【傅六什錦豆】Costco 好市多 | Japanese Seafood Snack | 日本零食

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

其實台灣超市有非常多的日本進口零食, 唯一我印象最深刻的就是這款在Costco販售的傅六什錦豆 ,即使你沒好市多卡, 你也可以在各大超市買到此品牌日本零食!
There are many kinds of Japanese snacks in Taiwan supermarkets. In Costco, there are only a few Japanese snacks. The Japanese Seafood Snack  was sold in Taiwan Costco from the beginning. And you can also purchase this brand in various supermarkets as well.


延伸閱讀:  台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST


Product Name 產品名稱: Japanese Seafood Snack  傅六什錦豆
a. Black Package Foodelcious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
b. Orange Package Foodelcious 美味程度:👍👍👍
** 我非常推薦此產品  I strongly recommend this item ** 
1. Channel 購買地點: Costco
2. NTD $385 for 30 Bags   NTD $385 30 Bags
3. Total Net Weight 總重量: 730g
4. Country of Origin 原產地: Japan 日本
5. Bar Code: 4901930112039

當你看到那大包裝時, 你可能會想, 到底何時會吃完這一大包 (共30包), 跟同事或家人一起分享吧 ,包準你一個月會再回購!
The large package contains total 30 Bags (15 x black bags & 15 x orange bags). Each bag has 5 flavors. I like the black package the most.


Black Package 味のこだわり(好味餅) 黑色包裝 

在很多日本零食中 , 許多小魚乾都是碎的, 雖然傅六什錦豆裡面只有兩條小魚乾,但都是完整且口感極佳 ,鹹味跟脆兩個口感組合在一起就是絕佳的零食 ,單吃或配飲料都是不錯的選擇, 建議可搭 Asahi Clear 吟釀啤酒. 花生零食永遠都是很受歡迎 ,在黑色包裝中的花生裹上橘色表面, 看日文猜出來應該是花生用醬油和唐辛子再次調味! 不錯吃!最顯眼的應該就是綠色Wasabi圓形的米果,  吃下去的口感帶有淡淡芥末的味道 ,但不至於到辣的程度.傳統的長方形米果, 酥脆不會軟 ,是大家心目中最傳統的米果呦!
Sometimes in other Japanese snacks, the small fishes are pieces instead of a whole. This package has actually 2 WHOLE small fishes. Salty flavors with crispy texture makes the perfect snacks! It also pairs great with Asahi Clear Ginjo Beer. I love peanuts! Honestly, I have no idea what the orange coating is. But the coating seems to add more flavors into the peanuts. Wasabi round shape snack: I assumed that the green coating would be Wasabi coating. It is a new kind of flavor combining wasabi and crispy starch snack!. Rectangle Rice Cracker: Authentic cracker!



Orange Package:北海の味(北海之味綜合豆餅) 橘色包裝

在這包的花生雖然只有鹹味, 但是也是最單純的口感. 日本的蝦餅吃得出來有海鮮味,並沒有被包裝裡的鹹味蓋過!
Well, even though it has only salt as flavoring, it is simply and original. Pink Shrimp Flavor Crackers: I always love Taiwanese Shrimp cracker. This one tastes only a bit of shrimp flavoring. But It is still good!

