Taipei Pho 》在他家私廚餐廳品嚐到越南河粉
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(Closed down and Moved ) 位於內湖的他家私廚餐廳近期開始賣越南河粉, 而且湯頭配方是來自知名澳洲勇記越南河粉的湯頭秘方.
Taja Kitchen Restaurant, which is located at Neihu District, starts selling Vietnam Pho. And its broth is from famous Pho restaurant at Australia – Pho Dzung Tan Dinh.
他家私廚 菜單 2020 在文末 》 Pho 29 Menu 2020 is at the end of article
目錄 / Table of Contents
關於他家私廚 About Taja Kitchen Restaurant
2020年正式開幕的他家私廚位於辦公室與豪宅林立的內湖行愛路巷弄內, 附近並沒有捷運站, 從餐廳外觀看反而有點像是高級西餐廳, 走進他家私廚餐廳內, 落地窗的採光明亮, 挑高設計的用餐氛圍完全不像會賣越南河粉的地方, 氣派樓梯通往二樓包廂. 他家私廚老闆解釋, 私廚需預約, 菜單需與店家討論, 我有特別問老闆最拿手的菜餚料理是類似 “你家我家”的客家菜料理.
2020 Newly-opened Taja Kitchen Restaurant is located at Xing Ai Road of Neihu District. There isn’t any MRT station nearby. From the restaurant appearance, you would mistake this restaurant is a high-end western cuisine restaurant. The overall dining environment is bright and delightful. Its 2nd floor is for reserved private kitchen use only. The private kitchen is famous for its Hakka cuisines. The custom-made menu details would need to be discussed.
延伸閱讀: 台北越南河粉懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Pho Guide (By District)
📧 自媒體採訪, 文字邀約, 行銷合作, 請 Email 至 [email protected]
If interested in cooperation, please Email to [email protected]
台北其實有很多來自“非越南”的越南河粉, 例如來自 “LA Pho” 和 “洛城牛肉河粉”, 這次吃到澳洲勇記越南河粉不意外, 因為老一輩越南人移民到世界各地開餐廳, 有時候還會吃到青出於藍的感覺. 入座點完菜後, 店員會端上是拉差香甜辣椒醬, 越南海鮮醬與越南OT SATE辣椒醬, 比台北一些越南餐廳更多醬料選擇. 這次很榮幸可吃到許多他家私廚的越式菜餚, 我從我最喜歡的開始寫.
Actually, there are many “Non-Vietnamese Pho Restaurant” at Taipei City, for example, “LA Pho” and “Cyclo Pho”. It is not surprising to eat Australia Pho Dzung Tan Dinh Pho. Long ago, Vietnamese immigrants usually choose to open restaurants at a new country. Sometimes, you might taste a better version of Pho in foreign countries. After seating, the staff would bring out more sauce options -Sriracha sauce, seafood sauce and spicy sauce. It is a honor to taste different Vietnam dishes at Taja Kitchen Restaurant. I would start from the dishes that I like the most.
延伸閱讀: LA PHO 越南美食餐廳 》信義區 Neo 19 越南河粉
延伸閱讀: CYCLO 洛城牛肉粉 》大安區越南河粉
29 越式法包套餐 Pho 29 Bánh mì Set
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
29 越式法包套餐是一個對切的越式三明治 ( Bánh mì ) , 三選一搭配雞湯/熱咖啡/冷咖啡. 這道越式三明治並不會像 “Lee’s Sandwiches” 如此大, 而是單純一人份. 他家私廚餐廳有自家專屬麵包師傅, 店家自製法式麵包口感酥脆不乾硬, 我個人很喜歡咬下去的酥脆聲響, 快滿出來的紅白蘿蔔絲帶給味蕾清爽感, 間接地減少豬耳凍和豬肉的肉香. 我對義式三明治和越式三明治的要求不同, 義式三明治我會要求肉香與起司風味, 至於越式三明治, 我反倒比較喜歡清爽型. 至於套餐飲品, 我原本以為只是單純雞湯而已, 沒想到湯裡還有少許河粉, NTD $120 在內湖區我個人覺得很划算.
The Pho 29 Bánh mì Set includes one Bánh mì and one drink, which can select from chicken soup, hot coffee or ice coffee. Taja Kitchen Restaurant‘s Bánh mì size is not as large as “Lee’s Sandwiches”. It is basically suitable for one person’s appetite. The crispy appearance of the bread is made by their own bread chef. The carrot and radish bring out the refreshening flavor, which decrease the meaty flavor from the pork and pork jelly. I have different standards toward different countries’ sandwiches. For Italian sandwiches (Panini), I would prefer more meaty and cheese flavor. As for Bánh mì, I would prefer the refreshing taste. As for the drink, I selected chicken soup. It is surprising to see there are small amount of rice noodles inside the soup. The set price is NTD $120, which I consider quite reasonable in that area.
招牌雞肉河粉 Deluxe Chicken Pho
Price: NTD $400
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
他家私廚菜單有分招牌雞肉河粉 (NTD $400) , 雞肉河粉 (NTD $300), 與雞絲河粉 (NTD $180). 價格差異如此大是因為配料食材. 當天老闆為我們準備是招牌雞肉河粉, 這是我第一次看到越南雞湯河粉裡有一支雞腿豪邁地呈現在雞湯裡, 雞肉雖然油脂不多, 但吃起來比預期中地軟嫩許多, 河粉滑順, 湯頭則是屬於清爽型, 雞湯原始風味並沒有被九層塔蓋過. 撈河粉吃的時候, 發現竟然有在 “鳥哲高級燒物專門店“才吃得到的燈籠 (圖三) , 燈籠是母雞的輸卵管, 卵巢與連結著未覆殼的蛋黃, 由於數量不多, 所以成本較高, 接著也吃到雞的其他部位, 例如雞冠與雞心之類, 一碗河粉幾乎要成為一道全雞料理. 若是不敢吃雞雜, 建議點雞肉河粉 (NTD $300), 配料則是雞腿, 或是雞絲河粉 (NTD $180).
The menu has Deluxe Chicken Pho (NTD $400), Chicken Pho (NTD $300) and Shredded Chicken Pho (NTD $180). The price difference would be the ingredients. The owner prepares Deluxe Chicken Pho, which includes a large chicken thigh with bone. There isn’t much fats, but the meat still tastes tender. The soup is considered light and refreshing, but still remains the classic chicken soup flavor. The yellow ball shape (Picture 3) is one of the high-cost chicken parts, which you usually taste at high-end “TORI TETSU Restaurant”. You can also taste different parts of chickens in this deluxe chicken pho, which include the crest and chicken hearts. No worries, if you only like to eat chicken thigh without offals, you can order the chicken Pho (NTD $300) or shredded chicken Pho (NTD $180).
延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵
招牌牛肉河粉 Deluxe Beef Pho
Price: NTD $400
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
他家私廚菜單有分招牌牛肉河粉 (NTD $400) , 牛肉河粉 (NTD $300), 與生牛肉河粉 (NTD $180). 牛肉河粉的湯頭是澳洲勇記越南河粉味的秘方, 燉煮牛骨比例相當高, 深褐色湯頭無雜質清澈, 我習慣性先單純品嚐湯頭, 發現這湯頭與 信義區 “鼎越豐越南麵食館” 一樣屬於深厚重口味類型, 鹹度比預期地高, 我倒是希望老闆能將洋蔥,豆芽, 九層塔分開放, 因為我個人喜歡許多洋蔥與九層塔多層次風味, 也間接降低牛肉湯頭的鹹度. 我基本上把他家私廚招牌牛肉河粉稱為升級版的越南火車頭河粉, 因為配料裡有一小塊牛鞭, 吃起來與牛筋類似口感, 大部分肉品是採用菲力與前腿心, 小部分則是採用南台灣的閹牛, 這一大碗男生應該至少會有8分飽.
The menu includes Deluxe Pho (NTD $400), Beef Pho (NTD $300) and Raw Beef Pho (NTD $180). The broth recipe is from the famous Pho restaurant at Australia – Pho Dzung Tan Dinh. The chef uses large amount of beef bones to stew the broth. The first sip of the broth is thicker than expected flavor , which is similar with “Ding-Yuan-Fong Vietnamese Pho Restaurant”. The salty level is higher than expected. I wish that they could separate the raw onion and basils to another plate to create layers of flavor. I would prefer to add raw onion to decrease the salty level. The ingredients also include small piece of bullwhack, which is high cost. Most beefs are filet and bolar blade. The chef also uses Taiwanese beef. Overall, the quantity can fulfill a guy’s appetite.
延伸閱讀: 鼎越豐越南麵食館 》市政府捷運站平價越南河粉 | Taipei Pho
炸蝦春捲 (2 條) Fried Shrimp Spring Roll (2 units)
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
他家私廚目前尚未有越南生春捲, 他家私廚的春捲並沒有像 “談談越” 的春捲有南北越之分, 這裡的春捲是蝦與蝦膏, 蝦則是採用 Size 較大的三號白蝦, 春捲薄外皮有著響亮的酥脆口感, 內餡則是有濃郁的蝦風味, 兩人同行可以點來吃.
Taja Kitchen Restaurant doesn‘t have raw Vietnamese Raw Spring Roll. Unlike “Talk the Pho”, Taja Kitchen Restaurant has fried shrimp spring roll, which filling is shrimp meat and shrimp paste. The chef large size No. 3 shrimp. The crispy spring roll and thick shrimp flavor is suitable for 2 people to share.
延伸閱讀: Talk the Pho 談談越
BBQ 香茅烤雞腿排套餐 BBQ Lemongrass Chicken Thigh Set
Price: NTD $210
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
BBQ 系列套餐可選白飯或是松露麵包當作搭配, BBQ 香茅烤雞腿排類似西餐排餐有生菜沙拉, 老闆稱長方型的搭配菜餚為 “越式雞蛋糕”, 我則是稱作 “越式蒸蛋”, 外型看似三色蛋, 鹹甜且柔和口感搭配木耳脆度, 不錯吃. 雞腿肉醃過後再撒上少許香料, 油亮的肉質嫩且有適量鹹度, 搭配的松露醬麵包也是店家自製, 但是我個人還是會選擇雞肉河粉.
BBQ set series can choose from rice or truffle bread as pairing. BBQ Lemongrass Chicken Thigh Set plate design is similar with western cuisine pairing with salad. It is my first time tasting the side dish – Steamed Vietnamese Egg. It has soft texture with salty and sweet flavor along with the crisp black fungus texture. Overall, the steamed egg is good. The chicken meat is tender with fair amount of saltness. The bred is also made by the chef. As for personal reference, I would still select Chicken Pho though.
麝香貓滴漏咖啡 Vietnamese Drip Coffee (Civet Coffee)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
越南咖啡使用的滴漏容器底部有多個開孔,因此不需更換濾紙。再蓋上裝有咖啡碎粒的金屬容器,再將熱水倒入容器,水會流過咖啡,再通過咖啡容器的開孔滴下. 等咖啡滴完後再將煉乳倒入杯中, 濃厚的香甜奶香味完全覆蓋了咖啡的苦味和酸味, 但是要注意咖啡因仍然偏高.
At its simplest, it is made using medium to coarse ground dark roast Vietnamese-grown coffee with a small metal Vietnamese drip filter. After the hot water is added, the drip filter releases drops of hot coffee slowly into a cup. This finished cup of hot coffee is then quickly poured into a glass full of ice and sweet condensed milk to mix. The sweet aroma covers the coffee strong and sour taste. But the caffeine is still strong.
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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
店名: 他家私廚
地址: 台北市內湖區行愛路77巷55號 (Map)
捷運站: N/A
電話: 02-8792-9296
晚間 & 週末假日需預訂
Line @帳號: @227lnaef
Restaurant: Taja Kitchen Restaurant
Address: No. 55, 77th Lane, Xing Ai Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: N/A
Tel: 02-8792-9296
Operation Hour:
Monday – Friday 11:30am ~ 5pm
Dinner & Weekend need reservation in advance
他家私廚 菜單 2020 》 Pho 29 Menu 2020