天母餐酒館推薦 》Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館 | Tianmu Bistro
Last Updated on 2024-02-29 by Foodelicious
(結束營業) 微巷餐酒館 ( Vicolo Trattoria ) 是台北天母義大利餐廳, 也屬於天母新光三越附近的餐廳之一, 招牌料理包括拿坡里炸麵糰和貓耳朵麵, 深受老饕喜愛.
(Closed Down ) Vicolo Trattoria is one of the Italian Restaurants in Tianmu area. It is also one of the restaurants near Tianmu Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Stores as well. Its signature dishes include Frittatina and Orecchiette.
Vicolo Trattoria 微巷菜單在文末 Vicolo Trattoria Menu is at the end of the article
微巷義大利小餐館位於知名天母玻璃屋餐廳 “IL MERCATO” 的巷弄內,雖然離芝山捷運站有點遠, 反而是天母在地人經常活動的地方. 走進微巷義大利小餐館裡, 室內裝潢與台北東區的 “鬍子餐酒“ 有些相似, 皆是木質系列. 店內除了長桌與兩人座位外, 也有半開放式舒適沙發包廂區, 適合小家庭聚會. 小庭院座位區在秋冬季時應該相當受歡迎. 當天用餐是週末六中午, 幾乎每桌都被預約.
Vicolo Trattoria Italian Restaurant is located at the alley near “IL MERCATO”. It is a bit far from Zhishan MRT station. The locals always dine around here. The indoor design is similar with “Baffi Italian Trattoria”. Besides the long table and 2-people seats, there are also sofa area that are suitable for small family gathering. The outdoor seats are perfect for fall & winter weather. My friend and I dine there during Saturday noon. Almost every table is booked.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
法拉蕊氣泡水 & 香甜薑茶 & 麵包
Ferrarelle Sparkling Water & Ginger Tea & Bread
Price: NTD $80 & NTD $160 & Free
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
法拉蕊氣泡水有分兩種價格, 一種是單人暢飲 (NTD $80) , 另一種是單瓶購買 NTD $150, 我會建議單人暢飲, 比 “San Pellegrino 氣泡水 ” 更划算, 氣泡充足的法拉蕊有著明顯但柔和的礦物質風味. 我朋友點了薑茶. 溫熱麵包與橄欖油則是免費提供.
There are two types of water fee – NTD $80 for one person all-u-can-drink or NTD $150 for one bottle. I would recommend the NTD $80 proposal since it is cheaper than “San Pellegrino”. Ferrarelle Sparkling Water has obvious but soft mineral flavor. My friend ordered ginger tea. As for the breads and olive oil, it is free.
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
完整義大利文料理名稱應該是 “Frittatine di pasta napoletane”, 淺褐色外表看似頑固, 咬一口卻有ㄎㄧㄠˇ一聲, 口感相當酥脆, 在口中細嚼慢嚥也不會感受到過多油膩. 綿密內餡內有討人喜歡的起司小圓管麵, 也可品嚐到帕瑪火腿的鹹香風味, 整體吃起來讚又不會過膩. 朋友提到之前 “Bellini Cafe” 也有推出類似菜色Arancini, 唯一不同的是燉飯內餡. 我相當推薦這一道開胃菜, 只是一道料理只有三顆, 我不知道四人要如何分吃.
The completed dish name is “Frittatine di pasta napoletane”. The brown color appearance is crispy instead of hard texture. The filling is very creamy with macaroni and cheese. The tastebuds also can sense the meaty and salty flavor from the ham. The overall taste is delicious and not oily. My friend mentioned that Bellini promoted similar product, Arancini. I definitely recommend this dish. But the down side would be there are only three units instead of four units.
Orecchiette Cauliflower and Sausage
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
普利亞地區 (PUGLIA) 在義大利半島的長靴鞋跟地區, 微巷義大利小餐館的這道料理名稱顧名思義是一道正統南義料理. 來到一家義大利餐廳, 就是要點有特色的餐點, 就像在華山“Piccola Botega” 要點義式麵疙瘩一樣. 份量頗多的貓耳朵義大利麵在白色擺盤裡, 紅褐色肉醬填滿像小湯匙般的貓耳朵麵, 麵的咬勁十足, 這家餐廳的肉醬比台北東區的 “La Piola 義大利餐廳”精彩 , 香腸豬肉的爆香搭配辣香大蒜風味, 再加上微酸風乾番茄, 相當不錯, 只是一整盤吃下來會有點膩, 建議與朋友分享.
This dish is originated from PUGLIA area, which is at the Southern Italy. When coming to a Italian Restaurant, it would be better to order traditional and unique dish. For example, when you dine at “Piccola Botega”, you might want to order their special Gnocchi. There are fair amount of Orecchiette, which can absorb spicy meat sauce. This particular sauce has more complex flavors than “La Piola Italian Restaurant”. The salty pork flavor pairs well with the garlic flavor and dried tomato. The overall taste is delicious but a bit oily than expected. I would suggest to share with friends though.
Pesto Spaghetti With Red Shrimp
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館似乎很喜歡將地區加進菜單料理名稱, 熱內亞地區 (GENOVA) 在義大利北部靠近港口的城市. 這道料理端上桌時, 我跟朋友第一印象都認為麵的份量比其他家餐廳多, 而且完全不會像“台式義大利麵”青醬和松子多到好像不用錢. 整隻蝦有充分地吸收青醬與適量橄欖油, 肉質相當有彈性且美味. 台式青醬偏油膩且羅勒葉味道偏重, 微巷義大利小餐館的青醬則是隱約可感受橄欖油香氣和蒜味的點綴, 屬於較為清爽型的青醬. 我會推薦這道料理給愛吃青醬義大利麵的人.
Vicolo Trattoria Italian Restaurant seemed to like to indicate the dish’s origin area. This dish is originated from GENOVA area, which is located at Northern Italy. There are fair amount of the pastas with only small amount of pesto sauce and nuts. The shrimp absorbs fair amount of pesto sauce and olive oil. The shrimp texture is also great. Most Taiwanese pesto sauce are full of basil aroma and on the oily side. But, Vicolo Trattoria’s pesto sauce is refreshing with hints of olive oil and garlic. I would recommend this dish to the people who like to eat pesto pasta.
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
因為主菜太滿意, 朋友跟我決定點甜點. 原本以為 NTD $110 的價格會是像 “Duchamp Wine & Bistro & Cafe” 的一小杯提拉米蘇, 孰不知卻是一大塊方型經典提拉米蘇, 還沒品嚐就覺得價格相當划算, 蛋糕體濕潤不會乾, 重點是品嚐起來有酒味但不會過濃, 在台北是可遇不可求, 相當推薦.
Since my friend and I are quite impressed by their main courses, we decided to order desserts. Honestly, I thought NTD $110 dessert size would be like “Duchamp Wine & Bistro & Cafe” tiramisu cup. But, it turns out to be a large square Tiramisu. The cake body is moist. The taste has small amount of alcohol flavor, which is rare in Taipei City. I strongly recommend their Tiramisu.
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
有些台北阿法嘉朵甜點的冰淇淋沒味道, 或是濃縮咖啡風味有焦味, 但微巷義大利小餐館的 Affogato 香草冰淇淋有濃郁香氣, 濃縮咖啡的咖啡香氣多過於苦味, 此外, 店家也特別準備巧克力醬以免客人無法招架濃縮咖啡, 杏仁餅乾則是增加不一樣的口感. Perfect Match! 整個滿足!
Most Affogato’s ice cream do not have vanilla flavor or the expresso is way too bitter. But Vicolo Trattoria offers rich vanilla flavor ice cream and expresso with thick coffee aroma. Also, the restaurant also prepares chocolate sauce in case the customer couldn’t stand the strong expresso. The almond cookie add more complex taste to this dessert. It is overall a perfect match.
♛ Eatpire 會員讀者餐廳優惠好康連結頁面: Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
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連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
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If interested in cooperation, please Email to globalfoodelicious@gmail.com
店名: Vicolo Trattoria 微巷義大利小餐館
地址: 台北市士林區忠誠路二段166巷15號 (Map)
捷運: 芝山捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VicoloTrattoria/
Restaurant Name: Vicolo Trattoria Restaurant
Address: No.15 , 166th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongcheng Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhishan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2872-7202
Operation Hour: Check Facebook