亞洲人通常喜歡較淡的啤酒 ,但是日本啤酒品牌麒麟卻為了小眾市場製作出司陶特啤酒(黑啤酒), 黑啤酒就是用烘培過的麥芽來製作. In General, Asians like their beers to be light. But, Kirin went out of the blue and manufacture stouts for the niche market. Stout is a...
Sapporo 是日本啤酒界三強之一,Sapporo冬物語啤酒雖然不像輕井澤啤酒是”2016”限量版, 但是至少是“冬季”才販售的啤酒! Sapporo is one of the three great brewing companies in Japan. Unlike Karuizawa Beer, it is not 2016 Limited Edition. It is just sel...
Yona Yona Ale 不能再把它稱為”在地啤酒”, 麒麟擁有35%的釀酒工廠股份, 加上此產品在海外數次得獎, Yona Yona Ale的國際知名度越來越高, 已經晉升為海外消費者皆知的產品. It wouldn't be fair to consider Yona Yona Ale (よなよなエール) local beer from Japan since 35% of the brew...
其實台灣超市有非常多的日本進口零食, 唯一我印象最深刻的就是這款在Costco販售的傅六什錦豆 ,即使你沒好市多卡, 你也可以在各大超市買到此品牌日本零食! There are many kinds of Japanese snacks in Taiwan supermarkets. In Costco, there are only a few Japanese snacks. The Japa...