台北中山區鰻魚飯 》魚庒除了鰻魚飯也有其他日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious

許多台北鰻魚飯愛好者都知道魚庒鰻魚飯, 卻不知道其實魚庒餐廳也販售天婦羅和生魚片等日本料理.
Many Eel Rice lovers know about Unagi Osho Restaurant’s eel rice. However, they didn’t know that they also offer Tempura and Sashimi.

魚庒菜單 在文末 Unagiuosho Menu is at the end of article

魚庒餐廳全名為“魚庒-日本百年鰻料理專門店”, 直接台北中山捷運站1號出口往中山北路方向走即可, 位於鰻魚飯競爭者林立的林森北路巷弄內, 魚庒餐廳已營業約2年, 附近餐廳有 “麵屋千雲” 和 “江戶川鰻料理“. 魚庒餐廳是一家日本海外本店與台灣人合作所開的餐廳, 店內則是以日本料理高級餐廳裝潢概念, 先是看到玄關日本風格裝潢, 每位服務生皆穿著日本和服, 2 人 位子不多, 4人至6人座位皆是隔開, 服務態度非常到位, 跟 “梅子日本料理餐廳”一樣皆非常親切, 適合宴客或是家庭聚會. 桌邊更有服務鈴, 整體用餐氛圍並不會像台中“大江戶町鰻屋” 熱鬧吵雜. 菜單上有生魚片, 天婦羅, 甚至有少見的白燒鰻魚飯. 唯一的缺點是菜單可以做得更高級一點, 比較符合這家餐廳的形象.
The nearest MRT station would be Zhongshan MRT station. Unagi Osho Restaurant is located at the lane of Linsen North Road, which is near “Menya Chikumo Ramen” and “Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant”. The indoor design is quite similar with high end Japanese restaurant. Every staff wears Japanese Kimono as uniform. There are 2-people seats, 4 ~ 6 seats. The service is as friendly as “UMEKO Japanese Restaurant”. It is suitable for treating guests or family gathering. The dining environment is quiet, which is different from “Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant”. The menu has sashimi, tempura and also grilled eel without sauce. The only down side is that the menu could upgrade a bit to fit the restaurant’s image.


延伸閱讀: 中山區拉麵店 Taipei Ramen 》麵屋千雲不僅有拉麵也有飯食

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》梅子鰻屋不僅有鰻魚飯也有日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

延伸閱讀: 其他中山站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station


招待小點- 酥炸鰻魚骨

Appetizer – Fried Eel Bones
Price: FREE
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

魚庒店員提到鰻魚都是現點現烤活鰻, 需要一些時間製作, 先招待一份酥炸鰻魚骨, 非常有誠意. 酥脆口感搭配海苔椒鹽粉提香, 美味涮嘴程度可媲美街坊的下酒菜. 我覺得這一道小菜可以放在菜單裡, 應該會大賣.
Unagi Osho Restaurant staff mentioned that it would take a while for the kitchen to make the eel rice cuisine. So, they offer fried eel bones appetizer for free. The crispy texture pairs well with seaweed pepper salt flavoring. It is a great snack! They should put this appetizer into the menu.


鰻魚飯套餐 – 並

Eel Rice Set – Small
Price: NTD $750
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

鰻魚飯套餐包括鰻魚飯,湯和漬物.“鰻魚飯- 並 “ 是魚庒鰻魚飯的小Size, 店員告知大約是 140g ~ 165g (2/3 鰻魚). 與 “江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳”一樣皆是採用以關東地區烹飪方式, 簡單來說是不刷醬先白燒炙烤, 蒸之後, 刷上蒲燒醬再烤一次. 因此口感是柔嫩, 與 “小倉屋” 關西方式做出來酥脆口感完全不同. 魚庒採用高品質也高價位的台灣雲林鰻魚, 蒲燒醬則是日本空運過來, 與其他家醬最大的不同是鹹香帶些微甜, 而非甜多過於鹹的口味, 也可撒上有些許山椒粉增加不同的香氣. 最可惜莫過於我吃到兩根小魚刺, NTD $750 價格我希望吃到的是0魚刺. 目前我心目中第一名鰻魚飯還是 0 魚刺 “岡心鰻魚飯”.
The set includes eel rice, pickled vegetable and soup. The staff mentions that small size Taiwanese Eel is about 140g ~ 165g (2/3 eel). Similar with “Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant”, Unagi Osho Restaurant’s eel goes through the process of grill without sauce, steam and grill again with sauce. The texture is tender, which is completed different from “Kokuraya restaurant”. The grill sauces are air shipping from Japan. It tastes less sweet but more salty with meaty aroma. You can also spread a bit of pepper powder to add different flavors. Sadly, I tasted 2 fish bones during dining. With NTD $750, I was hoping to taste 0 bones. My 1st eel rice recommendation is still “Una Okashin Eel Rice”.

延伸閱讀: Una Okashin Eel Rice 》真心推薦台北 うな 岡心鰻魚飯

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》江戶川鰻魚飯 | Taipei Eel Rice

延伸閱讀: 小倉屋 Kokuraya 》國父紀念館捷運站鰻魚飯日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice


漬物 & 湯

Pickled Vegetable & Soup
Price: With the Set
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

漬物表現平平. 湯裡鰻魚肝與豆皮捲搭配明顯地與其他餐廳不同, 喝起來更清爽, 蠻適合當作結尾.
The pickled vegetable is average. The eel liver and the bean curd sheet is an interesting combination. It is more refreshing.



Grilled Eel Fin Side Meat
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道串燒是不定期而且是限量, 並沒有在菜單上. 但是並不是像南港”板前屋“用炸的,魚庒是用烤的方式, 鰭邊肉帶有微韌性, 醬若是少一點會比較好.
This dish is not on the menu. Also, they might not have this dish when you visit. In another restaurant at Nanggang, they deep-fried the eel fin side meat. In Unagi Osho Restaurant, they simply just grill it with sauce. The meat is not tender. I would hope to have less sauce though.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




店名: 魚庒-日本百年鰻料理專門店
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段83巷24號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山站
電話: 02-2531-8611
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unagiuoshoTW
Restaurant: Unagi Osho Restaurant
Address: No. 24, 83th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2531-8611
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


魚庒菜單 》 Unagi Osho Menu



