肉多多火鍋 》 信義安和捷運站火鍋 | Taipei Shabu Shabu

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) 肉多多火鍋是一家單點火鍋連鎖店, 我跟朋友則是到信義安和捷運站附近的大安信義分店.
(Closed Down) Rododo Hot Pot Restaurant is one of the hot pot chain stores near Xinyi Anhe MRT stations. However, it is not all-you-can-eat Hot Pot buffet.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of the article


走出信義安和捷運站一號出口後, 只需再走五分鐘即可抵達靠近仁愛國小的肉多多火鍋, 招牌相當明顯, 一走進餐廳, 以暗黑色為主軸, 暴龍與其他恐龍圖案則是在牆上, 雖然有一樓與地下一樓 , 店內並沒有包廂. 調味料的部分並沒有像 “食徒”有特別自製醬 ( 例如: 罌粟醬), 由於不是吃飽, 也沒有像“馬辣火鍋”或是 “蒙古紅火鍋 ”有多種氣泡飲料或是啤酒, 只有檸檬紅茶, 冬瓜茶, 花草茶.
It takes only 5 minutes to walk from Xinyi Anhe MRT Station Exit 1. The sign is bright and easy to recognize. The restaurant design is mostly black color and dinosaur pictures on the wall. Even though it has two floors, it doesn’t have private dining room. As for the sauce, it doesn’t have special custom-made sauce like “Royal Chef Restaurant”. Since it is not all-you-can-eat hot pot buffet, it doesn’t have various drinks nor beer. Rododo Hot Pot Restaurant only has winter melon tea, lemon black tea and various herbal teas.




English Name: Kelp Soup Broth and Traditional Soup Broth
Price: $0 + $70 = $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

肉多多火鍋最受歡迎的是鴛鴦鍋, 大部分客人會點麻辣鍋與另一款湯底, 因為朋友感冒, 點了基本款石頭火鍋湯底(圖左) 和藥膳湯底 (圖右). 與“小紅莓石頭火鍋“最大的不同就是火鍋上桌後, 服務生自備蔥花與蒜頭以便桌邊服務, 再倒入昆布柴魚高湯. 若要再加上炒肉服務, 則需再加NTD $50. 剛開始單喝石頭火鍋湯底時, 蒜頭風味意想不到地蓋過昆布與柴魚風味, 藥膳湯頭部分則是以當歸風味為主導, 論藥膳湯頭美味, 還是台北信義區的“覓蔬食鍋餐廳”勝出.
The most popular item would be the so-called Yin-Yen Hot Pot, one is spicy, the other one is regular/non-spicy. However since my friend is sick, we ordered the Kelp Soup Broth (left) and traditional soup broth (right). The waiter would bring the diced green onions and garlic to the table and start to stir-fried. After finishing, the waiter would pour in the Kelp soup broth. At the beginning, the garlic flavor covers the Kelp flavor. As for the traditional soup broth, I still like “MI’S VEGAN Hot Pot Restaurant” which has less Chinese medicine flavor.



紐西蘭小羔羊嫩肩套餐 XL 200G

English Name: Thin-Sliced Lamb XL 200G
Price: NTD $399
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台北東區“亞都迷你火鍋”的單人羊五花小火鍋大約 NTD $270, 肉多多火鍋提供的肉大約多1/4, 油花也比羊五花多一些, 吃起來的肉質也稍微軟嫩.
“Ya-Du Mini Single Hot Pot Restaurant’s thin sliced lamb hot pot is around NTD $270. Rododo Hot Pot Restaurant’s quantity is about 1/4 more. The texture of the cooked lamb is more tender as well.



1855 Prime 極佳級美國霜降牛套餐 XXL 340G

English Name: Thin-Sliced Marbled Beef XXL 340G
Price: NTD $499
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

肉多多火鍋有放架子在桌邊, 若桌面已滿, 服務生會放在一旁的架子上, 美國霜降牛許多油花分佈在薄切肉片上, 我會建議將此款霜降牛用石頭火鍋湯底涮即可, 蒜頭與青蔥會增加更多牛肉風味.
The restaurant prepares table shelf for plates. When our table is full of food, the waiter would place the meat at the table shelf. The marble spreads evenly on the appearance. I would suggest to cook the sliced beef at the Kelp Soup Broth since the garlic and green onion would bring out more meaty flavor.




English Name: Rice with Lard and Soy Sauce
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

客人需要從六款附餐 (白飯, 古早味豬油拌飯, 烏龍麵, 冬粉, 寬冬粉, 王子麵) 選擇一款, 不用多加錢, 包括在套餐裡, 我朋友選擇烏龍麵, 我選擇 “古早味豬油拌飯”, 醬油並不會過鹹, 搭配肉盤相當適合.
This is included in the set price. My friend chose Udon, and I chose Rice with lard and soy sauce. The soy sauce is not overly salty. The rice pairs well the meat.



菜盤 & 牛五花

English Name: Various Vegetables & Sliced Beef
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

菜盤包括在套餐裡, 不用多加錢. 若是兩人同行, 也可將其中一盤免費換一盤牛五花 XL 200g (NTD $299). 菜盤部分並沒有特別品項, 牛五花的部分則是表現平平.
Various vegetables are included in the set price. If there are two people, you can change the vegetable plates with sliced beef plate (NTD $299). The sliced beef quality is just above average.



單點: 甜不辣 & 豬血糕

English Name: Fish Cake & Pig Blood Cake
Price: NTD $50 + NTD $50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

甜不辣與豬血糕因為單點, 份量較多, 端上桌並不是像有些連鎖火鍋店是冷凍. 而是冷藏. 若是一個吃火鍋只在乎肉份量的人, 可以選擇肉多多火鍋, 但若喜好特別湯頭或是醬料, 建議別家火鍋店較適合.
The quantity and quality is at least reasonable. If you care about the meat quantity, this restaurant might be for you. But if you like special type of soup broth or custom-made sauce, it would be better to choose other hot pot restaurant.




延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋懶人包 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE




Restaurant Name 店名: 肉多多火鍋 Rododo Hot Pot
Address: No.1, 3rd Alley, 524th Lane, 5th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區信義路四段199巷18號1 樓 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rododohotpot/
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station 信義安和捷運站
營業時間: 11:30 am ~ 0am (Midnight)


WEBSITE MENU LINK: https://rododohotpot.weebly.com/32654216193375621934.html


