The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

Last Updated on 2025-01-08 by Foodelicious

(2024. 5 二訪更新) 台北喜來登請客樓 台北米其林ㄧ星餐廳美食, 也是善導寺站美食之一. 主揪朋友安排坐包廂, 且選擇多款需預訂的桌菜.
(2nd visit 2024. 5 Update) The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. It is also one of the restaurants near Shandao Temple MRT Station.


請客樓 菜單 在文末 》The Guest House Menu is at the end of Article

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The Guest House Reservation

請客樓在台北喜來登大飯店的17樓, 喜來登大飯店大門離善導寺二號出口只需2分鐘. 坐電梯至 17 樓即可抵達. 這裡跟 “ RAW“ 一樣有候位區, 這裡「非包廂」座位都是在 17 樓, 13 個包廂則是都在 18 樓,  請客樓可網路訂位 ( Link ) , 如果不放心, 還是可以打電話訂位 02-2321-1818.
The Guest House is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel 17F. It only takes 2 minutes walking from Exit 2 of Shandao Temple MRT Station. This restaurant has seating area for waiting, just like at “RAW”. You would need to reserve via wesbite ( Link ). You can also call to reserve 02-2321-1818.




The Guest House Private Dining Room Price

喜來登請客樓包廂有分大中小, 最大的包廂如圖一, 可坐兩桌不會擁擠, 跟 “大三元酒樓” 一樣除了大型沙發區也有可放外套的衣架, 我與朋友們共 15 人則是在中型包廂如圖二, 也是有小型沙發區可聊天. 也有四人包廂.

The Guest House has Large, Medium and Small. The largest VIP Private Dining room is at Picture 1. Two Large tables are placed and are not crowded at all. It also has large seating area and coats hanger like at “Three Coins Restaurant”. My friends and I are total 16 people are seated at the medium private dining room as picture 2. It also has a small sofa area to chat as well. There is a small private dining room for 4 people.


延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )






Fish Maw and Chicken with Jin-Hwa Ham Soup in a Clay Pot
Price: NTD $6800
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這道菜餚需預訂, 此款菜餚並不是砂鍋一品雞 (NTD $4200) , 而是升級版的花膠一品雞湯 (NTD $6800 ) , 餐廳建議給 10 人用, 實際上我們 15 人分享是足足有餘. 請客樓雞湯一樣是用金華火腿與土雞長時間慢熬, 食材裡多了花膠- 魚鰾之乾製品 (資料來自 wiki ), 多數人定義為魚肚. 湯頭醇厚不膩, 花膠更是增加綿密口感, 因為食材升級, 整體是比信義安和 “雞窩“ 好喝, 我會推薦 10 人以上再點.
This dish need to be reserved in advance. This is the upgrade version of the chicken soup ( NTD $6800). The restaurant suggested that this dish is for 10 people. I personally think that it can be shared with 15 people. Besides the basic Jin-Hwa Ham and Taiwanese chicken, the ingredient also has a high cost Fish Maw. Most people would call it fish tripe (Information from wiki). The broth is thick but not oily. The fish maw add more density into the broth. Because of the upgrade, overall, it is more delicious than “G-Woo Restaurant”. I would suggest 10 people or above to order this dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant




Sliced Boiled Pork in Spicy Chili Oil
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道菜餚可以調整辣度. 這一道菜餚看起來跟菜單圖片不太ㄧ樣. 我們當天的菜餚 Display 更美. 表層佈滿了白芝麻粒與豔紅辣油. 豬肉切片薄長且嫩. 入口時, 舌尖有著適量且誘人的麻度. 辣香與蒜香並存. 整體比預期地美味. 我會推薦點!
This dish spicy level can be adjusted. The presentation of this dish looks different from the menu picture. The display of our dish that day looked even more beautiful. The dish appearance was covered with white sesame seeds and bright red chili oil. The thinly sliced pork was tender. Upon tasting, there was just the right amount of tantalizing numbing sensation on the tongue. The spiciness and garlic flavor coexisted. Overall, it was delicious beyond expectations. I would recommend ordering this dish.




Deep-Fried Pork Palms with Dried Chili
Price: NTD $720
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

豬前蹄先慢滷 1.5 小時. 下鍋高溫油炸後, 再搭配花椒油與乾辣椒拌炒. 我喜歡表層的酥脆感, 重點是不會油膩. 肉吃起來Q彈. 鹹香與麻香的刺激感皆令人滿足. 我會推薦點.
The pig’s trotters are first slow-braised for 1.5 hours. After frying in high-temperature oil, they are stir-fried with Sichuan peppercorn oil and dried chili. I like the crispy texture on the appearance, and the best part is that it’s not greasy. The meat is tender and chewy. The savory and numbing sensation of the spices are both satisfying. I would recommend ordering this dish.



Sweetend Red Bean Pancakes
Price: NTD $520 (12 pcs)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

紅豆煎鍋餅是請客樓招牌甜點, 幾乎每桌一份. 綿密紅豆內餡甜滋滋, 煎鍋餅的表層酥脆. 非常美味. 共有 12 片煎鍋餅, 比較適合 6 ~ 8 人聚餐.
This is the signature dessert of Guest House, which almost served at every table. The dense red bean filling is sweet and satisfying, while the surface of the pancake is crispy. It’s incredibly delicious. There are 12 slices of pancake in total, suitable for gatherings of 6 to 8 people.




Osmanthus Charcoal Roasted Tie Guan Yin
Price: NTD $620 (Per Pot 1000ml )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

請客樓販售的桂花炭焙鐵觀音顏色是淡色系. 苗栗桂花香氣搭配木柵鐵觀音的茶香. 拿起茶杯先深呼吸, 則可嗅到特別訂製且完美比例的淡雅系茶款. 如果你每次都喝普洱茶, 推薦點一次桂花炭焙鐵觀音.
This particular Osmanthus Charcoal-Roasted Tie Guan Yin has a light color. The aroma of osmanthus from Miaoli blends with the tea aroma of Tie Guan Yin from Taiwan. Take a deep breath before sipping and you’ll be able to smell this specially crafted and perfectly proportioned light and elegant tea. If you usually drink Pu’er tea, I would recommend trying the Osmanthus Charcoal-Roasted Tie Guan Yin.



Shredded Hundreds Layers Tofu
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

鮮露豆腐絲是請客樓的招牌菜餚, 刀功與 “喜相逢“ 的皮蛋豆腐一樣細緻, 百頁豆腐口感嫩軟, 看似清淡無味, 吃後有感受到甘甜醬油風味, 網路上提到還有雞油, 我個人蠻喜歡吃, 推薦四人就可以點來吃.
Shredded Hundreds Layers Tofu is the signature dish at The Guest House. The cutting skill is as good as the chef at “Xi Xiang Feng”. The shredded hundreds layers tofu tastes extremely tender. It has a bit of sweet soy sauce flavor. The website also mentions that it has chicken oils. I personally like this dish. If you have 4 people, you can order it.

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易



Marinated Chicken With Sichuan Mild Chili Oil
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

餐廳提到雞肉是放山雞 , 不用舒肥就吃起來非常嫩, 加了藤椒油調味更是有微麻風味且香氣十足, 屬於細水長流型. 看起來雖然不像豪華桌菜, 但是比預期地美味, 沒吃過用藤椒油調味的人可點.
However, the final price would need to be based on restaurant’s announcement. The chicken doesnt need to go through sous vide process to be tender. With Sichuan Mild Chili Oil, the stimulation on the tastebuds becomes stronger and full of aroma. The appearance doesnt look like a fancy dish. But, it is quite delicious. If you never try the sichuan mild chili oil, you can order it.



Pork Tongue Wrapped in Pork Ear
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

悄悄話是請客樓的招牌小菜. 製作費工而且切工細緻.很難想像豬耳朵包覆著豬舌不會脫落. 第一印象是豬耳朵脆度高. 接著是感受到特製滷汁的醬香與微甜風味.
This dish is the signature appetizer. It takes time and skills to be finely crafted. It’s hard to imagine that the pig ears wrapped around the pig tongue won’t fall apart. The first impression is the high crispiness of the pig ears. Next, you can feel the aroma and slight sweetness of the special braising sauce.


煸椒牛肉絲 + 捲餅

Stir-Fried Shredded Beef with Green Chili + Pan-Fried Scallion Pancake
Price: NTD $680 + NTD $240 (6 pcs)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

捲餅需另外加點, NTD $240/6 PCS. 我在別的餐廳 ( “雞窩餐廳” ) 是點京醬肉絲與捲餅. 這次朋友各點煸椒牛肉絲與乾煸四季豆 , 再搭配捲餅 , 分享不同款的捲餅. 此為重鹹香川菜系菜餚 , 搭配厚薄適中的蔥香捲餅. 入口時, 先是感受到餅的麵粉香與蔥香, 接著則是牛肉的鹹香與辣椒辛香. 我偏愛這款鹹辛香的菜餚.
You would need to order the scallion pancake for extra NTD $240 / 6 pcs. At another restaurant, “Chicken’s Nest Restaurant,” I ordered shredded pork with Peking sauce and spring rolls. This time, my friends ordered stir-fried beef with green peppers and dry-fried string beans, along with the pancake, to share different varieties. This is a dish from the Sichuan cuisine, known for its rich saltiness, paired with pancake infused with a moderate amount of scallions. Upon tasting, you first experience the aroma of the flour and scallions in the pancake, followed by the savory taste of the beef and the spicy aroma of the chili peppers. I particularly enjoy this dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant


乾煸椒四季豆 + 捲餅

Deep-Fried Green Beans with Dried Shrimp and Minced Pork + Pan-Fried Scallion Pancake
Price: NTD $680 + NTD $240 (6 pcs)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

四季豆, 豬絞肉與蝦乾一起炒香. 濕軟四季豆只有微脆感, 豬肉誘人鹹香十足. 不錯吃.
Green beans, ground pork, and dried shrimp are stir-fried together. The green beans are slightly crunchy, while the pork is irresistibly savory. Delicious overall.



Salty Pork with Bean Curd Soup in a Clay Pot (For 6 people)
Price: NTD $920
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

之前在台北 “上海鄉村信義137 ” 有吃過小碗的醃篤鮮. 喝一口熱湯, 有著濃醇雞湯香味與微鹹肉香. 腐竹與筍片也是我喜歡的食材. 初訪我依舊建議點請客樓的招牌雞湯. 二訪以上或是喝膩雞湯的人可以點砂鍋醃篤鮮.
I have previously tried the small bowl of marinated duck soup at “Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137” in Taipei. Taking a sip of the hot soup, I can taste the rich flavor of chicken broth along with a subtle salty meatiness. I also enjoy the bamboo shoots and bean curd skin as ingredients. On the first visit, I still recommend ordering the signature chicken soup. For 2nd + visits or those who have grown tired of chicken soup, you can order this soup.

延伸閱讀: Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137 》少數人也可以品嚐上海鄉村信義137 菜單



Chicken Rice with Black Sesame Oil
Price: NTD $1180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

麻油雞飯也是請客樓的招牌菜餚之一, 聽其他饕客朋友說, 這幾年來, 請客樓麻油雞飯從千元以下 (NTD $820?!) 漲到千元以上. 視覺食器從白色砂鍋升級為日式黑色鑄鐵飯鍋. 請不要以為這款麻油雞飯只是單純淋在米飯上, 實際上主廚是米先泡米酒, 再與自製黑麻油拌炒再蒸, 難怪端上桌時就麻油撲鼻. 每一口的米粒皆飽滿, 且帶有溫和不嗆的麻油香. 這道帶有古早傳統風味的菜餚會是外國人最愛的菜餚之一.
This dish is also the signature dish. This dish is not as simply as it looks. The rice is marinated with rice wine. Afterwards, the rice would be stir-fried with custom-made black sesame oil and steam it. No wonder it tastes large amount of sesame oil while serving. Each bite is quite tasty with sesame oil. This is a traditional dish that you can serve to foreigners.



Braised Tofu, Fish Roe, and Minced Pork in Chili Bean Sauce
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這次我們是搭配麵 (NTD $60) , 並不是搭白飯. 以豆瓣醬的辛辣風味為主導. 品嚐時, 還可以感受到顆粒狀魚子與豬肉末的口感. 可惜鮮與鹹的風味會被辛香風味蓋過.
This time, we paired it with noodles (NTD $60), not rice. The dominant flavor is the spicy taste of chili bean sauce. While tasting it, you can also feel the texture of granular fish roe and minced pork. Unfortunately, the fresh and salty flavors are overshadowed by the spiciness.



Pork Tail in Fermented Red Yeast
Price: NTD $720
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

紅麴豬尾巴也是請客樓的招牌菜餚, 但是許多人看到「 紅麴 」與「 豬尾巴」會不敢點這道菜餚. 當菜端上桌時, 視覺上與口感都會誤認為豬腳, 因為嫩度比預期高, 易咬帶有些膠質, 紅麴與冰糖賦予微甜, 吃起來不錯, 建議四人以上再點.
People often don’t order this dish when they see “pork tail” and “red yeast”. In fact, The Guest House chef executes this dish quite well. The appearance of the pork tail looks like pork knuckle. It is quite tender and has collagens. The red yeast and rock sugar brings small amount of sweetness. Overall, it tastes quite well. I would suggest 4 people or above can order this dish.



Deep-Fried Red Yeast Cuttlefish Slices
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我上次吃跟”紅糟” 相關的菜餚是在“瘦虎麵屋”的酥炸紅糟肉, 請客樓這道紅糟軟絲外層炸得非常酥脆, 裡面的軟絲偏Q, 鹹香讓整道吃起來就很像台式的下酒菜.
Last time I had deep-fried “red yeast” related dish is at “Taipei Formosa Soul Food”. The Guest House chef deep-fried the cuttlefish and makes the texture quite crispy and tasty. Overall, It tastes a bit salty that can pair well with the alcohols.






Grilled Mullet Roe with Sliced Turnip
Price: NTD $2880 (10 people)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道需預訂, 每逢季節都可以在一些餐廳吃到烏魚子 (例如 “豊賀大酒家“), 米其林二星請客樓主廚將每個方正烏魚子先灑上糖在炙燒, 撒上金粉如同過年桌菜般高級, 品嚐起來也是軟嫩好吃, 可惜溏心並沒有非常明顯.
You would need to reserve this dish. You can eat grilled mullet in several restaurants at Taipei City (such as “Li Ho Bistro” ). The Guest House chef spreads the sugar on the top of the mullet and grill. It becomes caramelized. The chef also spreads the golden power to make the appearance quite stunning. It tastes soft and quite yummy.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Bistro 》豊賀大酒家菜單份量原來可以做半份




Stir-Fried Shrimps with Peas
Price: NTD $1680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

豌豆食材近年有出現在我吃過的中式餐廳 – 例如 “人和園” 的豌豆湯 與 “蘭亭” 的豌豆炒雞米. 請客樓則是將新鮮活的屏東藍蝦仁與手撥豌豆清炒. 飽滿豌豆有爽脆度. 蝦仁有鮮甜風味.
Peas have been appearing in Chinese restaurants I’ve visited in recent years—such as the pea soup at “Ren He Yuan Yunnan Restauran” and the chicken and pea stir-fry at “Lanting Restaurant“. Meanwhile, at The Guest House, they stir-fry fresh, live Pingtung blue shrimp with hand-picked peas. The plump peas provide a crisp texture, while the shrimps have fresh and sweet flavor.

延伸閱讀: Taipei BIB Gourmand 》人和園菜單推薦點哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳



Giant Grouper in Spicy Sichuan Sauce
Price: NTD $1680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

可調整辣度. 這一道與之前在 “聚苑 ” 也吃過泡椒酸菜水煮老虎斑有些不同. 請客樓的龍膽魚是切塊, 不用再費心分食. 龍膽魚鮮嫩且吸收許多花椒與大紅袍的辛香. 我也喜歡鍋底的豆芽菜. 如果喜歡吃重口味, 建議不調整辣度.
This dish, unlike the spicy and sour fish stew with pickled peppers I had previously at “Juyuan,” presents some differences. At The Guest House, the grouper is sliced into chunks, sparing diners the effort of dividing it themselves. The grouper meat is tender and absorbs the flavor of Sichuan peppercorns and chilis. I also enjoy the bean sprouts in the broth. If you prefer a heavier flavor, I recommend not adjusting the spiciness.

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點




Stir-Fried Seasonal Vegetable and sugarcane shoots
Price: NTD $620
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

甘蔗筍是甘蔗上方比較嫩的地方. 視覺感與口感都像竹筍. 盤底的蔬菜是季節性. 這次吃到的炒水蓮, 清脆口感將主角光環都搶走.
Sugarcane shoots are the tender parts of the sugarcane, which usually at the top. Both visually and in terms of texture, they resemble bamboo shoots. The vegetables at the bottom of the plate are seasonal. The stir-fried water lilies we had this time stole the spotlight with their crisp texture.




Preserved Egg wrapped in peeled chili pepper
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

皮蛋食材在許多中式餐廳都會出現, 例如在 ”徐家私廚“ 吃到筍乾皮蛋, 在“喜相逢”吃到講求刀工的皮蛋豆腐, 或是在晶華軒吃到的皮蛋老虎菜. 請客樓的泡椒皮蛋偏樸素, 我會比較希望再多一些變化.
Perseved eggs are common ingredients in many Chinese restaurants (For example: “Xi Xiang Feng Restaurant”, “ “Quah Hanchi” , “ and “Silks House”. However, this dish at The Guest House is relatively simple. I would prefer to see more variety in their preparation.

延伸閱讀: 台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Sesame Tangyuan In Osmanthus Soup / per person
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

芝麻湯圓是大 Size , 很適合點給外國客人.
The sesame tangshan is large size, which is suitable for foreign guests.



Crispy Fried Eel with Sesame
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

因為不在菜單上, 帳單上是寫 自由食品 (Open Food) , 價格為 NTD $980, 價格以餐廳公告為主. 我不確定芝麻脆鱔與江蘇無錫脆鱔有哪些差別, 喜來登請客樓的深褐色油炸脆鱔吃起來口感頗脆極佳, 偏甜再加上芝麻香很唰嘴. 請客樓的小菜果然很出色, 四人以上再點會比較適合.
Because this dish is not on the menu, the check stated Open Food. The price is NTD $980. However, the final price would need to be based on restaurant’s announcement. The dark brown fried eel has crispy texture and it is not oily. It has small amount of sweetness along with sesame aroma. The Guest House’s appetizer is quite delicious as informed. I would suggest 4 people or above can order this dish.



Crispy Vegetarian Rolls with black truffle
Price: NTD $460
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

薄脆豆皮外表就如港式點心, 內餡有炒菇類與蔬菜, 裡面也有這道菜餚的主角 – 松露. 整體吃起來並沒有油耗味, 也沒有散開, 這道很適合吃素的人點.
The thin layer of fried tofu sheet is just like Cantonese dim sum. The filling has stir-fried mushroom and vegetables along with truffle. It is not oily. If you are a vegetarian, you can order this dish.



Soft-Shelled Turtle Soup in Casserole.
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此道需預訂而且不一定會有, 台北餐廳更是少見, 甲魚就是鱉, 可能需要跟外國人解釋是烏龜. 如同藥燉湯頭裡有番茄, 山藥與紅棗, 實際上中藥味並沒有過重, 請客樓店員有協助將鱉肉分切, 吃起來比預期地軟, 這是我第一次吃甲魚 (鱉), 是一個有趣的經驗.
You would need to reserve this dish since it only has limited quantity. It is rare to see soft-shelled turtle soup at Taipei restaurant. The broth has tomato, yam, and red dates. Actually, the chinese medicine aroma is not too strong. The taste is much tender than expected. This is my first time eating soft-shelled turtle, and it is an interesting experience.



Braised Pork Rice with Braised Egg
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

 我個人感覺請客樓餐廳對豬肉料理非常熟練 – 例如 紅麴尾巴與俏俏話小菜 (豬耳朵與豬舌頭), 所以在請客樓點古早味的腿庫飯並不會覺得很怪. 雖然沒有紅麴尾巴驚豔, 吃起來微Q且膠質多, 雖然好吃, 但是價格偏高.
Because this dish is not on the menu, the check stated Open Food. The price is NTD $480. However, the final price would need to be based on restaurant’s announcement. I have a feeling that The Guest House is quite good at its pork cuisine, for example the pork tail with red yeast. So, it wouldn’t be odd to order the traditional braised pork rice at The Guest House. Even though it is not as surprised as the pig tail, it is still quite delicious. However, the price is a bit high.



Applewood Smoked Marinated Beef Short Ribs
Price: NTD $2280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道菜餚需預訂. 我知道許多台灣人點桌菜時, 都要豬牛雞青菜都要點, 請客樓的牛肉菜餚代表作應該就是這一道蘋果木燻牛肋骨, 食材是採用美國牛, 看似偏硬, 實際上吃起來偏軟且有微煙燻風味, 可能我個人比較喜歡西式風格的牛排吧, 我個人覺得還好.
You would need to reserve this dish. I know that most Taiwanese like to order pork, beef, chicken, and vegetable for table dishes. So, I assumed that people might want to order this signature dish -Applewood Smoked Marinated Beef Short Ribs. The USA Beef looks a bit towards hard texture. But, it actually tastes tender and has small amount of smoky flavor. Maybe I am more of the Western style steak fan, so, it tastes a bit average based on my preference.

延伸閱讀: 台北牛排餐廳列表 》Taipei Steak Restaurant List



Stewed Grouper With Peeled Pepper and Pickled Sliced Bamboo Shoots
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度:N/A

因為我個人只吃小辣, 這道泡椒酸筍龍膽斑是中辣以上. 網路上提到用的食材有台灣酸筍與湖南剁椒, 醋辣風味讓其他饕友稱讚. 我個人還是比較喜歡 “鴻寶港式海鮮”單純的清蒸龍膽石斑魚, 完全是個人喜好.
Since I only eat small amount of spicy flavor, this dish tastes a bit above mild spicy. The website stated that this dish also has Taiwan bamboo and Chinese chopped chili pepper. The acidity and the spicy level are quite attractive among other foodie friends. I personally would prefer prefer the simply steamed grouper at “Hon Buo Cantonese Seafood Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Seafood 》鴻寶港式海鮮菜單除了海鮮也有其他菜餚選擇





Other Dishes
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

有竹笙燒豆腐, 絲瓜炒木耳, 素炒三絲 ..etc. 我個人覺得並不是必點.
There are tofu dish, loofa with black angus and several other dishes. It is not must-order.


結論 Conclusion


✅ 花膠一品雞湯:需預訂
✅ 招牌小菜: 鮮露豆腐絲 / 藤椒油手絲雞 / 悄悄話
✅ 川味蒜泥白肉
✅ 椒麻掌中寶
✅ 煸椒牛肉絲 + 捲餅 OR 乾煸椒四季豆 + 捲餅
✅ 麻油雞飯
✅ 炒時蔬: 直接詢問餐廳
✅ 紅豆煎鍋餅: 有 12 片, 6 ~ 8 位賓客再點即可
✅ 焦糖烏魚子: 若有外國賓客, 我會建議點


✅ 醃篤鮮: 雞湯依舊是最好喝, 如果喝膩雞湯, 可考慮點醃篤鮮
✅ 鮮露豆腐絲
✅ 川味蒜泥白肉
✅ 椒麻掌中寶
✅ 煸椒牛肉絲 + 捲餅 OR 乾煸椒四季豆 + 捲餅
✅ 麻油雞飯: 白飯 OR 白麵也是選擇之一.


First Visit or Treating Guests

✅ Fish Maw and Chicken with Jin-Hwa Ham Soup in a Clay Pot: Need to reserve
✅ Famous Appetizer: Shredded Hundreds Layers Tofu / Marinated Chicken With Sichuan Mild Chili Oil / Pork Tongue Wrapped in Pork Ear
✅ Sliced Boiled Pork in Spicy Chili Oil
✅ Deep-Fried Pork Palms with Dried Chili
✅ Stir-Fried Shredded Beef with Green Chili with pancake OR Stir-Fried Bean with Pancake
✅ Chicken Rice with Black Sesame Oil
✅ Stir-Fried Vegetable : Ask the restaurant
✅ Sweeten Red Bean Pancakes: There are 12 pcs. I would suggest 6~8 guests to share.
✅ Grilled Mullet Roe with Sliced Turnip: If there is foreign guests, you can order it.

2nd visit + Guest

✅ Salty Pork with Bean Curd Soup in a Clay Pot (For 6 people)
The chicken soup is still delicious. However, if you are tired of having chicken soup, you can consider ordering this dish.
✅ Shredded Hundreds Layers Tofu
✅ Sliced Boiled Pork in Spicy Chili Oil
✅ Deep-Fried Pork Palms with Dried Chili
✅ Stir-Fried Shredded Beef with Green Chili with pancake OR Stir-Fried Bean with Pancake
✅Chicken Rice with Black Sesame Oil: Rice and noodle are also options too.



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延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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The Guest House Short Video



The Guest House Information

餐廳: 請客樓
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號17樓 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺
電話: 02-2321-1818
Restaurant: The Guest House Restaurant
Address: 17F, No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT Station
Tel: 02-2321-1818



The Guest House Menu

