SEA TO SKY 台北 》 菜單除了點巨大藍絲絨蛋糕還能點哪些菜餚? (非業配)
Last Updated on 2021-11-10 by Foodelicious
2021 新開幕的台北 Sea To Sky 高空海鮮餐廳位於微風信義 47 樓, SEA TO SKY 菜單上除了海鮮外, 也有 Smith & Wollensky 姐妹品牌的牛排.
Newly-opened Sea to Sky Taipei restaurant is located at Xinyi Breeze Mall 47F. At the menu, besides seafood, they also offer Smith & Wollensky Steak.
SEA TO SKY 菜單在文末 》 SEA TO SKY Menu is at the end of article
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目錄 / Table of Contents
SEA TO SKY 訂位與低消
SEA TO SKY Reservation and Minimum Charge
SEA TO SKY 是 Smith & Wollensky 新創的品牌, 國外並沒有 Sea to Sky 餐廳.先從市政府捷運站三號出口到微風信義百貨公司的四樓, 再搭電梯至 47 樓的 SEA TO SKY 餐廳, 櫃檯後方的電視牆畫面切換讓人目不轉睛, 有鯊魚與飛機, 完全符合 Sea to Sky 的餐廳主題. SEA TO SKY 訂位是透過 inline ( ) , 由於訂位規定偏多, 我直接截圖中英文版本給你們看 (圖一與圖二) . 這裡沒有兒童座椅與餐具, 2021年四月詢問是沒有低消規定 (節慶除外), 不確定以後會不會改低消規定.
Smith & Wollensky restaurant created this new brand -Sea to Sky restaurant, which it is the first one world-wide. You would need to exit City Hall MRT station Exit 3 to arrive Xinyi Breeze Mall 4F. Then, you would need to take the elevator straight to 47 Floor. The TV all behind the counter is quite eye-catching. You would need to reserve via inline ( ) . There are lots of reservation policy. Pleaselook at Picture 1 for Chinese version and Picture 2 for English version policy statement. They do not have children seats nor utensils. There isn’t any minimum charge when I asked at April , 2021 (except special holidays). I am not sure if they will change this policy.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
SEA TO SKY Seating Area
SEA TO SKY 餐廳就是以前的 Chef’s Club , 餐廳也是分兩邊, 右邊是高空酒吧, 左邊才是正式座位區. 請注意在正式座位區是看不到台北 101. 很可惜 SEA TO SKY 餐廳無法指定窗邊座位, 其實可以改成像 “Saffron 46” 有窗邊座位低消規定. 我們共六位, 被安排在餐廳中間.
SEA TO SKY location was actually Chef’s Club. There are two sides of the restaurants – right hand side is sky bar, left hand side is formal seating area. Please note that the formal seating area cannot see Taipei 101. It is quite sad that you cannot ask for window seats. They can actually change the window seat policy similar with “Saffron 46” window seat minimum charge policy. We have six people, which are seated at the middle of restaurant.
延伸閱讀: Saffron 46 Taipei 》這家台北印度料理餐廳除了美食也有高水準調酒
SEA TO SKY 高空酒吧可以看到台北 101 , 白天會更清楚. 當時我跟朋友去的時候吧台沙發區與小圓桌都尚未抵達, 所以無法提供照片. 必須把高空酒吧分做三個區域 – 酒吧, 沙發區, 小圓桌. 請注意 Sky Bar 區域開放時間與低消不一, 目前尚未看到有正式公布於 Social Media.
SEA TO SKY BAR can see Taipei 101. You can see more clearly during day time. I cannot offer the pictures of the bar furniture, since it is not yet arrived when I visited. Please note that Sky Bar operation hour is different and the minimum charge is different. They didn’t put the official announcement on social media yet.
♛ 信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant
連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants
SEA TO SKY Private Dining Room
餐廳座位區有兩個包廂, 其中一個是 8 人長桌包廂, 另外一個則是像 “Smith & Wollensky “ 的大包廂 (無圖, 因為有人在包廂用餐).
There are two private dining rooms. One is 6 ~ 8 people seating. The other one is large private dining room. I didn’t take picture since there are someone dining there.
延伸閱讀: Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單
SEA TO SKY 餐廳並不是像 “上引海產” 或是 “Will’s Teppanyaki” 有水族箱, 可放置生猛海鮮, 餐廳設置一個 Raw Bar, 有龍蝦, 生蠔與魚, 也有 Sushi Bar 高腳椅座位, 以提供生食為主.
Different from “Will’s Teppanyaki”, SEA TO SKY restaurant does not have small Aquarium for alive seafood. They set up a raw bar for displaying the lobster, oyster, and fish. There are also sushi bar high chairs for Japanese style raw food as well.
延伸閱讀: Will’s Teppanyaki 》高檔卻價格合理的新開幕台北鐵板燒
我直接用排行榜的方式, 而不是以菜餚類別來寫.
Salted Crusted Baked Whole Fish Only
Price May Vary 時價
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
此道菜餚是時價, 因為要看全魚的大小. 這次的魚是 NTD $1200, 適合 4 ~ 6 人吃, 我朋友是有預先告知要點這道. 鹽焗需要再加價 NTD $180. 這道是在義大利看到的鹽焗全魚 ( Branzino in crosta di sale ), 這道的歐式作法是將香料放進魚腹, 再將猶太鹽與蛋白包裹全魚, 封住鮮美肉汁, 再入烤箱烹調. 店員會協助將魚分切, 請注意魚皮是不會給客人食用. 魚肉吃起來並不會過鹹, 有稍微蓋住魚的鮮甜度. Sea To Sky 餐廳比較特別的菜餚就是這道鹽焗全魚, 實際上台北 “A.B House 義式私房料理” 也有做鹽焗全魚 .
This fish price may be vary due to the fish size. The fish this time is NTD $1200, which is suitable for 4 ~ 6 people. If you want it salted-crusted baked method, you would need to pay extra NTD $180. My friend basically reserved in advance for this dish. This dish is Branzino in crosta di sale, which is quite common in Italy. The chef would need to put the spices into the fish belly. And they cover the whole fish with kosher salts mixing with egg white. The staff would assist to cut the fish into portions. Please note that the fish skin is way too salty, so, it won’t be served to customers. Overall, the salty level is not too high. But it still covers a bit of seafood flavor. I would consider as SEA TO SKY restaurant most special dish. I only know one other restaurant “A.B House” which also offers salted crusted baked fish in Taipei City.
延伸閱讀: A.B House 義式私房料理 》台北永康街義大利餐廳推薦
Clams in White wine Sauce Garlic Parsley Cream
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
幾乎每桌都會點豪華海鮮塔, 我們這桌並沒有點, 我們是單點為主. 以價格來說, 這道蛤蜊份量並不多, 只有少數蛤蜊飽滿, 吃的時候多汁且具有濃郁的海鮮風味, 香料賦予多一層風味, 我個人喜歡盤底的湯汁.
Almost every table ordered Chef’s Selection Seafood Platter, but we didn’t order. We mainly focus on single dishes. As for price, the quantity of clams are not too much. And only a few clams are juicy along with thick seafood flavor. The spices bring layers of flavor to the tastebuds. I personally like the soup/sauce on the plate bottom.
炭烤章魚 & 迷你洋芋
Grilled Octopus with Baby Potatoes
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
在 “Salt & Stone” 有吃過章魚與小洋芋搭配的溫沙拉, 這次在 SEA TO SKY 吃到則是以炭烤為主, 章魚腳有經過低溫舒肥, 吃起來才能比預期地軟嫩, 並沒有經典的過硬口感, 整體是不錯吃, 比 “Pico Pico Taipei” 的炙燒慢燉章魚好吃, 建議四人分食.
At “Salt & Stone”, I tasted octopus with baby potato warm salad. This time at Sea to Sky restaurant is mainly grilled octopus. The octopus went through sous vide process. So, it tastes quite tender. Overall, it is more delicious than “Pico Pico Taipei”’s octopus. I would suggest 4 people to share this dish.
延伸閱讀: Taipei 101 Salt & Stone 》台北 101 4樓義大利餐廳值得品嚐
延伸閱讀: Pico Pico Taipei 》 符合大眾口味的台北秘魯餐廳 (內附菜單酒單)
Gigantic Blue Velvet Cake
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
就跟當初 “Smith & Wollensky” 巨大巧克力蛋糕一樣 , 巨大藍絲絨蛋糕是 SKY TO SEA 具有話題的招牌甜點, 店員提到是藍色並不是添加化學色素, 而是由藍莓提煉出來的深藍色調, 蛋糕體中間並不是鮮奶油, 內餡是 Cream Cheese (奶油乳酪) , 所以吃起來頗為厚重, 且微鹹甜, 並不是想像輕柔口感. 建議4 ~ 6人分食.
Since Smith & Wollensky has gigantic chocolate cake, Sea to Sky restaurant also has gigantic blue velvet cake. The staff mentioned that the cake itself is not added with chemical coloring. The blue color is from the blueberry itself. The filling is not whipped cream. It is cream cheese, which is quite heavy taste. It also tastes hints of salty and sweet. It is not as light as people assume. I would suggest 4 ~ 6 people to share with this cake.
龍蝦 – 炭烤
Lobster – Char Grilled
半隻龍蝦 Half Portion: NTD $980
一整隻龍蝦 Whole Lobster: NTD $1880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
SEA TO SKY 餐廳的龍蝦是波士頓龍蝦, 跟之前在 “明水然鐵板燒” 吃的龍蝦是同一個品種且大小相似, 圖片裡是一整隻龍蝦搭配加泰隆尼亞紅椒堅果醬( Romesco) , 此款偏濃稠的沾醬源自西班牙, 目前我只有在台北 “Hidden by DN 隱丹廚” 吃過這款醬. 番茄基底與辛香料用來搭配海鮮並不會突兀. 從龍蝦尾到兩個螯鉗, 餐廳也有提供龍蝦鉗, 單吃龍蝦的鮮甜依舊存在.
The restaurant uses Boston Lobster, which is the same lobster as “Minsui Zen Teppanyaki”. The picture shows a whole lobster pairs with Romesco sauce. The thick Romesco sauce is originated from Spain. And I only tasted once at “Hidden by DN”. The tomato based sauce with spices pair quite well with seafood surprisingly. You can sense the fresh seafood flavor from eating the lobster solely.
延伸閱讀: Hidden by DN 隱丹廚 》 信義安和捷運站美食推薦 | Taipei Spanish Restaurant
延伸閱讀: Taipei Teppanyaki 》台北鐵板燒推薦 | 明水然鐵板燒之超值龍蝦牛排海陸套餐
STS Bouillabaisse
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
此湯品份量是一人份, 最多兩人分食. 橘褐色湯品與傳統法國馬賽海鮮魚湯亮橘有些不同, 除了蝦外, 也有淡菜與蛤蜊, 蝦味湯頭的獨特醇厚風味佔據了整個味蕾, 如果要點湯品, 我個人會建議這道湯品, 而不是巧達湯, 真心希望有更高級的海鮮食材在這款湯品裡.
The soup is basically for one person, maybe 2 people to share top. Besides shrimp, there are also mussels and clams. The tastebuds can sense the unique shrimp broth. If you insist ordering the soup category, I would suggest you this soup instead of the clam chowder. However, I would wish that there will be more high-end seafood ingredients in this soup.
西班牙海鮮海鮮燉飯 (小)
Paella (Small)
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
小份西班牙海鮮燉飯是 NTD $980 , 適合 4 ~ 6 人分享. 與 “JUJU 西班牙餐廳“主廚不同, SEA TO SKY 主廚採用的是西班牙米, 雖然有湯汁與鍋巴, 但是整體海鮮風味並沒有預期地濃郁, 我個人還是比較喜歡 “Alma 西班牙餐廳“的海鮮燉飯.
The small paella is suitable for 4 ~ 6 people. Different from “JUJU Spanish Restaurant” chef, SEA TO SKY chef uses Spanish rice. Even though there are soup and crispy rice, the overall seafood flavor is not strong enough. I personally like “Alma Spanish Restaurant” seafood paella.
延伸閱讀: Alma Spanish Restaurant Taipei 》台北西班牙餐廳美食推薦
延伸閱讀: JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 》Pablo 主廚新開幕的台北西班牙餐酒館
New England Clam Chowder With Sourdough Bowl
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
新英格蘭其實是一個區域, 並不是國家或是省份, 新英格蘭實際上就是美國的東北角. 我個人覺得這道湯品應該要改名為“舊金山蛤蜊巧達湯” , 最主要原因是外型相似, 大 Size 酸麵包挖空放進蛤蜊巧達湯,有適量蛤蜊與馬鈴薯, 喜歡拍照的人可點, 我個人是比較喜歡馬賽魚湯.
New England is actually an area, instead of a country nor county. New England is the northeast part of USA. I personally think that this dish should change to “San Francisco Clam Chowder” due to the same appearance. The clam chowder is placed inside the large size sour dough bowl. There are fair amount of clams and potato. If you like to take photos, you can order it. However, I would prefer STS Bouillabaisse.
Kani Uni Roll
Price: NTD $980
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
上次吃到美式加州捲是在已歇業的 “花酒藏海鮮吧”, 海膽賦予此款加州卷濃郁且擾人的海味, 飯多少有減弱一些海味, 這道整體吃起來並不值 NTD $980.
Last time I had California roll was at closed down “Aplus Grill & Seafood Bar”. The uni offers thick but unfriendly sea smell. The rice somehow decrease the smell. But overall, this dish is not for NTD $980.
Pasta with Uni
Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
這款義大利麵的海膽應該跟加州捲上的海膽是同一批, 因為皆有擾人海味, 當開始攪拌熱義大利麵時, 溫度加強了海膽的氣味, 我跟朋友們並沒有吃完這一道麵. 我目前在台北最滿意的海膽義大利麵是以前單點的 “Anima”.
I think the uni is the same batch as the California roll?! It also has the thick and unfriendly sea smell. When start stirring the pasta, the temperate enhance the uni smell. My friend and I didn’t finish this dish. I personally prefer uni pasta from “Anima”.
延伸閱讀: Anima Taipei 》會再二訪的 2020 台北米其林餐盤推薦餐廳
北海道干貝 & 白乾酪醬
Gratin Scallops with Mornay Sauce
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
老實說, 這外型跟我想像中的北海道干貝不太一樣. 白乾酪醬的濃稠度來自帕瑪森乳酪與鮮奶油. 這道的單一主導風味只有起司, 我個人覺得不用點.
Honestly, the display is totally different from I thought regarding scallop. The mornay sauce comes from the half-half and the parmesan cheese. The sole flavor is cheese. You can skip this dish.
Squid With Spicy Garlic Butter
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
這道並沒有令人回味的記憶點, SEA TO SKY餐廳的炭烤章魚 & 迷你洋芋比較好吃.
There isn’t much selling point for this dish. SEA TO SKY grilled octopus dish tastes better.
Garlic Sautéed Shrimp
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
又是一道跟我預期不一樣的菜餚, 我以為會是像 “PS Tapas” 西班牙蒜味蝦. 這道就可以不用點.
This is another dish that is different from my expectation. I thought the display is like “PS Tapas” Garlic Shrimp Spanish dish. You don’t need to order this one.
延伸閱讀: PS Tapas 西班牙餐廳 》 忠孝敦化捷運站美食 | Taipei Bistro
澳洲藍鑽蟹肉 2oz
Australia Blue Swimming Crab Meat
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
其實 2oz 蟹肉非常少, 不足以完整享受到蟹肉的鮮甜, 這種類似小量體驗菜餚可以從菜單拿掉.
Actually, 2oz Crab meat is only a little. You cannot taste the crab meat essence and fresh flavor. I would suggest to take this trial-taste dish out of the menu.
Bourbon Glazed Grilled Bacon
Price: NTD $580
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
這裡的培根並不是像 “Lay Back 餐廳” 漢堡裡的薄培根, 這款是厚切, 已經將近港式叉燒的Size. 由於刷過多醬,吃起來只有單一甜度且偏高.我個人是比較喜歡 “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei” 美式叉燒的微鹹甜風味.
This bacon is not the same as “Lay Back Restaurant” burger. This is thick sliced, which is basically as large as Cantonese BBQ size. Since there are layers of the bourbon glazed, the sole dominate flavor is high level sweetness. I personally prefer the BBQ meat at “Bogart’s Smokehouse”.
延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡與義大利麵不錯吃
延伸閱讀: Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 》絕對是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦
Smith & Wollensky 極黑和牛翼板 8oz
Smith & Wollensky Snake River Farm Wagyu Flat Iron Steak
Price: NTD $2680
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
翼板油脂分布均勻, 吃起來並不會像之前的和牛肉片偏嫩, 牛排表現其實中上, 只是價格有點過高, 畢竟這裡景觀不如牛排本館可以看到台北 101. 我個人還是覺得吃牛排還是直接到 Smith 吃.
The fats are spread evenly on Wagyu Flat Iron Steak. However, It is not as tender as the beef slice. The steak is actually above average. But, the price is higher than expected. After all, you cannot see Taipei 101 at the restaurant. If you want to eat steak, I would suggest to eat it at Smith.
檸檬塔 & 芒果雪波
Lemon Tart with Mango Sorbet
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
檸檬塔的塔皮過軟, 以這個價格來說, 可以說是不及格的程度. 我喜歡的餐廳檸檬塔甜點依舊是 “OZ Cafe & Bistro “.
The tart appearance is too soft. With this price, the dessert basically fails. I would still prefer another restaurant’s dessert – “OZ Cafe & Bistro”.
延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采
Molten Chocolate
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
巧克力熔岩蛋糕表現平平, “La Mole “ 餐廳的巧克力熔岩蛋糕好吃多了.
The molten chocolate tastes quite average. The cake at “La Mole” tastes better.
延伸閱讀: La Mole Taipei 》饕客們心目中的台北義大利餐廳推薦
結論 Conclusion⭐
首先, SEA TO SKY 餐廳正式座位區是看不到台北 101 , 我會建議避開與海膽有關係的菜餚, 牛排與豬肉能不點就不點, 波士頓龍蝦在台北應該有更好多選擇, 如果你常去台北熱炒海產店 (有水族箱的那種), 我建議你要再三考慮, 因為 SEA TO SKY 並沒有水族箱養生猛海鮮, 只有海鮮吧. 如果你依舊想跟朋友到這裡用餐, 我只建議四人同行, 而且建議白天用餐, 景觀會比較清楚. 以下是建議.
✅ 鹽焗魚 – 需預訂
✅ 白酒香料蛤蜊
✅ 炭烤章魚 & 迷你洋芋
✅ 藍絲絨蛋糕- 為了拍照可點
⛔ 豪華海鮮塔: 我沒有點這道, 無法告知是不是推薦
First of all, you cannot see Taipei 101 from SEA TO SKY formal seating area. I would suggest to avoid dishes with uni. You don’t need to order steak nor pork here. There are better choice of Boston Lobster at Taipei City. If you often goes to traditional Taiwanese stir-fried seafood restaurant, I would suggest you to think twice of coming here. The main reason would be that SEA TO SKY doesn’t have an aquarium for the live seafood. If you still insist coming, I would only suggest 4 people in one table. And the dining time is day time. The view will be better. Here are the suggest dish if you still like to visit:
✅ Salted Crusted Baked Whole Fish Only: Need to Reserve
✅ Clams in White wine Sauce Garlic Parsley Cream
✅ Grilled Octopus with Baby Potatoes
✅ Gigantic Blue Velvet Cake: For the sake of the picture
⛔ Chef’s Seleciton Seafood Platte: I didn’t order this one, so, I cannot tell you if it is recommended or not.
SEA TO SKY Short Video
SEA TO SKY Information
餐廳: Sea to Sky Restaurant
地址: 信義微風 47樓 (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站
電話: 02-2758-1116
Restaurant: Sea to Sky Restaurant
Address: Xinyi Breeze 47F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City HallMRT Station
Tel: 02-2758-1116
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