台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)

Last Updated on 2025-02-09 by Foodelicious

(2025.2 更新) 這篇文章有 平價台北牛排館, 也有適合約會的高級牛排餐廳. 有標 “ Fire.jpg🔥” 是我的台北牛排推薦.
(2025.2 Update) This article includes both average price and high-end Taipei Steak House.The ones with “ Fire.jpg🔥” is my Taipei Steak Restaurant recommendation.



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♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: AJ GRILL 》菜單除了美國威士忌熟成帶骨肋眼牛排還點哪些


前言 Preface

台北牛排餐廳其實很多家, 價格與氛圍非常兩極化, 也很難去準確地分類, 所以我決定用分區方式來寫. 我個人對牛排其實並沒有特別喜好, 最主要看牛排價格與去牛排餐廳的理由 (例如: 朋友生日之類).
There are many Steak restaurants at Taipei City. The price and dining environment are quite different and not easy to categorized. So, I decide to categorize by district. I don’t have preference regarding the steak. I would consider the steak price and the purpose (for example, friend’s birthday).

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




Songshan District Steak House


Allez Bistro

Allez Bistro 來酒館 是台北餐酒館推薦之一 , 升級廚房設備後, 我二訪品嚐 Allez Bistro 菜單的午餐套餐, 龍眼木炭烤美國 Prime 等級肋眼牛排令人驚艷.
Allez Bistro is one of the Taipei Bistro recommendation. After the kitchen upgrade, I revisit and taste Allen Bistro Lunch Set menu. The logan wood roasted US Prime Ribeye Steak is surprisingly  impressive.
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地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路155巷117號 (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋站
電話: 02-2545-5035
Restaurant: ALLEZ BISTRO
Address: No. 117, 155th Lane, Dunhuan North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena MRT Station
Tel: 02-2545-5035




Zhongzheng District Steak House


台北喜來登安東廳 近期成為饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦 , 這次品嚐安東廳菜單的牛排套餐, 沒想到龍蝦湯也成為我的安東廳推薦菜餚之一.
Antoine Room in Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel becomes one of the Taipei Steakhouse recommendation among foodies. This time, we tried the steak set. To my surprise, the lobster bisque becomes my dish of recommendation too.

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店名: 台北喜來登安東廳
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號2樓 [台北喜來登飯店2F] (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站(B13)
電話: 02-2321-1818
Restaurant: Antoine Room at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel
Address: 2F, No. 12, 1st Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City ( Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel 2F] (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Shandao Temple Metro Station (B13 )
Tel: 02-2321-1818



Zhongshan District Steak House

A CUT 牛排館🔥

A Cut Steak House

再訪 2023 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦 – A CUT 牛排館 , 品嚐 A CUT 菜單上的商業午餐, 餐廳搬新家後, 依然在我的台北牛排推薦名單!
I revisited A Cut Steakhouse, which is a 2023 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. My friend and I choose Business Lunch Set on  A Cut menu.
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店名: A CUT 牛排館
地址: 台北市中山區遼寧街177號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站((R04)
電話: 02-2571-0389

Facebook: https://www.ambassador-hotels.com/tc/taipei/dining/a-cut-steakhouse#story
線上訂位連結 Reservation Link:https://reurl.cc/x0MbqN

Restaurant: A CUT Steakhouse
Address: 2F, No. 177, Liaoning Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Nanjing Fuxing Metro Station (BR11 & G16 )
Tel: 02-2571-0389



Mediterranean Steak House

地中海牛排館是台北饕客公認的平價牛排餐廳, 尤其是中午套餐價格平易近人.缺點就是餐廳裡的燈光偏黃, 給人一種老派的感覺, 並不太適合拍網美照. 這裡比較適合有預算的家庭聚會.
Mediterranean Steak House is considered as one of the price-friendly Taipei Steak Houses, especially the lunch set. The down side is that the yellow light is toward old school style. It is not suitable for IG friendly pictures. This restaurant is suitable for family gathering with budget.
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餐廳: 地中海牛排館
地址: 台北市中山區林森北路646號(Map)
捷運站: 圓山捷運站 or 中山國小捷運站
電話: 02-2585-3258
Restaurant: Mediterranean Steak House
Address: No. 646, Linsen North Road, Zhongshan District,Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Yuanshan MRT station, Zhongshan Elementary School MRT station
Tel: 02-2585-3258


INGE’S Bar & Grill

台北萬豪 INGE’S Bar & Grill 餐廳是不僅是台北景觀餐廳, 也是許多饕客大直高級餐廳的首選之一. 可看到松山機場, 也有戶外座位.
INGE’S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is one of the restaurants that can see Taipei airport View. It is also one of the high-end restaurants at Neihu / Dazhi Area.
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餐廳: INGE’S Bar & Grill 台北萬豪酒店
地址: 台北市中山區樂群二路199號20樓(Map)
捷運站: 劍南捷運站
電話: 02-2175-7997
Restaurant: INGE’S Bar & Grill – Taipei Marriot Hotel
Address: 20F, No. 199, Lequn 2nd Rd, Taipei City  (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Jiannan MRT station
Tel: 02-2175-7997



Xinyi District Steak House

Smith & Wollensky

Smith & Wollensky 牛排館位於台北微風南山47 F, 可近距離看到台北 101是一大特點, 氛圍非常適合約會或慶祝生日. 這裡以單點為主, 不僅有乾式熟成美國牛排, 也有其他肉類選擇 (例如乾式熟成鴨胸) , 巨大巧克力蛋糕更是適合拍照做紀念.
Smith & Wollensky Steak House is located at Breeze Nangshan Mall 47F. You can see Taipei 101 in quite closed distance. The environment is suitable for dating or birthday celebrating. Besides dry-aged US steak, there are also other meat options (for example, dry-aged duck breast). The large chocolate cake image is quite impressive as well.
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餐廳: 史密斯華倫斯基牛排館 Smith & Wollensky Taipei
地址: 台北市信義區松智路17號 47F (微風南山) (Map)
捷運站: 象山與台北101捷運站
Restaurant: Smith & Wollensky Taipei
Address: Taipei Nanshan Breeze Mall 47F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Elephant Mountain & Taipei 101
Tel: 02-2345-5647



Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant

這家餐廳有三個特點 – 知名主廚林明健, 直火燒烤牛排, 停車方便. Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳位於台北新光三越A9 4 樓, 由於所在地段與名氣, 價格有點偏高.
This restaurant has three selling points – famous Chef Kin, Grilled Steak, Easy Parking. Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant is located at Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi A9 4F. Because of the location and fame, the price is a bit high.
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店名: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號4F (信義新光三越 A9 4樓) (Map)
捷運: 市政府捷運站 or 101 捷運站
Restaurant Name: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine
Address: 4F, No. 9, Songshou Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: City Hall or Taipei 101 MRT Station
Tel: 02-2722-8886



Da’an District Steak House



AJ Grill

AJ Grill 是 2023 新開幕的台北牛排餐廳之一, 以威士忌燒炙牛排的桌邊 Show 令人印象深刻, 文章裡有 AJ Grill 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點.
AJ Grill restaurant is a 2023 newly-opened Taipei Steak restaurant. Its grilled steak with whisky table side show is impressive. The article has AJ Grill menu, minimum charge, review and reservation.

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店名: AJ Grill
地址: 台北市大安區安和路一段135巷10號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站(R04)
電話: 02-2709-0293

Restaurant: AJ Grill
Address: No. 10, 135th Lane, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Da-an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Xinyi Anhe Metro Station (R04)
Tel: 02-2709-0293


L’AGE 熟成餐廳

位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調牛排餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率高, 只是我當天吃的不是牛排.
L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile steak restaurant with many returning foodie customers. However, I didn’t eat the steak that day.
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餐廳:L’AGE 熟成餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路三段143巷25號 (復興SOGO後面) (MAP)
捷運站: 忠孝復興捷運站
電話: 02-2711-3881
Restaurant: L’AGE restaurant
Address: No. 25, 143th Lane, 3rd Section, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei City(Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Fushing MR station
Tel: 02-2711-3881


LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館

Le Sage Steak Bistro

2020 新開幕 LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 是公館餐酒館, 也是台北平價餐酒館之一, LE SAGE 菜單除了平價牛排外, 也有其他歐美式料理選擇.
2020 newly-opened Le Sage Steak Bistro is a Gungguan Bistro, which is price-friendly. Le Sage Steak Bistro Menu has steaks and other cuisines.
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餐廳: LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館
地址: 台北市大安區浦城街26巷2號 (Map)
捷運站: 台電大樓捷運站
電話: 02-2368-0986
Restaurant: LE SAGE Steak Bistro
Address: No. 2, 26th Lane, Pucheng Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Tai Power Building MRT Station
Tel: 02-2368-0986


168 牛排館 – 敦化店

168 Steak House – Duan-nan

台北 168 牛排館敦化店 2019 換新主廚也換新菜單, 套餐多了精緻 fusion配菜, 只是我個人還是喜歡以前的牛排館.
Taipei 168 Steak House Dunhuan store has new chef and new menu since 2019. The set side dishes becomes delicate and toward fusion. However, I still prefer the previous steak restaurant.
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店名: N°168 Prime 牛排館- 敦化店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段246號7F (敦南 SOGO) (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站 or 忠孝敦化捷運站
Restaurant Name: N°168 Prime Steak House (Dunhuan)
Address: 7F, No. 246, 1st Section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing or Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-6617-6168




  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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