味 | Taipei Japanese Diner
冰雪夢子, 飲品
Iced Dessert, Drink
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我不確定和牛47有無自己的甜點師傅, 但確定有考量到客人們吃了一整餐肉品, 需要讓味蕾回歸原始, 這道微酸冰淇淋甜點讓舌尖凍結給予刺激感, 味蕾重啟, 至於飲品, 我選擇搭配餐廳的伯爵茶.
I am not sure if Wagyu 47 restaurant has its own dessert chef. This dessert offers fair amount acidity, which clears up the tastebuds. As for the drink, I select the hot Earl Grey.
♛ 信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant
連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants
餐廳: 和牛47餐廳
地址: 台北市信義區松智路17號47F (MAP)
捷運站: 象山捷運站 或是台北捷運站
電話: 02-2723-1808
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: http://www.wagyu47.com.tw
Restaurant: Wagyu Beef Restaurant
Address: 47F, No. 17, Songzhi Road, Taipei City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: Elephant Mountain or Taipei 101 MRT station
Tel: 02-2723-1808
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
和牛47菜單 》Wagyu 47 Menu